declare type PluginWithAssets = {
plugin: IPluginClass;
assetsPath?: string;
declare interface TRTCOptions {
plugins?: Array;
enableSEI?: boolean;
assetsPath?: string;
declare interface LocalVideoConfig {
view?: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | null;
publish?: boolean;
mute?: boolean | string;
option?: {
cameraId?: string;
useFrontCamera?: boolean;
profile?: keyof typeof videoProfileMap | VideoProfile;
fillMode?: 'contain' | 'cover' | 'fill';
mirror?: boolean | string;
small?: keyof typeof videoProfileMap | VideoProfile | boolean;
videoTrack?: MediaStreamTrack;
declare interface ProxyServer {
websocketProxy?: string;
loggerProxy?: string;
turnServer?: TurnServerOptions | TurnServerOptions[];
iceTransportPolicy?: RTCIceTransportPolicy;
webtransportProxy?: string;
scheduleProxy?: string;
unifiedProxy?: string;
declare interface EnterRoomConfig {
sdkAppId: number;
userId: string;
userSig: string;
roomId?: number;
strRoomId?: string;
role?: UserRole;
autoReceiveAudio?: boolean;
autoReceiveVideo?: boolean;
privateMapKey?: string;
latencyLevel?: number;
businessInfo?: string;
enableAutoPlayDialog?: boolean;
proxy?: ProxyServer | string;
scene?: Scene;
userDefineRecordId?: string;
declare interface ScreenShareConfig {
view?: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | null;
publish?: boolean;
option?: {
profile?: keyof typeof screenProfileMap | VideoProfile;
fillMode?: 'contain' | 'cover' | 'fill';
systemAudio?: boolean;
echoCancellation?: boolean;
autoGainControl?: boolean;
noiseSuppression?: boolean;
audioTrack?: MediaStreamTrack;
videoTrack?: MediaStreamTrack;
captureElement?: HTMLElement;
preferDisplaySurface?: 'current-tab' | 'tab' | 'window' | 'monitor';
declare interface UpdateScreenShareConfig extends ScreenShareConfig {
option?: {
fillMode?: 'contain' | 'cover' | 'fill';
declare interface RemoteVideoConfig {
view?: string | HTMLElement | HTMLElement[] | null;
userId: string;
streamType: TRTCStreamType;
option?: {
fillMode?: 'contain' | 'cover' | 'fill';
mirror?: boolean;
small?: boolean;
receiveWhenViewVisible?: boolean;
viewRoot?: HTMLElement;
canvasRender?: boolean;
declare interface StopRemoteVideoConfig {
userId: string;
streamType?: TRTCStreamType;
declare interface LocalAudioConfig {
publish?: boolean;
mute?: boolean;
option?: {
microphoneId?: string;
profile?: keyof typeof audioProfileMap;
audioTrack?: MediaStreamTrack;
captureVolume?: number;
earMonitorVolume?: number;
echoCancellation?: boolean;
autoGainControl?: boolean;
noiseSuppression?: boolean;
declare interface UpdateLocalAudioConfig extends LocalAudioConfig {
mute?: boolean;
option?: {
microphoneId?: string;
audioTrack?: MediaStreamTrack;
captureVolume?: number;
earMonitorVolume?: number;
echoCancellation?: boolean;
autoGainControl?: boolean;
noiseSuppression?: boolean;
declare interface RemoteAudioConfig {
userId: string;
option?: {
volume?: number;
declare interface StopRemoteAudioConfig {
userId: string;
declare const enum TRTCStreamType {
Main = "main",
Sub = "sub"
declare enum TRTCDeviceType {
Camera = "camera",
Microphone = "microphone",
Speaker = "speaker"
declare enum TRTCDeviceAction {
Remove = "remove",
Add = "add",
Active = "active"
declare interface RTCErrorParams {
code: number;
extraCode?: number;
functionName?: string;
fnName?: string;
message?: string;
messageParams?: any;
originError?: Error | DOMException;
declare interface RTCErrorInterface {
readonly name: string;
readonly code: number;
readonly extraCode?: number;
readonly functionName?: string;
readonly message?: string;
readonly originError?: Error | DOMException;
declare interface ErrorMessageParams {
key?: string;
rule?: any;
fnName?: string;
fnParams?: any;
value?: string | number | any;
type?: string;
deviceType?: string;
error?: Error | DOMException | CoreError;
* **TRTC Constants**
* @module TYPE
* @example
* // Usage:
declare const TRTCType: {
* Live streaming scene
* @default 'live'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly SCENE_LIVE: Scene.LIVE;
* RTC scene
* @default 'rtc'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly SCENE_RTC: Scene.RTC;
* Anchor role
* @default 'anchor'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly ROLE_ANCHOR: UserRole.ANCHOR;
* Audience role
* @default 'audience'
* @memberof module:TYPE
* Main stream
* - TRTC has a main video stream (main stream) and an sub video stream (sub stream)
* - The camera is published through the main stream, and the screen sharing is published through the sub stream.
* - The main video stream includes: high-definition large picture and low-definition small picture. By default, {@link TRTC#startRemoteVideo TRTC.startRemoteVideo} plays the high-definition large picture, and the low-definition small picture can be played through the small parameter. Refer to: [Enable small stream function](./tutorial-27-advanced-small-stream.html).
* @default 'main'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly STREAM_TYPE_MAIN: TRTCStreamType.Main;
* Sub stream
* @default 'sub'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly STREAM_TYPE_SUB: TRTCStreamType.Sub;
* Standard audio quality
* | Audio Profile | Sampling Rate | Channel | Bitrate (kbps) |
* | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH | 48000 | Mono| 128 |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH_STEREO | 48000 | Stereo| 192 |
* @default 'standard'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly AUDIO_PROFILE_STANDARD: "standard";
* Standard stereo audio quality
* | Audio Profile | Sampling Rate | Channel | Bitrate (kbps) |
* | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH | 48000 | Mono| 128 |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH_STEREO | 48000 | Stereo| 192 |
* @default 'standard-stereo'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly AUDIO_PROFILE_STANDARD_STEREO: "standard-stereo";
* High audio quality
* | Audio Profile | Sampling Rate | Channel | Bitrate (kbps) |
* | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH | 48000 | Mono| 128 |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH_STEREO | 48000 | Stereo| 192 |
* @default 'high'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH: "high";
* High-quality stereo audio
* | Audio Profile | Sampling Rate | Channel | Bitrate (kbps) |
* | :--- | :--- | :--- | :--- |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH | 48000 | Mono| 128 |
* | TRTC.TYPE.AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH_STEREO | 48000 | Stereo| 192 |
* @default 'high-stereo'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly AUDIO_PROFILE_HIGH_STEREO: "high-stereo";
* When the network is weak, the video encoding strategy takes 'smooth' first, i.e., the priority is to preserve frame rate.
* Default 'smooth' first for camera, 'default' clear first for screen sharing
* @default 'smooth'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly QOS_PREFERENCE_SMOOTH: "smooth";
* When the network is weak, the video encoding strategy takes 'clear' first, i.e., the priority is to preserve resolution.
* Default 'smooth' first for camera, 'default' clear first for screen sharing
* @default 'clear'
* @memberof module:TYPE
readonly QOS_PREFERENCE_CLEAR: "clear";
declare interface AudioMixerOptions {
id: string;
url: string;
loop?: boolean;
volume?: number;
declare interface UpdateAudioMixerOptions {
id: string;
loop?: boolean;
volume?: number;
seekFrom?: number;
operation?: 'pause' | 'resume' | 'stop';
declare interface StopAudioMixerOptions {
id: string;
declare interface AIDenoiserOptions {
assetsPath: string;
sdkAppId: number;
userId: string;
userSig: string;
declare type PluginStartOptionsMap = {
'AudioMixer': AudioMixerOptions;
'AIDenoiser': AIDenoiserOptions;
'CDNStreaming': CDNStreamingOptions;
'VirtualBackground': VirtualBackgroundOptions;
'Watermark': WatermarkOptions;
'Beauty': BeautyOptions;
'BasicBeauty': BasicBeautyOptions;
'DeviceDetector': DeviceDetectorOptions;
'SEI': undefined;
'Debug': undefined;
'CrossRoom': StartCrossRoomOption;
declare type PluginUpdateOptionsMap = {
'AudioMixer': UpdateAudioMixerOptions;
'CDNStreaming': CDNStreamingOptions;
'VirtualBackground': UpdateVirtualBackgroundOptions;
'Beauty': UpdateBeautyOptions;
'BasicBeauty': BasicBeautyOptions;
'SEI': UpdateSEIOptions;
'CrossRoom': UpdateCrossRoomOption;
declare interface UpdateSEIOptions {
buffer: ArrayBuffer;
options: {
seiPayloadType: number;
toSubStream?: boolean;
declare type PluginStopOptionsMap = {
'AudioMixer': StopAudioMixerOptions;
'AIDenoiser': undefined;
'CDNStreaming': CDNStreamingOptions;
'VirtualBackground': undefined;
'Watermark': undefined;
'Beauty': undefined;
'BasicBeauty': undefined;
'DeviceDetector': undefined;
'Debug': undefined;
'CrossRoom': StopCrossRoomOption | undefined;
declare interface TRTCStatistics {
rtt: number;
downLoss: number;
upLoss: number;
bytesSent: number;
bytesReceived: number;
localStatistics: LocalStatistic;
remoteStatistics: RemoteStatistic[];
interface LocalStatistic {
audio: {
bitrate: number;
audioLevel: number;
video: {
width: number;
height: number;
frameRate: number;
bitrate: number;
videoType: TRTCVideoType;
declare enum TRTCVideoType {
Big = "big",
Small = "small",
Sub = "sub"
interface RemoteStatistic {
audio: {
bitrate: number;
audioLevel: number;
video: {
width: number;
height: number;
frameRate: number;
bitrate: number;
videoType: TRTCVideoType;
userId: string;
declare interface VideoFrameConfig {
userId?: string;
streamType?: TRTCStreamType;
declare enum AutoStartPluginName {
Debug = "Debug"
* @typedef TRTCStatistics TRTC statistics
* @property {number} rtt The round-trip time from SDK to TRTC server(SDK -> TRTC server -> SDK). Unit: ms.
* @property {number} upLoss Uplink loss rate from SDK to TRTC server. Unit: %
* @property {number} downLoss Downlink loss rate from TRTC server to SDK. Unit: %
* @property {number} bytesSent Total bytes sent, including signaling data and media data. Unit: bytes.
* @property {number} bytesReceived Total bytes received, including signaling data and media data. Unit: bytes.
* @property {TRTCLocalStatistics} localStatistics Local statistics.
* @property {TRTCRemoteStatistics[]} remoteStatistics Remote statistics.
* Local statistics
* @typedef TRTCLocalStatistics
* @property {TRTCAudioStatistic} audio Local audio statistics
* @property {TRTCVideoStatistic[]} video Local video statistics
* Remote statistics.
* @typedef TRTCRemoteStatistics
* @property {string} userId The userId of remote user
* @property {TRTCAudioStatistic} audio Remote audio statistics
* @property {TRTCVideoStatistic[]} video Remote video statistics
* Audio statistics
* @typedef TRTCAudioStatistic
* @property {number} bitrate Audio bitrate. Unit: kbps
* @property {number} audioLevel Audio level. Value: float from 0 to 1.
/** Video statistics
* @typedef TRTCVideoStatistic
* @property {number} bitrate Video bitrate. Unit: kbps
* @property {number} width Video width
* @property {number} height Video height
* @property {number} frameRate Video frameRate
* @property {'big'|'small'|'sub'} videoType Video type: big, small, sub.
* **TRTC Event List**
* Listen to specific events through {@link TRTC#on trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.XXX)}. You can use these events to manage the room user list, manage user stream state, and perceive network state. The following is a detailed introduction to the events.
* > !
* > - Events need to be listened to before they are triggered, so that you can receive the corresponding event notifications. Therefore, it is recommended to complete event listening before entering the room, so as to ensure that no event notifications are missed.
* @module EVENT
* @example
* // Usage:
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.ERROR, () => {});
declare const TRTCEvent: {
* Error event, non-API call error, SDK throws when an unrecoverable error occurs during operation.
* - Error code (error.code): {@link module:ERROR_CODE.OPERATION_FAILED ErrorCode.OPERATION_FAILED}
* - Possible extended error codes (error.extraCode): 5501, 5502
* @default 'error'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @see {@link RtcError RtcError}
* @e
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.ERROR, error => {
* console.error('trtc error observed: ' + error);
* const errorCode = error.code;
* const extraCode = error.extraCode;
* });
readonly ERROR: "error";
* @description Automatic playback failed, refer to {@tutorial 21-advanced-auto-play-policy}
* @default 'autoplay-failed'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.AUTOPLAY_FAILED, event => {
* // Guide user to click the page, SDK will resume playback automatically when user click the page.
* // Since v5.1.3+, you can get userId on this event.
* console.log(event.userId);
* });
readonly AUTOPLAY_FAILED: "autoplay-failed";
* @description Kicked out of the room for some reason, including:
* - kick: The same user with same userId enters same room. The user who enters the room first will be kicked out of the room by the user who enters later.
* - Entering a room with the same userId is not allowed behavior, which may lead to abnormal audio/video calls between the two parties, and should be avoided on the business side.
* - Users with the same userId who enter the same room with the same audience role may not receive this event.
* - banned: kicked out by the administrator using [Server API - RemoveUser](https://trtc.io/document/34267/34268).
* - room_disband: kicked out by the administrator using [Server API - DismissRoom](https://trtc.io/document/34267/34269).
* @default 'kicked-out'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.KICKED_OUT, event => {
* console.log(event.reason)
* });
readonly KICKED_OUT: "kicked-out";
* Remote user enters the room event.
* - In `rtc` mode, all users will receive the notification of entering and exiting the room of the other user.
* - In `live` mode, only the anchor has the notification of entering and exiting the room, and the audience does not have the notification of entering and exiting the room. The audience can receive the notification of entering and exiting the room of the anchor.
* @default 'remote-user-enter'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.REMOTE_USER_ENTER, event => {
* const userId = event.userId;
* });
readonly REMOTE_USER_ENTER: "remote-user-enter";
* Remote user exits the room event.
* - In `rtc` mode, all users will receive the notification of entering and exiting the room of the other user.
* - In `live` mode, only the anchor has the notification of entering and exiting the room, and the audience does not have the notification of entering and exiting the room. The audience can receive the notification of entering and exiting the room of the anchor.
* @default 'remote-user-exit'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.REMOTE_USER_EXIT, event => {
* const userId = event.userId;
* });
readonly REMOTE_USER_EXIT: "remote-user-exit";
* Remote user publishes audio. You will receive this notification when the remote user turns on the microphone. Refer to: [Turn on/off camera and microphone](./tutorial-15-basic-dynamic-add-video.html)
* - By default, the SDK automatically plays remote audio, and you do not need to call the API to play remote audio. You can listen for this event and {@link module:EVENT.REMOTE_AUDIO_UNAVAILABLE REMOTE_AUDIO_UNAVAILABLE} to update the UI icon for "whether the remote microphone is turned on".
* - Note: If the user has not interacted with the page before entering the room, automatic audio playback may fail due to the [browser's automatic playback policy restrictions](./tutorial-21-advanced-auto-play-policy.html). You need to refer to the [suggestions for handling automatic playback restrictions](./tutorial-21-advanced-auto-play-policy.html) for processing.
* - If you do not want the SDK to automatically play audio, you can set `autoReceiveAudio` to `false` to turn off automatic audio playback when calling {@link TRTC#enterRoom trtc.enterRoom()}.
* - Listen for the {@link module:EVENT.REMOTE_AUDIO_AVAILABLE TRTC.EVENT.REMOTE_AUDIO_AVAILABLE} event, record the userId with remote audio, and call the {@link TRTC#muteRemoteAudio trtc.muteRemoteAudio(userId, false)} method when you need to play audio.
* @default 'remote-audio-available'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* // Listen before entering the room
* const userId = event.userId;
* });
readonly REMOTE_AUDIO_AVAILABLE: "remote-audio-available";
* Remote user stops publishing audio. You will receive this notification when the remote user turns off the microphone.
* @default 'remote-audio-unavailable'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* // Listen before entering the room
* const userId = event.userId;
* });
readonly REMOTE_AUDIO_UNAVAILABLE: "remote-audio-unavailable";
* Remote user publishes video. You will receive this notification when the remote user turns on the camera. Refer to: [Turn on/off camera and microphone](./tutorial-15-basic-dynamic-add-video.html)
* - You can listen for this event and {@link module:EVENT.REMOTE_VIDEO_UNAVAILABLE REMOTE_VIDEO_UNAVAILABLE} to update the UI icon for "whether the remote camera is turned on".
* @default 'remote-video-available'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* // Listen before entering the room
* const userId = event.userId;
* const streamType = event.streamType;
* trtc.startRemoteVideo({userId, streamType, view});
* });
readonly REMOTE_VIDEO_AVAILABLE: "remote-video-available";
* Remote user stops publishing video. You will receive this notification when the remote user turns off the camera.
* @default 'remote-video-unavailable'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* // Listen before entering the room
* const userId = event.userId;
* const streamType = event.streamType;
* // At this point, the SDK will automatically stop playing, and there is no need to call stopRemoteVideo.
* });
readonly REMOTE_VIDEO_UNAVAILABLE: "remote-video-unavailable";
* @description Volume event
* After calling the {@link TRTC#enableAudioVolumeEvaluation enableAudioVolumeEvaluation} interface to enable the volume callback, the SDK will throw this event regularly to notify the volume of each userId.
* **Note**
* - The callback contains the volume of the local microphone and the volume of the remote user. The callback will be triggered regardless of whether anyone is speaking.
* - The event.result will be sorted from large to small according to the volume size.
* - When userId is an empty string, it represents the volume of the local microphone.
* - volume is a positive integer with a value of 0-100.
* @default 'audio-volume'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.AUDIO_VOLUME, event => {
* event.result.forEach(({ userId, volume }) => {
* const isMe = userId === ''; // When userId is an empty string, it represents the volume of the local microphone.
* if (isMe) {
* console.log(`my volume: ${volume}`);
* } else {
* console.log(`user: ${userId} volume: ${volume}`);
* }
* })
* });
* // Enable volume callback and trigger the event every 1000ms
* trtc.enableAudioVolumeEvaluation(1000);
readonly AUDIO_VOLUME: "audio-volume";
* @description Network quality statistics data event, which starts to be counted after entering the room and triggers every two seconds. This data reflects the network quality of your local uplink and downlink.
* - The uplink network quality (uplinkNetworkQuality) refers to the network situation of uploading local streams (uplink connection network quality from SDK to Tencent Cloud)
* - The downlink network quality (downlinkNetworkQuality) refers to the average network situation of downloading all streams (average network quality of all downlink connections from Tencent Cloud to SDK)
* The enumeration values and meanings are shown in the following table:
* | Value | Meaning |
* | :--- | :---- |
* | 0 | Network state is unknown, indicating that the current trtc instance has not established an uplink/downlink connection |
* | 1 | Network state is excellent |
* | 2 | Network state is good |
* | 3 | Network state is average |
* | 4 | Network state is poor |
* | 5 | Network state is very poor |
* | 6 | Network connection is disconnected Note: If the downlink network quality is this value, it means that all downlink connections have been disconnected |
* - uplinkRTT, uplinkLoss are the uplink RTT (ms) and uplink packet loss rate.
* - downlinkRTT, downlinkLoss are the average RTT (ms) and average packet loss rate of all downlink connections.
* **Note**
* - If you want to know the uplink and downlink network conditions of the other party, you need to broadcast the other party's network quality through IM.
* @default 'network-quality'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* trtc.on(TRTC.EVENT.NETWORK_QUALITY, event => {
* console.log(`network-quality, uplinkNetworkQuality:${event.uplinkNetworkQuality}, downlinkNetworkQuality: ${event.downlinkNetworkQuality}`)
* console.log(`uplink rtt:${event.uplinkRTT} loss:${event.uplinkLoss}`)
* console.log(`downlink rtt:${event.downlinkRTT} loss:${event.downlinkLoss}`)
* })
readonly NETWORK_QUALITY: "network-quality";
* @description SDK and Tencent Cloud connection state change event, you can use this event to listen to the overall connection state of the SDK and Tencent Cloud.
* - 'DISCONNECTED': Connection disconnected
* - 'CONNECTING': Connecting
* - 'CONNECTED': Connected
* Meanings of different state changes:
* - DISCONNECTED -> CONNECTING: Trying to establish a connection, triggered when calling the enter room interface or when the SDK automatically reconnects.
* - CONNECTING -> DISCONNECTED: Connection establishment failed, triggered when calling the exit room interface to interrupt the connection or when the connection fails after SDK retries.
* - CONNECTING -> CONNECTED: Connection established successfully, triggered when the connection is successful.
* - CONNECTED -> DISCONNECTED: Connection interrupted, triggered when calling the exit room interface or when the connection is disconnected due to network anomalies.
* Suggestion: You can listen to this event and display different UIs in different states to remind users of the current connection state.
* @default 'connection-state-changed'
* @memberof module:EVENT
* @example
* const prevState = event.prevState;
* const curState = event.state;
* });
readonly CONNECTION_STATE_CHANGED: "connection-state-changed";
* @description Audio playback state change event
* event.userId When userId is an empty string, it represents the local user, and when it is a non-empty string, it represents a remote user.
* event.state The value is as follows:
* - 'PLAYING': start playing
* - event.reason is 'playing' or 'unmute'.
* - 'PAUSED': pause playback
* - When event.reason is 'pause', it is triggered by the pause event of the \