367 lines
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367 lines
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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow strict-local
* @format
import type {PressEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';
import typeof TouchableWithoutFeedback from './TouchableWithoutFeedback';
import View from '../../Components/View/View';
import Pressability, {
type PressabilityConfig,
} from '../../Pressability/Pressability';
import {PressabilityDebugView} from '../../Pressability/PressabilityDebug';
import {findHostInstance_DEPRECATED} from '../../ReactNative/RendererProxy';
import processColor from '../../StyleSheet/processColor';
import Platform from '../../Utilities/Platform';
import {Commands} from '../View/ViewNativeComponent';
import invariant from 'invariant';
import * as React from 'react';
type Props = $ReadOnly<{|
* Determines the type of background drawable that's going to be used to
* display feedback. It takes an object with `type` property and extra data
* depending on the `type`. It's recommended to use one of the static
* methods to generate that dictionary.
background?: ?(
| $ReadOnly<{|
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
| 'selectableItemBackground'
| 'selectableItemBackgroundBorderless',
rippleRadius: ?number,
| $ReadOnly<{|
type: 'RippleAndroid',
color: ?number,
borderless: boolean,
rippleRadius: ?number,
* TV preferred focus (see documentation for the View component).
hasTVPreferredFocus?: ?boolean,
* TV next focus down (see documentation for the View component).
nextFocusDown?: ?number,
* TV next focus forward (see documentation for the View component).
nextFocusForward?: ?number,
* TV next focus left (see documentation for the View component).
nextFocusLeft?: ?number,
* TV next focus right (see documentation for the View component).
nextFocusRight?: ?number,
* TV next focus up (see documentation for the View component).
nextFocusUp?: ?number,
* Set to true to add the ripple effect to the foreground of the view, instead
* of the background. This is useful if one of your child views has a
* background of its own, or you're e.g. displaying images, and you don't want
* the ripple to be covered by them.
* Check TouchableNativeFeedback.canUseNativeForeground() first, as this is
* only available on Android 6.0 and above. If you try to use this on older
* versions, this will fallback to background.
useForeground?: ?boolean,
type State = $ReadOnly<{|
pressability: Pressability,
class TouchableNativeFeedback extends React.Component<Props, State> {
* Creates a value for the `background` prop that uses the Android theme's
* default background for selectable elements.
static SelectableBackground: (rippleRadius: ?number) => $ReadOnly<{|
attribute: 'selectableItemBackground',
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
rippleRadius: ?number,
|}> = (rippleRadius: ?number) => ({
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
attribute: 'selectableItemBackground',
* Creates a value for the `background` prop that uses the Android theme's
* default background for borderless selectable elements. Requires API 21+.
static SelectableBackgroundBorderless: (rippleRadius: ?number) => $ReadOnly<{|
attribute: 'selectableItemBackgroundBorderless',
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
rippleRadius: ?number,
|}> = (rippleRadius: ?number) => ({
type: 'ThemeAttrAndroid',
attribute: 'selectableItemBackgroundBorderless',
* Creates a value for the `background` prop that uses the Android ripple with
* the supplied color. If `borderless` is true, the ripple will render outside
* of the view bounds. Requires API 21+.
static Ripple: (
color: string,
borderless: boolean,
rippleRadius: ?number,
) => $ReadOnly<{|
borderless: boolean,
color: ?number,
rippleRadius: ?number,
type: 'RippleAndroid',
|}> = (color: string, borderless: boolean, rippleRadius: ?number) => {
const processedColor = processColor(color);
processedColor == null || typeof processedColor === 'number',
'Unexpected color given for Ripple color',
return {
type: 'RippleAndroid',
// $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type]
color: processedColor,
* Whether `useForeground` is supported.
static canUseNativeForeground: () => boolean = () =>
Platform.OS === 'android';
state: State = {
pressability: new Pressability(this._createPressabilityConfig()),
_createPressabilityConfig(): PressabilityConfig {
const accessibilityStateDisabled =
this.props['aria-disabled'] ?? this.props.accessibilityState?.disabled;
return {
cancelable: !this.props.rejectResponderTermination,
this.props.disabled != null
? this.props.disabled
: accessibilityStateDisabled,
hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop,
delayLongPress: this.props.delayLongPress,
delayPressIn: this.props.delayPressIn,
delayPressOut: this.props.delayPressOut,
minPressDuration: 0,
pressRectOffset: this.props.pressRetentionOffset,
android_disableSound: this.props.touchSoundDisabled,
onLongPress: this.props.onLongPress,
onPress: this.props.onPress,
onPressIn: event => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
if (this.props.onPressIn != null) {
onPressMove: event => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
onPressOut: event => {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
if (this.props.onPressOut != null) {
_dispatchPressedStateChange(pressed: boolean): void {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
const hostComponentRef = findHostInstance_DEPRECATED(this);
if (hostComponentRef == null) {
'Touchable: Unable to find HostComponent instance. ' +
'Has your Touchable component been unmounted?',
} else {
Commands.setPressed(hostComponentRef, pressed);
_dispatchHotspotUpdate(event: PressEvent): void {
if (Platform.OS === 'android') {
const {locationX, locationY} = event.nativeEvent;
const hostComponentRef = findHostInstance_DEPRECATED(this);
if (hostComponentRef == null) {
'Touchable: Unable to find HostComponent instance. ' +
'Has your Touchable component been unmounted?',
} else {
locationX ?? 0,
locationY ?? 0,
render(): React.Node {
const element = React.Children.only<$FlowFixMe>(this.props.children);
const children: Array<React.Node> = [element.props.children];
if (__DEV__) {
if (element.type === View) {
<PressabilityDebugView color="brown" hitSlop={this.props.hitSlop} />,
// BACKWARD-COMPATIBILITY: Focus and blur events were never supported before
// adopting `Pressability`, so preserve that behavior.
const {onBlur, onFocus, ...eventHandlersWithoutBlurAndFocus} =
let _accessibilityState = {
busy: this.props['aria-busy'] ?? this.props.accessibilityState?.busy,
this.props['aria-checked'] ?? this.props.accessibilityState?.checked,
this.props['aria-disabled'] ?? this.props.accessibilityState?.disabled,
this.props['aria-expanded'] ?? this.props.accessibilityState?.expanded,
this.props['aria-selected'] ?? this.props.accessibilityState?.selected,
_accessibilityState =
this.props.disabled != null
? {
disabled: this.props.disabled,
: _accessibilityState;
const accessibilityValue = {
max: this.props['aria-valuemax'] ?? this.props.accessibilityValue?.max,
min: this.props['aria-valuemin'] ?? this.props.accessibilityValue?.min,
now: this.props['aria-valuenow'] ?? this.props.accessibilityValue?.now,
text: this.props['aria-valuetext'] ?? this.props.accessibilityValue?.text,
const accessibilityLiveRegion =
this.props['aria-live'] === 'off'
? 'none'
: this.props['aria-live'] ?? this.props.accessibilityLiveRegion;
const accessibilityLabel =
this.props['aria-label'] ?? this.props.accessibilityLabel;
return React.cloneElement(
this.props.background === undefined
? TouchableNativeFeedback.SelectableBackground()
: this.props.background,
this.props.useForeground === true,
accessible: this.props.accessible !== false,
accessibilityHint: this.props.accessibilityHint,
accessibilityLanguage: this.props.accessibilityLanguage,
accessibilityLabel: accessibilityLabel,
accessibilityRole: this.props.accessibilityRole,
accessibilityState: _accessibilityState,
accessibilityActions: this.props.accessibilityActions,
onAccessibilityAction: this.props.onAccessibilityAction,
accessibilityValue: accessibilityValue,
this.props['aria-hidden'] === true
? 'no-hide-descendants'
: this.props.importantForAccessibility,
this.props['aria-modal'] ?? this.props.accessibilityViewIsModal,
accessibilityLiveRegion: accessibilityLiveRegion,
this.props['aria-hidden'] ?? this.props.accessibilityElementsHidden,
hasTVPreferredFocus: this.props.hasTVPreferredFocus,
hitSlop: this.props.hitSlop,
this.props.focusable !== false &&
this.props.onPress !== undefined &&
nativeID: this.props.id ?? this.props.nativeID,
nextFocusDown: this.props.nextFocusDown,
nextFocusForward: this.props.nextFocusForward,
nextFocusLeft: this.props.nextFocusLeft,
nextFocusRight: this.props.nextFocusRight,
nextFocusUp: this.props.nextFocusUp,
onLayout: this.props.onLayout,
testID: this.props.testID,
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, prevState: State) {
componentDidMount(): mixed {
componentWillUnmount(): void {
const getBackgroundProp =
Platform.OS === 'android'
? /* $FlowFixMe[missing-local-annot] The type annotation(s) required by
* Flow's LTI update could not be added via codemod */
(background, useForeground: boolean) =>
useForeground && TouchableNativeFeedback.canUseNativeForeground()
? {nativeForegroundAndroid: background}
: {nativeBackgroundAndroid: background}
: /* $FlowFixMe[missing-local-annot] The type annotation(s) required by
* Flow's LTI update could not be added via codemod */
(background, useForeground: boolean) => null;
TouchableNativeFeedback.displayName = 'TouchableNativeFeedback';
module.exports = TouchableNativeFeedback;