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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <React/RCTBridgeDelegate.h>
#import <React/RCTBridgeModule.h>
#import <React/RCTBridgeModuleDecorator.h>
#import <React/RCTDefines.h>
#import <React/RCTFrameUpdate.h>
#import <React/RCTInvalidating.h>
#import "RCTBridgeConstants.h"
#import "RCTConstants.h"
@class JSValue;
@class RCTBridge;
@class RCTPerformanceLogger;
* This block can be used to instantiate modules that require additional
* init parameters, or additional configuration prior to being used.
* The bridge will call this block to instantiate the modules, and will
* be responsible for invalidating/releasing them when the bridge is destroyed.
* For this reason, the block should always return new module instances, and
* module instances should not be shared between bridges.
typedef NSArray<id<RCTBridgeModule>> * (^RCTBridgeModuleListProvider)(void);
* This function returns the module name for a given class.
NSString *RCTBridgeModuleNameForClass(Class bridgeModuleClass);
* Experimental.
* Check/set if JSI-bound NativeModule is enabled. By default it's off.
BOOL RCTTurboModuleEnabled(void);
void RCTEnableTurboModule(BOOL enabled);
// Turn on TurboModule interop
BOOL RCTTurboModuleInteropEnabled(void);
void RCTEnableTurboModuleInterop(BOOL enabled);
// Turn on TurboModule interop's Bridge proxy
BOOL RCTTurboModuleInteropBridgeProxyEnabled(void);
void RCTEnableTurboModuleInteropBridgeProxy(BOOL enabled);
// Turn on the fabric interop layer
BOOL RCTFabricInteropLayerEnabled(void);
void RCTEnableFabricInteropLayer(BOOL enabled);
// Turn on TurboModule sync execution of void methods
BOOL RCTTurboModuleSyncVoidMethodsEnabled(void);
void RCTEnableTurboModuleSyncVoidMethods(BOOL enabled);
BOOL RCTUIManagerDispatchAccessibilityManagerInitOntoMain(void);
void RCTUIManagerSetDispatchAccessibilityManagerInitOntoMain(BOOL enabled);
typedef enum {
} RCTBridgeProxyLoggingLevel;
RCTBridgeProxyLoggingLevel RCTTurboModuleInteropBridgeProxyLogLevel(void);
void RCTSetTurboModuleInteropBridgeProxyLogLevel(RCTBridgeProxyLoggingLevel logLevel);
// Route all TurboModules through TurboModule interop
BOOL RCTTurboModuleInteropForAllTurboModulesEnabled(void);
void RCTEnableTurboModuleInteropForAllTurboModules(BOOL enabled);
BOOL RCTBridgeModuleBatchDidCompleteDisabled(void);
void RCTDisableBridgeModuleBatchDidComplete(BOOL disabled);
typedef enum {
} RCTTurboModuleCleanupMode;
RCTTurboModuleCleanupMode RCTGetTurboModuleCleanupMode(void);
void RCTSetTurboModuleCleanupMode(RCTTurboModuleCleanupMode mode);
* Async batched bridge used to communicate with the JavaScript application.
@interface RCTBridge : NSObject <RCTInvalidating>
* Creates a new bridge with a custom RCTBridgeDelegate.
* All the interaction with the JavaScript context should be done using the bridge
* instance of the RCTBridgeModules. Modules will be automatically instantiated
* using the default constructor, but you can optionally pass in an array of
* pre-initialized module instances if they require additional init parameters
* or configuration.
- (instancetype)initWithDelegate:(id<RCTBridgeDelegate>)delegate launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
* DEPRECATED: Use initWithDelegate:launchOptions: instead
* The designated initializer. This creates a new bridge on top of the specified
* executor. The bridge should then be used for all subsequent communication
* with the JavaScript code running in the executor. Modules will be automatically
* instantiated using the default constructor, but you can optionally pass in an
* array of pre-initialized module instances if they require additional init
* parameters or configuration.
- (instancetype)initWithBundleURL:(NSURL *)bundleURL
launchOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions;
* This method is used to call functions in the JavaScript application context.
* It is primarily intended for use by modules that require two-way communication
* with the JavaScript code. Safe to call from any thread.
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)moduleDotMethod args:(NSArray *)args;
- (void)enqueueJSCall:(NSString *)module
method:(NSString *)method
args:(NSArray *)args
* This method registers the file path of an additional JS segment by its ID.
* @experimental
- (void)registerSegmentWithId:(NSUInteger)segmentId path:(NSString *)path;
* Retrieve a bridge module instance by name or class. Note that modules are
* lazily instantiated, so calling these methods for the first time with a given
* module name/class may cause the class to be synchronously instantiated,
* potentially blocking both the calling thread and main thread for a short time.
* Note: This method does NOT lazily load the particular module if it's not yet loaded.
- (id)moduleForName:(NSString *)moduleName;
- (id)moduleForName:(NSString *)moduleName lazilyLoadIfNecessary:(BOOL)lazilyLoad;
// Note: This method lazily load the module as necessary.
- (id)moduleForClass:(Class)moduleClass;
* When a NativeModule performs a lookup for a TurboModule, we need to query
* the TurboModuleRegistry.
- (void)setRCTTurboModuleRegistry:(id<RCTTurboModuleRegistry>)turboModuleRegistry;
* This hook is called by the TurboModule infra with every ObjC module that's created.
* It allows the bridge to attach properties to ObjC modules that give those modules
* access to Bridge APIs.
- (RCTBridgeModuleDecorator *)bridgeModuleDecorator;
* Convenience method for retrieving all modules conforming to a given protocol.
* Modules will be synchronously instantiated if they haven't already been,
* potentially blocking both the calling thread and main thread for a short time.
- (NSArray *)modulesConformingToProtocol:(Protocol *)protocol;
* Test if a module has been initialized. Use this prior to calling
* `moduleForClass:` or `moduleForName:` if you do not want to cause the module
* to be instantiated if it hasn't been already.
- (BOOL)moduleIsInitialized:(Class)moduleClass;
* All registered bridge module classes.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSArray<Class> *moduleClasses;
* URL of the script that was loaded into the bridge.
@property (nonatomic, strong, readonly) NSURL *bundleURL;
* The class of the executor currently being used. Changes to this value will
* take effect after the bridge is reloaded.
@property (nonatomic, strong) Class executorClass;
* The delegate provided during the bridge initialization
@property (nonatomic, weak, readonly) id<RCTBridgeDelegate> delegate;
* The launch options that were used to initialize the bridge.
@property (nonatomic, copy, readonly) NSDictionary *launchOptions;
* Use this to check if the bridge is currently loading.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isLoading) BOOL loading;
* Use this to check if the bridge has been invalidated.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, getter=isValid) BOOL valid;
* Link to the Performance Logger that logs React Native perf events.
@property (nonatomic, readonly, strong) RCTPerformanceLogger *performanceLogger;
* Reload the bundle and reset executor & modules. Safe to call from any thread.
- (void)reload __deprecated_msg("Use RCTReloadCommand instead");
* Reload the bundle and reset executor & modules. Safe to call from any thread.
- (void)reloadWithReason:(NSString *)reason __deprecated_msg("Use RCTReloadCommand instead");
* Handle notifications for a fast refresh. Safe to call from any thread.
- (void)onFastRefresh;
* Inform the bridge, and anything subscribing to it, that it should reload.
- (void)requestReload __deprecated_msg("Use RCTReloadCommand instead");
* Says whether bridge has started receiving calls from JavaScript.
- (BOOL)isBatchActive;