219 lines
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219 lines
4.9 KiB
* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @format strict-local
* @flow strict-local
import type {AnyAttributeType} from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes';
import processAspectRatio from '../../StyleSheet/processAspectRatio';
import processBackgroundImage from '../../StyleSheet/processBackgroundImage';
import processBoxShadow from '../../StyleSheet/processBoxShadow';
import processColor from '../../StyleSheet/processColor';
import processFilter from '../../StyleSheet/processFilter';
import processFontVariant from '../../StyleSheet/processFontVariant';
import processTransform from '../../StyleSheet/processTransform';
import processTransformOrigin from '../../StyleSheet/processTransformOrigin';
import sizesDiffer from '../../Utilities/differ/sizesDiffer';
const colorAttributes = {process: processColor};
const ReactNativeStyleAttributes: {[string]: AnyAttributeType, ...} = {
* Layout
alignContent: true,
alignItems: true,
alignSelf: true,
aspectRatio: {process: processAspectRatio},
borderBottomWidth: true,
borderEndWidth: true,
borderLeftWidth: true,
borderRightWidth: true,
borderStartWidth: true,
borderTopWidth: true,
boxSizing: true,
columnGap: true,
borderWidth: true,
bottom: true,
direction: true,
display: true,
end: true,
flex: true,
flexBasis: true,
flexDirection: true,
flexGrow: true,
flexShrink: true,
flexWrap: true,
gap: true,
height: true,
inset: true,
insetBlock: true,
insetBlockEnd: true,
insetBlockStart: true,
insetInline: true,
insetInlineEnd: true,
insetInlineStart: true,
justifyContent: true,
left: true,
margin: true,
marginBlock: true,
marginBlockEnd: true,
marginBlockStart: true,
marginBottom: true,
marginEnd: true,
marginHorizontal: true,
marginInline: true,
marginInlineEnd: true,
marginInlineStart: true,
marginLeft: true,
marginRight: true,
marginStart: true,
marginTop: true,
marginVertical: true,
maxHeight: true,
maxWidth: true,
minHeight: true,
minWidth: true,
overflow: true,
padding: true,
paddingBlock: true,
paddingBlockEnd: true,
paddingBlockStart: true,
paddingBottom: true,
paddingEnd: true,
paddingHorizontal: true,
paddingInline: true,
paddingInlineEnd: true,
paddingInlineStart: true,
paddingLeft: true,
paddingRight: true,
paddingStart: true,
paddingTop: true,
paddingVertical: true,
position: true,
right: true,
rowGap: true,
start: true,
top: true,
width: true,
zIndex: true,
* Shadow
elevation: true,
shadowColor: colorAttributes,
shadowOffset: {diff: sizesDiffer},
shadowOpacity: true,
shadowRadius: true,
* Transform
transform: {process: processTransform},
transformOrigin: {process: processTransformOrigin},
* Filter
filter: {process: processFilter},
* MixBlendMode
mixBlendMode: true,
* Isolation
isolation: true,
* BoxShadow
boxShadow: {process: processBoxShadow},
* Linear Gradient
experimental_backgroundImage: {process: processBackgroundImage},
* View
backfaceVisibility: true,
backgroundColor: colorAttributes,
borderBlockColor: colorAttributes,
borderBlockEndColor: colorAttributes,
borderBlockStartColor: colorAttributes,
borderBottomColor: colorAttributes,
borderBottomEndRadius: true,
borderBottomLeftRadius: true,
borderBottomRightRadius: true,
borderBottomStartRadius: true,
borderColor: colorAttributes,
borderCurve: true,
borderEndColor: colorAttributes,
borderEndEndRadius: true,
borderEndStartRadius: true,
borderLeftColor: colorAttributes,
borderRadius: true,
borderRightColor: colorAttributes,
borderStartColor: colorAttributes,
borderStartEndRadius: true,
borderStartStartRadius: true,
borderStyle: true,
borderTopColor: colorAttributes,
borderTopEndRadius: true,
borderTopLeftRadius: true,
borderTopRightRadius: true,
borderTopStartRadius: true,
cursor: true,
opacity: true,
outlineColor: colorAttributes,
outlineOffset: true,
outlineStyle: true,
outlineWidth: true,
pointerEvents: true,
* Text
color: colorAttributes,
fontFamily: true,
fontSize: true,
fontStyle: true,
fontVariant: {process: processFontVariant},
fontWeight: true,
includeFontPadding: true,
letterSpacing: true,
lineHeight: true,
textAlign: true,
textAlignVertical: true,
textDecorationColor: colorAttributes,
textDecorationLine: true,
textDecorationStyle: true,
textShadowColor: colorAttributes,
textShadowOffset: true,
textShadowRadius: true,
textTransform: true,
userSelect: true,
verticalAlign: true,
writingDirection: true,
* Image
overlayColor: colorAttributes,
resizeMode: true,
tintColor: colorAttributes,
objectFit: true,
module.exports = ReactNativeStyleAttributes;