import { ChannelMsgBody, ChatType, DeliveryMsgBody, MessagePriority, MessagesType, ReadMsgBody, } from '../types/message'; export interface CombineParameters { /** The message type. */ /** 消息类型。 */ type: 'combine'; /** The message ID. */ /** 消息 ID。*/ id: string; } export interface CombineMsgBody { /** The message ID. */ /** 消息 ID。*/ id: string; /** The conversation type. */ /** 会话类型。 */ chatType: ChatType; /** The message type. */ /** 消息类型。 */ type: 'combine'; /** The recipient. */ /** 消息接收方。 */ to: string; /** The sender, which can only be the current user and can not be changed.*/ /** 消息发送方,只能是当前用户,无法修改。*/ from?: string; /** @deprecated Whether the conversation type is chat room. */ /** @deprecated 会话类型是否是聊天室。 */ roomType?: boolean; /** @deprecated Whether the conversation type is group. */ /** @deprecated 会话类型是否是群组。 */ group?: string; /** Message extension. */ /** 消息扩展。 */ ext?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** Whether read receipts are required during a group conversation. */ /** 群组会话时是否需返回已读回执。*/ msgConfig?: { allowGroupAck?: boolean; languages?: string[]; }; /** Time. */ /** 时间。 */ time: number; /** Whether the message is a threaded message. */ /** 消息是否为子区消息 */ isChatThread?: boolean; /** The message priority. */ /** 消息优先级 */ priority?: MessagePriority; /** Whether global notify message or not. */ /** 判断是否是全局广播消息。 */ broadcast?: boolean; /** Whether the message content is replaced. This property is valid only when `useReplacedMessageContent` is set to `true` during initialization. */ /** 消息内容是否已被替换。该属性仅在初始化时开启 `useReplacedMessageContent` 后有效。*/ isContentReplaced?: boolean; /** Whether the message is delivered only when the recipient(s) is/are online: * - `true`: The message is delivered only when the recipient(s) is/are online. If the recipient is offline, the message is discarded. * - (Default) `false`: The message is delivered when the recipient(s) is/are online. If the recipient(s) is/are offline, the message will not be delivered to them until they get online. */ /** 消息是否只投递给在线用户: * - `true`: 只有消息接收方在线时才能投递成功。若接收方离线,则消息会被丢弃。 * - (默认)`false`: 如果用户在线,则直接投递;如果用户离线,消息会在用户上线时投递。 */ deliverOnlineOnly?: boolean; /** The list of message recipients. */ /** 消息接收方列表。 */ receiverList?: string[]; /** The compatibility information for combining message. */ /** 合并消息的兼容信息。 */ compatibleText: string; /** The title of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息的标题。 */ title: string; /** The summary list of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息的摘要列表。 */ summary: string; /** The message list of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息列表。 */ messageList: MessagesType[]; /** The callback of a file upload error. */ /** 文件上传错误的回调。 */ onFileUploadError?: (error: any) => void; /** The callback of file upload completion. */ /** 文件上传完成的回调。 */ onFileUploadComplete?: (data: { url: string; secret: string }) => void; } export interface CreateCombineMsgParameters { /** The conversation type. */ /** 会话类型。 */ chatType: ChatType; /** The message type. */ /** 消息类型。 */ type: 'combine'; /** The recipient. */ /** 消息接收方。 */ to: string; /** The sender, which can only be the current user and can not be changed. */ /** 消息发送方,只能是当前用户,无法修改。*/ from?: string; /** The message extension. */ /** 消息扩展。 */ ext?: { [key: string]: any; }; /** Whether read receipts are required during a group conversation. */ /** 群组会话时是否需返回已读回执。*/ msgConfig?: { allowGroupAck?: boolean; languages?: string[]; }; /** Whether the message is a threaded message. */ /** 消息是否为子区消息。 */ isChatThread?: boolean; /** Message priority. */ /** 消息优先级 */ priority?: MessagePriority; /** Whether the message is delivered only when the recipient(s) is/are online: * - `true`: The message is delivered only when the recipient(s) is/are online. If the recipient is offline, the message is discarded. * - (Default) `false`: The message is delivered when the recipient(s) is/are online. If the recipient(s) is/are offline, the message will not be delivered to them until they get online. */ /** 消息是否只投递给在线用户: * - `true`: 只有消息接收方在线时才能投递成功。若接收方离线,则消息会被丢弃。 * - (默认)`false`: 如果用户在线,则直接投递;如果用户离线,消息会在用户上线时投递。 */ deliverOnlineOnly?: boolean; /** The list of message recipients. */ /** 消息接收方列表。 */ receiverList?: string[]; /** The compatible text of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息的兼容信息。 */ compatibleText: string; /** The title of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息的标题。 */ title: string; /** The summary list of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息摘要列表。 */ summary: string; /** The message list of the combined message. */ /** 合并消息的消息列表。 */ messageList: Exclude< MessagesType, DeliveryMsgBody | ReadMsgBody | ChannelMsgBody >[]; /** The callback of a file upload error. */ /** 文件上传错误的回调。 */ onFileUploadError?: (error: any) => void; /** The callback of file upload completion. */ /** 文件上传完成的回调。 */ onFileUploadComplete?: (data: { url: string; secret: string }) => void; } export declare class Combine { id: string; type: 'combine'; value: string; body?: CombineMsgBody; constructor(parameters: CombineParameters); static create(options: CreateCombineMsgParameters): CombineMsgBody; }