/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow strict-local */ // This class is responsible for coordinating the "focused" state for // TextInputs. All calls relating to the keyboard should be funneled // through here. import type { HostInstance, MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback, MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, MeasureOnSuccessCallback, } from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes'; import {Commands as AndroidTextInputCommands} from '../../Components/TextInput/AndroidTextInputNativeComponent'; import {Commands as iOSTextInputCommands} from '../../Components/TextInput/RCTSingelineTextInputNativeComponent'; const {findNodeHandle} = require('../../ReactNative/RendererProxy'); const Platform = require('../../Utilities/Platform'); let currentlyFocusedInputRef: ?HostInstance = null; const inputs = new Set<{ blur(): void, focus(): void, measure(callback: MeasureOnSuccessCallback): void, measureInWindow(callback: MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback): void, measureLayout( relativeToNativeNode: number | HostInstance, onSuccess: MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback, onFail?: () => void, ): void, setNativeProps(nativeProps: {...}): void, }>(); function currentlyFocusedInput(): ?HostInstance { return currentlyFocusedInputRef; } /** * Returns the ID of the currently focused text field, if one exists * If no text field is focused it returns null */ function currentlyFocusedField(): ?number { if (__DEV__) { console.error( 'currentlyFocusedField is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use currentlyFocusedInput', ); } return findNodeHandle(currentlyFocusedInputRef); } function focusInput(textField: ?HostInstance): void { if (currentlyFocusedInputRef !== textField && textField != null) { currentlyFocusedInputRef = textField; } } function blurInput(textField: ?HostInstance): void { if (currentlyFocusedInputRef === textField && textField != null) { currentlyFocusedInputRef = null; } } function focusField(textFieldID: ?number): void { if (__DEV__) { console.error('focusField no longer works. Use focusInput'); } return; } function blurField(textFieldID: ?number) { if (__DEV__) { console.error('blurField no longer works. Use blurInput'); } return; } /** * @param {number} TextInputID id of the text field to focus * Focuses the specified text field * noop if the text field was already focused or if the field is not editable */ function focusTextInput(textField: ?HostInstance) { if (typeof textField === 'number') { if (__DEV__) { console.error( 'focusTextInput must be called with a host component. Passing a react tag is deprecated.', ); } return; } if (textField != null) { const fieldCanBeFocused = currentlyFocusedInputRef !== textField && // $FlowFixMe - `currentProps` is missing in `NativeMethods` textField.currentProps?.editable !== false; if (!fieldCanBeFocused) { return; } focusInput(textField); if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { // This isn't necessarily a single line text input // But commands don't actually care as long as the thing being passed in // actually has a command with that name. So this should work with single // and multiline text inputs. Ideally we'll merge them into one component // in the future. iOSTextInputCommands.focus(textField); } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') { AndroidTextInputCommands.focus(textField); } } } /** * @param {number} textFieldID id of the text field to unfocus * Unfocuses the specified text field * noop if it wasn't focused */ function blurTextInput(textField: ?HostInstance) { if (typeof textField === 'number') { if (__DEV__) { console.error( 'blurTextInput must be called with a host component. Passing a react tag is deprecated.', ); } return; } if (currentlyFocusedInputRef === textField && textField != null) { blurInput(textField); if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { // This isn't necessarily a single line text input // But commands don't actually care as long as the thing being passed in // actually has a command with that name. So this should work with single // and multiline text inputs. Ideally we'll merge them into one component // in the future. iOSTextInputCommands.blur(textField); } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') { AndroidTextInputCommands.blur(textField); } } } function registerInput(textField: HostInstance) { if (typeof textField === 'number') { if (__DEV__) { console.error( 'registerInput must be called with a host component. Passing a react tag is deprecated.', ); } return; } inputs.add(textField); } function unregisterInput(textField: HostInstance) { if (typeof textField === 'number') { if (__DEV__) { console.error( 'unregisterInput must be called with a host component. Passing a react tag is deprecated.', ); } return; } inputs.delete(textField); } function isTextInput(textField: HostInstance): boolean { if (typeof textField === 'number') { if (__DEV__) { console.error( 'isTextInput must be called with a host component. Passing a react tag is deprecated.', ); } return false; } return inputs.has(textField); } module.exports = { currentlyFocusedInput, focusInput, blurInput, currentlyFocusedField, focusField, blurField, focusTextInput, blurTextInput, registerInput, unregisterInput, isTextInput, };