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AgoraRTC SDK (Version 4.x)

English | 简体中文

Getting Started


Use npm, pnpm or yarn

# with npm
npm i agora-rtc-sdk-ng
# or with pnpm
pnpm add agora-rtc-sdk-ng
# or with yarn
yarn add agora-rtc-sdk-ng

CDN is also provided

<script src="https://download.agora.io/sdk/release/AgoraRTC_N-4.22.1.js"></script>

The SDK exports an AgoraRTC object globally for use.

Quick start

React, Vue, Svelte quick start demo are provided, please check at Quick Start Demo. We also have More Demos.

Please follow the documentation at api-ref.agora.io.


Please check the changelogs at Release Notes.