/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict * @format */ 'use strict'; const {ParserError} = require('./errors'); const path = require('path'); export type TypeDeclarationMap = {[declarationName: string]: $FlowFixMe}; export type TypeResolutionStatus = | $ReadOnly<{ type: 'alias' | 'enum', successful: true, name: string, }> | $ReadOnly<{ successful: false, }>; function extractNativeModuleName(filename: string): string { // this should drop everything after the file name. For Example it will drop: // .android.js, .android.ts, .android.tsx, .ios.js, .ios.ts, .ios.tsx, .js, .ts, .tsx return path.basename(filename).split('.')[0]; } export type ParserErrorCapturer = (fn: () => T) => ?T; // $FlowFixMe[unclear-type] there's no flowtype for ASTs export type PropAST = Object; // $FlowFixMe[unclear-type] there's no flowtype for ASTs export type ASTNode = Object; function createParserErrorCapturer(): [ Array, ParserErrorCapturer, ] { // $FlowFixMe[missing-empty-array-annot] const errors = []; function guard(fn: () => T): ?T { try { return fn(); } catch (error) { if (!(error instanceof ParserError)) { throw error; } // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-call] errors.push(error); return null; } } // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-return] return [errors, guard]; } function verifyPlatforms( hasteModuleName: string, moduleName: string, ): $ReadOnly<{ cxxOnly: boolean, excludedPlatforms: Array<'iOS' | 'android'>, }> { let cxxOnly = false; const excludedPlatforms = new Set<'iOS' | 'android'>(); const namesToValidate = [moduleName, hasteModuleName]; namesToValidate.forEach(name => { if (name.endsWith('Android')) { excludedPlatforms.add('iOS'); return; } if (name.endsWith('IOS')) { excludedPlatforms.add('android'); return; } if (name.endsWith('Windows')) { excludedPlatforms.add('iOS'); excludedPlatforms.add('android'); return; } if (name.endsWith('Cxx')) { cxxOnly = true; excludedPlatforms.add('iOS'); excludedPlatforms.add('android'); return; } }); return { cxxOnly, excludedPlatforms: Array.from(excludedPlatforms), }; } // TODO(T108222691): Use flow-types for @babel/parser function visit( astNode: $FlowFixMe, visitor: { [type: string]: (node: $FlowFixMe) => void, }, ) { const queue = [astNode]; while (queue.length !== 0) { let item = queue.shift(); if (!(typeof item === 'object' && item != null)) { continue; } if ( typeof item.type === 'string' && typeof visitor[item.type] === 'function' ) { // Don't visit any children visitor[item.type](item); } else if (Array.isArray(item)) { queue.push(...item); } else { queue.push(...Object.values(item)); } } } function getConfigType( // TODO(T71778680): Flow-type this node. ast: $FlowFixMe, Visitor: ({isComponent: boolean, isModule: boolean}) => { [type: string]: (node: $FlowFixMe) => void, }, ): 'module' | 'component' | 'none' { let infoMap = { isComponent: false, isModule: false, }; visit(ast, Visitor(infoMap)); const {isModule, isComponent} = infoMap; if (isModule && isComponent) { throw new Error( 'Found type extending "TurboModule" and exported "codegenNativeComponent" declaration in one file. Split them into separated files.', ); } if (isModule) { return 'module'; } else if (isComponent) { return 'component'; } else { return 'none'; } } // TODO(T71778680): Flow-type ASTNodes. function isModuleRegistryCall(node: $FlowFixMe): boolean { if (node.type !== 'CallExpression') { return false; } const callExpression = node; if (callExpression.callee.type !== 'MemberExpression') { return false; } const memberExpression = callExpression.callee; if ( !( memberExpression.object.type === 'Identifier' && memberExpression.object.name === 'TurboModuleRegistry' ) ) { return false; } if ( !( memberExpression.property.type === 'Identifier' && (memberExpression.property.name === 'get' || memberExpression.property.name === 'getEnforcing') ) ) { return false; } if (memberExpression.computed) { return false; } return true; } function getSortedObject(unsortedObject: {[key: string]: T}): { [key: string]: T, } { return Object.keys(unsortedObject) .sort() .reduce((sortedObject: {[key: string]: T}, key: string) => { sortedObject[key] = unsortedObject[key]; return sortedObject; }, {}); } module.exports = { getConfigType, extractNativeModuleName, createParserErrorCapturer, verifyPlatforms, visit, isModuleRegistryCall, getSortedObject, };