
652 lines
23 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const path = require("path");
/** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").WatchOptions} WatchOptions */
/** @typedef {import("../FileSystemInfo").FileSystemInfoEntry} FileSystemInfoEntry */
* @template T
* @typedef {object} IStatsBase
* @property {() => boolean} isFile
* @property {() => boolean} isDirectory
* @property {() => boolean} isBlockDevice
* @property {() => boolean} isCharacterDevice
* @property {() => boolean} isSymbolicLink
* @property {() => boolean} isFIFO
* @property {() => boolean} isSocket
* @property {T} dev
* @property {T} ino
* @property {T} mode
* @property {T} nlink
* @property {T} uid
* @property {T} gid
* @property {T} rdev
* @property {T} size
* @property {T} blksize
* @property {T} blocks
* @property {T} atimeMs
* @property {T} mtimeMs
* @property {T} ctimeMs
* @property {T} birthtimeMs
* @property {Date} atime
* @property {Date} mtime
* @property {Date} ctime
* @property {Date} birthtime
* @typedef {IStatsBase<number>} IStats
* @typedef {IStatsBase<bigint> & { atimeNs: bigint, mtimeNs: bigint, ctimeNs: bigint, birthtimeNs: bigint }} IBigIntStats
* @typedef {object} Dirent
* @property {() => boolean} isFile
* @property {() => boolean} isDirectory
* @property {() => boolean} isBlockDevice
* @property {() => boolean} isCharacterDevice
* @property {() => boolean} isSymbolicLink
* @property {() => boolean} isFIFO
* @property {() => boolean} isSocket
* @property {string} name
* @property {string} path
/** @typedef {string | number | boolean | null} JsonPrimitive */
/** @typedef {JsonValue[]} JsonArray */
/** @typedef {JsonPrimitive | JsonObject | JsonArray} JsonValue */
/** @typedef {{[Key in string]: JsonValue} & {[Key in string]?: JsonValue | undefined}} JsonObject */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null): void} NoParamCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, string=): void} StringCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, Buffer=): void} BufferCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, (string | Buffer)=): void} StringOrBufferCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, (string[])=): void} ReaddirStringCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, (Buffer[])=): void} ReaddirBufferCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, (string[] | Buffer[])=): void} ReaddirStringOrBufferCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, (Dirent[])=): void} ReaddirDirentCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, IStats=): void} StatsCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, IBigIntStats=): void} BigIntStatsCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, (IStats | IBigIntStats)=): void} StatsOrBigIntStatsCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, number=): void} NumberCallback */
/** @typedef {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | Error | null, JsonObject=): void} ReadJsonCallback */
/** @typedef {Map<string, FileSystemInfoEntry | "ignore">} TimeInfoEntries */
* @typedef {object} WatcherInfo
* @property {Set<string>} changes get current aggregated changes that have not yet send to callback
* @property {Set<string>} removals get current aggregated removals that have not yet send to callback
* @property {TimeInfoEntries} fileTimeInfoEntries get info about files
* @property {TimeInfoEntries} contextTimeInfoEntries get info about directories
/** @typedef {Set<string>} Changes */
/** @typedef {Set<string>} Removals */
// TODO webpack 6 deprecate missing getInfo
* @typedef {object} Watcher
* @property {function(): void} close closes the watcher and all underlying file watchers
* @property {function(): void} pause closes the watcher, but keeps underlying file watchers alive until the next watch call
* @property {function(): Changes=} getAggregatedChanges get current aggregated changes that have not yet send to callback
* @property {function(): Removals=} getAggregatedRemovals get current aggregated removals that have not yet send to callback
* @property {function(): TimeInfoEntries} getFileTimeInfoEntries get info about files
* @property {function(): TimeInfoEntries} getContextTimeInfoEntries get info about directories
* @property {function(): WatcherInfo=} getInfo get info about timestamps and changes
* @callback WatchMethod
* @param {Iterable<string>} files watched files
* @param {Iterable<string>} directories watched directories
* @param {Iterable<string>} missing watched existence entries
* @param {number} startTime timestamp of start time
* @param {WatchOptions} options options object
* @param {function(Error | null, TimeInfoEntries=, TimeInfoEntries=, Changes=, Removals=): void} callback aggregated callback
* @param {function(string, number): void} callbackUndelayed callback when the first change was detected
* @returns {Watcher} a watcher
// TODO webpack 6 make optional methods required and avoid using non standard methods like `join`, `relative`, `dirname`, move IntermediateFileSystemExtras methods to InputFilesystem or OutputFilesystem
* @typedef {string | Buffer | URL} PathLike
* @typedef {PathLike | number} PathOrFileDescriptor
* @typedef {object} ObjectEncodingOptions
* @property {BufferEncoding | null | undefined} [encoding]
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: ({ encoding?: null | undefined, flag?: string | undefined } & import("events").Abortable) | undefined | null, callback: BufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: ({ encoding: BufferEncoding, flag?: string | undefined } & import("events").Abortable) | BufferEncoding, callback: StringCallback): void;
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & { flag?: string | undefined } & import("events").Abortable) | BufferEncoding | undefined | null, callback: StringOrBufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, callback: BufferCallback): void;
* }} ReadFile
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options?: { encoding?: null | undefined, flag?: string | undefined } | null): Buffer;
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options: { encoding: BufferEncoding, flag?: string | undefined } | BufferEncoding): string;
* (path: PathOrFileDescriptor, options?: (ObjectEncodingOptions & { flag?: string | undefined }) | BufferEncoding | null): string | Buffer;
* }} ReadFileSync
* @typedef {ObjectEncodingOptions | BufferEncoding | undefined | null} EncodingOption
* @typedef {'buffer'| { encoding: 'buffer' }} BufferEncodingOption
* @typedef {object} StatOptions
* @property {(boolean | undefined)=} bigint
* @typedef {object} StatSyncOptions
* @property {(boolean | undefined)=} bigint
* @property {(boolean | undefined)=} throwIfNoEntry
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: StringCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption, callback: BufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: StringOrBufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, callback: StringCallback): void;
* }} Readlink
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string;
* (path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Buffer;
* (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string | Buffer;
* }} ReadlinkSync
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options: { encoding: BufferEncoding | null, withFileTypes?: false | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined } | BufferEncoding | undefined | null, callback: ReaddirStringCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: { encoding: 'buffer', withFileTypes?: false | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined } | 'buffer', callback: ReaddirBufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, callback: ReaddirStringCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: (ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes?: false | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined }) | BufferEncoding | undefined | null, callback: ReaddirStringOrBufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes: true, recursive?: boolean | undefined }, callback: ReaddirDirentCallback): void;
* }} Readdir
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options?: { encoding: BufferEncoding | null, withFileTypes?: false | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined } | BufferEncoding | null): string[];
* (path: PathLike, options: { encoding: 'buffer', withFileTypes?: false | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined } | 'buffer'): Buffer[];
* (path: PathLike, options?: (ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes?: false | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined }) | BufferEncoding | null): string[] | Buffer[];
* (path: PathLike, options: ObjectEncodingOptions & { withFileTypes: true, recursive?: boolean | undefined }): Dirent[];
* }} ReaddirSync
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, callback: StatsCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: (StatOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined }) | undefined, callback: StatsCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatOptions & { bigint: true }, callback: BigIntStatsCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatOptions | undefined, callback: StatsOrBigIntStatsCallback): void;
* }} Stat
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options?: undefined): IStats;
* (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined, throwIfNoEntry: false }): IStats | undefined;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true, throwIfNoEntry: false }): IBigIntStats | undefined;
* (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined }): IStats;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true }): IBigIntStats;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: boolean, throwIfNoEntry?: false | undefined }): IStats | IBigIntStats;
* (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions): IStats | IBigIntStats | undefined;
* }} StatSync
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, callback: StatsCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: (StatOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined }) | undefined, callback: StatsCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatOptions & { bigint: true }, callback: BigIntStatsCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatOptions | undefined, callback: StatsOrBigIntStatsCallback): void;
* }} LStat
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options?: undefined): IStats;
* (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined, throwIfNoEntry: false }): IStats | undefined;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true, throwIfNoEntry: false }): IBigIntStats | undefined;
* (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions & { bigint?: false | undefined }): IStats;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: true }): IBigIntStats;
* (path: PathLike, options: StatSyncOptions & { bigint: boolean, throwIfNoEntry?: false | undefined }): IStats | IBigIntStats;
* (path: PathLike, options?: StatSyncOptions): IStats | IBigIntStats | undefined;
* }} LStatSync
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: StringCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption, callback: BufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, options: EncodingOption, callback: StringOrBufferCallback): void;
* (path: PathLike, callback: StringCallback): void;
* }} RealPath
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string;
* (path: PathLike, options: BufferEncodingOption): Buffer;
* (path: PathLike, options?: EncodingOption): string | Buffer;
* }} RealPathSync
* @typedef {function(PathOrFileDescriptor, ReadJsonCallback): void} ReadJson
* @typedef {function(PathOrFileDescriptor): JsonObject} ReadJsonSync
* @typedef {function((string | string[] | Set<string>)=): void} Purge
* @typedef {object} InputFileSystem
* @property {ReadFile} readFile
* @property {ReadFileSync=} readFileSync
* @property {Readlink} readlink
* @property {ReadlinkSync=} readlinkSync
* @property {Readdir} readdir
* @property {ReaddirSync=} readdirSync
* @property {Stat} stat
* @property {StatSync=} statSync
* @property {LStat=} lstat
* @property {LStatSync=} lstatSync
* @property {RealPath=} realpath
* @property {RealPathSync=} realpathSync
* @property {ReadJson=} readJson
* @property {ReadJsonSync=} readJsonSync
* @property {Purge=} purge
* @property {(function(string, string): string)=} join
* @property {(function(string, string): string)=} relative
* @property {(function(string): string)=} dirname
* @typedef {number | string} Mode
* @typedef {(ObjectEncodingOptions & import("events").Abortable & { mode?: Mode | undefined, flag?: string | undefined, flush?: boolean | undefined }) | BufferEncoding | null} WriteFileOptions
* @typedef {{
* (file: PathOrFileDescriptor, data: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, options: WriteFileOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
* (file: PathOrFileDescriptor, data: string | NodeJS.ArrayBufferView, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
* }} WriteFile
* @typedef {{ recursive?: boolean | undefined, mode?: Mode | undefined }} MakeDirectoryOptions
* @typedef {{
* (file: PathLike, options: MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive: true }, callback: StringCallback): void;
* (file: PathLike, options: Mode | (MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive?: false | undefined; }) | null | undefined, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
* (file: PathLike, options: Mode | MakeDirectoryOptions | null | undefined, callback: StringCallback): void;
* (file: PathLike, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
* }} Mkdir
* @typedef {{ maxRetries?: number | undefined, recursive?: boolean | undefined, retryDelay?: number | undefined }} RmDirOptions
* @typedef {{
* (file: PathLike, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
* (file: PathLike, options: RmDirOptions, callback: NoParamCallback): void;
* }} Rmdir
* @typedef {function(PathLike, NoParamCallback): void} Unlink
* @typedef {object} OutputFileSystem
* @property {WriteFile} writeFile
* @property {Mkdir} mkdir
* @property {Readdir=} readdir
* @property {Rmdir=} rmdir
* @property {Unlink=} unlink
* @property {Stat} stat
* @property {LStat=} lstat
* @property {ReadFile} readFile
* @property {(function(string, string): string)=} join
* @property {(function(string, string): string)=} relative
* @property {(function(string): string)=} dirname
* @typedef {object} WatchFileSystem
* @property {WatchMethod} watch
* @typedef {{
* (path: PathLike, options: MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive: true }): string | undefined;
* (path: PathLike, options?: Mode | (MakeDirectoryOptions & { recursive?: false | undefined }) | null): void;
* (path: PathLike, options?: Mode | MakeDirectoryOptions | null): string | undefined;
* }} MkdirSync
* @typedef {object} StreamOptions
* @property {(string | undefined)=} flags
* @property {(BufferEncoding | undefined)} encoding
* @property {(number | any | undefined)=} fd
* @property {(number | undefined)=} mode
* @property {(boolean | undefined)=} autoClose
* @property {(boolean | undefined)=} emitClose
* @property {(number | undefined)=} start
* @property {(AbortSignal | null | undefined)=} signal
* @typedef {object} FSImplementation
* @property {((...args: any[]) => any)=} open
* @property {((...args: any[]) => any)=} close
* @typedef {FSImplementation & { write: (...args: any[]) => any; close?: (...args: any[]) => any }} CreateWriteStreamFSImplementation
* @typedef {StreamOptions & { fs?: CreateWriteStreamFSImplementation | null | undefined }} WriteStreamOptions
* @typedef {function(PathLike, (BufferEncoding | WriteStreamOptions)=): NodeJS.WritableStream} CreateWriteStream
* @typedef {number | string} OpenMode
* @typedef {{
* (file: PathLike, flags: OpenMode | undefined, mode: Mode | undefined | null, callback: NumberCallback): void;
* (file: PathLike, flags: OpenMode | undefined, callback: NumberCallback): void;
* (file: PathLike, callback: NumberCallback): void;
* }} Open
* @typedef {number | bigint} ReadPosition
* @typedef {object} ReadSyncOptions
* @property {(number | undefined)=} offset
* @property {(number | undefined)=} length
* @property {(ReadPosition | null | undefined)=} position
* @template {NodeJS.ArrayBufferView} TBuffer
* @typedef {object} ReadAsyncOptions
* @property {(number | undefined)=} offset
* @property {(number | undefined)=} length
* @property {(ReadPosition | null | undefined)=} position
* @property {TBuffer=} buffer
* @template {NodeJS.ArrayBufferView} [TBuffer=Buffer]
* @typedef {{
* (fd: number, buffer: TBuffer, offset: number, length: number, position: ReadPosition | null, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, bytesRead: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void): void;
* (fd: number, options: ReadAsyncOptions<TBuffer>, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, bytesRead: number, buffer: TBuffer) => void): void;
* (fd: number, callback: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException | null, bytesRead: number, buffer: NodeJS.ArrayBufferView) => void): void;
* }} Read
/** @typedef {function(number, NoParamCallback): void} Close */
/** @typedef {function(PathLike, PathLike, NoParamCallback): void} Rename */
* @typedef {object} IntermediateFileSystemExtras
* @property {MkdirSync} mkdirSync
* @property {CreateWriteStream} createWriteStream
* @property {Open} open
* @property {Read} read
* @property {Close} close
* @property {Rename} rename
/** @typedef {InputFileSystem & OutputFileSystem & IntermediateFileSystemExtras} IntermediateFileSystem */
* @param {InputFileSystem|OutputFileSystem|undefined} fs a file system
* @param {string} rootPath the root path
* @param {string} targetPath the target path
* @returns {string} location of targetPath relative to rootPath
const relative = (fs, rootPath, targetPath) => {
if (fs && fs.relative) {
return fs.relative(rootPath, targetPath);
} else if (path.posix.isAbsolute(rootPath)) {
return path.posix.relative(rootPath, targetPath);
} else if (path.win32.isAbsolute(rootPath)) {
return path.win32.relative(rootPath, targetPath);
throw new Error(
`${rootPath} is neither a posix nor a windows path, and there is no 'relative' method defined in the file system`
module.exports.relative = relative;
* @param {InputFileSystem|OutputFileSystem|undefined} fs a file system
* @param {string} rootPath a path
* @param {string} filename a filename
* @returns {string} the joined path
const join = (fs, rootPath, filename) => {
if (fs && fs.join) {
return fs.join(rootPath, filename);
} else if (path.posix.isAbsolute(rootPath)) {
return path.posix.join(rootPath, filename);
} else if (path.win32.isAbsolute(rootPath)) {
return path.win32.join(rootPath, filename);
throw new Error(
`${rootPath} is neither a posix nor a windows path, and there is no 'join' method defined in the file system`
module.exports.join = join;
* @param {InputFileSystem|OutputFileSystem|undefined} fs a file system
* @param {string} absPath an absolute path
* @returns {string} the parent directory of the absolute path
const dirname = (fs, absPath) => {
if (fs && fs.dirname) {
return fs.dirname(absPath);
} else if (path.posix.isAbsolute(absPath)) {
return path.posix.dirname(absPath);
} else if (path.win32.isAbsolute(absPath)) {
return path.win32.dirname(absPath);
throw new Error(
`${absPath} is neither a posix nor a windows path, and there is no 'dirname' method defined in the file system`
module.exports.dirname = dirname;
* @param {OutputFileSystem} fs a file system
* @param {string} p an absolute path
* @param {function(Error=): void} callback callback function for the error
* @returns {void}
const mkdirp = (fs, p, callback) => {
fs.mkdir(p, err => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === "ENOENT") {
const dir = dirname(fs, p);
if (dir === p) {
mkdirp(fs, dir, err => {
if (err) {
fs.mkdir(p, err => {
if (err) {
if (err.code === "EEXIST") {
} else if (err.code === "EEXIST") {
module.exports.mkdirp = mkdirp;
* @param {IntermediateFileSystem} fs a file system
* @param {string} p an absolute path
* @returns {void}
const mkdirpSync = (fs, p) => {
try {
} catch (err) {
if (err) {
if (/** @type {NodeJS.ErrnoException} */ (err).code === "ENOENT") {
const dir = dirname(fs, p);
if (dir === p) {
throw err;
mkdirpSync(fs, dir);
} else if (/** @type {NodeJS.ErrnoException} */ (err).code === "EEXIST") {
throw err;
module.exports.mkdirpSync = mkdirpSync;
* @param {InputFileSystem} fs a file system
* @param {string} p an absolute path
* @param {ReadJsonCallback} callback callback
* @returns {void}
const readJson = (fs, p, callback) => {
if ("readJson" in fs)
return /** @type {NonNullable<InputFileSystem["readJson"]>} */ (
)(p, callback);
fs.readFile(p, (err, buf) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
let data;
try {
data = JSON.parse(/** @type {Buffer} */ (buf).toString("utf-8"));
} catch (err1) {
return callback(/** @type {Error} */ (err1));
return callback(null, data);
module.exports.readJson = readJson;
* @param {InputFileSystem} fs a file system
* @param {string} p an absolute path
* @param {function(NodeJS.ErrnoException | Error | null, (IStats | string)=): void} callback callback
* @returns {void}
const lstatReadlinkAbsolute = (fs, p, callback) => {
let i = 3;
const doReadLink = () => {
fs.readlink(p, (err, target) => {
if (err && --i > 0) {
// It might was just changed from symlink to file
// we retry 2 times to catch this case before throwing the error
return doStat();
if (err) return callback(err);
const value = target.toString();
callback(null, join(fs, dirname(fs, p), value));
const doStat = () => {
if ("lstat" in fs) {
return /** @type {NonNullable<InputFileSystem["lstat"]>} */ (fs.lstat)(
(err, stats) => {
if (err) return callback(err);
if (/** @type {IStats} */ (stats).isSymbolicLink()) {
return doReadLink();
callback(null, stats);
return fs.stat(p, callback);
if ("lstat" in fs) return doStat();
module.exports.lstatReadlinkAbsolute = lstatReadlinkAbsolute;