
1864 lines
54 KiB

MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
Author Tobias Koppers @sokra
"use strict";
const util = require("util");
const Entrypoint = require("./Entrypoint");
const ModuleGraphConnection = require("./ModuleGraphConnection");
const { first } = require("./util/SetHelpers");
const SortableSet = require("./util/SortableSet");
const {
} = require("./util/comparators");
const createHash = require("./util/createHash");
const findGraphRoots = require("./util/findGraphRoots");
const {
} = require("./util/runtime");
/** @typedef {import("./AsyncDependenciesBlock")} AsyncDependenciesBlock */
/** @typedef {import("./Chunk")} Chunk */
/** @typedef {import("./Chunk").ChunkId} ChunkId */
/** @typedef {import("./ChunkGroup")} ChunkGroup */
/** @typedef {import("./Module")} Module */
/** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraph")} ModuleGraph */
/** @typedef {import("./ModuleGraphConnection").ConnectionState} ConnectionState */
/** @typedef {import("./RuntimeModule")} RuntimeModule */
/** @typedef {typeof import("./util/Hash")} Hash */
/** @typedef {import("./util/runtime").RuntimeSpec} RuntimeSpec */
/** @type {ReadonlySet<string>} */
const EMPTY_SET = new Set();
const ZERO_BIG_INT = BigInt(0);
const compareModuleIterables = compareIterables(compareModulesByIdentifier);
/** @typedef {(c: Chunk, chunkGraph: ChunkGraph) => boolean} ChunkFilterPredicate */
/** @typedef {(m: Module) => boolean} ModuleFilterPredicate */
/** @typedef {[Module, Entrypoint | undefined]} EntryModuleWithChunkGroup */
* @typedef {object} ChunkSizeOptions
* @property {number=} chunkOverhead constant overhead for a chunk
* @property {number=} entryChunkMultiplicator multiplicator for initial chunks
class ModuleHashInfo {
* @param {string} hash hash
* @param {string} renderedHash rendered hash
constructor(hash, renderedHash) {
this.hash = hash;
this.renderedHash = renderedHash;
/** @template T @typedef {(set: SortableSet<T>) => T[]} SetToArrayFunction<T> */
* @template T
* @param {SortableSet<T>} set the set
* @returns {T[]} set as array
const getArray = set => Array.from(set);
* @param {SortableSet<Chunk>} chunks the chunks
* @returns {RuntimeSpecSet} runtimes
const getModuleRuntimes = chunks => {
const runtimes = new RuntimeSpecSet();
for (const chunk of chunks) {
return runtimes;
* @param {WeakMap<Module, Set<string>> | undefined} sourceTypesByModule sourceTypesByModule
* @returns {function (SortableSet<Module>): Map<string, SortableSet<Module>>} modules by source type
const modulesBySourceType = sourceTypesByModule => set => {
/** @type {Map<string, SortableSet<Module>>} */
const map = new Map();
for (const module of set) {
const sourceTypes =
(sourceTypesByModule && sourceTypesByModule.get(module)) ||
for (const sourceType of sourceTypes) {
let innerSet = map.get(sourceType);
if (innerSet === undefined) {
innerSet = new SortableSet();
map.set(sourceType, innerSet);
for (const [key, innerSet] of map) {
// When all modules have the source type, we reuse the original SortableSet
// to benefit from the shared cache (especially for sorting)
if (innerSet.size === set.size) {
map.set(key, set);
return map;
const defaultModulesBySourceType = modulesBySourceType(undefined);
/** @type {WeakMap<Function, any>} */
const createOrderedArrayFunctionMap = new WeakMap();
* @template T
* @param {function(T, T): -1|0|1} comparator comparator function
* @returns {SetToArrayFunction<T>} set as ordered array
const createOrderedArrayFunction = comparator => {
/** @type {SetToArrayFunction<T>} */
let fn = createOrderedArrayFunctionMap.get(comparator);
if (fn !== undefined) return fn;
fn = set => {
return Array.from(set);
createOrderedArrayFunctionMap.set(comparator, fn);
return fn;
* @param {Iterable<Module>} modules the modules to get the count/size of
* @returns {number} the size of the modules
const getModulesSize = modules => {
let size = 0;
for (const module of modules) {
for (const type of module.getSourceTypes()) {
size += module.size(type);
return size;
* @param {Iterable<Module>} modules the sortable Set to get the size of
* @returns {Record<string, number>} the sizes of the modules
const getModulesSizes = modules => {
const sizes = Object.create(null);
for (const module of modules) {
for (const type of module.getSourceTypes()) {
sizes[type] = (sizes[type] || 0) + module.size(type);
return sizes;
* @param {Chunk} a chunk
* @param {Chunk} b chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, if a is always a parent of b
const isAvailableChunk = (a, b) => {
const queue = new Set(b.groupsIterable);
for (const chunkGroup of queue) {
if (a.isInGroup(chunkGroup)) continue;
if (chunkGroup.isInitial()) return false;
for (const parent of chunkGroup.parentsIterable) {
return true;
/** @typedef {Set<Chunk>} EntryInChunks */
/** @typedef {Set<Chunk>} RuntimeInChunks */
/** @typedef {string | number} ModuleId */
class ChunkGraphModule {
constructor() {
/** @type {SortableSet<Chunk>} */
this.chunks = new SortableSet();
/** @type {EntryInChunks | undefined} */
this.entryInChunks = undefined;
/** @type {RuntimeInChunks | undefined} */
this.runtimeInChunks = undefined;
/** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<ModuleHashInfo> | undefined} */
this.hashes = undefined;
/** @type {ModuleId | null} */
this.id = null;
/** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<Set<string>> | undefined} */
this.runtimeRequirements = undefined;
/** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<string> | undefined} */
this.graphHashes = undefined;
/** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<string> | undefined} */
this.graphHashesWithConnections = undefined;
class ChunkGraphChunk {
constructor() {
/** @type {SortableSet<Module>} */
this.modules = new SortableSet();
/** @type {WeakMap<Module, Set<string>> | undefined} */
this.sourceTypesByModule = undefined;
/** @type {Map<Module, Entrypoint>} */
this.entryModules = new Map();
/** @type {SortableSet<RuntimeModule>} */
this.runtimeModules = new SortableSet();
/** @type {Set<RuntimeModule> | undefined} */
this.fullHashModules = undefined;
/** @type {Set<RuntimeModule> | undefined} */
this.dependentHashModules = undefined;
/** @type {Set<string> | undefined} */
this.runtimeRequirements = undefined;
/** @type {Set<string>} */
this.runtimeRequirementsInTree = new Set();
this._modulesBySourceType = defaultModulesBySourceType;
class ChunkGraph {
* @param {ModuleGraph} moduleGraph the module graph
* @param {string | Hash} hashFunction the hash function to use
constructor(moduleGraph, hashFunction = "md4") {
* @private
* @type {WeakMap<Module, ChunkGraphModule>}
this._modules = new WeakMap();
* @private
* @type {WeakMap<Chunk, ChunkGraphChunk>}
this._chunks = new WeakMap();
* @private
* @type {WeakMap<AsyncDependenciesBlock, ChunkGroup>}
this._blockChunkGroups = new WeakMap();
* @private
* @type {Map<string, string | number>}
this._runtimeIds = new Map();
/** @type {ModuleGraph} */
this.moduleGraph = moduleGraph;
this._hashFunction = hashFunction;
this._getGraphRoots = this._getGraphRoots.bind(this);
* @private
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ChunkGraphModule} internal module
_getChunkGraphModule(module) {
let cgm = this._modules.get(module);
if (cgm === undefined) {
cgm = new ChunkGraphModule();
this._modules.set(module, cgm);
return cgm;
* @private
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {ChunkGraphChunk} internal chunk
_getChunkGraphChunk(chunk) {
let cgc = this._chunks.get(chunk);
if (cgc === undefined) {
cgc = new ChunkGraphChunk();
this._chunks.set(chunk, cgc);
return cgc;
* @param {SortableSet<Module>} set the sortable Set to get the roots of
* @returns {Module[]} the graph roots
_getGraphRoots(set) {
const { moduleGraph } = this;
return Array.from(
findGraphRoots(set, module => {
/** @type {Set<Module>} */
const set = new Set();
* @param {Module} module module
const addDependencies = module => {
for (const connection of moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module)) {
if (!connection.module) continue;
const activeState = connection.getActiveState(undefined);
if (activeState === false) continue;
if (activeState === ModuleGraphConnection.TRANSITIVE_ONLY) {
return set;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {void}
connectChunkAndModule(chunk, module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {void}
disconnectChunkAndModule(chunk, module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
// No need to invalidate cgc._modulesBySourceType because we modified cgc.modules anyway
if (cgc.sourceTypesByModule) cgc.sourceTypesByModule.delete(module);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk which will be disconnected
* @returns {void}
disconnectChunk(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
for (const module of cgc.modules) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Iterable<Module>} modules the modules
* @returns {void}
attachModules(chunk, modules) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
for (const module of modules) {
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Iterable<RuntimeModule>} modules the runtime modules
* @returns {void}
attachRuntimeModules(chunk, modules) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
for (const module of modules) {
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Iterable<RuntimeModule>} modules the modules that require a full hash
* @returns {void}
attachFullHashModules(chunk, modules) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.fullHashModules === undefined) cgc.fullHashModules = new Set();
for (const module of modules) {
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Iterable<RuntimeModule>} modules the modules that require a full hash
* @returns {void}
attachDependentHashModules(chunk, modules) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.dependentHashModules === undefined)
cgc.dependentHashModules = new Set();
for (const module of modules) {
* @param {Module} oldModule the replaced module
* @param {Module} newModule the replacing module
* @returns {void}
replaceModule(oldModule, newModule) {
const oldCgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(oldModule);
const newCgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(newModule);
for (const chunk of oldCgm.chunks) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (oldCgm.entryInChunks !== undefined) {
if (newCgm.entryInChunks === undefined) {
newCgm.entryInChunks = new Set();
for (const chunk of oldCgm.entryInChunks) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const old = /** @type {Entrypoint} */ (cgc.entryModules.get(oldModule));
/** @type {Map<Module, Entrypoint>} */
const newEntryModules = new Map();
for (const [m, cg] of cgc.entryModules) {
if (m === oldModule) {
newEntryModules.set(newModule, old);
} else {
newEntryModules.set(m, cg);
cgc.entryModules = newEntryModules;
oldCgm.entryInChunks = undefined;
if (oldCgm.runtimeInChunks !== undefined) {
if (newCgm.runtimeInChunks === undefined) {
newCgm.runtimeInChunks = new Set();
for (const chunk of oldCgm.runtimeInChunks) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
cgc.runtimeModules.delete(/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (oldModule));
cgc.runtimeModules.add(/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (newModule));
if (
cgc.fullHashModules !== undefined &&
cgc.fullHashModules.has(/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (oldModule))
) {
cgc.fullHashModules.delete(/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (oldModule));
cgc.fullHashModules.add(/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (newModule));
if (
cgc.dependentHashModules !== undefined &&
cgc.dependentHashModules.has(/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (oldModule))
) {
/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (oldModule)
/** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (newModule)
oldCgm.runtimeInChunks = undefined;
* @param {Module} module the checked module
* @param {Chunk} chunk the checked chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk contains the module
isModuleInChunk(module, chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules.has(module);
* @param {Module} module the checked module
* @param {ChunkGroup} chunkGroup the checked chunk group
* @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk contains the module
isModuleInChunkGroup(module, chunkGroup) {
for (const chunk of chunkGroup.chunks) {
if (this.isModuleInChunk(module, chunk)) return true;
return false;
* @param {Module} module the checked module
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module is entry of any chunk
isEntryModule(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.entryInChunks !== undefined;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {Iterable<Chunk>} iterable of chunks (do not modify)
getModuleChunksIterable(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.chunks;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {function(Chunk, Chunk): -1|0|1} sortFn sort function
* @returns {Iterable<Chunk>} iterable of chunks (do not modify)
getOrderedModuleChunksIterable(module, sortFn) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.chunks;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {Chunk[]} array of chunks (cached, do not modify)
getModuleChunks(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.chunks.getFromCache(getArray);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {number} the number of chunk which contain the module
getNumberOfModuleChunks(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.chunks.size;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {RuntimeSpecSet} runtimes
getModuleRuntimes(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.chunks.getFromUnorderedCache(getModuleRuntimes);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {number} the number of modules which are contained in this chunk
getNumberOfChunkModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules.size;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {number} the number of full hash modules which are contained in this chunk
getNumberOfChunkFullHashModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.fullHashModules === undefined ? 0 : cgc.fullHashModules.size;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<Module>} return the modules for this chunk
getChunkModulesIterable(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {string} sourceType source type
* @returns {Iterable<Module> | undefined} return the modules for this chunk
getChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(chunk, sourceType) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const modulesWithSourceType = cgc.modules
return modulesWithSourceType;
* @param {Chunk} chunk chunk
* @param {Module} module chunk module
* @param {Set<string>} sourceTypes source types
setChunkModuleSourceTypes(chunk, module, sourceTypes) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.sourceTypesByModule === undefined) {
cgc.sourceTypesByModule = new WeakMap();
cgc.sourceTypesByModule.set(module, sourceTypes);
// Update cgc._modulesBySourceType to invalidate the cache
cgc._modulesBySourceType = modulesBySourceType(cgc.sourceTypesByModule);
* @param {Chunk} chunk chunk
* @param {Module} module chunk module
* @returns {Set<string>} source types
getChunkModuleSourceTypes(chunk, module) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.sourceTypesByModule === undefined) {
return module.getSourceTypes();
return cgc.sourceTypesByModule.get(module) || module.getSourceTypes();
* @param {Module} module module
* @returns {Set<string>} source types
getModuleSourceTypes(module) {
return (
this._getOverwrittenModuleSourceTypes(module) || module.getSourceTypes()
* @param {Module} module module
* @returns {Set<string> | undefined} source types
_getOverwrittenModuleSourceTypes(module) {
let newSet = false;
let sourceTypes;
for (const chunk of this.getModuleChunksIterable(module)) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.sourceTypesByModule === undefined) return;
const st = cgc.sourceTypesByModule.get(module);
if (st === undefined) return;
if (!sourceTypes) {
sourceTypes = st;
} else if (!newSet) {
for (const type of st) {
if (!newSet) {
if (!sourceTypes.has(type)) {
newSet = true;
sourceTypes = new Set(sourceTypes);
} else {
} else {
for (const type of st) sourceTypes.add(type);
return sourceTypes;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {function(Module, Module): -1|0|1} comparator comparator function
* @returns {Iterable<Module>} return the modules for this chunk
getOrderedChunkModulesIterable(chunk, comparator) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {string} sourceType source type
* @param {function(Module, Module): -1|0|1} comparator comparator function
* @returns {Iterable<Module> | undefined} return the modules for this chunk
getOrderedChunkModulesIterableBySourceType(chunk, sourceType, comparator) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const modulesWithSourceType = cgc.modules
if (modulesWithSourceType === undefined) return;
return modulesWithSourceType;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Module[]} return the modules for this chunk (cached, do not modify)
getChunkModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules.getFromUnorderedCache(getArray);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {function(Module, Module): -1|0|1} comparator comparator function
* @returns {Module[]} return the modules for this chunk (cached, do not modify)
getOrderedChunkModules(chunk, comparator) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const arrayFunction = createOrderedArrayFunction(comparator);
return cgc.modules.getFromUnorderedCache(arrayFunction);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {ModuleFilterPredicate} filterFn function used to filter modules
* @param {boolean} includeAllChunks all chunks or only async chunks
* @returns {Record<string|number, (string|number)[]>} chunk to module ids object
getChunkModuleIdMap(chunk, filterFn, includeAllChunks = false) {
/** @type {Record<string|number, (string|number)[]>} */
const chunkModuleIdMap = Object.create(null);
for (const asyncChunk of includeAllChunks
? chunk.getAllReferencedChunks()
: chunk.getAllAsyncChunks()) {
/** @type {(string | number)[] | undefined} */
let array;
for (const module of this.getOrderedChunkModulesIterable(
)) {
if (filterFn(module)) {
if (array === undefined) {
array = [];
chunkModuleIdMap[/** @type {ChunkId} */ (asyncChunk.id)] = array;
const moduleId = /** @type {ModuleId} */ (this.getModuleId(module));
return chunkModuleIdMap;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {ModuleFilterPredicate} filterFn function used to filter modules
* @param {number} hashLength length of the hash
* @param {boolean} includeAllChunks all chunks or only async chunks
* @returns {Record<string|number, Record<string|number, string>>} chunk to module id to module hash object
hashLength = 0,
includeAllChunks = false
) {
/** @type {Record<ChunkId, Record<string|number, string>>} */
const chunkModuleHashMap = Object.create(null);
/** @typedef {Record<string|number, string>} IdToHashMap */
for (const asyncChunk of includeAllChunks
? chunk.getAllReferencedChunks()
: chunk.getAllAsyncChunks()) {
/** @type {IdToHashMap | undefined} */
let idToHashMap;
for (const module of this.getOrderedChunkModulesIterable(
)) {
if (filterFn(module)) {
if (idToHashMap === undefined) {
idToHashMap = Object.create(null);
chunkModuleHashMap[/** @type {ChunkId} */ (asyncChunk.id)] =
/** @type {IdToHashMap} */ (idToHashMap);
const moduleId = this.getModuleId(module);
const hash = this.getRenderedModuleHash(module, asyncChunk.runtime);
/** @type {IdToHashMap} */
(idToHashMap)[/** @type {ModuleId} */ (moduleId)] = hashLength
? hash.slice(0, hashLength)
: hash;
return chunkModuleHashMap;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {ChunkFilterPredicate} filterFn function used to filter chunks
* @returns {Record<string|number, boolean>} chunk map
getChunkConditionMap(chunk, filterFn) {
const map = Object.create(null);
for (const c of chunk.getAllReferencedChunks()) {
map[/** @type {ChunkId} */ (c.id)] = filterFn(c, this);
return map;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {ModuleFilterPredicate} filterFn predicate function used to filter modules
* @param {ChunkFilterPredicate=} filterChunkFn predicate function used to filter chunks
* @returns {boolean} return true if module exists in graph
hasModuleInGraph(chunk, filterFn, filterChunkFn) {
const queue = new Set(chunk.groupsIterable);
const chunksProcessed = new Set();
for (const chunkGroup of queue) {
for (const innerChunk of chunkGroup.chunks) {
if (!chunksProcessed.has(innerChunk)) {
if (!filterChunkFn || filterChunkFn(innerChunk, this)) {
for (const module of this.getChunkModulesIterable(innerChunk)) {
if (filterFn(module)) {
return true;
for (const child of chunkGroup.childrenIterable) {
return false;
* @param {Chunk} chunkA first chunk
* @param {Chunk} chunkB second chunk
* @returns {-1|0|1} this is a comparator function like sort and returns -1, 0, or 1 based on sort order
compareChunks(chunkA, chunkB) {
const cgcA = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunkA);
const cgcB = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunkB);
if (cgcA.modules.size > cgcB.modules.size) return -1;
if (cgcA.modules.size < cgcB.modules.size) return 1;
return compareModuleIterables(cgcA.modules, cgcB.modules);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {number} total size of all modules in the chunk
getChunkModulesSize(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules.getFromUnorderedCache(getModulesSize);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Record<string, number>} total sizes of all modules in the chunk by source type
getChunkModulesSizes(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules.getFromUnorderedCache(getModulesSizes);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Module[]} root modules of the chunks (ordered by identifier)
getChunkRootModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.modules.getFromUnorderedCache(this._getGraphRoots);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {ChunkSizeOptions} options options object
* @returns {number} total size of the chunk
getChunkSize(chunk, options = {}) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const modulesSize = cgc.modules.getFromUnorderedCache(getModulesSize);
const chunkOverhead =
typeof options.chunkOverhead === "number" ? options.chunkOverhead : 10000;
const entryChunkMultiplicator =
typeof options.entryChunkMultiplicator === "number"
? options.entryChunkMultiplicator
: 10;
return (
chunkOverhead +
modulesSize * (chunk.canBeInitial() ? entryChunkMultiplicator : 1)
* @param {Chunk} chunkA chunk
* @param {Chunk} chunkB chunk
* @param {ChunkSizeOptions} options options object
* @returns {number} total size of the chunk or false if chunks can't be integrated
getIntegratedChunksSize(chunkA, chunkB, options = {}) {
const cgcA = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunkA);
const cgcB = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunkB);
const allModules = new Set(cgcA.modules);
for (const m of cgcB.modules) allModules.add(m);
const modulesSize = getModulesSize(allModules);
const chunkOverhead =
typeof options.chunkOverhead === "number" ? options.chunkOverhead : 10000;
const entryChunkMultiplicator =
typeof options.entryChunkMultiplicator === "number"
? options.entryChunkMultiplicator
: 10;
return (
chunkOverhead +
modulesSize *
(chunkA.canBeInitial() || chunkB.canBeInitial()
? entryChunkMultiplicator
: 1)
* @param {Chunk} chunkA chunk
* @param {Chunk} chunkB chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, if chunks could be integrated
canChunksBeIntegrated(chunkA, chunkB) {
if (chunkA.preventIntegration || chunkB.preventIntegration) {
return false;
const hasRuntimeA = chunkA.hasRuntime();
const hasRuntimeB = chunkB.hasRuntime();
if (hasRuntimeA !== hasRuntimeB) {
if (hasRuntimeA) {
return isAvailableChunk(chunkA, chunkB);
} else if (hasRuntimeB) {
return isAvailableChunk(chunkB, chunkA);
return false;
if (
this.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunkA) > 0 ||
this.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunkB) > 0
) {
return false;
return true;
* @param {Chunk} chunkA the target chunk
* @param {Chunk} chunkB the chunk to integrate
* @returns {void}
integrateChunks(chunkA, chunkB) {
// Decide for one name (deterministic)
if (chunkA.name && chunkB.name) {
if (
this.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunkA) > 0 ===
this.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunkB) > 0
) {
// When both chunks have entry modules or none have one, use
// shortest name
if (chunkA.name.length !== chunkB.name.length) {
chunkA.name =
chunkA.name.length < chunkB.name.length ? chunkA.name : chunkB.name;
} else {
chunkA.name = chunkA.name < chunkB.name ? chunkA.name : chunkB.name;
} else if (this.getNumberOfEntryModules(chunkB) > 0) {
// Pick the name of the chunk with the entry module
chunkA.name = chunkB.name;
} else if (chunkB.name) {
chunkA.name = chunkB.name;
// Merge id name hints
for (const hint of chunkB.idNameHints) {
// Merge runtime
chunkA.runtime = mergeRuntime(chunkA.runtime, chunkB.runtime);
// getChunkModules is used here to create a clone, because disconnectChunkAndModule modifies
for (const module of this.getChunkModules(chunkB)) {
this.disconnectChunkAndModule(chunkB, module);
this.connectChunkAndModule(chunkA, module);
for (const [module, chunkGroup] of Array.from(
)) {
this.disconnectChunkAndEntryModule(chunkB, module);
/** @type {Entrypoint} */
for (const chunkGroup of chunkB.groupsIterable) {
chunkGroup.replaceChunk(chunkB, chunkA);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk to upgrade
* @returns {void}
upgradeDependentToFullHashModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.dependentHashModules === undefined) return;
if (cgc.fullHashModules === undefined) {
cgc.fullHashModules = cgc.dependentHashModules;
} else {
for (const m of cgc.dependentHashModules) {
cgc.dependentHashModules = undefined;
* @param {Module} module the checked module
* @param {Chunk} chunk the checked chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, if the chunk contains the module as entry
isEntryModuleInChunk(module, chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.entryModules.has(module);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {Module} module the entry module
* @param {Entrypoint} entrypoint the chunk group which must be loaded before the module is executed
* @returns {void}
connectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk, module, entrypoint) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgm.entryInChunks === undefined) {
cgm.entryInChunks = new Set();
cgc.entryModules.set(module, entrypoint);
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {RuntimeModule} module the runtime module
* @returns {void}
connectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk, module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgm.runtimeInChunks === undefined) {
cgm.runtimeInChunks = new Set();
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {RuntimeModule} module the module that require a full hash
* @returns {void}
addFullHashModuleToChunk(chunk, module) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.fullHashModules === undefined) cgc.fullHashModules = new Set();
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {RuntimeModule} module the module that require a full hash
* @returns {void}
addDependentHashModuleToChunk(chunk, module) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
if (cgc.dependentHashModules === undefined)
cgc.dependentHashModules = new Set();
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {Module} module the entry module
* @returns {void}
disconnectChunkAndEntryModule(chunk, module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
/** @type {EntryInChunks} */
if (/** @type {EntryInChunks} */ (cgm.entryInChunks).size === 0) {
cgm.entryInChunks = undefined;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the new chunk
* @param {RuntimeModule} module the runtime module
* @returns {void}
disconnectChunkAndRuntimeModule(chunk, module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
/** @type {RuntimeInChunks} */
if (/** @type {RuntimeInChunks} */ (cgm.runtimeInChunks).size === 0) {
cgm.runtimeInChunks = undefined;
* @param {Module} module the entry module, it will no longer be entry
* @returns {void}
disconnectEntryModule(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
for (const chunk of /** @type {EntryInChunks} */ (cgm.entryInChunks)) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
cgm.entryInChunks = undefined;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk, for which all entries will be removed
* @returns {void}
disconnectEntries(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
for (const module of cgc.entryModules.keys()) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
/** @type {EntryInChunks} */
if (/** @type {EntryInChunks} */ (cgm.entryInChunks).size === 0) {
cgm.entryInChunks = undefined;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {number} the amount of entry modules in chunk
getNumberOfEntryModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.entryModules.size;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {number} the amount of entry modules in chunk
getNumberOfRuntimeModules(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.runtimeModules.size;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<Module>} iterable of modules (do not modify)
getChunkEntryModulesIterable(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.entryModules.keys();
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<Chunk>} iterable of chunks
getChunkEntryDependentChunksIterable(chunk) {
/** @type {Set<Chunk>} */
const set = new Set();
for (const chunkGroup of chunk.groupsIterable) {
if (chunkGroup instanceof Entrypoint) {
const entrypointChunk = chunkGroup.getEntrypointChunk();
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(entrypointChunk);
for (const chunkGroup of cgc.entryModules.values()) {
for (const c of chunkGroup.chunks) {
if (c !== chunk && c !== entrypointChunk && !c.hasRuntime()) {
return set;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {boolean} true, when it has dependent chunks
hasChunkEntryDependentChunks(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
for (const chunkGroup of cgc.entryModules.values()) {
for (const c of chunkGroup.chunks) {
if (c !== chunk) {
return true;
return false;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<RuntimeModule>} iterable of modules (do not modify)
getChunkRuntimeModulesIterable(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.runtimeModules;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {RuntimeModule[]} array of modules in order of execution
getChunkRuntimeModulesInOrder(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const array = Array.from(cgc.runtimeModules);
compareSelect(r => /** @type {RuntimeModule} */ (r).stage, compareIds),
return array;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<RuntimeModule> | undefined} iterable of modules (do not modify)
getChunkFullHashModulesIterable(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.fullHashModules;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {ReadonlySet<RuntimeModule> | undefined} set of modules (do not modify)
getChunkFullHashModulesSet(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.fullHashModules;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<RuntimeModule> | undefined} iterable of modules (do not modify)
getChunkDependentHashModulesIterable(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.dependentHashModules;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {Iterable<EntryModuleWithChunkGroup>} iterable of modules (do not modify)
getChunkEntryModulesWithChunkGroupIterable(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.entryModules;
* @param {AsyncDependenciesBlock} depBlock the async block
* @returns {ChunkGroup | undefined} the chunk group
getBlockChunkGroup(depBlock) {
return this._blockChunkGroups.get(depBlock);
* @param {AsyncDependenciesBlock} depBlock the async block
* @param {ChunkGroup} chunkGroup the chunk group
* @returns {void}
connectBlockAndChunkGroup(depBlock, chunkGroup) {
this._blockChunkGroups.set(depBlock, chunkGroup);
* @param {ChunkGroup} chunkGroup the chunk group
* @returns {void}
disconnectChunkGroup(chunkGroup) {
for (const block of chunkGroup.blocksIterable) {
// TODO refactor by moving blocks list into ChunkGraph
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ModuleId | null} the id of the module
getModuleId(module) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return cgm.id;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {ModuleId} id the id of the module
* @returns {void}
setModuleId(module, id) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
cgm.id = id;
* @param {string} runtime runtime
* @returns {string | number} the id of the runtime
getRuntimeId(runtime) {
return /** @type {string | number} */ (this._runtimeIds.get(runtime));
* @param {string} runtime runtime
* @param {string | number} id the id of the runtime
* @returns {void}
setRuntimeId(runtime, id) {
this._runtimeIds.set(runtime, id);
* @template T
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpecMap<T>} hashes hashes data
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {T} hash
_getModuleHashInfo(module, hashes, runtime) {
if (!hashes) {
throw new Error(
`Module ${module.identifier()} has no hash info for runtime ${runtimeToString(
)} (hashes not set at all)`
} else if (runtime === undefined) {
const hashInfoItems = new Set(hashes.values());
if (hashInfoItems.size !== 1) {
throw new Error(
`No unique hash info entry for unspecified runtime for ${module.identifier()} (existing runtimes: ${Array.from(
r => runtimeToString(r)
).join(", ")}).
Caller might not support runtime-dependent code generation (opt-out via optimization.usedExports: "global").`
return /** @type {T} */ (first(hashInfoItems));
} else {
const hashInfo = hashes.get(runtime);
if (!hashInfo) {
throw new Error(
`Module ${module.identifier()} has no hash info for runtime ${runtimeToString(
)} (available runtimes ${Array.from(
).join(", ")})`
return hashInfo;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {boolean} true, if the module has hashes for this runtime
hasModuleHashes(module, runtime) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const hashes = /** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<ModuleHashInfo>} */ (cgm.hashes);
return hashes && hashes.has(runtime);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {string} hash
getModuleHash(module, runtime) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const hashes = /** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<ModuleHashInfo>} */ (cgm.hashes);
return this._getModuleHashInfo(module, hashes, runtime).hash;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {string} hash
getRenderedModuleHash(module, runtime) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const hashes = /** @type {RuntimeSpecMap<ModuleHashInfo>} */ (cgm.hashes);
return this._getModuleHashInfo(module, hashes, runtime).renderedHash;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @param {string} hash the full hash
* @param {string} renderedHash the shortened hash for rendering
* @returns {void}
setModuleHashes(module, runtime, hash, renderedHash) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
if (cgm.hashes === undefined) {
cgm.hashes = new RuntimeSpecMap();
cgm.hashes.set(runtime, new ModuleHashInfo(hash, renderedHash));
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @param {Set<string>} items runtime requirements to be added (ownership of this Set is given to ChunkGraph when transferOwnership not false)
* @param {boolean} transferOwnership true: transfer ownership of the items object, false: items is immutable and shared and won't be modified
* @returns {void}
transferOwnership = true
) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const runtimeRequirementsMap = cgm.runtimeRequirements;
if (runtimeRequirementsMap === undefined) {
const map = new RuntimeSpecMap();
// TODO avoid cloning item and track ownership instead
map.set(runtime, transferOwnership ? items : new Set(items));
cgm.runtimeRequirements = map;
runtimeRequirementsMap.update(runtime, runtimeRequirements => {
if (runtimeRequirements === undefined) {
return transferOwnership ? items : new Set(items);
} else if (!transferOwnership || runtimeRequirements.size >= items.size) {
for (const item of items) runtimeRequirements.add(item);
return runtimeRequirements;
for (const item of runtimeRequirements) items.add(item);
return items;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Set<string>} items runtime requirements to be added (ownership of this Set is given to ChunkGraph)
* @returns {void}
addChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk, items) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const runtimeRequirements = cgc.runtimeRequirements;
if (runtimeRequirements === undefined) {
cgc.runtimeRequirements = items;
} else if (runtimeRequirements.size >= items.size) {
for (const item of items) runtimeRequirements.add(item);
} else {
for (const item of runtimeRequirements) items.add(item);
cgc.runtimeRequirements = items;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {Iterable<string>} items runtime requirements to be added
* @returns {void}
addTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk, items) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const runtimeRequirements = cgc.runtimeRequirementsInTree;
for (const item of items) runtimeRequirements.add(item);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {ReadonlySet<string>} runtime requirements
getModuleRuntimeRequirements(module, runtime) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
const runtimeRequirements =
cgm.runtimeRequirements && cgm.runtimeRequirements.get(runtime);
return runtimeRequirements === undefined ? EMPTY_SET : runtimeRequirements;
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {ReadonlySet<string>} runtime requirements
getChunkRuntimeRequirements(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
const runtimeRequirements = cgc.runtimeRequirements;
return runtimeRequirements === undefined ? EMPTY_SET : runtimeRequirements;
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @param {boolean} withConnections include connections
* @returns {string} hash
getModuleGraphHash(module, runtime, withConnections = true) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return withConnections
? this._getModuleGraphHashWithConnections(cgm, module, runtime)
: this._getModuleGraphHashBigInt(cgm, module, runtime).toString(16);
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @param {boolean} withConnections include connections
* @returns {bigint} hash
getModuleGraphHashBigInt(module, runtime, withConnections = true) {
const cgm = this._getChunkGraphModule(module);
return withConnections
? BigInt(
`0x${this._getModuleGraphHashWithConnections(cgm, module, runtime)}`
: this._getModuleGraphHashBigInt(cgm, module, runtime);
* @param {ChunkGraphModule} cgm the ChunkGraphModule
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {bigint} hash as big int
_getModuleGraphHashBigInt(cgm, module, runtime) {
if (cgm.graphHashes === undefined) {
cgm.graphHashes = new RuntimeSpecMap();
const graphHash = cgm.graphHashes.provide(runtime, () => {
const hash = createHash(this._hashFunction);
const sourceTypes = this._getOverwrittenModuleSourceTypes(module);
if (sourceTypes !== undefined) {
for (const type of sourceTypes) hash.update(type);
this.moduleGraph.getExportsInfo(module).updateHash(hash, runtime);
return BigInt(`0x${/** @type {string} */ (hash.digest("hex"))}`);
return graphHash;
* @param {ChunkGraphModule} cgm the ChunkGraphModule
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {RuntimeSpec} runtime the runtime
* @returns {string} hash
_getModuleGraphHashWithConnections(cgm, module, runtime) {
if (cgm.graphHashesWithConnections === undefined) {
cgm.graphHashesWithConnections = new RuntimeSpecMap();
* @param {ConnectionState} state state
* @returns {"F" | "T" | "O"} result
const activeStateToString = state => {
if (state === false) return "F";
if (state === true) return "T";
if (state === ModuleGraphConnection.TRANSITIVE_ONLY) return "O";
throw new Error("Not implemented active state");
const strict = module.buildMeta && module.buildMeta.strictHarmonyModule;
return cgm.graphHashesWithConnections.provide(runtime, () => {
const graphHash = this._getModuleGraphHashBigInt(
const connections = this.moduleGraph.getOutgoingConnections(module);
/** @type {Set<Module>} */
const activeNamespaceModules = new Set();
/** @type {Map<string, Module | Set<Module>>} */
const connectedModules = new Map();
* @param {ModuleGraphConnection} connection connection
* @param {string} stateInfo state info
const processConnection = (connection, stateInfo) => {
const module = connection.module;
stateInfo += module.getExportsType(this.moduleGraph, strict);
// cspell:word Tnamespace
if (stateInfo === "Tnamespace") activeNamespaceModules.add(module);
else {
const oldModule = connectedModules.get(stateInfo);
if (oldModule === undefined) {
connectedModules.set(stateInfo, module);
} else if (oldModule instanceof Set) {
} else if (oldModule !== module) {
connectedModules.set(stateInfo, new Set([oldModule, module]));
if (runtime === undefined || typeof runtime === "string") {
for (const connection of connections) {
const state = connection.getActiveState(runtime);
if (state === false) continue;
processConnection(connection, state === true ? "T" : "O");
} else {
// cspell:word Tnamespace
for (const connection of connections) {
const states = new Set();
let stateInfo = "";
runtime => {
const state = connection.getActiveState(runtime);
stateInfo += activeStateToString(state) + runtime;
if (states.size === 1) {
const state = first(states);
if (state === false) continue;
stateInfo = activeStateToString(state);
processConnection(connection, stateInfo);
// cspell:word Tnamespace
if (activeNamespaceModules.size === 0 && connectedModules.size === 0)
return graphHash;
const connectedModulesInOrder =
connectedModules.size > 1
? Array.from(connectedModules).sort(([a], [b]) => (a < b ? -1 : 1))
: connectedModules;
const hash = createHash(this._hashFunction);
* @param {Module} module module
const addModuleToHash = module => {
* @param {Set<Module>} modules modules
const addModulesToHash = modules => {
let xor = ZERO_BIG_INT;
for (const m of modules) {
xor =
xor ^
if (activeNamespaceModules.size === 1)
/** @type {Module} */ (activeNamespaceModules.values().next().value)
else if (activeNamespaceModules.size > 1)
for (const [stateInfo, modules] of connectedModulesInOrder) {
if (modules instanceof Set) {
} else {
return /** @type {string} */ (hash.digest("hex"));
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {ReadonlySet<string>} runtime requirements
getTreeRuntimeRequirements(chunk) {
const cgc = this._getChunkGraphChunk(chunk);
return cgc.runtimeRequirementsInTree;
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {string} deprecateMessage message for the deprecation message
* @param {string} deprecationCode code for the deprecation
* @returns {ChunkGraph} the chunk graph
static getChunkGraphForModule(module, deprecateMessage, deprecationCode) {
const fn = deprecateGetChunkGraphForModuleMap.get(deprecateMessage);
if (fn) return fn(module);
const newFn = util.deprecate(
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {ChunkGraph} the chunk graph
module => {
const chunkGraph = chunkGraphForModuleMap.get(module);
if (!chunkGraph)
throw new Error(
}: There was no ChunkGraph assigned to the Module for backward-compat (Use the new API)`
return chunkGraph;
`${deprecateMessage}: Use new ChunkGraph API`,
deprecateGetChunkGraphForModuleMap.set(deprecateMessage, newFn);
return newFn(module);
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Module} module the module
* @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph
* @returns {void}
static setChunkGraphForModule(module, chunkGraph) {
chunkGraphForModuleMap.set(module, chunkGraph);
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Module} module the module
* @returns {void}
static clearChunkGraphForModule(module) {
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {string} deprecateMessage message for the deprecation message
* @param {string} deprecationCode code for the deprecation
* @returns {ChunkGraph} the chunk graph
static getChunkGraphForChunk(chunk, deprecateMessage, deprecationCode) {
const fn = deprecateGetChunkGraphForChunkMap.get(deprecateMessage);
if (fn) return fn(chunk);
const newFn = util.deprecate(
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {ChunkGraph} the chunk graph
chunk => {
const chunkGraph = chunkGraphForChunkMap.get(chunk);
if (!chunkGraph)
throw new Error(
}There was no ChunkGraph assigned to the Chunk for backward-compat (Use the new API)`
return chunkGraph;
`${deprecateMessage}: Use new ChunkGraph API`,
deprecateGetChunkGraphForChunkMap.set(deprecateMessage, newFn);
return newFn(chunk);
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @param {ChunkGraph} chunkGraph the chunk graph
* @returns {void}
static setChunkGraphForChunk(chunk, chunkGraph) {
chunkGraphForChunkMap.set(chunk, chunkGraph);
// TODO remove in webpack 6
* @param {Chunk} chunk the chunk
* @returns {void}
static clearChunkGraphForChunk(chunk) {
// TODO remove in webpack 6
/** @type {WeakMap<Module, ChunkGraph>} */
const chunkGraphForModuleMap = new WeakMap();
// TODO remove in webpack 6
/** @type {WeakMap<Chunk, ChunkGraph>} */
const chunkGraphForChunkMap = new WeakMap();
// TODO remove in webpack 6
/** @type {Map<string, (module: Module) => ChunkGraph>} */
const deprecateGetChunkGraphForModuleMap = new Map();
// TODO remove in webpack 6
/** @type {Map<string, (chunk: Chunk) => ChunkGraph>} */
const deprecateGetChunkGraphForChunkMap = new Map();
module.exports = ChunkGraph;