341 lines
9.5 KiB
341 lines
9.5 KiB
let { execSync } = require('child_process')
let escalade = require('escalade/sync')
let { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } = require('fs')
let { join } = require('path')
let pico = require('picocolors')
const { detectEOL, detectIndent } = require('./utils')
function BrowserslistUpdateError(message) {
this.name = 'BrowserslistUpdateError'
this.message = message
this.browserslist = true
if (Error.captureStackTrace) {
Error.captureStackTrace(this, BrowserslistUpdateError)
BrowserslistUpdateError.prototype = Error.prototype
// Check if HADOOP_HOME is set to determine if this is running in a Hadoop environment
const IsHadoopExists = !!process.env.HADOOP_HOME
const yarnCommand = IsHadoopExists ? 'yarnpkg' : 'yarn'
/* c8 ignore next 3 */
function defaultPrint(str) {
function detectLockfile() {
let packageDir = escalade('.', (dir, names) => {
return names.indexOf('package.json') !== -1 ? dir : ''
if (!packageDir) {
throw new BrowserslistUpdateError(
'Cannot find package.json. ' +
'Is this the right directory to run `npx update-browserslist-db` in?'
let lockfileNpm = join(packageDir, 'package-lock.json')
let lockfileShrinkwrap = join(packageDir, 'npm-shrinkwrap.json')
let lockfileYarn = join(packageDir, 'yarn.lock')
let lockfilePnpm = join(packageDir, 'pnpm-lock.yaml')
let lockfileBun = join(packageDir, 'bun.lockb')
if (existsSync(lockfilePnpm)) {
return { file: lockfilePnpm, mode: 'pnpm' }
} else if (existsSync(lockfileBun)) {
return { file: lockfileBun, mode: 'bun' }
} else if (existsSync(lockfileNpm)) {
return { file: lockfileNpm, mode: 'npm' }
} else if (existsSync(lockfileYarn)) {
let lock = { file: lockfileYarn, mode: 'yarn' }
lock.content = readFileSync(lock.file).toString()
lock.version = /# yarn lockfile v1/.test(lock.content) ? 1 : 2
return lock
} else if (existsSync(lockfileShrinkwrap)) {
return { file: lockfileShrinkwrap, mode: 'npm' }
throw new BrowserslistUpdateError(
'No lockfile found. Run "npm install", "yarn install" or "pnpm install"'
function getLatestInfo(lock) {
if (lock.mode === 'yarn') {
if (lock.version === 1) {
return JSON.parse(
execSync(yarnCommand + ' info caniuse-lite --json').toString()
} else {
return JSON.parse(
execSync(yarnCommand + ' npm info caniuse-lite --json').toString()
if (lock.mode === 'pnpm') {
return JSON.parse(execSync('pnpm info caniuse-lite --json').toString())
if (lock.mode === 'bun') {
// TO-DO: No 'bun info' yet. Created issue: https://github.com/oven-sh/bun/issues/12280
return JSON.parse(execSync(' npm info caniuse-lite --json').toString())
return JSON.parse(execSync('npm show caniuse-lite --json').toString())
function getBrowsers() {
let browserslist = require('browserslist')
return browserslist().reduce((result, entry) => {
if (!result[entry[0]]) {
result[entry[0]] = []
return result
}, {})
function diffBrowsers(old, current) {
let browsers = Object.keys(old).concat(
Object.keys(current).filter(browser => old[browser] === undefined)
return browsers
.map(browser => {
let oldVersions = old[browser] || []
let currentVersions = current[browser] || []
let common = oldVersions.filter(v => currentVersions.includes(v))
let added = currentVersions.filter(v => !common.includes(v))
let removed = oldVersions.filter(v => !common.includes(v))
return removed
.map(v => pico.red('- ' + browser + ' ' + v))
.concat(added.map(v => pico.green('+ ' + browser + ' ' + v)))
.reduce((result, array) => result.concat(array), [])
function updateNpmLockfile(lock, latest) {
let metadata = { latest, versions: [] }
let content = deletePackage(JSON.parse(lock.content), metadata)
metadata.content = JSON.stringify(content, null, detectIndent(lock.content))
return metadata
function deletePackage(node, metadata) {
if (node.dependencies) {
if (node.dependencies['caniuse-lite']) {
let version = node.dependencies['caniuse-lite'].version
metadata.versions[version] = true
delete node.dependencies['caniuse-lite']
for (let i in node.dependencies) {
node.dependencies[i] = deletePackage(node.dependencies[i], metadata)
if (node.packages) {
for (let path in node.packages) {
if (path.endsWith('/caniuse-lite')) {
metadata.versions[node.packages[path].version] = true
delete node.packages[path]
return node
let yarnVersionRe = /version "(.*?)"/
function updateYarnLockfile(lock, latest) {
let blocks = lock.content.split(/(\n{2,})/).map(block => {
return block.split('\n')
let versions = {}
blocks.forEach(lines => {
if (lines[0].indexOf('caniuse-lite@') !== -1) {
let match = yarnVersionRe.exec(lines[1])
versions[match[1]] = true
if (match[1] !== latest.version) {
lines[1] = lines[1].replace(
/version "[^"]+"/,
'version "' + latest.version + '"'
lines[2] = lines[2].replace(
/resolved "[^"]+"/,
'resolved "' + latest.dist.tarball + '"'
if (lines.length === 4) {
lines[3] = latest.dist.integrity
? lines[3].replace(
/integrity .+/,
'integrity ' + latest.dist.integrity
: ''
let content = blocks.map(lines => lines.join('\n')).join('')
return { content, versions }
function updateLockfile(lock, latest) {
if (!lock.content) lock.content = readFileSync(lock.file).toString()
let updatedLockFile
if (lock.mode === 'yarn') {
updatedLockFile = updateYarnLockfile(lock, latest)
} else {
updatedLockFile = updateNpmLockfile(lock, latest)
updatedLockFile.content = updatedLockFile.content.replace(
return updatedLockFile
function updatePackageManually(print, lock, latest) {
let lockfileData = updateLockfile(lock, latest)
let caniuseVersions = Object.keys(lockfileData.versions).sort()
if (caniuseVersions.length === 1 && caniuseVersions[0] === latest.version) {
'Installed version: ' +
pico.bold(pico.green(caniuseVersions[0])) +
'\n' +
pico.bold(pico.green('caniuse-lite is up to date')) +
if (caniuseVersions.length === 0) {
caniuseVersions[0] = 'none'
'Installed version' +
(caniuseVersions.length === 1 ? ': ' : 's: ') +
pico.bold(pico.red(caniuseVersions.join(', '))) +
'\n' +
'Removing old caniuse-lite from lock file\n'
writeFileSync(lock.file, lockfileData.content)
let install =
lock.mode === 'yarn' ? yarnCommand + ' add -W' : lock.mode + ' install'
'Installing new caniuse-lite version\n' +
pico.yellow('$ ' + install + ' caniuse-lite') +
try {
execSync(install + ' caniuse-lite')
} catch (e) /* c8 ignore start */ {
'\n' +
e.stack +
'\n\n' +
'Problem with `' +
install +
' caniuse-lite` call. ' +
'Run it manually.\n'
} /* c8 ignore end */
let del =
lock.mode === 'yarn' ? yarnCommand + ' remove -W' : lock.mode + ' uninstall'
'Cleaning package.json dependencies from caniuse-lite\n' +
pico.yellow('$ ' + del + ' caniuse-lite') +
execSync(del + ' caniuse-lite')
function updateWith(print, cmd) {
print('Updating caniuse-lite version\n' + pico.yellow('$ ' + cmd) + '\n')
try {
} catch (e) /* c8 ignore start */ {
'\n' +
e.stack +
'\n\n' +
'Problem with `' +
cmd +
'` call. ' +
'Run it manually.\n'
} /* c8 ignore end */
module.exports = function updateDB(print = defaultPrint) {
let lock = detectLockfile()
let latest = getLatestInfo(lock)
let listError
let oldList
try {
oldList = getBrowsers()
} catch (e) {
listError = e
print('Latest version: ' + pico.bold(pico.green(latest.version)) + '\n')
if (lock.mode === 'yarn' && lock.version !== 1) {
updateWith(print, yarnCommand + ' up -R caniuse-lite')
} else if (lock.mode === 'pnpm') {
updateWith(print, 'pnpm up caniuse-lite')
} else if (lock.mode === 'bun') {
updateWith(print, 'bun update caniuse-lite')
} else {
updatePackageManually(print, lock, latest)
print('caniuse-lite has been successfully updated\n')
let newList
if (!listError) {
try {
newList = getBrowsers()
} catch (e) /* c8 ignore start */ {
listError = e
} /* c8 ignore end */
if (listError) {
if (listError.message.includes("Cannot find module 'browserslist'")) {
'Install `browserslist` to your direct dependencies ' +
'to see target browser changes\n'
} else {
'Problem with browser list retrieval.\n' +
'Target browser changes won’t be shown.\n'
} else {
let changes = diffBrowsers(oldList, newList)
if (changes) {
print('\nTarget browser changes:\n')
print(changes + '\n')
} else {
print('\n' + pico.green('No target browser changes') + '\n')