/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow * @format */ 'use strict'; import type {EventConfig, Mapping} from './AnimatedEvent'; import type { AnimationConfig, EndCallback, EndResult, } from './animations/Animation'; import type {DecayAnimationConfig} from './animations/DecayAnimation'; import type {SpringAnimationConfig} from './animations/SpringAnimation'; import type {TimingAnimationConfig} from './animations/TimingAnimation'; import {AnimatedEvent, attachNativeEvent} from './AnimatedEvent'; import DecayAnimation from './animations/DecayAnimation'; import SpringAnimation from './animations/SpringAnimation'; import TimingAnimation from './animations/TimingAnimation'; import createAnimatedComponent from './createAnimatedComponent'; import AnimatedAddition from './nodes/AnimatedAddition'; import AnimatedColor from './nodes/AnimatedColor'; import AnimatedDiffClamp from './nodes/AnimatedDiffClamp'; import AnimatedDivision from './nodes/AnimatedDivision'; import AnimatedInterpolation from './nodes/AnimatedInterpolation'; import AnimatedModulo from './nodes/AnimatedModulo'; import AnimatedMultiplication from './nodes/AnimatedMultiplication'; import AnimatedNode from './nodes/AnimatedNode'; import AnimatedSubtraction from './nodes/AnimatedSubtraction'; import AnimatedTracking from './nodes/AnimatedTracking'; import AnimatedValue from './nodes/AnimatedValue'; import AnimatedValueXY from './nodes/AnimatedValueXY'; export type CompositeAnimation = { start: (callback?: ?EndCallback, isLooping?: boolean) => void, stop: () => void, reset: () => void, _startNativeLoop: (iterations?: number) => void, _isUsingNativeDriver: () => boolean, ... }; const add = function ( a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number, ): AnimatedAddition { return new AnimatedAddition(a, b); }; const subtract = function ( a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number, ): AnimatedSubtraction { return new AnimatedSubtraction(a, b); }; const divide = function ( a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number, ): AnimatedDivision { return new AnimatedDivision(a, b); }; const multiply = function ( a: AnimatedNode | number, b: AnimatedNode | number, ): AnimatedMultiplication { return new AnimatedMultiplication(a, b); }; const modulo = function (a: AnimatedNode, modulus: number): AnimatedModulo { return new AnimatedModulo(a, modulus); }; const diffClamp = function ( a: AnimatedNode, min: number, max: number, ): AnimatedDiffClamp { return new AnimatedDiffClamp(a, min, max); }; const _combineCallbacks = function ( callback: ?EndCallback, config: $ReadOnly<{...AnimationConfig, ...}>, ) { if (callback && config.onComplete) { return (...args: Array) => { config.onComplete && config.onComplete(...args); callback && callback(...args); }; } else { return callback || config.onComplete; } }; const maybeVectorAnim = function ( value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, config: Object, anim: (value: AnimatedValue, config: Object) => CompositeAnimation, ): ?CompositeAnimation { if (value instanceof AnimatedValueXY) { const configX = {...config}; const configY = {...config}; for (const key in config) { const {x, y} = config[key]; if (x !== undefined && y !== undefined) { configX[key] = x; configY[key] = y; } } const aX = anim((value: AnimatedValueXY).x, configX); const aY = anim((value: AnimatedValueXY).y, configY); // We use `stopTogether: false` here because otherwise tracking will break // because the second animation will get stopped before it can update. return parallel([aX, aY], {stopTogether: false}); } else if (value instanceof AnimatedColor) { const configR = {...config}; const configG = {...config}; const configB = {...config}; const configA = {...config}; for (const key in config) { const {r, g, b, a} = config[key]; if ( r !== undefined && g !== undefined && b !== undefined && a !== undefined ) { configR[key] = r; configG[key] = g; configB[key] = b; configA[key] = a; } } const aR = anim((value: AnimatedColor).r, configR); const aG = anim((value: AnimatedColor).g, configG); const aB = anim((value: AnimatedColor).b, configB); const aA = anim((value: AnimatedColor).a, configA); // We use `stopTogether: false` here because otherwise tracking will break // because the second animation will get stopped before it can update. return parallel([aR, aG, aB, aA], {stopTogether: false}); } return null; }; const spring = function ( value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, config: SpringAnimationConfig, ): CompositeAnimation { const start = function ( animatedValue: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, configuration: SpringAnimationConfig, callback?: ?EndCallback, ): void { callback = _combineCallbacks(callback, configuration); const singleValue: any = animatedValue; const singleConfig: any = configuration; singleValue.stopTracking(); if (configuration.toValue instanceof AnimatedNode) { singleValue.track( new AnimatedTracking( singleValue, configuration.toValue, SpringAnimation, singleConfig, callback, ), ); } else { singleValue.animate(new SpringAnimation(singleConfig), callback); } }; return ( maybeVectorAnim(value, config, spring) || { start: function (callback?: ?EndCallback): void { start(value, config, callback); }, stop: function (): void { value.stopAnimation(); }, reset: function (): void { value.resetAnimation(); }, _startNativeLoop: function (iterations?: number): void { const singleConfig = {...config, iterations}; start(value, singleConfig); }, _isUsingNativeDriver: function (): boolean { return config.useNativeDriver || false; }, } ); }; const timing = function ( value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, config: TimingAnimationConfig, ): CompositeAnimation { const start = function ( animatedValue: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, configuration: TimingAnimationConfig, callback?: ?EndCallback, ): void { callback = _combineCallbacks(callback, configuration); const singleValue: any = animatedValue; const singleConfig: any = configuration; singleValue.stopTracking(); if (configuration.toValue instanceof AnimatedNode) { singleValue.track( new AnimatedTracking( singleValue, configuration.toValue, TimingAnimation, singleConfig, callback, ), ); } else { singleValue.animate(new TimingAnimation(singleConfig), callback); } }; return ( maybeVectorAnim(value, config, timing) || { start: function (callback?: ?EndCallback, isLooping?: boolean): void { start(value, {...config, isLooping}, callback); }, stop: function (): void { value.stopAnimation(); }, reset: function (): void { value.resetAnimation(); }, _startNativeLoop: function (iterations?: number): void { const singleConfig = {...config, iterations}; start(value, singleConfig); }, _isUsingNativeDriver: function (): boolean { return config.useNativeDriver || false; }, } ); }; const decay = function ( value: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, config: DecayAnimationConfig, ): CompositeAnimation { const start = function ( animatedValue: AnimatedValue | AnimatedValueXY | AnimatedColor, configuration: DecayAnimationConfig, callback?: ?EndCallback, ): void { callback = _combineCallbacks(callback, configuration); const singleValue: any = animatedValue; const singleConfig: any = configuration; singleValue.stopTracking(); singleValue.animate(new DecayAnimation(singleConfig), callback); }; return ( maybeVectorAnim(value, config, decay) || { start: function (callback?: ?EndCallback): void { start(value, config, callback); }, stop: function (): void { value.stopAnimation(); }, reset: function (): void { value.resetAnimation(); }, _startNativeLoop: function (iterations?: number): void { const singleConfig = {...config, iterations}; start(value, singleConfig); }, _isUsingNativeDriver: function (): boolean { return config.useNativeDriver || false; }, } ); }; const sequence = function ( animations: Array, ): CompositeAnimation { let current = 0; return { start: function (callback?: ?EndCallback, isLooping?: boolean) { const onComplete = function (result: EndResult) { if (!result.finished) { callback && callback(result); return; } current++; if (current === animations.length) { // if the start is called, even without a reset, it should start from the beginning current = 0; callback && callback(result); return; } animations[current].start(onComplete, isLooping); }; if (animations.length === 0) { callback && callback({finished: true}); } else { animations[current].start(onComplete, isLooping); } }, stop: function () { if (current < animations.length) { animations[current].stop(); } }, reset: function () { animations.forEach((animation, idx) => { if (idx <= current) { animation.reset(); } }); current = 0; }, _startNativeLoop: function () { throw new Error( 'Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.sequence animations', ); }, _isUsingNativeDriver: function (): boolean { return false; }, }; }; type ParallelConfig = { // If one is stopped, stop all. default: true stopTogether?: boolean, ... }; const parallel = function ( animations: Array, config?: ?ParallelConfig, ): CompositeAnimation { let doneCount = 0; // Make sure we only call stop() at most once for each animation const hasEnded: {[number]: boolean} = {}; const stopTogether = !(config && config.stopTogether === false); const result = { start: function (callback?: ?EndCallback, isLooping?: boolean) { if (doneCount === animations.length) { callback && callback({finished: true}); return; } animations.forEach((animation, idx) => { const cb = function (endResult: EndResult) { hasEnded[idx] = true; doneCount++; if (doneCount === animations.length) { doneCount = 0; callback && callback(endResult); return; } if (!endResult.finished && stopTogether) { result.stop(); } }; if (!animation) { cb({finished: true}); } else { animation.start(cb, isLooping); } }); }, stop: function (): void { animations.forEach((animation, idx) => { !hasEnded[idx] && animation.stop(); hasEnded[idx] = true; }); }, reset: function (): void { animations.forEach((animation, idx) => { animation.reset(); hasEnded[idx] = false; doneCount = 0; }); }, _startNativeLoop: function (): empty { throw new Error( 'Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.parallel animations', ); }, _isUsingNativeDriver: function (): boolean { return false; }, }; return result; }; const delay = function (time: number): CompositeAnimation { // Would be nice to make a specialized implementation return timing(new AnimatedValue(0), { toValue: 0, delay: time, duration: 0, useNativeDriver: false, }); }; const stagger = function ( time: number, animations: Array, ): CompositeAnimation { return parallel( animations.map((animation, i) => { return sequence([delay(time * i), animation]); }), ); }; type LoopAnimationConfig = { iterations: number, resetBeforeIteration?: boolean, ... }; const loop = function ( animation: CompositeAnimation, // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] {iterations = -1, resetBeforeIteration = true}: LoopAnimationConfig = {}, ): CompositeAnimation { let isFinished = false; let iterationsSoFar = 0; return { start: function (callback?: ?EndCallback) { const restart = function (result: EndResult = {finished: true}): void { if ( isFinished || iterationsSoFar === iterations || result.finished === false ) { callback && callback(result); } else { iterationsSoFar++; resetBeforeIteration && animation.reset(); animation.start(restart, iterations === -1); } }; if (!animation || iterations === 0) { callback && callback({finished: true}); } else { if (animation._isUsingNativeDriver()) { animation._startNativeLoop(iterations); } else { restart(); // Start looping recursively on the js thread } } }, stop: function (): void { isFinished = true; animation.stop(); }, reset: function (): void { iterationsSoFar = 0; isFinished = false; animation.reset(); }, _startNativeLoop: function () { throw new Error( 'Loops run using the native driver cannot contain Animated.loop animations', ); }, _isUsingNativeDriver: function (): boolean { return animation._isUsingNativeDriver(); }, }; }; function forkEvent( event: ?AnimatedEvent | ?Function, listener: Function, ): AnimatedEvent | Function { if (!event) { return listener; } else if (event instanceof AnimatedEvent) { event.__addListener(listener); return event; } else { return (...args) => { typeof event === 'function' && event(...args); listener(...args); }; } } function unforkEvent( event: ?AnimatedEvent | ?Function, listener: Function, ): void { if (event && event instanceof AnimatedEvent) { event.__removeListener(listener); } } const event = function ( argMapping: $ReadOnlyArray, config: EventConfig, ): any { const animatedEvent = new AnimatedEvent(argMapping, config); if (animatedEvent.__isNative) { return animatedEvent; } else { return animatedEvent.__getHandler(); } }; // All types of animated nodes that represent scalar numbers and can be interpolated (etc) type AnimatedNumeric = | AnimatedAddition | AnimatedDiffClamp | AnimatedDivision | AnimatedInterpolation | AnimatedModulo | AnimatedMultiplication | AnimatedSubtraction | AnimatedValue; export type {AnimatedNumeric as Numeric}; /** * The `Animated` library is designed to make animations fluid, powerful, and * easy to build and maintain. `Animated` focuses on declarative relationships * between inputs and outputs, with configurable transforms in between, and * simple `start`/`stop` methods to control time-based animation execution. * If additional transforms are added, be sure to include them in * AnimatedMock.js as well. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated */ export default { /** * Standard value class for driving animations. Typically initialized with * `new Animated.Value(0);` * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#value */ Value: AnimatedValue, /** * 2D value class for driving 2D animations, such as pan gestures. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animatedvaluexy */ ValueXY: AnimatedValueXY, /** * Value class for driving color animations. */ Color: AnimatedColor, /** * Exported to use the Interpolation type in flow. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#interpolation */ Interpolation: AnimatedInterpolation, /** * Exported for ease of type checking. All animated values derive from this * class. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#node */ Node: AnimatedNode, /** * Animates a value from an initial velocity to zero based on a decay * coefficient. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#decay */ decay, /** * Animates a value along a timed easing curve. The Easing module has tons of * predefined curves, or you can use your own function. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#timing */ timing, /** * Animates a value according to an analytical spring model based on * damped harmonic oscillation. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#spring */ spring, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values added * together. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#add */ add, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed by subtracting the second Animated * value from the first Animated value. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#subtract */ subtract, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed by dividing the first Animated value * by the second Animated value. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#divide */ divide, /** * Creates a new Animated value composed from two Animated values multiplied * together. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#multiply */ multiply, /** * Creates a new Animated value that is the (non-negative) modulo of the * provided Animated value. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#modulo */ modulo, /** * Create a new Animated value that is limited between 2 values. It uses the * difference between the last value so even if the value is far from the * bounds it will start changing when the value starts getting closer again. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#diffclamp */ diffClamp, /** * Starts an animation after the given delay. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#delay */ delay, /** * Starts an array of animations in order, waiting for each to complete * before starting the next. If the current running animation is stopped, no * following animations will be started. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#sequence */ sequence, /** * Starts an array of animations all at the same time. By default, if one * of the animations is stopped, they will all be stopped. You can override * this with the `stopTogether` flag. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#parallel */ parallel, /** * Array of animations may run in parallel (overlap), but are started in * sequence with successive delays. Nice for doing trailing effects. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#stagger */ stagger, /** * Loops a given animation continuously, so that each time it reaches the * end, it resets and begins again from the start. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#loop */ loop, /** * Takes an array of mappings and extracts values from each arg accordingly, * then calls `setValue` on the mapped outputs. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#event */ event, /** * Make any React component Animatable. Used to create `Animated.View`, etc. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#createanimatedcomponent */ createAnimatedComponent, /** * Imperative API to attach an animated value to an event on a view. Prefer * using `Animated.event` with `useNativeDrive: true` if possible. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#attachnativeevent */ attachNativeEvent, /** * Advanced imperative API for snooping on animated events that are passed in * through props. Use values directly where possible. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/animated#forkevent */ forkEvent, unforkEvent, /** * Expose Event class, so it can be used as a type for type checkers. */ Event: AnimatedEvent, };