/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ import type { SchemaType } from '../CodegenSchema'; export type FilesOutput = Map; export type LibraryGeneratorFunction = (libraryName: string, schema: SchemaType, packageName: string | undefined, assumeNonnull: boolean) => FilesOutput; export type SchemaGeneratorFunction = (schemas: { [key: string]: SchemaType }) => FilesOutput; export type ViewGeneratorFunction = (libraryName: string, schema: SchemaType) => FilesOutput; type LibraryGeneratorNames = | 'generateComponentDescriptorH' | 'generateComponentDescriptorCpp' | 'generateComponentHObjCpp' | 'generateEventEmitterCpp' | 'generateEventEmitterH' | 'generatePropsCpp' | 'generatePropsH' | 'generateStateCpp' | 'generateStateH' | 'generateModuleH' | 'generateModuleCpp' | 'generateModuleObjCpp' | 'generateModuleJavaSpec' | 'generateModuleJniCpp' | 'generateModuleJniH' | 'generatePropsJavaInterface' | 'generatePropsJavaDelegate' | 'generateTests' | 'generateShadowNodeCpp' | 'generateShadowNodeH' ; type SchemaGeneratorNames = | 'generateThirdPartyFabricComponentsProviderObjCpp' | 'generateThirdPartyFabricComponentsProviderH' ; type ViewGeneratorNames = | 'generateViewConfigJs' ; export type AllGenerators = & { readonly [key in LibraryGeneratorNames]: LibraryGeneratorFunction; } & { readonly [key in SchemaGeneratorNames]: SchemaGeneratorFunction; } & { readonly [key in ViewGeneratorNames]: ViewGeneratorFunction; } ; export type LibraryGenerators = | 'componentsAndroid' | 'componentsIOS' | 'descriptors' | 'events' | 'props' | 'states' | 'tests' | 'shadow-nodes' | 'modulesAndroid' | 'modulesCxx' | 'modulesIOS' ; export type SchemaGenerators = | 'providerIOS' ; export interface LibraryOptions { libraryName: string; schema: SchemaType; outputDirectory: string; packageName?: string | undefined; assumeNonnull: boolean; } export interface LibraryConfig { generators: LibraryGenerators[]; test?: boolean | undefined; } export interface SchemasOptions { schemas: { [key: string]: SchemaType }; outputDirectory: string; } export interface SchemasConfig { generators: SchemaGenerators[]; test?: boolean | undefined; } export declare const allGenerators: AllGenerators; export declare const libraryGenerators: { readonly [key in LibraryGenerators]: LibraryGeneratorFunction }; export declare const schemaGenerators: { readonly [key in SchemaGenerators]: SchemaGeneratorFunction }; export declare function generate(options: LibraryOptions, config: LibraryConfig): boolean; export declare function generateFromSchemas(options: SchemasOptions, config: SchemasConfig): boolean; export declare function generateViewConfig(options: LibraryOptions): string;