
67 lines
2.6 KiB

const TUIContact = {
"群聊通知": "Group Chat Notifications",
"系统通知": "System Notifications",
"我的群聊": "My Group Chats",
"输入ID": "Enter a groupID/userID",
"群名称": "Group name",
"群ID": "Group ID",
"加入群聊": "Join group chat",
"解散群聊": "Disband group chat",
"退出群聊": "Quit group chat",
"进入群聊": "Enter group chat",
"群类型": "Group type",
"请填写验证信息": "Enter the verification info",
"申请加入": "Request to join",
"接受": "Accept",
"拒绝": "Refuse",
"已处理": "Handled",
"添加群聊": "add group chat",
"已加入": "joined",
"该群组不存在": "The group does not exist",
"加群": "join",
"我的好友": "Friend",
"发送消息": "Send Message",
"个性签名": "Signature",
"等待管理员同意": "Successful application, waiting for the administrator to agree to join the group application",
"加群成功": "Join the group successfully",
"您已是群成员": "You are already a group member",
"新的联系人": "New Contacts",
"黑名单": "Blocked List",
"无搜索结果": "No Result",
"客服号": "Customer Service List",
"ID": "ID",
"联系人": "User",
"群聊": "Group",
"添加好友/群聊": "Add friend/group",
"备注名": "remark",
"加入黑名单": "block",
"删除好友": "Delete friend",
"等待验证": "waiting for verification",
"验证信息": "verification info",
"发送申请": "Send application",
"加入直播群": "Join AVChatRoom",
"同意": "Agree",
"删除好友成功": "Delete friend success",
"删除好友失败": "Delete friend failed",
"申请已发送": "Application has been sent",
"申请发送失败": "Application failed to send",
"进入会话失败": "Failed to enter session",
"添加好友成功": "Add friend success",
"同意好友申请失败": "Failed to agree to friend request",
"拒绝成功": "Reject friend request success",
"拒绝好友申请失败": "Failed to reject friend request",
"解散群聊成功": "Dismissed group success",
"解散群聊失败": "Dismissed group failed",
"退出群组成功": "Quit group success",
"退出群组失败": "Quit group failed",
"申请入群失败": "Application to join the group failed",
"加入黑名单失败": "Add to blocklist failed",
"移除黑名单失败": "Remove from blocklist failed",
"修改备注失败: 备注长度不得超过 96 字节": "Failed to modify the remark: the length of the remark cannot exceed 96 bytes",
"修改备注成功": "Remark modified success",
"修改备注失败": "Remark modified failed",
export default TUIContact;