
235 lines
6.5 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
* @param {string} str string
* @returns {string} quoted meta
const quoteMeta = str => str.replace(/[-[\]\\/{}()*+?.^$|]/g, "\\$&");
* @param {string} str string
* @returns {string} string
const toSimpleString = str => {
if (`${Number(str)}` === str) {
return str;
return JSON.stringify(str);
* @param {Record<string|number, boolean>} map value map
* @returns {boolean|(function(string): string)} true/false, when unconditionally true/false, or a template function to determine the value at runtime
const compileBooleanMatcher = map => {
const positiveItems = Object.keys(map).filter(i => map[i]);
const negativeItems = Object.keys(map).filter(i => !map[i]);
if (positiveItems.length === 0) return false;
if (negativeItems.length === 0) return true;
return compileBooleanMatcherFromLists(positiveItems, negativeItems);
* @param {string[]} positiveItems positive items
* @param {string[]} negativeItems negative items
* @returns {function(string): string} a template function to determine the value at runtime
const compileBooleanMatcherFromLists = (positiveItems, negativeItems) => {
if (positiveItems.length === 0) return () => "false";
if (negativeItems.length === 0) return () => "true";
if (positiveItems.length === 1)
return value => `${toSimpleString(positiveItems[0])} == ${value}`;
if (negativeItems.length === 1)
return value => `${toSimpleString(negativeItems[0])} != ${value}`;
const positiveRegexp = itemsToRegexp(positiveItems);
const negativeRegexp = itemsToRegexp(negativeItems);
if (positiveRegexp.length <= negativeRegexp.length) {
return value => `/^${positiveRegexp}$/.test(${value})`;
return value => `!/^${negativeRegexp}$/.test(${value})`;
* @param {Set<string>} itemsSet items set
* @param {(str: string) => string | false} getKey get key function
* @param {(str: Array<string>) => boolean} condition condition
* @returns {Array<Array<string>>} list of common items
const popCommonItems = (itemsSet, getKey, condition) => {
/** @type {Map<string, Array<string>>} */
const map = new Map();
for (const item of itemsSet) {
const key = getKey(item);
if (key) {
let list = map.get(key);
if (list === undefined) {
/** @type {Array<string>} */
list = [];
map.set(key, list);
/** @type {Array<Array<string>>} */
const result = [];
for (const list of map.values()) {
if (condition(list)) {
for (const item of list) {
return result;
* @param {Array<string>} items items
* @returns {string} common prefix
const getCommonPrefix = items => {
let prefix = items[0];
for (let i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
for (let p = 0; p < prefix.length; p++) {
if (item[p] !== prefix[p]) {
prefix = prefix.slice(0, p);
return prefix;
* @param {Array<string>} items items
* @returns {string} common suffix
const getCommonSuffix = items => {
let suffix = items[0];
for (let i = 1; i < items.length; i++) {
const item = items[i];
for (let p = item.length - 1, s = suffix.length - 1; s >= 0; p--, s--) {
if (item[p] !== suffix[s]) {
suffix = suffix.slice(s + 1);
return suffix;
* @param {Array<string>} itemsArr array of items
* @returns {string} regexp
const itemsToRegexp = itemsArr => {
if (itemsArr.length === 1) {
return quoteMeta(itemsArr[0]);
/** @type {Array<string>} */
const finishedItems = [];
// merge single char items: (a|b|c|d|ef) => ([abcd]|ef)
let countOfSingleCharItems = 0;
for (const item of itemsArr) {
if (item.length === 1) {
// special case for only single char items
if (countOfSingleCharItems === itemsArr.length) {
return `[${quoteMeta(itemsArr.sort().join(""))}]`;
const items = new Set(itemsArr.sort());
if (countOfSingleCharItems > 2) {
let singleCharItems = "";
for (const item of items) {
if (item.length === 1) {
singleCharItems += item;
// special case for 2 items with common prefix/suffix
if (finishedItems.length === 0 && items.size === 2) {
const prefix = getCommonPrefix(itemsArr);
const suffix = getCommonSuffix(
itemsArr.map(item => item.slice(prefix.length))
if (prefix.length > 0 || suffix.length > 0) {
return `${quoteMeta(prefix)}${itemsToRegexp(
itemsArr.map(i => i.slice(prefix.length, -suffix.length || undefined))
// special case for 2 items with common suffix
if (finishedItems.length === 0 && items.size === 2) {
/** @type {Iterator<string>} */
const it = items[Symbol.iterator]();
const a = it.next().value;
const b = it.next().value;
if (a.length > 0 && b.length > 0 && a.slice(-1) === b.slice(-1)) {
return `${itemsToRegexp([a.slice(0, -1), b.slice(0, -1)])}${quoteMeta(
// find common prefix: (a1|a2|a3|a4|b5) => (a(1|2|3|4)|b5)
const prefixed = popCommonItems(
item => (item.length >= 1 ? item[0] : false),
list => {
if (list.length >= 3) return true;
if (list.length <= 1) return false;
return list[0][1] === list[1][1];
for (const prefixedItems of prefixed) {
const prefix = getCommonPrefix(prefixedItems);
prefixedItems.map(i => i.slice(prefix.length))
// find common suffix: (a1|b1|c1|d1|e2) => ((a|b|c|d)1|e2)
const suffixed = popCommonItems(
item => (item.length >= 1 ? item.slice(-1) : false),
list => {
if (list.length >= 3) return true;
if (list.length <= 1) return false;
return list[0].slice(-2) === list[1].slice(-2);
for (const suffixedItems of suffixed) {
const suffix = getCommonSuffix(suffixedItems);
suffixedItems.map(i => i.slice(0, -suffix.length))
// TODO further optimize regexp, i. e.
// use ranges: (1|2|3|4|a) => [1-4a]
const conditional = finishedItems.concat(Array.from(items, quoteMeta));
if (conditional.length === 1) return conditional[0];
return `(${conditional.join("|")})`;
compileBooleanMatcher.fromLists = compileBooleanMatcherFromLists;
compileBooleanMatcher.itemsToRegexp = itemsToRegexp;
module.exports = compileBooleanMatcher;