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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <folly/dynamic.h>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
#else // _MSC_VER
#define JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
#endif // _MSC_VER
#endif // !defined(JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT)
namespace facebook::react::jsinspector_modern {
class IDestructible {
virtual ~IDestructible() = 0;
struct InspectorTargetCapabilities {
bool nativePageReloads = false;
bool nativeSourceCodeFetching = false;
bool prefersFuseboxFrontend = false;
const folly::dynamic targetCapabilitiesToDynamic(
const InspectorTargetCapabilities& capabilities);
struct InspectorPageDescription {
const int id;
const std::string description;
const std::string vm;
const InspectorTargetCapabilities capabilities;
// Alias for backwards compatibility.
using InspectorPage = InspectorPageDescription;
/// IRemoteConnection allows the VM to send debugger messages to the client.
/// IRemoteConnection's methods are safe to call from any thread *if*
/// InspectorPackagerConnection.cpp is in use.
class JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT IRemoteConnection : public IDestructible {
virtual ~IRemoteConnection() = 0;
virtual void onMessage(std::string message) = 0;
virtual void onDisconnect() = 0;
/// ILocalConnection allows the client to send debugger messages to the VM.
class JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT ILocalConnection : public IDestructible {
virtual ~ILocalConnection() = 0;
virtual void sendMessage(std::string message) = 0;
* Called by the inspector singleton to notify that the connection has been
* closed, either by the remote party or because the local page/VM is no
* longer registered with the inspector.
virtual void disconnect() = 0;
class JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT IPageStatusListener : public IDestructible {
virtual ~IPageStatusListener() = 0;
virtual void onPageRemoved(int pageId) = 0;
/// IInspector tracks debuggable JavaScript targets (pages).
class JSINSPECTOR_EXPORT IInspector : public IDestructible {
using ConnectFunc = std::function<std::unique_ptr<ILocalConnection>(
virtual ~IInspector() = 0;
* Add a page to the list of inspectable pages.
* Callers are responsible for calling removePage when the page is no longer
* expecting connections.
* \param connectFunc a function that will be called to establish a
* connection. \c connectFunc may return nullptr to reject the connection
* (e.g. if the page is in the process of shutting down).
* \returns the ID assigned to the new page.
virtual int addPage(
const std::string& description,
const std::string& vm,
ConnectFunc connectFunc,
InspectorTargetCapabilities capabilities = {}) = 0;
/// removePage is called by the VM to remove a page from the list of
/// debuggable pages.
virtual void removePage(int pageId) = 0;
* Called by the client to retrieve all debuggable pages.
* \returns A vector of page descriptions in the order in which they were
* added with \c addPage.
virtual std::vector<InspectorPageDescription> getPages() const = 0;
* Called by InspectorPackagerConnection to initiate a debugging session with
* the given page.
* \returns an ILocalConnection that can be used to send messages to the
* page, or nullptr if the connection has been rejected.
virtual std::unique_ptr<ILocalConnection> connect(
int pageId,
std::unique_ptr<IRemoteConnection> remote) = 0;
* registerPageStatusListener registers a listener that will receive events
* when pages are removed.
virtual void registerPageStatusListener(
std::weak_ptr<IPageStatusListener> listener) = 0;
class NotImplementedException : public std::exception {
explicit NotImplementedException(std::string message)
: msg_(std::move(message)) {}
const char* what() const noexcept override {
return msg_.c_str();
std::string msg_;
/// getInspectorInstance retrieves the singleton inspector that tracks all
/// debuggable pages in this process.
extern IInspector& getInspectorInstance();
/// makeTestInspectorInstance creates an independent inspector instance that
/// should only be used in tests.
extern std::unique_ptr<IInspector> makeTestInspectorInstance();
* A callback that can be used to send debugger messages (method responses and
* events) to the frontend. The message must be a JSON-encoded string.
* The callback may be called from any thread.
using FrontendChannel = std::function<void(std::string_view messageJson)>;
} // namespace facebook::react::jsinspector_modern