"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true, }); exports.default = void 0; var _DeviceEventReporter = _interopRequireDefault( require("./DeviceEventReporter") ); var fs = _interopRequireWildcard(require("fs")); var _invariant = _interopRequireDefault(require("invariant")); var path = _interopRequireWildcard(require("path")); var _ws = _interopRequireDefault(require("ws")); function _getRequireWildcardCache(e) { if ("function" != typeof WeakMap) return null; var r = new WeakMap(), t = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function (e) { return e ? t : r; })(e); } function _interopRequireWildcard(e, r) { if (!r && e && e.__esModule) return e; if (null === e || ("object" != typeof e && "function" != typeof e)) return { default: e }; var t = _getRequireWildcardCache(r); if (t && t.has(e)) return t.get(e); var n = { __proto__: null }, a = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var u in e) if ("default" !== u && {}.hasOwnProperty.call(e, u)) { var i = a ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, u) : null; i && (i.get || i.set) ? Object.defineProperty(n, u, i) : (n[u] = e[u]); } return (n.default = e), t && t.set(e, n), n; } function _interopRequireDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } const debug = require("debug")("Metro:InspectorProxy"); const PAGES_POLLING_INTERVAL = 1000; const FILE_PREFIX = "file://"; const REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE_ID = "-1"; class Device { #id; #name; #app; #messageFromDeviceQueue = Promise.resolve(); #deviceSocket; #pages = new Map(); #debuggerConnection = null; #lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage = null; #isLegacyPageReloading = false; #lastGetPagesMessage = ""; #scriptIdToSourcePathMapping = new Map(); #projectRoot; #deviceEventReporter; #pagesPollingIntervalId; #createCustomMessageHandler; #connectedPageIds = new Set(); #deviceRelativeBaseUrl; #serverRelativeBaseUrl; constructor(deviceOptions) { this.#dangerouslyConstruct(deviceOptions); } #dangerouslyConstruct({ id, name, app, socket, projectRoot, eventReporter, createMessageMiddleware, serverRelativeBaseUrl, deviceRelativeBaseUrl, }) { this.#id = id; this.#name = name; this.#app = app; this.#deviceSocket = socket; this.#projectRoot = projectRoot; this.#serverRelativeBaseUrl = serverRelativeBaseUrl; this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl = deviceRelativeBaseUrl; this.#deviceEventReporter = eventReporter ? new _DeviceEventReporter.default(eventReporter, { deviceId: id, deviceName: name, appId: app, }) : null; this.#createCustomMessageHandler = createMessageMiddleware; this.#deviceSocket.on("message", (message) => { this.#messageFromDeviceQueue = this.#messageFromDeviceQueue .then(async () => { const parsedMessage = JSON.parse(message); if (parsedMessage.event === "getPages") { if (message !== this.#lastGetPagesMessage) { debug( "(Debugger) (Proxy) <- (Device), getPages ping has changed: " + message ); this.#lastGetPagesMessage = message; } } else { debug("(Debugger) (Proxy) <- (Device): " + message); } await this.#handleMessageFromDevice(parsedMessage); }) .catch((error) => { debug("%O\nHandling device message: %s", error, message); try { this.#deviceEventReporter?.logProxyMessageHandlingError( "device", error, message ); } catch (loggingError) { debug( "Error logging message handling error to reporter: %O", loggingError ); } }); }); this.#pagesPollingIntervalId = setInterval( () => this.#sendMessageToDevice({ event: "getPages", }), PAGES_POLLING_INTERVAL ); this.#deviceSocket.on("close", () => { if (socket === this.#deviceSocket) { this.#deviceEventReporter?.logDisconnection("device"); this.#terminateDebuggerConnection(); clearInterval(this.#pagesPollingIntervalId); } }); } #terminateDebuggerConnection() { const debuggerConnection = this.#debuggerConnection; if (debuggerConnection) { this.#sendDisconnectEventToDevice( this.#mapToDevicePageId(debuggerConnection.pageId) ); debuggerConnection.socket.close(); this.#debuggerConnection = null; } } dangerouslyRecreateDevice(deviceOptions) { (0, _invariant.default)( deviceOptions.id === this.#id, "dangerouslyRecreateDevice() can only be used for the same device ID" ); const oldDebugger = this.#debuggerConnection; if (this.#app !== deviceOptions.app || this.#name !== deviceOptions.name) { this.#deviceSocket.close(); this.#terminateDebuggerConnection(); } this.#debuggerConnection = null; if (oldDebugger) { oldDebugger.socket.removeAllListeners(); this.#deviceSocket.close(); this.handleDebuggerConnection(oldDebugger.socket, oldDebugger.pageId, { debuggerRelativeBaseUrl: oldDebugger.debuggerRelativeBaseUrl, userAgent: oldDebugger.userAgent, }); } this.#dangerouslyConstruct(deviceOptions); } getName() { return this.#name; } getApp() { return this.#app; } getPagesList() { if (this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage) { return [...this.#pages.values(), this.#createSyntheticPage()]; } else { return [...this.#pages.values()]; } } handleDebuggerConnection( socket, pageId, { debuggerRelativeBaseUrl, userAgent } ) { const page = pageId === REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE_ID ? this.#createSyntheticPage() : this.#pages.get(pageId); if (!page) { debug( `Got new debugger connection via ${debuggerRelativeBaseUrl.href} for ` + `page ${pageId} of ${this.#name}, but no such page exists` ); socket.close(); return; } this.#deviceEventReporter?.logDisconnection("debugger"); this.#terminateDebuggerConnection(); this.#deviceEventReporter?.logConnection("debugger", { pageId, frontendUserAgent: userAgent, }); const debuggerInfo = { socket, prependedFilePrefix: false, pageId, userAgent: userAgent, customHandler: null, debuggerRelativeBaseUrl, }; this.#debuggerConnection = debuggerInfo; debug( `Got new debugger connection via ${debuggerRelativeBaseUrl.href} for ` + `page ${pageId} of ${this.#name}` ); if (this.#debuggerConnection && this.#createCustomMessageHandler) { this.#debuggerConnection.customHandler = this.#createCustomMessageHandler( { page, debugger: { userAgent: debuggerInfo.userAgent, sendMessage: (message) => { try { const payload = JSON.stringify(message); debug("(Debugger) <- (Proxy) (Device): " + payload); socket.send(payload); } catch {} }, }, device: { appId: this.#app, id: this.#id, name: this.#name, sendMessage: (message) => { try { const payload = JSON.stringify({ event: "wrappedEvent", payload: { pageId: this.#mapToDevicePageId(pageId), wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify(message), }, }); debug("(Debugger) -> (Proxy) (Device): " + payload); this.#deviceSocket.send(payload); } catch {} }, }, } ); if (this.#debuggerConnection.customHandler) { debug("Created new custom message handler for debugger connection"); } else { debug( "Skipping new custom message handler for debugger connection, factory function returned null" ); } } this.#sendConnectEventToDevice(this.#mapToDevicePageId(pageId)); socket.on("message", (message) => { debug("(Debugger) -> (Proxy) (Device): " + message); const debuggerRequest = JSON.parse(message); this.#deviceEventReporter?.logRequest(debuggerRequest, "debugger", { pageId: this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null, frontendUserAgent: userAgent, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend( this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ), }); let processedReq = debuggerRequest; if ( this.#debuggerConnection?.customHandler?.handleDebuggerMessage( debuggerRequest ) === true ) { return; } if (!this.#pageHasCapability(page, "nativeSourceCodeFetching")) { processedReq = this.#interceptClientMessageForSourceFetching( debuggerRequest, debuggerInfo, socket ); } if (processedReq) { this.#sendMessageToDevice({ event: "wrappedEvent", payload: { pageId: this.#mapToDevicePageId(pageId), wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify(processedReq), }, }); } }); socket.on("close", () => { debug(`Debugger for page ${pageId} and ${this.#name} disconnected.`); this.#deviceEventReporter?.logDisconnection("debugger"); if (this.#debuggerConnection?.socket === socket) { this.#terminateDebuggerConnection(); } }); const sendFunc = socket.send; socket.send = function (message) { debug("(Debugger) <- (Proxy) (Device): " + message); return sendFunc.call(socket, message); }; } #sendConnectEventToDevice(devicePageId) { if (this.#connectedPageIds.has(devicePageId)) { return; } this.#connectedPageIds.add(devicePageId); this.#sendMessageToDevice({ event: "connect", payload: { pageId: devicePageId, }, }); } #sendDisconnectEventToDevice(devicePageId) { if (!this.#connectedPageIds.has(devicePageId)) { return; } this.#connectedPageIds.delete(devicePageId); this.#sendMessageToDevice({ event: "disconnect", payload: { pageId: devicePageId, }, }); } #pageHasCapability(page, flag) { return page.capabilities[flag] === true; } #createSyntheticPage() { return { id: REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE_ID, title: "React Native Experimental (Improved Chrome Reloads)", vm: "don't use", app: this.#app, capabilities: {}, }; } async #handleMessageFromDevice(message) { if (message.event === "getPages") { this.#pages = new Map( message.payload.map(({ capabilities, ...page }) => [ page.id, { ...page, capabilities: capabilities ?? {}, }, ]) ); if (message.payload.length !== this.#pages.size) { const duplicateIds = new Set(); const idsSeen = new Set(); for (const page of message.payload) { if (!idsSeen.has(page.id)) { idsSeen.add(page.id); } else { duplicateIds.add(page.id); } } debug( `Received duplicate page IDs from device: ${[...duplicateIds].join( ", " )}` ); } for (const page of this.#pages.values()) { if (this.#pageHasCapability(page, "nativePageReloads")) { continue; } if (page.title.includes("React")) { if (page.id !== this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage?.id) { this.#newLegacyReactNativePage(page); break; } } } } else if (message.event === "disconnect") { const pageId = message.payload.pageId; const page = this.#pages.get(pageId); if (page != null && this.#pageHasCapability(page, "nativePageReloads")) { return; } const debuggerSocket = this.#debuggerConnection ? this.#debuggerConnection.socket : null; if (debuggerSocket && debuggerSocket.readyState === _ws.default.OPEN) { if ( this.#debuggerConnection != null && this.#debuggerConnection.pageId !== REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE_ID ) { debug(`Legacy page ${pageId} is reloading.`); debuggerSocket.send( JSON.stringify({ method: "reload", }) ); } } } else if (message.event === "wrappedEvent") { if (this.#debuggerConnection == null) { return; } const debuggerSocket = this.#debuggerConnection.socket; if ( debuggerSocket == null || debuggerSocket.readyState !== _ws.default.OPEN ) { return; } const parsedPayload = JSON.parse(message.payload.wrappedEvent); const pageId = this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null; if ("id" in parsedPayload) { this.#deviceEventReporter?.logResponse(parsedPayload, "device", { pageId, frontendUserAgent: this.#debuggerConnection?.userAgent ?? null, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend(pageId), }); } const debuggerConnection = this.#debuggerConnection; if (debuggerConnection != null) { if ( debuggerConnection.customHandler?.handleDeviceMessage( parsedPayload ) === true ) { return; } await this.#processMessageFromDeviceLegacy( parsedPayload, debuggerConnection, pageId ); const messageToSend = JSON.stringify(parsedPayload); debuggerSocket.send(messageToSend); } else { debuggerSocket.send(message.payload.wrappedEvent); } } } #sendMessageToDevice(message) { try { if (message.event !== "getPages") { debug("(Debugger) (Proxy) -> (Device): " + JSON.stringify(message)); } this.#deviceSocket.send(JSON.stringify(message)); } catch (error) {} } #newLegacyReactNativePage(page) { debug(`React Native page updated to ${page.id}`); if ( this.#debuggerConnection == null || this.#debuggerConnection.pageId !== REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE_ID ) { this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage = page; return; } const oldPageId = this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage?.id; this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage = page; this.#isLegacyPageReloading = true; if (oldPageId != null) { this.#sendDisconnectEventToDevice(oldPageId); } this.#sendConnectEventToDevice(page.id); const toSend = [ { method: "Runtime.enable", id: 1e9, }, { method: "Debugger.enable", id: 1e9, }, ]; for (const message of toSend) { const pageId = this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null; this.#deviceEventReporter?.logRequest(message, "proxy", { pageId, frontendUserAgent: this.#debuggerConnection?.userAgent ?? null, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend(pageId), }); this.#sendMessageToDevice({ event: "wrappedEvent", payload: { pageId: this.#mapToDevicePageId(page.id), wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify(message), }, }); } } #debuggerRelativeToDeviceRelativeUrl( debuggerRelativeUrl, { debuggerRelativeBaseUrl } ) { const deviceRelativeUrl = new URL(debuggerRelativeUrl.href); if (debuggerRelativeUrl.origin === debuggerRelativeBaseUrl.origin) { deviceRelativeUrl.hostname = this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.hostname; deviceRelativeUrl.port = this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.port; deviceRelativeUrl.protocol = this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.protocol; } return deviceRelativeUrl; } #deviceRelativeUrlToDebuggerRelativeUrl( deviceRelativeUrl, { debuggerRelativeBaseUrl } ) { const debuggerRelativeUrl = new URL(deviceRelativeUrl.href); if (deviceRelativeUrl.origin === this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.origin) { debuggerRelativeUrl.hostname = debuggerRelativeBaseUrl.hostname; debuggerRelativeUrl.port = debuggerRelativeBaseUrl.port; debuggerRelativeUrl.protocol = debuggerRelativeUrl.protocol; } return debuggerRelativeUrl; } #deviceRelativeUrlToServerRelativeUrl(deviceRelativeUrl) { const debuggerRelativeUrl = new URL(deviceRelativeUrl.href); if (deviceRelativeUrl.origin === this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.origin) { debuggerRelativeUrl.hostname = this.#serverRelativeBaseUrl.hostname; debuggerRelativeUrl.port = this.#serverRelativeBaseUrl.port; debuggerRelativeUrl.protocol = this.#serverRelativeBaseUrl.protocol; } return debuggerRelativeUrl; } async #processMessageFromDeviceLegacy(payload, debuggerInfo, pageId) { const page = pageId != null ? this.#pages.get(pageId) : null; if ( (!page || !this.#pageHasCapability(page, "nativeSourceCodeFetching")) && payload.method === "Debugger.scriptParsed" && payload.params != null ) { const params = payload.params; if ("sourceMapURL" in params) { const sourceMapURL = this.#tryParseHTTPURL(params.sourceMapURL); if (sourceMapURL) { payload.params.sourceMapURL = this.#deviceRelativeUrlToDebuggerRelativeUrl( sourceMapURL, debuggerInfo ).href; try { const sourceMap = await this.#fetchText( this.#deviceRelativeUrlToServerRelativeUrl(sourceMapURL) ); payload.params.sourceMapURL = "data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + Buffer.from(sourceMap).toString("base64"); } catch (exception) { this.#sendErrorToDebugger( `Failed to fetch source map ${params.sourceMapURL}: ${exception.message}` ); } } } if ("url" in params) { let serverRelativeUrl = params.url; const parsedUrl = this.#tryParseHTTPURL(params.url); if (parsedUrl) { payload.params.url = this.#deviceRelativeUrlToDebuggerRelativeUrl( parsedUrl, debuggerInfo ).href; serverRelativeUrl = this.#deviceRelativeUrlToServerRelativeUrl(parsedUrl).href; } if (payload.params.url.match(/^[0-9a-z]+$/)) { payload.params.url = FILE_PREFIX + payload.params.url; debuggerInfo.prependedFilePrefix = true; } if ("scriptId" in params && params.scriptId != null) { this.#scriptIdToSourcePathMapping.set( params.scriptId, serverRelativeUrl ); } } } if ( payload.method === "Runtime.executionContextCreated" && this.#isLegacyPageReloading ) { debuggerInfo.socket.send( JSON.stringify({ method: "Runtime.executionContextsCleared", }) ); const resumeMessage = { method: "Debugger.resume", id: 0, }; this.#deviceEventReporter?.logRequest(resumeMessage, "proxy", { pageId: this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null, frontendUserAgent: this.#debuggerConnection?.userAgent ?? null, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend( this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ), }); this.#sendMessageToDevice({ event: "wrappedEvent", payload: { pageId: this.#mapToDevicePageId(debuggerInfo.pageId), wrappedEvent: JSON.stringify(resumeMessage), }, }); this.#isLegacyPageReloading = false; } } #interceptClientMessageForSourceFetching(req, debuggerInfo, socket) { switch (req.method) { case "Debugger.setBreakpointByUrl": return this.#processDebuggerSetBreakpointByUrl(req, debuggerInfo); case "Debugger.getScriptSource": this.#processDebuggerGetScriptSource(req, socket); return null; case "Network.loadNetworkResource": const response = { id: req.id, result: { error: { code: -32601, message: "[inspector-proxy]: Page lacks nativeSourceCodeFetching capability.", }, }, }; socket.send(JSON.stringify(response)); const pageId = this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null; this.#deviceEventReporter?.logResponse(response, "proxy", { pageId, frontendUserAgent: this.#debuggerConnection?.userAgent ?? null, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend(pageId), }); return null; default: return req; } } #processDebuggerSetBreakpointByUrl(req, debuggerInfo) { const { debuggerRelativeBaseUrl, prependedFilePrefix } = debuggerInfo; const processedReq = { ...req, params: { ...req.params, }, }; if (processedReq.params.url != null) { const originalUrlParam = processedReq.params.url; const httpUrl = this.#tryParseHTTPURL(originalUrlParam); if (httpUrl) { processedReq.params.url = this.#debuggerRelativeToDeviceRelativeUrl( httpUrl, debuggerInfo ).href; } else if ( originalUrlParam.startsWith(FILE_PREFIX) && prependedFilePrefix ) { processedReq.params.url = originalUrlParam.slice(FILE_PREFIX.length); } } if ( new Set(["", ""]).has( this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.hostname ) && debuggerRelativeBaseUrl.hostname === "localhost" && processedReq.params.urlRegex != null ) { processedReq.params.urlRegex = processedReq.params.urlRegex.replaceAll( "localhost", this.#deviceRelativeBaseUrl.hostname.replaceAll(".", "\\.") ); } return processedReq; } #processDebuggerGetScriptSource(req, socket) { const sendSuccessResponse = (scriptSource) => { const response = { id: req.id, result: { scriptSource, }, }; socket.send(JSON.stringify(response)); const pageId = this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null; this.#deviceEventReporter?.logResponse(response, "proxy", { pageId, frontendUserAgent: this.#debuggerConnection?.userAgent ?? null, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend(pageId), }); }; const sendErrorResponse = (error) => { const response = { id: req.id, result: { error: { message: error, }, }, }; socket.send(JSON.stringify(response)); this.#sendErrorToDebugger(error); const pageId = this.#debuggerConnection?.pageId ?? null; this.#deviceEventReporter?.logResponse(response, "proxy", { pageId, frontendUserAgent: this.#debuggerConnection?.userAgent ?? null, prefersFuseboxFrontend: this.#isPageFuseboxFrontend(pageId), }); }; const pathToSource = this.#scriptIdToSourcePathMapping.get( req.params.scriptId ); if (pathToSource != null) { const httpURL = this.#tryParseHTTPURL(pathToSource); if (httpURL) { this.#fetchText(httpURL).then( (text) => sendSuccessResponse(text), (err) => sendErrorResponse( `Failed to fetch source url ${pathToSource}: ${err.message}` ) ); } else { let file; try { file = fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(this.#projectRoot, pathToSource), "utf8" ); } catch (err) { sendErrorResponse( `Failed to fetch source file ${pathToSource}: ${err.message}` ); } if (file != null) { sendSuccessResponse(file); } } } } #mapToDevicePageId(pageId) { if ( pageId === REACT_NATIVE_RELOADABLE_PAGE_ID && this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage != null ) { return this.#lastConnectedLegacyReactNativePage.id; } else { return pageId; } } #tryParseHTTPURL(url) { let parsedURL; try { parsedURL = new URL(url); } catch {} const protocol = parsedURL?.protocol; if (protocol !== "http:" && protocol !== "https:") { parsedURL = undefined; } return parsedURL; } async #fetchText(url) { const response = await fetch(url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error("HTTP " + response.status + " " + response.statusText); } const text = await response.text(); if (text.length > 350000000) { throw new Error("file too large to fetch via HTTP"); } return text; } #sendErrorToDebugger(message) { const debuggerSocket = this.#debuggerConnection?.socket; if (debuggerSocket && debuggerSocket.readyState === _ws.default.OPEN) { debuggerSocket.send( JSON.stringify({ method: "Runtime.consoleAPICalled", params: { args: [ { type: "string", value: message, }, ], executionContextId: 0, type: "error", }, }) ); } } #isPageFuseboxFrontend(pageId) { const page = pageId == null ? null : this.#pages.get(pageId); if (page == null) { return null; } return this.#pageHasCapability(page, "prefersFuseboxFrontend"); } dangerouslyGetSocket() { return this.#deviceSocket; } } exports.default = Device;