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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "CdpJson.h"
#include <folly/dynamic.h>
#include <folly/json.h>
namespace facebook::react::jsinspector_modern::cdp {
PreparsedRequest preparse(std::string_view message) {
folly::dynamic parsed = folly::parseJson(message);
return PreparsedRequest{
.id = parsed["id"].getInt(),
.method = parsed["method"].getString(),
.params = parsed.count("params") != 0u ? parsed["params"] : nullptr};
std::string PreparsedRequest::toJson() const {
folly::dynamic obj = folly::dynamic::object;
obj["id"] = id;
obj["method"] = method;
if (params != nullptr) {
obj["params"] = params;
return folly::toJson(obj);
std::string jsonError(
std::optional<RequestId> id,
ErrorCode code,
std::optional<std::string> message) {
auto dynamicError = folly::dynamic::object("code", static_cast<int>(code));
if (message) {
dynamicError("message", *message);
return folly::toJson(
(id ? folly::dynamic::object("id", *id)
: folly::dynamic::object("id", nullptr))(
"error", std::move(dynamicError)));
std::string jsonResult(RequestId id, const folly::dynamic& result) {
return folly::toJson(folly::dynamic::object("id", id)("result", result));
std::string jsonNotification(
std::string_view method,
std::optional<folly::dynamic> params) {
auto dynamicNotification = folly::dynamic::object("method", method);
if (params) {
dynamicNotification("params", *params);
return folly::toJson(std::move(dynamicNotification));
std::string jsonRequest(
RequestId id,
std::string_view method,
std::optional<folly::dynamic> params) {
auto dynamicRequest = folly::dynamic::object("id", id)("method", method);
if (params) {
dynamicRequest("params", *params);
return folly::toJson(std::move(dynamicRequest));
} // namespace facebook::react::jsinspector_modern::cdp