1110 lines
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1110 lines
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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow strict-local
* @format
import type {HostInstance} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes';
import type {
} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes';
import type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes';
import {
type ColorValue,
type TextStyleProp,
type ViewStyleProp,
} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';
import * as React from 'react';
type ReactRefSetter<T> = {current: null | T, ...} | ((ref: null | T) => mixed);
export type ChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<
eventCount: number,
target: number,
text: string,
export type TextInputEvent = SyntheticEvent<
eventCount: number,
previousText: string,
range: $ReadOnly<{|
start: number,
end: number,
target: number,
text: string,
export type ContentSizeChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<
target: number,
contentSize: $ReadOnly<{|
width: number,
height: number,
type TargetEvent = SyntheticEvent<
target: number,
export type BlurEvent = TargetEvent;
export type FocusEvent = TargetEvent;
type Selection = $ReadOnly<{|
start: number,
end: number,
export type SelectionChangeEvent = SyntheticEvent<
selection: Selection,
target: number,
export type KeyPressEvent = SyntheticEvent<
key: string,
target?: ?number,
eventCount?: ?number,
export type EditingEvent = SyntheticEvent<
eventCount: number,
text: string,
target: number,
type DataDetectorTypesType =
| 'phoneNumber'
| 'link'
| 'address'
| 'calendarEvent'
| 'trackingNumber'
| 'flightNumber'
| 'lookupSuggestion'
| 'none'
| 'all';
export type KeyboardType =
// Cross Platform
| 'default'
| 'email-address'
| 'numeric'
| 'phone-pad'
| 'number-pad'
| 'decimal-pad'
| 'url'
// iOS-only
| 'ascii-capable'
| 'numbers-and-punctuation'
| 'name-phone-pad'
| 'twitter'
| 'web-search'
// iOS 10+ only
| 'ascii-capable-number-pad'
// Android-only
| 'visible-password';
export type InputMode =
| 'none'
| 'text'
| 'decimal'
| 'numeric'
| 'tel'
| 'search'
| 'email'
| 'url';
export type ReturnKeyType =
// Cross Platform
| 'done'
| 'go'
| 'next'
| 'search'
| 'send'
// Android-only
| 'none'
| 'previous'
// iOS-only
| 'default'
| 'emergency-call'
| 'google'
| 'join'
| 'route'
| 'yahoo';
export type SubmitBehavior = 'submit' | 'blurAndSubmit' | 'newline';
export type AutoCapitalize = 'none' | 'sentences' | 'words' | 'characters';
export type TextContentType =
| 'none'
| 'URL'
| 'addressCity'
| 'addressCityAndState'
| 'addressState'
| 'countryName'
| 'creditCardNumber'
| 'creditCardExpiration'
| 'creditCardExpirationMonth'
| 'creditCardExpirationYear'
| 'creditCardSecurityCode'
| 'creditCardType'
| 'creditCardName'
| 'creditCardGivenName'
| 'creditCardMiddleName'
| 'creditCardFamilyName'
| 'emailAddress'
| 'familyName'
| 'fullStreetAddress'
| 'givenName'
| 'jobTitle'
| 'location'
| 'middleName'
| 'name'
| 'namePrefix'
| 'nameSuffix'
| 'nickname'
| 'organizationName'
| 'postalCode'
| 'streetAddressLine1'
| 'streetAddressLine2'
| 'sublocality'
| 'telephoneNumber'
| 'username'
| 'password'
| 'newPassword'
| 'oneTimeCode'
| 'birthdate'
| 'birthdateDay'
| 'birthdateMonth'
| 'birthdateYear'
| 'cellularEID'
| 'cellularIMEI'
| 'dateTime'
| 'flightNumber'
| 'shipmentTrackingNumber';
export type enterKeyHintType =
| 'enter'
| 'done'
| 'go'
| 'next'
| 'previous'
| 'search'
| 'send';
type PasswordRules = string;
type IOSProps = $ReadOnly<{|
* When the clear button should appear on the right side of the text view.
* This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component.
* @platform ios
clearButtonMode?: ?('never' | 'while-editing' | 'unless-editing' | 'always'),
* If `true`, clears the text field automatically when editing begins.
* @platform ios
clearTextOnFocus?: ?boolean,
* Determines the types of data converted to clickable URLs in the text input.
* Only valid if `multiline={true}` and `editable={false}`.
* By default no data types are detected.
* You can provide one type or an array of many types.
* Possible values for `dataDetectorTypes` are:
* - `'phoneNumber'`
* - `'link'`
* - `'address'`
* - `'calendarEvent'`
* - `'none'`
* - `'all'`
* @platform ios
| ?DataDetectorTypesType
| $ReadOnlyArray<DataDetectorTypesType>,
* If `true`, the keyboard disables the return key when there is no text and
* automatically enables it when there is text. The default value is `false`.
* @platform ios
enablesReturnKeyAutomatically?: ?boolean,
* An optional identifier which links a custom InputAccessoryView to
* this text input. The InputAccessoryView is rendered above the
* keyboard when this text input is focused.
* @platform ios
inputAccessoryViewID?: ?string,
* An optional label that overrides the default input accessory view button label.
* @platform ios
inputAccessoryViewButtonLabel?: ?string,
* Determines the color of the keyboard.
* @platform ios
keyboardAppearance?: ?('default' | 'light' | 'dark'),
* Provide rules for your password.
* For example, say you want to require a password with at least eight characters consisting of a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, at least one number, and at most two consecutive characters.
* "required: upper; required: lower; required: digit; max-consecutive: 2; minlength: 8;"
* @platform ios
passwordRules?: ?PasswordRules,
* If `true`, allows TextInput to pass touch events to the parent component.
* This allows components to be swipeable from the TextInput on iOS,
* as is the case on Android by default.
* If `false`, TextInput always asks to handle the input (except when disabled).
* @platform ios
rejectResponderTermination?: ?boolean,
* If `false`, scrolling of the text view will be disabled.
* The default value is `true`. Does only work with 'multiline={true}'.
* @platform ios
scrollEnabled?: ?boolean,
* If `false`, disables spell-check style (i.e. red underlines).
* The default value is inherited from `autoCorrect`.
* @platform ios
spellCheck?: ?boolean,
* Give the keyboard and the system information about the
* expected semantic meaning for the content that users enter.
* @platform ios
textContentType?: ?TextContentType,
* Set line break strategy on iOS.
* @platform ios
lineBreakStrategyIOS?: ?('none' | 'standard' | 'hangul-word' | 'push-out'),
* Set line break mode on iOS.
* @platform ios
lineBreakModeIOS?: ?(
| 'wordWrapping'
| 'char'
| 'clip'
| 'head'
| 'middle'
| 'tail'
* If `false`, the iOS system will not insert an extra space after a paste operation
* neither delete one or two spaces after a cut or delete operation.
* The default value is `true`.
* @platform ios
smartInsertDelete?: ?boolean,
type AndroidProps = $ReadOnly<{|
* When provided it will set the color of the cursor (or "caret") in the component.
* Unlike the behavior of `selectionColor` the cursor color will be set independently
* from the color of the text selection box.
* @platform android
cursorColor?: ?ColorValue,
* When provided it will set the color of the selection handles when highlighting text.
* Unlike the behavior of `selectionColor` the handle color will be set independently
* from the color of the text selection box.
* @platform android
selectionHandleColor?: ?ColorValue,
* When `false`, if there is a small amount of space available around a text input
* (e.g. landscape orientation on a phone), the OS may choose to have the user edit
* the text inside of a full screen text input mode. When `true`, this feature is
* disabled and users will always edit the text directly inside of the text input.
* Defaults to `false`.
* @platform android
disableFullscreenUI?: ?boolean,
importantForAutofill?: ?(
| 'auto'
| 'no'
| 'noExcludeDescendants'
| 'yes'
| 'yesExcludeDescendants'
* If defined, the provided image resource will be rendered on the left.
* The image resource must be inside `/android/app/src/main/res/drawable` and referenced
* like
* ```
* <TextInput
* inlineImageLeft='search_icon'
* />
* ```
* @platform android
inlineImageLeft?: ?string,
* Padding between the inline image, if any, and the text input itself.
* @platform android
inlineImagePadding?: ?number,
* Sets the number of lines for a `TextInput`. Use it with multiline set to
* `true` to be able to fill the lines.
* @platform android
numberOfLines?: ?number,
* Sets the return key to the label. Use it instead of `returnKeyType`.
* @platform android
returnKeyLabel?: ?string,
* Sets the number of rows for a `TextInput`. Use it with multiline set to
* `true` to be able to fill the lines.
* @platform android
rows?: ?number,
* When `false`, it will prevent the soft keyboard from showing when the field is focused.
* Defaults to `true`.
showSoftInputOnFocus?: ?boolean,
* Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are `simple`, `highQuality`, `balanced`
* The default value is `simple`.
* @platform android
textBreakStrategy?: ?('simple' | 'highQuality' | 'balanced'),
* The color of the `TextInput` underline.
* @platform android
underlineColorAndroid?: ?ColorValue,
export type Props = $ReadOnly<{|
...$Diff<ViewProps, $ReadOnly<{|style: ?ViewStyleProp|}>>,
* Can tell `TextInput` to automatically capitalize certain characters.
* - `characters`: all characters.
* - `words`: first letter of each word.
* - `sentences`: first letter of each sentence (*default*).
* - `none`: don't auto capitalize anything.
autoCapitalize?: ?AutoCapitalize,
* Specifies autocomplete hints for the system, so it can provide autofill.
* On Android, the system will always attempt to offer autofill by using heuristics to identify the type of content.
* To disable autocomplete, set autoComplete to off.
* The following values work across platforms:
* - `additional-name`
* - `address-line1`
* - `address-line2`
* - `birthdate-day` (iOS 17+)
* - `birthdate-full` (iOS 17+)
* - `birthdate-month` (iOS 17+)
* - `birthdate-year` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-number`
* - `cc-csc` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-exp` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-exp-day` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-exp-month` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-exp-year` (iOS 17+)
* - `country`
* - `current-password`
* - `email`
* - `family-name`
* - `given-name`
* - `honorific-prefix`
* - `honorific-suffix`
* - `name`
* - `new-password`
* - `off`
* - `one-time-code`
* - `postal-code`
* - `street-address`
* - `tel`
* - `username`
* The following values work on iOS only:
* - `cc-name` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-given-name` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-middle-name` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-family-name` (iOS 17+)
* - `cc-type` (iOS 17+)
* - `nickname`
* - `organization`
* - `organization-title`
* - `url`
* The following values work on Android only:
* - `gender`
* - `name-family`
* - `name-given`
* - `name-middle`
* - `name-middle-initial`
* - `name-prefix`
* - `name-suffix`
* - `password`
* - `password-new`
* - `postal-address`
* - `postal-address-country`
* - `postal-address-extended`
* - `postal-address-extended-postal-code`
* - `postal-address-locality`
* - `postal-address-region`
* - `sms-otp`
* - `tel-country-code`
* - `tel-national`
* - `tel-device`
* - `username-new`
autoComplete?: ?(
| 'additional-name'
| 'address-line1'
| 'address-line2'
| 'birthdate-day'
| 'birthdate-full'
| 'birthdate-month'
| 'birthdate-year'
| 'cc-csc'
| 'cc-exp'
| 'cc-exp-day'
| 'cc-exp-month'
| 'cc-exp-year'
| 'cc-number'
| 'cc-name'
| 'cc-given-name'
| 'cc-middle-name'
| 'cc-family-name'
| 'cc-type'
| 'country'
| 'current-password'
| 'email'
| 'family-name'
| 'gender'
| 'given-name'
| 'honorific-prefix'
| 'honorific-suffix'
| 'name'
| 'name-family'
| 'name-given'
| 'name-middle'
| 'name-middle-initial'
| 'name-prefix'
| 'name-suffix'
| 'new-password'
| 'nickname'
| 'one-time-code'
| 'organization'
| 'organization-title'
| 'password'
| 'password-new'
| 'postal-address'
| 'postal-address-country'
| 'postal-address-extended'
| 'postal-address-extended-postal-code'
| 'postal-address-locality'
| 'postal-address-region'
| 'postal-code'
| 'street-address'
| 'sms-otp'
| 'tel'
| 'tel-country-code'
| 'tel-national'
| 'tel-device'
| 'url'
| 'username'
| 'username-new'
| 'off'
* If `false`, disables auto-correct. The default value is `true`.
autoCorrect?: ?boolean,
* If `true`, focuses the input on `componentDidMount`.
* The default value is `false`.
autoFocus?: ?boolean,
* Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings. The
* default is `true`.
allowFontScaling?: ?boolean,
* If `true`, caret is hidden. The default value is `false`.
* On Android devices manufactured by Xiaomi with Android Q,
* when keyboardType equals 'email-address'this will be set
* in native to 'true' to prevent a system related crash. This
* will cause cursor to be disabled as a side-effect.
caretHidden?: ?boolean,
* If `true`, contextMenuHidden is hidden. The default value is `false`.
contextMenuHidden?: ?boolean,
* Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing.
* Useful for simple use-cases where you do not want to deal with listening
* to events and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync.
defaultValue?: ?Stringish,
* If `false`, text is not editable. The default value is `true`.
editable?: ?boolean,
forwardedRef?: ?ReactRefSetter<HostInstance & ImperativeMethods>,
* `enterKeyHint` defines what action label (or icon) to present for the enter key on virtual keyboards.
* The following values is supported:
* - `enter`
* - `done`
* - `go`
* - `next`
* - `previous`
* - `search`
* - `send`
enterKeyHint?: ?enterKeyHintType,
* `inputMode` works like the `inputmode` attribute in HTML, it determines which
* keyboard to open, e.g.`numeric` and has precedence over keyboardType
* Support the following values:
* - `none`
* - `text`
* - `decimal`
* - `numeric`
* - `tel`
* - `search`
* - `email`
* - `url`
inputMode?: ?InputMode,
* Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.`numeric`.
* The following values work across platforms:
* - `default`
* - `numeric`
* - `number-pad`
* - `decimal-pad`
* - `email-address`
* - `phone-pad`
* - `url`
* *iOS Only*
* The following values work on iOS only:
* - `ascii-capable`
* - `numbers-and-punctuation`
* - `name-phone-pad`
* - `twitter`
* - `web-search`
* *Android Only*
* The following values work on Android only:
* - `visible-password`
keyboardType?: ?KeyboardType,
* Specifies largest possible scale a font can reach when `allowFontScaling` is enabled.
* Possible values:
* `null/undefined` (default): inherit from the parent node or the global default (0)
* `0`: no max, ignore parent/global default
* `>= 1`: sets the maxFontSizeMultiplier of this node to this value
maxFontSizeMultiplier?: ?number,
* Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Use this
* instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker.
maxLength?: ?number,
* If `true`, the text input can be multiple lines.
* The default value is `false`.
multiline?: ?boolean,
* Callback that is called when the text input is blurred.
onBlur?: ?(e: BlurEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.
onChange?: ?(e: ChangeEvent) => mixed,
* DANGER: this API is not stable and will change in the future.
* Callback will be called on the main thread and may result in dropped frames.
* Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.
* @platform ios
unstable_onChangeSync?: ?(e: ChangeEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.
* Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
onChangeText?: ?(text: string) => mixed,
* DANGER: this API is not stable and will change in the future.
* Callback will be called on the main thread and may result in dropped frames.
* Callback that is called when the text input's text changes.
* Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
* @platform ios
unstable_onChangeTextSync?: ?(text: string) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when the text input's content size changes.
* This will be called with
* `{ nativeEvent: { contentSize: { width, height } } }`.
* Only called for multiline text inputs.
onContentSizeChange?: ?(e: ContentSizeChangeEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when text input ends.
onEndEditing?: ?(e: EditingEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when the text input is focused.
onFocus?: ?(e: FocusEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when a key is pressed.
* This will be called with `{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }`
* where `keyValue` is `'Enter'` or `'Backspace'` for respective keys and
* the typed-in character otherwise including `' '` for space.
* Fires before `onChange` callbacks.
onKeyPress?: ?(e: KeyPressEvent) => mixed,
* DANGER: this API is not stable and will change in the future.
* Callback will be called on the main thread and may result in dropped frames.
* Callback that is called when a key is pressed.
* This will be called with `{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }`
* where `keyValue` is `'Enter'` or `'Backspace'` for respective keys and
* the typed-in character otherwise including `' '` for space.
* Fires before `onChange` callbacks.
* @platform ios
unstable_onKeyPressSync?: ?(e: KeyPressEvent) => mixed,
* Called when a single tap gesture is detected.
onPress?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
* Called when a touch is engaged.
onPressIn?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
* Called when a touch is released.
onPressOut?: ?(event: PressEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed.
* This will be called with
* `{ nativeEvent: { selection: { start, end } } }`.
onSelectionChange?: ?(e: SelectionChangeEvent) => mixed,
* Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed.
* Invalid if `multiline={true}` is specified.
onSubmitEditing?: ?(e: EditingEvent) => mixed,
* Invoked on content scroll with `{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }`.
* May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize
* is not provided for performance reasons.
onScroll?: ?(e: ScrollEvent) => mixed,
* The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered.
placeholder?: ?Stringish,
* The text color of the placeholder string.
placeholderTextColor?: ?ColorValue,
/** `readOnly` works like the `readonly` attribute in HTML.
* If `true`, text is not editable. The default value is `false`.
* See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Attributes/readonly
* for more details.
readOnly?: ?boolean,
* Determines how the return key should look. On Android you can also use
* `returnKeyLabel`.
* *Cross platform*
* The following values work across platforms:
* - `done`
* - `go`
* - `next`
* - `search`
* - `send`
* *Android Only*
* The following values work on Android only:
* - `none`
* - `previous`
* *iOS Only*
* The following values work on iOS only:
* - `default`
* - `emergency-call`
* - `google`
* - `join`
* - `route`
* - `yahoo`
returnKeyType?: ?ReturnKeyType,
* If `true`, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text
* like passwords stay secure. The default value is `false`. Does not work with 'multiline={true}'.
secureTextEntry?: ?boolean,
* The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to
* the same value to position the cursor.
selection?: ?$ReadOnly<{|
start: number,
end?: ?number,
* The highlight and cursor color of the text input.
selectionColor?: ?ColorValue,
* If `true`, all text will automatically be selected on focus.
selectTextOnFocus?: ?boolean,
* If `true`, the text field will blur when submitted.
* The default value is true for single-line fields and false for
* multiline fields. Note that for multiline fields, setting `blurOnSubmit`
* to `true` means that pressing return will blur the field and trigger the
* `onSubmitEditing` event instead of inserting a newline into the field.
* @deprecated
* Note that `submitBehavior` now takes the place of `blurOnSubmit` and will
* override any behavior defined by `blurOnSubmit`.
* @see submitBehavior
blurOnSubmit?: ?boolean,
* When the return key is pressed,
* For single line inputs:
* - `'newline`' defaults to `'blurAndSubmit'`
* - `undefined` defaults to `'blurAndSubmit'`
* For multiline inputs:
* - `'newline'` adds a newline
* - `undefined` defaults to `'newline'`
* For both single line and multiline inputs:
* - `'submit'` will only send a submit event and not blur the input
* - `'blurAndSubmit`' will both blur the input and send a submit event
submitBehavior?: ?SubmitBehavior,
* Note that not all Text styles are supported, an incomplete list of what is not supported includes:
* - `borderLeftWidth`
* - `borderTopWidth`
* - `borderRightWidth`
* - `borderBottomWidth`
* - `borderTopLeftRadius`
* - `borderTopRightRadius`
* - `borderBottomRightRadius`
* - `borderBottomLeftRadius`
* see [Issue#7070](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/7070)
* for more detail.
* [Styles](docs/style.html)
style?: ?TextStyleProp,
* The value to show for the text input. `TextInput` is a controlled
* component, which means the native value will be forced to match this
* value prop if provided. For most uses, this works great, but in some
* cases this may cause flickering - one common cause is preventing edits
* by keeping value the same. In addition to simply setting the same value,
* either set `editable={false}`, or set/update `maxLength` to prevent
* unwanted edits without flicker.
value?: ?Stringish,
type ImperativeMethods = $ReadOnly<{|
clear: () => void,
isFocused: () => boolean,
getNativeRef: () => ?HostInstance,
setSelection: (start: number, end: number) => void,
* A foundational component for inputting text into the app via a
* keyboard. Props provide configurability for several features, such as
* auto-correction, auto-capitalization, placeholder text, and different keyboard
* types, such as a numeric keypad.
* The simplest use case is to plop down a `TextInput` and subscribe to the
* `onChangeText` events to read the user input. There are also other events,
* such as `onSubmitEditing` and `onFocus` that can be subscribed to. A simple
* example:
* ```ReactNativeWebPlayer
* import React, { Component } from 'react';
* import { AppRegistry, TextInput } from 'react-native';
* export default class UselessTextInput extends Component {
* constructor(props) {
* super(props);
* this.state = { text: 'Useless Placeholder' };
* }
* render() {
* return (
* <TextInput
* style={{height: 40, borderColor: 'gray', borderWidth: 1}}
* onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({text})}
* value={this.state.text}
* />
* );
* }
* }
* // skip this line if using Create React Native App
* AppRegistry.registerComponent('AwesomeProject', () => UselessTextInput);
* ```
* Two methods exposed via the native element are .focus() and .blur() that
* will focus or blur the TextInput programmatically.
* Note that some props are only available with `multiline={true/false}`.
* Additionally, border styles that apply to only one side of the element
* (e.g., `borderBottomColor`, `borderLeftWidth`, etc.) will not be applied if
* `multiline=false`. To achieve the same effect, you can wrap your `TextInput`
* in a `View`:
* ```ReactNativeWebPlayer
* import React, { Component } from 'react';
* import { AppRegistry, View, TextInput } from 'react-native';
* class UselessTextInput extends Component {
* render() {
* return (
* <TextInput
* {...this.props} // Inherit any props passed to it; e.g., multiline, numberOfLines below
* editable = {true}
* maxLength = {40}
* />
* );
* }
* }
* export default class UselessTextInputMultiline extends Component {
* constructor(props) {
* super(props);
* this.state = {
* text: 'Useless Multiline Placeholder',
* };
* }
* // If you type something in the text box that is a color, the background will change to that
* // color.
* render() {
* return (
* <View style={{
* backgroundColor: this.state.text,
* borderBottomColor: '#000000',
* borderBottomWidth: 1 }}
* >
* <UselessTextInput
* multiline = {true}
* numberOfLines = {4}
* onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({text})}
* value={this.state.text}
* />
* </View>
* );
* }
* }
* // skip these lines if using Create React Native App
* AppRegistry.registerComponent(
* 'AwesomeProject',
* () => UselessTextInputMultiline
* );
* ```
* `TextInput` has by default a border at the bottom of its view. This border
* has its padding set by the background image provided by the system, and it
* cannot be changed. Solutions to avoid this is to either not set height
* explicitly, case in which the system will take care of displaying the border
* in the correct position, or to not display the border by setting
* `underlineColorAndroid` to transparent.
* Note that on Android performing text selection in input can change
* app's activity `windowSoftInputMode` param to `adjustResize`.
* This may cause issues with components that have position: 'absolute'
* while keyboard is active. To avoid this behavior either specify `windowSoftInputMode`
* in AndroidManifest.xml ( https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html )
* or control this param programmatically with native code.
type InternalTextInput = component(
ref: React.RefSetter<$ReadOnly<{...HostInstance, ...ImperativeMethods}>>,
export type TextInputComponentStatics = $ReadOnly<{|
State: $ReadOnly<{|
currentlyFocusedInput: () => ?HostInstance,
currentlyFocusedField: () => ?number,
focusTextInput: (textField: ?HostInstance) => void,
blurTextInput: (textField: ?HostInstance) => void,
export type TextInputType = InternalTextInput & TextInputComponentStatics;