
395 lines
9.1 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const { join, dirname, readJson } = require("../util/fs");
/** @typedef {import("../util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */
/** @typedef {import("../util/fs").JsonObject} JsonObject */
/** @typedef {import("../util/fs").JsonPrimitive} JsonPrimitive */
// Extreme shorthand only for github. eg: foo/bar
const RE_URL_GITHUB_EXTREME_SHORT = /^[^/@:.\s][^/@:\s]*\/[^@:\s]*[^/@:\s]#\S+/;
// Short url with specific protocol. eg: github:foo/bar
const RE_GIT_URL_SHORT = /^(github|gitlab|bitbucket|gist):\/?[^/.]+\/?/i;
// Currently supported protocols
// Has custom protocol
const RE_CUSTOM_PROTOCOL = /^((git\+)?(ssh|https?|file)|git):\/\//i;
// Valid hash format for npm / yarn ...
const RE_URL_HASH_VERSION = /#(?:semver:)?(.+)/;
// Simple hostname validate
const RE_HOSTNAME = /^(?:[^/.]+(\.[^/]+)+|localhost)$/;
// For hostname with colon. eg: ssh://user@github.com:foo/bar
// Reg for url without protocol
const RE_NO_PROTOCOL = /^([^/@#:.]+(?:\.[^/@#:.]+)+)/;
// RegExp for version string
const VERSION_PATTERN_REGEXP = /^([\d^=v<>~]|[*xX]$)/;
// Specific protocol for short url without normal hostname
// Default protocol for git url
const DEF_GIT_PROTOCOL = "git+ssh://";
// thanks to https://github.com/npm/hosted-git-info/blob/latest/git-host-info.js
const extractCommithashByDomain = {
* @param {string} pathname pathname
* @param {string} hash hash
* @returns {string | undefined} hash
"github.com": (pathname, hash) => {
let [, user, project, type, commithash] = pathname.split("/", 5);
if (type && type !== "tree") {
commithash = !type ? hash : `#${commithash}`;
if (project && project.endsWith(".git")) {
project = project.slice(0, -4);
if (!user || !project) {
return commithash;
* @param {string} pathname pathname
* @param {string} hash hash
* @returns {string | undefined} hash
"gitlab.com": (pathname, hash) => {
const path = pathname.slice(1);
if (path.includes("/-/") || path.includes("/archive.tar.gz")) {
const segments = path.split("/");
let project = /** @type {string} */ (segments.pop());
if (project.endsWith(".git")) {
project = project.slice(0, -4);
const user = segments.join("/");
if (!user || !project) {
return hash;
* @param {string} pathname pathname
* @param {string} hash hash
* @returns {string | undefined} hash
"bitbucket.org": (pathname, hash) => {
let [, user, project, aux] = pathname.split("/", 4);
if (["get"].includes(aux)) {
if (project && project.endsWith(".git")) {
project = project.slice(0, -4);
if (!user || !project) {
return hash;
* @param {string} pathname pathname
* @param {string} hash hash
* @returns {string | undefined} hash
"gist.github.com": (pathname, hash) => {
let [, user, project, aux] = pathname.split("/", 4);
if (aux === "raw") {
if (!project) {
if (!user) {
project = user;
if (project.endsWith(".git")) {
project = project.slice(0, -4);
return hash;
* extract commit hash from parsed url
* @inner
* @param {URL} urlParsed parsed url
* @returns {string} commithash
function getCommithash(urlParsed) {
let { hostname, pathname, hash } = urlParsed;
hostname = hostname.replace(/^www\./, "");
try {
hash = decodeURIComponent(hash);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (_err) {}
if (
/** @type {keyof extractCommithashByDomain} */ (hostname)
) {
return (
/** @type {keyof extractCommithashByDomain} */ (hostname)
](pathname, hash) || ""
return hash;
* make url right for URL parse
* @inner
* @param {string} gitUrl git url
* @returns {string} fixed url
function correctUrl(gitUrl) {
// like:
// proto://hostname.com:user/repo -> proto://hostname.com/user/repo
return gitUrl.replace(RE_HOSTNAME_WITH_COLON, "$1/$2");
* make url protocol right for URL parse
* @inner
* @param {string} gitUrl git url
* @returns {string} fixed url
function correctProtocol(gitUrl) {
// eg: github:foo/bar#v1.0. Should not add double slash, in case of error parsed `pathname`
if (RE_GIT_URL_SHORT.test(gitUrl)) {
return gitUrl;
// eg: user@github.com:foo/bar
if (!RE_CUSTOM_PROTOCOL.test(gitUrl)) {
return `${DEF_GIT_PROTOCOL}${gitUrl}`;
return gitUrl;
* extract git dep version from hash
* @inner
* @param {string} hash hash
* @returns {string} git dep version
function getVersionFromHash(hash) {
const matched = hash.match(RE_URL_HASH_VERSION);
return (matched && matched[1]) || "";
* if string can be decoded
* @inner
* @param {string} str str to be checked
* @returns {boolean} if can be decoded
function canBeDecoded(str) {
try {
} catch (_err) {
return false;
return true;
* get right dep version from git url
* @inner
* @param {string} gitUrl git url
* @returns {string} dep version
function getGitUrlVersion(gitUrl) {
const oriGitUrl = gitUrl;
// github extreme shorthand
? `github:${gitUrl}`
: correctProtocol(gitUrl);
gitUrl = correctUrl(gitUrl);
let parsed;
try {
parsed = new URL(gitUrl);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty
} catch (_err) {}
if (!parsed) {
return "";
const { protocol, hostname, pathname, username, password } = parsed;
if (!RE_PROTOCOL.test(protocol)) {
return "";
// pathname shouldn't be empty or URL malformed
if (!pathname || !canBeDecoded(pathname)) {
return "";
// without protocol, there should have auth info
if (RE_NO_PROTOCOL.test(oriGitUrl) && !username && !password) {
return "";
if (!PROTOCOLS_FOR_SHORT.includes(protocol.toLowerCase())) {
if (!RE_HOSTNAME.test(hostname)) {
return "";
const commithash = getCommithash(parsed);
return getVersionFromHash(commithash) || commithash;
// for protocol short
return getVersionFromHash(gitUrl);
* @param {string} str maybe required version
* @returns {boolean} true, if it looks like a version
function isRequiredVersion(str) {
return VERSION_PATTERN_REGEXP.test(str);
module.exports.isRequiredVersion = isRequiredVersion;
* @see https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v7/configuring-npm/package-json#urls-as-dependencies
* @param {string} versionDesc version to be normalized
* @returns {string} normalized version
function normalizeVersion(versionDesc) {
versionDesc = (versionDesc && versionDesc.trim()) || "";
if (isRequiredVersion(versionDesc)) {
return versionDesc;
// add handle for URL Dependencies
return getGitUrlVersion(versionDesc.toLowerCase());
module.exports.normalizeVersion = normalizeVersion;
/** @typedef {{ data: JsonObject, path: string }} DescriptionFile */
* @param {InputFileSystem} fs file system
* @param {string} directory directory to start looking into
* @param {string[]} descriptionFiles possible description filenames
* @param {function((Error | null)=, DescriptionFile=): void} callback callback
const getDescriptionFile = (fs, directory, descriptionFiles, callback) => {
let i = 0;
const tryLoadCurrent = () => {
if (i >= descriptionFiles.length) {
const parentDirectory = dirname(fs, directory);
if (!parentDirectory || parentDirectory === directory) return callback();
return getDescriptionFile(
const filePath = join(fs, directory, descriptionFiles[i]);
readJson(fs, filePath, (err, data) => {
if (err) {
if ("code" in err && err.code === "ENOENT") {
return tryLoadCurrent();
return callback(err);
if (!data || typeof data !== "object" || Array.isArray(data)) {
return callback(
new Error(`Description file ${filePath} is not an object`)
callback(null, { data, path: filePath });
module.exports.getDescriptionFile = getDescriptionFile;
* @param {JsonObject} data description file data i.e.: package.json
* @param {string} packageName name of the dependency
* @returns {string | undefined} normalized version
const getRequiredVersionFromDescriptionFile = (data, packageName) => {
const dependencyTypes = [
for (const dependencyType of dependencyTypes) {
const dependency = /** @type {JsonObject} */ (data[dependencyType]);
if (
dependency &&
typeof dependency === "object" &&
packageName in dependency
) {
return normalizeVersion(
/** @type {Exclude<JsonPrimitive, null | boolean| number>} */ (
module.exports.getRequiredVersionFromDescriptionFile =