"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _buffer = require("./buffer.js"); var n = require("./node/index.js"); var _t = require("@babel/types"); var _tokenMap = require("./token-map.js"); var generatorFunctions = require("./generators/index.js"); var _deprecated = require("./generators/deprecated.js"); const { isExpression, isFunction, isStatement, isClassBody, isTSInterfaceBody, isTSEnumMember } = _t; const SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION = /e/i; const ZERO_DECIMAL_INTEGER = /\.0+$/; const HAS_NEWLINE = /[\n\r\u2028\u2029]/; const HAS_NEWLINE_OR_BlOCK_COMMENT_END = /[\n\r\u2028\u2029]|\*\//; function commentIsNewline(c) { return c.type === "CommentLine" || HAS_NEWLINE.test(c.value); } const { needsParens } = n; class Printer { constructor(format, map, tokens, originalCode) { this.inForStatementInit = false; this.tokenContext = 0; this._tokens = null; this._originalCode = null; this._currentNode = null; this._indent = 0; this._indentRepeat = 0; this._insideAux = false; this._noLineTerminator = false; this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode = null; this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode = false; this._printedComments = new Set(); this._endsWithInteger = false; this._endsWithWord = false; this._endsWithDiv = false; this._lastCommentLine = 0; this._endsWithInnerRaw = false; this._indentInnerComments = true; this.tokenMap = null; this._boundGetRawIdentifier = this._getRawIdentifier.bind(this); this._printSemicolonBeforeNextNode = -1; this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken = -1; this.format = format; this._tokens = tokens; this._originalCode = originalCode; this._indentRepeat = format.indent.style.length; this._inputMap = map == null ? void 0 : map._inputMap; this._buf = new _buffer.default(map, format.indent.style[0]); } enterForStatementInit() { if (this.inForStatementInit) return () => {}; this.inForStatementInit = true; return () => { this.inForStatementInit = false; }; } enterDelimited() { const oldInForStatementInit = this.inForStatementInit; const oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode = this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode; if (oldInForStatementInit === false && oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode === null) { return () => {}; } this.inForStatementInit = false; this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode = null; return () => { this.inForStatementInit = oldInForStatementInit; this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode = oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode; }; } generate(ast) { if (this.format.preserveFormat) { this.tokenMap = new _tokenMap.TokenMap(ast, this._tokens, this._originalCode); } this.print(ast); this._maybeAddAuxComment(); return this._buf.get(); } indent() { const { format } = this; if (format.preserveFormat || format.compact || format.concise) { return; } this._indent++; } dedent() { const { format } = this; if (format.preserveFormat || format.compact || format.concise) { return; } this._indent--; } semicolon(force = false) { this._maybeAddAuxComment(); if (force) { this._appendChar(59); this._noLineTerminator = false; return; } if (this.tokenMap) { const node = this._currentNode; if (node.start != null && node.end != null) { if (!this.tokenMap.endMatches(node, ";")) { this._printSemicolonBeforeNextNode = this._buf.getCurrentLine(); return; } const indexes = this.tokenMap.getIndexes(this._currentNode); this._catchUpTo(this._tokens[indexes[indexes.length - 1]].loc.start); } } this._queue(59); this._noLineTerminator = false; } rightBrace(node) { if (this.format.minified) { this._buf.removeLastSemicolon(); } this.sourceWithOffset("end", node.loc, -1); this.tokenChar(125); } rightParens(node) { this.sourceWithOffset("end", node.loc, -1); this.tokenChar(41); } space(force = false) { const { format } = this; if (format.compact || format.preserveFormat) return; if (force) { this._space(); } else if (this._buf.hasContent()) { const lastCp = this.getLastChar(); if (lastCp !== 32 && lastCp !== 10) { this._space(); } } } word(str, noLineTerminatorAfter = false) { this.tokenContext = 0; this._maybePrintInnerComments(str); this._maybeAddAuxComment(); if (this.tokenMap) this._catchUpToCurrentToken(str); if (this._endsWithWord || this._endsWithDiv && str.charCodeAt(0) === 47) { this._space(); } this._append(str, false); this._endsWithWord = true; this._noLineTerminator = noLineTerminatorAfter; } number(str, number) { function isNonDecimalLiteral(str) { if (str.length > 2 && str.charCodeAt(0) === 48) { const secondChar = str.charCodeAt(1); return secondChar === 98 || secondChar === 111 || secondChar === 120; } return false; } this.word(str); this._endsWithInteger = Number.isInteger(number) && !isNonDecimalLiteral(str) && !SCIENTIFIC_NOTATION.test(str) && !ZERO_DECIMAL_INTEGER.test(str) && str.charCodeAt(str.length - 1) !== 46; } token(str, maybeNewline = false, occurrenceCount = 0) { this.tokenContext = 0; this._maybePrintInnerComments(str, occurrenceCount); this._maybeAddAuxComment(); if (this.tokenMap) this._catchUpToCurrentToken(str, occurrenceCount); const lastChar = this.getLastChar(); const strFirst = str.charCodeAt(0); if (lastChar === 33 && (str === "--" || strFirst === 61) || strFirst === 43 && lastChar === 43 || strFirst === 45 && lastChar === 45 || strFirst === 46 && this._endsWithInteger) { this._space(); } this._append(str, maybeNewline); this._noLineTerminator = false; } tokenChar(char) { this.tokenContext = 0; const str = String.fromCharCode(char); this._maybePrintInnerComments(str); this._maybeAddAuxComment(); if (this.tokenMap) this._catchUpToCurrentToken(str); const lastChar = this.getLastChar(); if (char === 43 && lastChar === 43 || char === 45 && lastChar === 45 || char === 46 && this._endsWithInteger) { this._space(); } this._appendChar(char); this._noLineTerminator = false; } newline(i = 1, force) { if (i <= 0) return; if (!force) { if (this.format.retainLines || this.format.compact) return; if (this.format.concise) { this.space(); return; } } if (i > 2) i = 2; i -= this._buf.getNewlineCount(); for (let j = 0; j < i; j++) { this._newline(); } return; } endsWith(char) { return this.getLastChar() === char; } getLastChar() { return this._buf.getLastChar(); } endsWithCharAndNewline() { return this._buf.endsWithCharAndNewline(); } removeTrailingNewline() { this._buf.removeTrailingNewline(); } exactSource(loc, cb) { if (!loc) { cb(); return; } this._catchUp("start", loc); this._buf.exactSource(loc, cb); } source(prop, loc) { if (!loc) return; this._catchUp(prop, loc); this._buf.source(prop, loc); } sourceWithOffset(prop, loc, columnOffset) { if (!loc || this.format.preserveFormat) return; this._catchUp(prop, loc); this._buf.sourceWithOffset(prop, loc, columnOffset); } sourceIdentifierName(identifierName, pos) { if (!this._buf._canMarkIdName) return; const sourcePosition = this._buf._sourcePosition; sourcePosition.identifierNamePos = pos; sourcePosition.identifierName = identifierName; } _space() { this._queue(32); } _newline() { this._queue(10); } _catchUpToCurrentToken(str, occurrenceCount = 0) { const token = this.tokenMap.findMatching(this._currentNode, str, occurrenceCount); if (token) this._catchUpTo(token.loc.start); if (this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken !== -1 && this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken === this._buf.getCurrentLine()) { this._buf.appendChar(59); this._endsWithWord = false; this._endsWithInteger = false; this._endsWithDiv = false; } this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken = -1; this._printSemicolonBeforeNextNode = -1; } _append(str, maybeNewline) { this._maybeIndent(str.charCodeAt(0)); this._buf.append(str, maybeNewline); this._endsWithWord = false; this._endsWithInteger = false; this._endsWithDiv = false; } _appendChar(char) { this._maybeIndent(char); this._buf.appendChar(char); this._endsWithWord = false; this._endsWithInteger = false; this._endsWithDiv = false; } _queue(char) { this._maybeIndent(char); this._buf.queue(char); this._endsWithWord = false; this._endsWithInteger = false; } _maybeIndent(firstChar) { if (this._indent && firstChar !== 10 && this.endsWith(10)) { this._buf.queueIndentation(this._getIndent()); } } _shouldIndent(firstChar) { if (this._indent && firstChar !== 10 && this.endsWith(10)) { return true; } } catchUp(line) { if (!this.format.retainLines) return; const count = line - this._buf.getCurrentLine(); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { this._newline(); } } _catchUp(prop, loc) { const { format } = this; if (!format.preserveFormat) { if (format.retainLines && loc != null && loc[prop]) { this.catchUp(loc[prop].line); } return; } const pos = loc == null ? void 0 : loc[prop]; if (pos != null) this._catchUpTo(pos); } _catchUpTo({ line, column, index }) { const count = line - this._buf.getCurrentLine(); if (count > 0 && this._noLineTerminator) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { this._newline(); } const spacesCount = count > 0 ? column : column - this._buf.getCurrentColumn(); if (spacesCount > 0) { const spaces = this._originalCode ? this._originalCode.slice(index - spacesCount, index).replace(/[^\t\x0B\f \xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF]/gu, " ") : " ".repeat(spacesCount); this._append(spaces, false); } } _getIndent() { return this._indentRepeat * this._indent; } printTerminatorless(node) { this._noLineTerminator = true; this.print(node); } print(node, noLineTerminatorAfter, trailingCommentsLineOffset) { var _node$extra, _node$leadingComments, _node$leadingComments2; if (!node) return; this._endsWithInnerRaw = false; const nodeType = node.type; const format = this.format; const oldConcise = format.concise; if (node._compact) { format.concise = true; } const printMethod = this[nodeType]; if (printMethod === undefined) { throw new ReferenceError(`unknown node of type ${JSON.stringify(nodeType)} with constructor ${JSON.stringify(node.constructor.name)}`); } const parent = this._currentNode; this._currentNode = node; if (this.tokenMap) { this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken = this._printSemicolonBeforeNextNode; } const oldInAux = this._insideAux; this._insideAux = node.loc == null; this._maybeAddAuxComment(this._insideAux && !oldInAux); const parenthesized = (_node$extra = node.extra) == null ? void 0 : _node$extra.parenthesized; let shouldPrintParens = parenthesized && format.preserveFormat || parenthesized && format.retainFunctionParens && nodeType === "FunctionExpression" || needsParens(node, parent, this.tokenContext, this.inForStatementInit, format.preserveFormat ? this._boundGetRawIdentifier : undefined); if (!shouldPrintParens && parenthesized && (_node$leadingComments = node.leadingComments) != null && _node$leadingComments.length && node.leadingComments[0].type === "CommentBlock") { const parentType = parent == null ? void 0 : parent.type; switch (parentType) { case "ExpressionStatement": case "VariableDeclarator": case "AssignmentExpression": case "ReturnStatement": break; case "CallExpression": case "OptionalCallExpression": case "NewExpression": if (parent.callee !== node) break; default: shouldPrintParens = true; } } let indentParenthesized = false; if (!shouldPrintParens && this._noLineTerminator && ((_node$leadingComments2 = node.leadingComments) != null && _node$leadingComments2.some(commentIsNewline) || this.format.retainLines && node.loc && node.loc.start.line > this._buf.getCurrentLine())) { shouldPrintParens = true; indentParenthesized = true; } let oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode; let oldInForStatementInitWasTrue; if (!shouldPrintParens) { noLineTerminatorAfter || (noLineTerminatorAfter = parent && this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode === parent && n.isLastChild(parent, node)); if (noLineTerminatorAfter) { var _node$trailingComment; if ((_node$trailingComment = node.trailingComments) != null && _node$trailingComment.some(commentIsNewline)) { if (isExpression(node)) shouldPrintParens = true; } else { oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode = this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode; this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode = node; } } } if (shouldPrintParens) { this.tokenChar(40); if (indentParenthesized) this.indent(); this._endsWithInnerRaw = false; if (this.inForStatementInit) { oldInForStatementInitWasTrue = true; this.inForStatementInit = false; } oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode = this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode; this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode = null; } this._lastCommentLine = 0; this._printLeadingComments(node, parent); const loc = nodeType === "Program" || nodeType === "File" ? null : node.loc; this.exactSource(loc, printMethod.bind(this, node, parent)); if (shouldPrintParens) { this._printTrailingComments(node, parent); if (indentParenthesized) { this.dedent(); this.newline(); } this.tokenChar(41); this._noLineTerminator = noLineTerminatorAfter; if (oldInForStatementInitWasTrue) this.inForStatementInit = true; } else if (noLineTerminatorAfter && !this._noLineTerminator) { this._noLineTerminator = true; this._printTrailingComments(node, parent); } else { this._printTrailingComments(node, parent, trailingCommentsLineOffset); } this._currentNode = parent; format.concise = oldConcise; this._insideAux = oldInAux; if (oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode !== undefined) { this._noLineTerminatorAfterNode = oldNoLineTerminatorAfterNode; } this._endsWithInnerRaw = false; } _maybeAddAuxComment(enteredPositionlessNode) { if (enteredPositionlessNode) this._printAuxBeforeComment(); if (!this._insideAux) this._printAuxAfterComment(); } _printAuxBeforeComment() { if (this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode) return; this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode = true; const comment = this.format.auxiliaryCommentBefore; if (comment) { this._printComment({ type: "CommentBlock", value: comment }, 0); } } _printAuxAfterComment() { if (!this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode) return; this._printAuxAfterOnNextUserNode = false; const comment = this.format.auxiliaryCommentAfter; if (comment) { this._printComment({ type: "CommentBlock", value: comment }, 0); } } getPossibleRaw(node) { const extra = node.extra; if ((extra == null ? void 0 : extra.raw) != null && extra.rawValue != null && node.value === extra.rawValue) { return extra.raw; } } printJoin(nodes, statement, indent, separator, printTrailingSeparator, addNewlines, iterator, trailingCommentsLineOffset) { if (!(nodes != null && nodes.length)) return; if (indent == null && this.format.retainLines) { var _nodes$0$loc; const startLine = (_nodes$0$loc = nodes[0].loc) == null ? void 0 : _nodes$0$loc.start.line; if (startLine != null && startLine !== this._buf.getCurrentLine()) { indent = true; } } if (indent) this.indent(); const newlineOpts = { addNewlines: addNewlines, nextNodeStartLine: 0 }; const boundSeparator = separator == null ? void 0 : separator.bind(this); const len = nodes.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (!node) continue; if (statement) this._printNewline(i === 0, newlineOpts); this.print(node, undefined, trailingCommentsLineOffset || 0); iterator == null || iterator(node, i); if (boundSeparator != null) { if (i < len - 1) boundSeparator(i, false);else if (printTrailingSeparator) boundSeparator(i, true); } if (statement) { var _node$trailingComment2; if (!((_node$trailingComment2 = node.trailingComments) != null && _node$trailingComment2.length)) { this._lastCommentLine = 0; } if (i + 1 === len) { this.newline(1); } else { var _nextNode$loc; const nextNode = nodes[i + 1]; newlineOpts.nextNodeStartLine = ((_nextNode$loc = nextNode.loc) == null ? void 0 : _nextNode$loc.start.line) || 0; this._printNewline(true, newlineOpts); } } } if (indent) this.dedent(); } printAndIndentOnComments(node) { const indent = node.leadingComments && node.leadingComments.length > 0; if (indent) this.indent(); this.print(node); if (indent) this.dedent(); } printBlock(parent) { const node = parent.body; if (node.type !== "EmptyStatement") { this.space(); } this.print(node); } _printTrailingComments(node, parent, lineOffset) { const { innerComments, trailingComments } = node; if (innerComments != null && innerComments.length) { this._printComments(2, innerComments, node, parent, lineOffset); } if (trailingComments != null && trailingComments.length) { this._printComments(2, trailingComments, node, parent, lineOffset); } } _printLeadingComments(node, parent) { const comments = node.leadingComments; if (!(comments != null && comments.length)) return; this._printComments(0, comments, node, parent); } _maybePrintInnerComments(nextTokenStr, nextTokenOccurrenceCount) { if (this._endsWithInnerRaw) { var _this$tokenMap; this.printInnerComments((_this$tokenMap = this.tokenMap) == null ? void 0 : _this$tokenMap.findMatching(this._currentNode, nextTokenStr, nextTokenOccurrenceCount)); } this._endsWithInnerRaw = true; this._indentInnerComments = true; } printInnerComments(nextToken) { const node = this._currentNode; const comments = node.innerComments; if (!(comments != null && comments.length)) return; const hasSpace = this.endsWith(32); const indent = this._indentInnerComments; const printedCommentsCount = this._printedComments.size; if (indent) this.indent(); this._printComments(1, comments, node, undefined, undefined, nextToken); if (hasSpace && printedCommentsCount !== this._printedComments.size) { this.space(); } if (indent) this.dedent(); } noIndentInnerCommentsHere() { this._indentInnerComments = false; } printSequence(nodes, indent, trailingCommentsLineOffset, addNewlines) { this.printJoin(nodes, true, indent != null ? indent : false, undefined, undefined, addNewlines, undefined, trailingCommentsLineOffset); } printList(items, printTrailingSeparator, statement, indent, separator, iterator) { this.printJoin(items, statement, indent, separator != null ? separator : commaSeparator, printTrailingSeparator, undefined, iterator); } shouldPrintTrailingComma(listEnd) { if (!this.tokenMap) return null; const listEndIndex = this.tokenMap.findLastIndex(this._currentNode, token => this.tokenMap.matchesOriginal(token, listEnd)); if (listEndIndex <= 0) return null; return this.tokenMap.matchesOriginal(this._tokens[listEndIndex - 1], ","); } _printNewline(newLine, opts) { const format = this.format; if (format.retainLines || format.compact) return; if (format.concise) { this.space(); return; } if (!newLine) { return; } const startLine = opts.nextNodeStartLine; const lastCommentLine = this._lastCommentLine; if (startLine > 0 && lastCommentLine > 0) { const offset = startLine - lastCommentLine; if (offset >= 0) { this.newline(offset || 1); return; } } if (this._buf.hasContent()) { this.newline(1); } } _shouldPrintComment(comment, nextToken) { if (comment.ignore) return 0; if (this._printedComments.has(comment)) return 0; if (this._noLineTerminator && HAS_NEWLINE_OR_BlOCK_COMMENT_END.test(comment.value)) { return 2; } if (nextToken && this.tokenMap) { const commentTok = this.tokenMap.find(this._currentNode, token => token.value === comment.value); if (commentTok && commentTok.start > nextToken.start) { return 2; } } this._printedComments.add(comment); if (!this.format.shouldPrintComment(comment.value)) { return 0; } return 1; } _printComment(comment, skipNewLines) { const noLineTerminator = this._noLineTerminator; const isBlockComment = comment.type === "CommentBlock"; const printNewLines = isBlockComment && skipNewLines !== 1 && !this._noLineTerminator; if (printNewLines && this._buf.hasContent() && skipNewLines !== 2) { this.newline(1); } const lastCharCode = this.getLastChar(); if (lastCharCode !== 91 && lastCharCode !== 123 && lastCharCode !== 40) { this.space(); } let val; if (isBlockComment) { val = `/*${comment.value}*/`; if (this.format.indent.adjustMultilineComment) { var _comment$loc; const offset = (_comment$loc = comment.loc) == null ? void 0 : _comment$loc.start.column; if (offset) { const newlineRegex = new RegExp("\\n\\s{1," + offset + "}", "g"); val = val.replace(newlineRegex, "\n"); } if (this.format.concise) { val = val.replace(/\n(?!$)/g, `\n`); } else { let indentSize = this.format.retainLines ? 0 : this._buf.getCurrentColumn(); if (this._shouldIndent(47) || this.format.retainLines) { indentSize += this._getIndent(); } val = val.replace(/\n(?!$)/g, `\n${" ".repeat(indentSize)}`); } } } else if (!noLineTerminator) { val = `//${comment.value}`; } else { val = `/*${comment.value}*/`; } if (this._endsWithDiv) this._space(); if (this.tokenMap) { const { _printSemicolonBeforeNextToken, _printSemicolonBeforeNextNode } = this; this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken = -1; this._printSemicolonBeforeNextNode = -1; this.source("start", comment.loc); this._append(val, isBlockComment); this._printSemicolonBeforeNextNode = _printSemicolonBeforeNextNode; this._printSemicolonBeforeNextToken = _printSemicolonBeforeNextToken; } else { this.source("start", comment.loc); this._append(val, isBlockComment); } if (!isBlockComment && !noLineTerminator) { this.newline(1, true); } if (printNewLines && skipNewLines !== 3) { this.newline(1); } } _printComments(type, comments, node, parent, lineOffset = 0, nextToken) { const nodeLoc = node.loc; const len = comments.length; let hasLoc = !!nodeLoc; const nodeStartLine = hasLoc ? nodeLoc.start.line : 0; const nodeEndLine = hasLoc ? nodeLoc.end.line : 0; let lastLine = 0; let leadingCommentNewline = 0; const maybeNewline = this._noLineTerminator ? function () {} : this.newline.bind(this); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const comment = comments[i]; const shouldPrint = this._shouldPrintComment(comment, nextToken); if (shouldPrint === 2) { hasLoc = false; break; } if (hasLoc && comment.loc && shouldPrint === 1) { const commentStartLine = comment.loc.start.line; const commentEndLine = comment.loc.end.line; if (type === 0) { let offset = 0; if (i === 0) { if (this._buf.hasContent() && (comment.type === "CommentLine" || commentStartLine !== commentEndLine)) { offset = leadingCommentNewline = 1; } } else { offset = commentStartLine - lastLine; } lastLine = commentEndLine; maybeNewline(offset); this._printComment(comment, 1); if (i + 1 === len) { maybeNewline(Math.max(nodeStartLine - lastLine, leadingCommentNewline)); lastLine = nodeStartLine; } } else if (type === 1) { const offset = commentStartLine - (i === 0 ? nodeStartLine : lastLine); lastLine = commentEndLine; maybeNewline(offset); this._printComment(comment, 1); if (i + 1 === len) { maybeNewline(Math.min(1, nodeEndLine - lastLine)); lastLine = nodeEndLine; } } else { const offset = commentStartLine - (i === 0 ? nodeEndLine - lineOffset : lastLine); lastLine = commentEndLine; maybeNewline(offset); this._printComment(comment, 1); } } else { hasLoc = false; if (shouldPrint !== 1) { continue; } if (len === 1) { const singleLine = comment.loc ? comment.loc.start.line === comment.loc.end.line : !HAS_NEWLINE.test(comment.value); const shouldSkipNewline = singleLine && !isStatement(node) && !isClassBody(parent) && !isTSInterfaceBody(parent) && !isTSEnumMember(node); if (type === 0) { this._printComment(comment, shouldSkipNewline && node.type !== "ObjectExpression" || singleLine && isFunction(parent, { body: node }) ? 1 : 0); } else if (shouldSkipNewline && type === 2) { this._printComment(comment, 1); } else { this._printComment(comment, 0); } } else if (type === 1 && !(node.type === "ObjectExpression" && node.properties.length > 1) && node.type !== "ClassBody" && node.type !== "TSInterfaceBody") { this._printComment(comment, i === 0 ? 2 : i === len - 1 ? 3 : 0); } else { this._printComment(comment, 0); } } } if (type === 2 && hasLoc && lastLine) { this._lastCommentLine = lastLine; } } } Object.assign(Printer.prototype, generatorFunctions); { (0, _deprecated.addDeprecatedGenerators)(Printer); } var _default = exports.default = Printer; function commaSeparator(occurrenceCount, last) { this.token(",", false, occurrenceCount); if (!last) this.space(); } //# sourceMappingURL=printer.js.map