
208 lines
5.7 KiB

/* eslint-disable import/no-extraneous-dependencies */
import fs from "fs";
import { join } from "path";
import { URL, fileURLToPath } from "url";
import { minify } from "terser";
import { babel, presetTypescript } from "$repo-utils/babel-top-level";
import { IS_BABEL_8 } from "$repo-utils";
import { gzipSync } from "zlib";
import {
} from "./build-helper-metadata.js";
const HELPERS_FOLDER = new URL("../src/helpers", import.meta.url);
const IGNORED_FILES = new Set(["package.json", "tsconfig.json"]);
export default async function generateHelpers() {
let output = `/*
* This file is auto-generated! Do not modify it directly.
* To re-generate run 'yarn gulp generate-runtime-helpers'
import template from "@babel/template";
import type * as t from "@babel/types";
interface Helper {
minVersion: string;
ast: () => t.Program;
metadata: HelperMetadata;
export interface HelperMetadata {
globals: string[];
locals: { [name: string]: string[] };
dependencies: { [name: string]: string[] };
exportBindingAssignments: string[];
exportName: string;
function helper(minVersion: string, source: string, metadata: HelperMetadata): Helper {
return Object.freeze({
ast: () => template.program.ast(source, { preserveComments: true }),
export { helpers as default };
const helpers: Record<string, Helper> = {
__proto__: null,
let babel7extraOutput = "";
for (const file of (await fs.promises.readdir(HELPERS_FOLDER)).sort()) {
if (IGNORED_FILES.has(file)) continue;
if (file.startsWith(".")) continue; // ignore e.g. vim swap files
const [helperName] = file.split(".");
const isTs = file.endsWith(".ts");
const filePath = join(fileURLToPath(HELPERS_FOLDER), file);
if (!file.endsWith(".js") && !isTs) {
console.error("ignoring", filePath);
let code = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath, "utf8");
const minVersionMatch = code.match(
if (!minVersionMatch) {
throw new Error(`@minVersion number missing in ${filePath}`);
const { minVersion } = minVersionMatch.groups;
const onlyBabel7 = code.includes("@onlyBabel7");
const mangleFns = code.includes("@mangleFns");
const noMangleFns = [];
code = babel.transformSync(code, {
configFile: false,
babelrc: false,
filename: filePath,
presets: [
onlyRemoveTypeImports: true,
optimizeConstEnums: true,
plugins: [
* @type {import("@babel/core").PluginObj}
({ types: t }) => ({
// These pre/post hooks are needed because the TS transform is,
// when building in the old Babel e2e test, removing the
// `export { OverloadYield as default }` in the OverloadYield helper.
// TODO: Remove in Babel 8.
pre(file) {
if (!process.env.IS_BABEL_OLD_E2E) return;
file.metadata.exportName = null;
ExportSpecifier(path) {
if (path.node.exported.name === "default") {
file.metadata.exportName = path.node.local.name;
post(file) {
if (!process.env.IS_BABEL_OLD_E2E) return;
if (!file.metadata.exportName) return;
ExportNamedDeclaration(path) {
if (
!path.node.declaration &&
path.node.specifiers.length === 0
) {
visitor: {
ImportDeclaration(path) {
const source = path.node.source;
source.value = source.value
.replace(/\.ts$/, "")
.replace(/^\.\//, "");
FunctionDeclaration(path) {
if (
mangleFns &&
path.node.leadingComments?.find(c =>
) {
const name = path.node.id.name;
if (name) noMangleFns.push(name);
code = (
await minify(code, {
ecma: 5,
mangle: {
keep_fnames: mangleFns ? new RegExp(noMangleFns.join("|")) : true,
// The _typeof helper has a custom directive that we must keep
compress: {
directives: false,
passes: 10,
unsafe: true,
unsafe_proto: true,
let metadata;
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
[code, metadata] = getHelperMetadata(babel, code, helperName);
const helperStr = `\
// size: ${code.length}, gzip size: ${gzipSync(code).length}
${JSON.stringify(helperName)}: helper(
if (onlyBabel7) {
if (!IS_BABEL_8()) babel7extraOutput += helperStr;
} else {
output += helperStr;
output += "};";
if (babel7extraOutput) {
output += `
if (!process.env.BABEL_8_BREAKING) {
Object.assign(helpers, {
return output;