/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const parseJson = require("json-parse-even-better-errors"); const DelegatedModuleFactoryPlugin = require("./DelegatedModuleFactoryPlugin"); const ExternalModuleFactoryPlugin = require("./ExternalModuleFactoryPlugin"); const WebpackError = require("./WebpackError"); const DelegatedSourceDependency = require("./dependencies/DelegatedSourceDependency"); const createSchemaValidation = require("./util/create-schema-validation"); const makePathsRelative = require("./util/identifier").makePathsRelative; /** @typedef {import("../declarations/WebpackOptions").Externals} Externals */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/plugins/DllReferencePlugin").DllReferencePluginOptions} DllReferencePluginOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/plugins/DllReferencePlugin").DllReferencePluginOptionsContent} DllReferencePluginOptionsContent */ /** @typedef {import("../declarations/plugins/DllReferencePlugin").DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest} DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest */ /** @typedef {import("./Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("./util/fs").InputFileSystem} InputFileSystem */ const validate = createSchemaValidation( require("../schemas/plugins/DllReferencePlugin.check.js"), () => require("../schemas/plugins/DllReferencePlugin.json"), { name: "Dll Reference Plugin", baseDataPath: "options" } ); /** @typedef {{ path: string, data: DllReferencePluginOptionsManifest | undefined, error: Error | undefined }} CompilationDataItem */ class DllReferencePlugin { /** * @param {DllReferencePluginOptions} options options object */ constructor(options) { validate(options); this.options = options; /** @type {WeakMap<object, CompilationDataItem>} */ this._compilationData = new WeakMap(); } /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( "DllReferencePlugin", (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { compilation.dependencyFactories.set( DelegatedSourceDependency, normalModuleFactory ); } ); compiler.hooks.beforeCompile.tapAsync( "DllReferencePlugin", (params, callback) => { if ("manifest" in this.options) { const manifest = this.options.manifest; if (typeof manifest === "string") { /** @type {InputFileSystem} */ (compiler.inputFileSystem).readFile(manifest, (err, result) => { if (err) return callback(err); /** @type {CompilationDataItem} */ const data = { path: manifest, data: undefined, error: undefined }; // Catch errors parsing the manifest so that blank // or malformed manifest files don't kill the process. try { data.data = parseJson( /** @type {Buffer} */ (result).toString("utf-8") ); } catch (parseErr) { // Store the error in the params so that it can // be added as a compilation error later on. const manifestPath = makePathsRelative( /** @type {string} */ (compiler.options.context), manifest, compiler.root ); data.error = new DllManifestError( manifestPath, /** @type {Error} */ (parseErr).message ); } this._compilationData.set(params, data); return callback(); }); return; } } return callback(); } ); compiler.hooks.compile.tap("DllReferencePlugin", params => { let name = this.options.name; let sourceType = this.options.sourceType; let resolvedContent = "content" in this.options ? this.options.content : undefined; if ("manifest" in this.options) { const manifestParameter = this.options.manifest; let manifest; if (typeof manifestParameter === "string") { const data = /** @type {CompilationDataItem} */ (this._compilationData.get(params)); // If there was an error parsing the manifest // file, exit now because the error will be added // as a compilation error in the "compilation" hook. if (data.error) { return; } manifest = data.data; } else { manifest = manifestParameter; } if (manifest) { if (!name) name = manifest.name; if (!sourceType) sourceType = manifest.type; if (!resolvedContent) resolvedContent = manifest.content; } } /** @type {Externals} */ const externals = {}; const source = `dll-reference ${name}`; externals[source] = /** @type {string} */ (name); const normalModuleFactory = params.normalModuleFactory; new ExternalModuleFactoryPlugin(sourceType || "var", externals).apply( normalModuleFactory ); new DelegatedModuleFactoryPlugin({ source, type: this.options.type, scope: this.options.scope, context: /** @type {string} */ (this.options.context || compiler.options.context), content: /** @type {DllReferencePluginOptionsContent} */ (resolvedContent), extensions: this.options.extensions, associatedObjectForCache: compiler.root }).apply(normalModuleFactory); }); compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( "DllReferencePlugin", (compilation, params) => { if ("manifest" in this.options) { const manifest = this.options.manifest; if (typeof manifest === "string") { const data = /** @type {CompilationDataItem} */ ( this._compilationData.get(params) ); // If there was an error parsing the manifest file, add the // error as a compilation error to make the compilation fail. if (data.error) { compilation.errors.push( /** @type {DllManifestError} */ (data.error) ); } compilation.fileDependencies.add(manifest); } } } ); } } class DllManifestError extends WebpackError { /** * @param {string} filename filename of the manifest * @param {string} message error message */ constructor(filename, message) { super(); this.name = "DllManifestError"; this.message = `Dll manifest ${filename}\n${message}`; } } module.exports = DllReferencePlugin;