/* * Copyright (c) 2017 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license * that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source * tree. */ /* eslint-env node */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.removeExtmapAllowMixed = removeExtmapAllowMixed; exports.shimAddIceCandidateNullOrEmpty = shimAddIceCandidateNullOrEmpty; exports.shimConnectionState = shimConnectionState; exports.shimMaxMessageSize = shimMaxMessageSize; exports.shimParameterlessSetLocalDescription = shimParameterlessSetLocalDescription; exports.shimRTCIceCandidate = shimRTCIceCandidate; exports.shimRTCIceCandidateRelayProtocol = shimRTCIceCandidateRelayProtocol; exports.shimSendThrowTypeError = shimSendThrowTypeError; var _sdp = _interopRequireDefault(require("sdp")); var utils = _interopRequireWildcard(require("./utils")); function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interopRequireWildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || _typeof(obj) !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { "default": obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj["default"] = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && "function" == typeof Symbol && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }, _typeof(obj); } function shimRTCIceCandidate(window) { // foundation is arbitrarily chosen as an indicator for full support for // https://w3c.github.io/webrtc-pc/#rtcicecandidate-interface if (!window.RTCIceCandidate || window.RTCIceCandidate && 'foundation' in window.RTCIceCandidate.prototype) { return; } var NativeRTCIceCandidate = window.RTCIceCandidate; window.RTCIceCandidate = function RTCIceCandidate(args) { // Remove the a= which shouldn't be part of the candidate string. if (_typeof(args) === 'object' && args.candidate && args.candidate.indexOf('a=') === 0) { args = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args)); args.candidate = args.candidate.substring(2); } if (args.candidate && args.candidate.length) { // Augment the native candidate with the parsed fields. var nativeCandidate = new NativeRTCIceCandidate(args); var parsedCandidate = _sdp["default"].parseCandidate(args.candidate); for (var key in parsedCandidate) { if (!(key in nativeCandidate)) { Object.defineProperty(nativeCandidate, key, { value: parsedCandidate[key] }); } } // Override serializer to not serialize the extra attributes. nativeCandidate.toJSON = function toJSON() { return { candidate: nativeCandidate.candidate, sdpMid: nativeCandidate.sdpMid, sdpMLineIndex: nativeCandidate.sdpMLineIndex, usernameFragment: nativeCandidate.usernameFragment }; }; return nativeCandidate; } return new NativeRTCIceCandidate(args); }; window.RTCIceCandidate.prototype = NativeRTCIceCandidate.prototype; // Hook up the augmented candidate in onicecandidate and // addEventListener('icecandidate', ...) utils.wrapPeerConnectionEvent(window, 'icecandidate', function (e) { if (e.candidate) { Object.defineProperty(e, 'candidate', { value: new window.RTCIceCandidate(e.candidate), writable: 'false' }); } return e; }); } function shimRTCIceCandidateRelayProtocol(window) { if (!window.RTCIceCandidate || window.RTCIceCandidate && 'relayProtocol' in window.RTCIceCandidate.prototype) { return; } // Hook up the augmented candidate in onicecandidate and // addEventListener('icecandidate', ...) utils.wrapPeerConnectionEvent(window, 'icecandidate', function (e) { if (e.candidate) { var parsedCandidate = _sdp["default"].parseCandidate(e.candidate.candidate); if (parsedCandidate.type === 'relay') { // This is a libwebrtc-specific mapping of local type preference // to relayProtocol. e.candidate.relayProtocol = { 0: 'tls', 1: 'tcp', 2: 'udp' }[parsedCandidate.priority >> 24]; } } return e; }); } function shimMaxMessageSize(window, browserDetails) { if (!window.RTCPeerConnection) { return; } if (!('sctp' in window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype)) { Object.defineProperty(window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype, 'sctp', { get: function get() { return typeof this._sctp === 'undefined' ? null : this._sctp; } }); } var sctpInDescription = function sctpInDescription(description) { if (!description || !description.sdp) { return false; } var sections = _sdp["default"].splitSections(description.sdp); sections.shift(); return sections.some(function (mediaSection) { var mLine = _sdp["default"].parseMLine(mediaSection); return mLine && mLine.kind === 'application' && mLine.protocol.indexOf('SCTP') !== -1; }); }; var getRemoteFirefoxVersion = function getRemoteFirefoxVersion(description) { // TODO: Is there a better solution for detecting Firefox? var match = description.sdp.match(/mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-(\d+)/); if (match === null || match.length < 2) { return -1; } var version = parseInt(match[1], 10); // Test for NaN (yes, this is ugly) return version !== version ? -1 : version; }; var getCanSendMaxMessageSize = function getCanSendMaxMessageSize(remoteIsFirefox) { // Every implementation we know can send at least 64 KiB. // Note: Although Chrome is technically able to send up to 256 KiB, the // data does not reach the other peer reliably. // See: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=8419 var canSendMaxMessageSize = 65536; if (browserDetails.browser === 'firefox') { if (browserDetails.version < 57) { if (remoteIsFirefox === -1) { // FF < 57 will send in 16 KiB chunks using the deprecated PPID // fragmentation. canSendMaxMessageSize = 16384; } else { // However, other FF (and RAWRTC) can reassemble PPID-fragmented // messages. Thus, supporting ~2 GiB when sending. canSendMaxMessageSize = 2147483637; } } else if (browserDetails.version < 60) { // Currently, all FF >= 57 will reset the remote maximum message size // to the default value when a data channel is created at a later // stage. :( // See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1426831 canSendMaxMessageSize = browserDetails.version === 57 ? 65535 : 65536; } else { // FF >= 60 supports sending ~2 GiB canSendMaxMessageSize = 2147483637; } } return canSendMaxMessageSize; }; var getMaxMessageSize = function getMaxMessageSize(description, remoteIsFirefox) { // Note: 65536 bytes is the default value from the SDP spec. Also, // every implementation we know supports receiving 65536 bytes. var maxMessageSize = 65536; // FF 57 has a slightly incorrect default remote max message size, so // we need to adjust it here to avoid a failure when sending. // See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1425697 if (browserDetails.browser === 'firefox' && browserDetails.version === 57) { maxMessageSize = 65535; } var match = _sdp["default"].matchPrefix(description.sdp, 'a=max-message-size:'); if (match.length > 0) { maxMessageSize = parseInt(match[0].substring(19), 10); } else if (browserDetails.browser === 'firefox' && remoteIsFirefox !== -1) { // If the maximum message size is not present in the remote SDP and // both local and remote are Firefox, the remote peer can receive // ~2 GiB. maxMessageSize = 2147483637; } return maxMessageSize; }; var origSetRemoteDescription = window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.setRemoteDescription; window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.setRemoteDescription = function setRemoteDescription() { this._sctp = null; // Chrome decided to not expose .sctp in plan-b mode. // As usual, adapter.js has to do an 'ugly worakaround' // to cover up the mess. if (browserDetails.browser === 'chrome' && browserDetails.version >= 76) { var _this$getConfiguratio = this.getConfiguration(), sdpSemantics = _this$getConfiguratio.sdpSemantics; if (sdpSemantics === 'plan-b') { Object.defineProperty(this, 'sctp', { get: function get() { return typeof this._sctp === 'undefined' ? null : this._sctp; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } } if (sctpInDescription(arguments[0])) { // Check if the remote is FF. var isFirefox = getRemoteFirefoxVersion(arguments[0]); // Get the maximum message size the local peer is capable of sending var canSendMMS = getCanSendMaxMessageSize(isFirefox); // Get the maximum message size of the remote peer. var remoteMMS = getMaxMessageSize(arguments[0], isFirefox); // Determine final maximum message size var maxMessageSize; if (canSendMMS === 0 && remoteMMS === 0) { maxMessageSize = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else if (canSendMMS === 0 || remoteMMS === 0) { maxMessageSize = Math.max(canSendMMS, remoteMMS); } else { maxMessageSize = Math.min(canSendMMS, remoteMMS); } // Create a dummy RTCSctpTransport object and the 'maxMessageSize' // attribute. var sctp = {}; Object.defineProperty(sctp, 'maxMessageSize', { get: function get() { return maxMessageSize; } }); this._sctp = sctp; } return origSetRemoteDescription.apply(this, arguments); }; } function shimSendThrowTypeError(window) { if (!(window.RTCPeerConnection && 'createDataChannel' in window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype)) { return; } // Note: Although Firefox >= 57 has a native implementation, the maximum // message size can be reset for all data channels at a later stage. // See: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1426831 function wrapDcSend(dc, pc) { var origDataChannelSend = dc.send; dc.send = function send() { var data = arguments[0]; var length = data.length || data.size || data.byteLength; if (dc.readyState === 'open' && pc.sctp && length > pc.sctp.maxMessageSize) { throw new TypeError('Message too large (can send a maximum of ' + pc.sctp.maxMessageSize + ' bytes)'); } return origDataChannelSend.apply(dc, arguments); }; } var origCreateDataChannel = window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.createDataChannel; window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.createDataChannel = function createDataChannel() { var dataChannel = origCreateDataChannel.apply(this, arguments); wrapDcSend(dataChannel, this); return dataChannel; }; utils.wrapPeerConnectionEvent(window, 'datachannel', function (e) { wrapDcSend(e.channel, e.target); return e; }); } /* shims RTCConnectionState by pretending it is the same as iceConnectionState. * See https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=6145#c12 * for why this is a valid hack in Chrome. In Firefox it is slightly incorrect * since DTLS failures would be hidden. See * https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1265827 * for the Firefox tracking bug. */ function shimConnectionState(window) { if (!window.RTCPeerConnection || 'connectionState' in window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype) { return; } var proto = window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype; Object.defineProperty(proto, 'connectionState', { get: function get() { return { completed: 'connected', checking: 'connecting' }[this.iceConnectionState] || this.iceConnectionState; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(proto, 'onconnectionstatechange', { get: function get() { return this._onconnectionstatechange || null; }, set: function set(cb) { if (this._onconnectionstatechange) { this.removeEventListener('connectionstatechange', this._onconnectionstatechange); delete this._onconnectionstatechange; } if (cb) { this.addEventListener('connectionstatechange', this._onconnectionstatechange = cb); } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); ['setLocalDescription', 'setRemoteDescription'].forEach(function (method) { var origMethod = proto[method]; proto[method] = function () { if (!this._connectionstatechangepoly) { this._connectionstatechangepoly = function (e) { var pc = e.target; if (pc._lastConnectionState !== pc.connectionState) { pc._lastConnectionState = pc.connectionState; var newEvent = new Event('connectionstatechange', e); pc.dispatchEvent(newEvent); } return e; }; this.addEventListener('iceconnectionstatechange', this._connectionstatechangepoly); } return origMethod.apply(this, arguments); }; }); } function removeExtmapAllowMixed(window, browserDetails) { /* remove a=extmap-allow-mixed for webrtc.org < M71 */ if (!window.RTCPeerConnection) { return; } if (browserDetails.browser === 'chrome' && browserDetails.version >= 71) { return; } if (browserDetails.browser === 'safari' && browserDetails.version >= 605) { return; } var nativeSRD = window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.setRemoteDescription; window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.setRemoteDescription = function setRemoteDescription(desc) { if (desc && desc.sdp && desc.sdp.indexOf('\na=extmap-allow-mixed') !== -1) { var sdp = desc.sdp.split('\n').filter(function (line) { return line.trim() !== 'a=extmap-allow-mixed'; }).join('\n'); // Safari enforces read-only-ness of RTCSessionDescription fields. if (window.RTCSessionDescription && desc instanceof window.RTCSessionDescription) { arguments[0] = new window.RTCSessionDescription({ type: desc.type, sdp: sdp }); } else { desc.sdp = sdp; } } return nativeSRD.apply(this, arguments); }; } function shimAddIceCandidateNullOrEmpty(window, browserDetails) { // Support for addIceCandidate(null or undefined) // as well as addIceCandidate({candidate: "", ...}) // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=978582 // Note: must be called before other polyfills which change the signature. if (!(window.RTCPeerConnection && window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype)) { return; } var nativeAddIceCandidate = window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.addIceCandidate; if (!nativeAddIceCandidate || nativeAddIceCandidate.length === 0) { return; } window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.addIceCandidate = function addIceCandidate() { if (!arguments[0]) { if (arguments[1]) { arguments[1].apply(null); } return Promise.resolve(); } // Firefox 68+ emits and processes {candidate: "", ...}, ignore // in older versions. // Native support for ignoring exists for Chrome M77+. // Safari ignores as well, exact version unknown but works in the same // version that also ignores addIceCandidate(null). if ((browserDetails.browser === 'chrome' && browserDetails.version < 78 || browserDetails.browser === 'firefox' && browserDetails.version < 68 || browserDetails.browser === 'safari') && arguments[0] && arguments[0].candidate === '') { return Promise.resolve(); } return nativeAddIceCandidate.apply(this, arguments); }; } // Note: Make sure to call this ahead of APIs that modify // setLocalDescription.length function shimParameterlessSetLocalDescription(window, browserDetails) { if (!(window.RTCPeerConnection && window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype)) { return; } var nativeSetLocalDescription = window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.setLocalDescription; if (!nativeSetLocalDescription || nativeSetLocalDescription.length === 0) { return; } window.RTCPeerConnection.prototype.setLocalDescription = function setLocalDescription() { var _this = this; var desc = arguments[0] || {}; if (_typeof(desc) !== 'object' || desc.type && desc.sdp) { return nativeSetLocalDescription.apply(this, arguments); } // The remaining steps should technically happen when SLD comes off the // RTCPeerConnection's operations chain (not ahead of going on it), but // this is too difficult to shim. Instead, this shim only covers the // common case where the operations chain is empty. This is imperfect, but // should cover many cases. Rationale: Even if we can't reduce the glare // window to zero on imperfect implementations, there's value in tapping // into the perfect negotiation pattern that several browsers support. desc = { type: desc.type, sdp: desc.sdp }; if (!desc.type) { switch (this.signalingState) { case 'stable': case 'have-local-offer': case 'have-remote-pranswer': desc.type = 'offer'; break; default: desc.type = 'answer'; break; } } if (desc.sdp || desc.type !== 'offer' && desc.type !== 'answer') { return nativeSetLocalDescription.apply(this, [desc]); } var func = desc.type === 'offer' ? this.createOffer : this.createAnswer; return func.apply(this).then(function (d) { return nativeSetLocalDescription.apply(_this, [d]); }); }; }