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<view class="user">
<view class="user-section">
<image class="bg" :src="userBg"></image>
<view class="user-info-box">
@tap="navTo(userInfo ? '/pages/user/userinfo/userinfo' : 'login')"
:src="userInfo.image || headImg"
<text class="username" v-if="hasLogin">
userInfo.nickname ||
userInfo.realname ||
<text class="username" v-else>登录/注册</text>
<view class="vip-card-box">
<image class="card-bg" :src="vipCardBg"></image>
<view class="tit">
<i class="iconfont iconiLinkapp-"/>
<text class="e-m">魔金 版权所有</text>
<!-- 个人中心 内容区-->
transform: coverTransform,
transition: coverTransition
<image class="arc" :src="arc"></image>
<!--余额 优惠券 积分信息-->
<view class="promotion-center">
<list-cell icon="iconwallett" iconColor="#e07472" @eventClick="navTo('/pages/user/account/account')"
<view class="tj-sction">
<view class="tj-item" v-for="item in amountList" :key="item.title" @tap="navTo(item.url)">
<text class="num" :class="item.value > 0 ? 'red' : ''">
{{ item.value }}
<text>{{ item.title }}</text>
<!-- 我的订单 -->
<view class="promotion-center">
<list-cell icon="iconfapiaoguanli" iconColor="#e07472"
@eventClick="navTo(`/pages/index/search/search?keyword=搜索我的订单&type=order`)" title="搜索订单"></list-cell>
<view class="order-section">
v-for="item in orderSectionList"
<i class="iconfont" :class="item.icon"/>
<text>{{ item.title }}</text>
<rf-badge type="error" size="small" class="badge" :text="item.num"></rf-badge>
<!-- 浏览历史 -->
<view class="history-section">
<list-cell icon="iconlishijilu" iconColor="#5eba8f" @eventClick="navTo('/pages/user/footprint/footprint')"
<view v-if="hasLogin">
<scroll-view scroll-x class="h-list" v-if="footPrintList.length > 0">
<view class="h-item" v-for="item in footPrintList" :key="item.id">
<image class="h-item-img" @tap.stop="navTo(`/pages/product/product?id=${item.product.id}`)"
:src="item.product.picture" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="h-item-text in2line">{{ item.product.name }}</view>
<view class="no-foot-print" v-else-if="footPrintList.length === 0" @tap="navTo('/pages/product/list')">
<i class="iconfont iconshare no-foot-print-icon"/>
<view class="no-foot-print" v-else @tap="navTo('/pages/user/footprint/footprint')">
<i class="iconfont iconmima no-foot-print-icon"/>
<view class="promotion-center">
<list-cell icon="iconshezhi1" iconColor="#e07472" @eventClick="navTo('/pages/set/set')"
<view class="tj-sction">
<!-- 分类列表 -->
<view class="category-list">
v-for="(item, index) in settingList"
<view v-if="item.title!=='分享'">
<view class="img">
<text class="iconfont" :style="{color: item.color}" :class="item.icon"></text>
<view class="text">{{ item.title }}</view>
<button class="share-btn" open-type="share" @tap.tap="shareToH5" v-else>
<view class="img">
<text class="iconfont" :style="{color: item.color}" :class="item.icon"></text>
<view class="text">{{ item.title }}</view>
<rf-loading v-if="loading"></rf-loading>
* @des 个人中心
* @author 237524947@qq.com
* @date 2020-01-10 11:41
* @copyright 2019
import {footPrintList, memberInfo} from '@/api/userInfo';
import listCell from '@/components/rf-list-cell';
import {mapMutations} from 'vuex';
import rfBadge from '@/components/rf-badge/rf-badge'
let startY = 0, moveY = 0, pageAtTop = true;
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
settingList: this.$mConstDataConfig.settingList,
orderSectionList: this.$mConstDataConfig.orderSectionList,
amountList: this.$mConstDataConfig.amountList,
headImg: this.$mAssetsPath.headImg,
vipCardBg: this.$mAssetsPath.vipCardBg,
arc: this.$mAssetsPath.arc,
userBg: this.$mAssetsPath.userBg,
coverTransform: 'translateY(0px)',
coverTransition: '0s',
moving: false,
userInfo: { // 用户信息
promoter: null // 分销商信息
footPrintList: [], // 足迹列表
loading: true,
hasLogin: false
// 小程序分享
onShareAppMessage() {
return {
title: '欢迎来到魔金商城',
path: '/pages/index/index'
async onShow() {
// 初始化数据
// #ifndef MP
onNavigationBarButtonTap(e) {
const index = e.index;
if (index === 0) {
} else if (index === 1) {
// #ifdef APP-PLUS
const pages = getCurrentPages();
const page = pages[pages.length - 1];
const currentWebview = page.$getAppWebview();
// #endif
this.$mRouter.push({route: '/pages/index/notice/notice'});
// #endif
methods: {
// h5分享
shareToH5() {
// #ifdef H5
// #endif
// 数据初始化
async initData() {
this.hasLogin = this.$mStore.getters.hasLogin;
if (this.hasLogin) {
await this.getMemberInfo();
} else {
this.loading = false;
// 设置购物车数量角标
async initCartItemCount() {
if (
this.$mStore.getters.hasLogin &&
parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('cartNum'), 10) > 0
) {
index: this.$mConstDataConfig.cartIndex,
text: uni.getStorageSync('cartNum').toString()
index: this.$mConstDataConfig.notifyIndex,
text: uni.getStorageSync('notifyNum').toString()
} else {
uni.removeTabBarBadge({ index: this.$mConstDataConfig.cartIndex });
uni.removeTabBarBadge({ index: this.$mConstDataConfig.notifyIndex });
// 获取用户信息
async getMemberInfo() {
await this.$http.get(memberInfo).then(async r => {
this.loading = false;
this.userInfo = r;
await uni.setStorageSync('cartNum', r.cart_num);
// 获取足迹列表
await this.getFootPrintList();
await this.setSectionData(r);
await this.initCartItemCount();
}).catch(() => {
// this.hasLogin = false;
this.userInfo = {};
this.loading = false;
// 清空个人中心的各模块状态
resetSectionData() {
uni.removeTabBarBadge({index: this.$mConstDataConfig.cartIndex});
this.amountList[0].value = 0;
this.amountList[1].value = 0;
this.amountList[2].value = 0;
this.orderSectionList[0].num = 0;
this.orderSectionList[1].num = 0;
this.orderSectionList[2].num = 0;
this.orderSectionList[3].num = 0;
this.orderSectionList[4].num = 0;
// 给个人中心的各模块赋值
setSectionData(data) {
const orderSynthesizeNumArr = [];
for (let item in data.order_synthesize_num) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.orderSectionList.length; i++) {
this.orderSectionList[i].num = orderSynthesizeNumArr[i].toString();
this.amountList[0].value = data.account.user_money || 0;
this.amountList[1].value = data.coupon_num || 0;
this.amountList[2].value = data.account.user_integral || 0;
// 更新userInfo缓存
uni.setStorageSync('userInfo', data);
// 获取足迹列表
async getFootPrintList() {
await this.$http.get(`${footPrintList}`).then(r => {
this.footPrintList = r
// 统一跳转接口,拦截未登录路由
navTo(route) {
if (!route) {
if (!this.hasLogin) {
content: '你暂未登陆,是否跳转登录页面?',
success: (confirmRes) => {
if (confirmRes.confirm) {
this.$mRouter.push({route: '/pages/public/logintype'});
} else {
* 会员卡下拉和回弹
* 1.关闭bounce避免ios端下拉冲突
* 2.由于touchmove事件的缺陷以前做小程序就遇到比如20跳到40h5反而好很多下拉的时候会有掉帧的感觉
* transition设置0.1秒延迟让css来过渡这段空窗期
* 3.回弹效果可修改曲线值来调整效果推荐一个好用的bezier生成工具 http://cubic-bezier.com/
coverTouchstart(e) {
if (pageAtTop === false) {
this.coverTransition = 'transform .1s linear';
startY = e.touches[0].clientY;
coverTouchmove(e) {
moveY = e.touches[0].clientY;
let moveDistance = moveY - startY;
if (moveDistance < 0) {
this.moving = false;
this.moving = true;
if (moveDistance >= 80 && moveDistance < 100) {
moveDistance = 80;
if (moveDistance > 0 && moveDistance <= 80) {
this.coverTransform = `translateY(${moveDistance}px)`;
coverTouchend() {
if (this.moving === false) {
this.moving = false;
this.coverTransition = 'transform 0.3s cubic-bezier(.21,1.93,.53,.64)';
this.coverTransform = 'translateY(0px)';
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