# Official JavaScript SDK for Tencent Cloud Chat
## About Tencent Cloud Chat
[Tencent Cloud Chat](https://trtc.io/products/chat) provides globally interconnected chat APIs, multi-platform SDKs, and UIKit components to help you quickly bring messaging capabilities such as one-to-one chat, group chat, chat rooms, and system notifications to your applications and websites.
## Benefits
### Higher Engagement with Our Feature-rich Chat
### Manage Groups and Conversations at Ease
### Build Your Own Chat App in just One Day
👉🏻 [Free Demo](https://trtc.io/demo/homepage/#/detail?scene=messenger)
đź“„ [Documentation](https://trtc.io/document/50061?platform=web&product=chat)
## Global Compliance Certifications
## Core Capabilities
- 1 Billion+ Monthly active users
- 550 Billion+ Daily peak messages
- 100,000+ Customers worldwid
- 99.99% Message success rate
## Use Cases
### Social
Build real-time community interactions in your app using a simple chat API.
âś“Various message types âś“Announcement âś“Group chat
### Live
Welcome a large audience to your immersive live show using a simple chat API.
âś“Unlimited participants âś“Interactive live streaming âś“Online chat
### Metaverse
Bridge the limitless virtual and physical worlds using simple chat SDKs.
âś“Chat in metaverse âś“User profile and management âś“Immersive interactions
### Gaming
Intensify gaming with real-time chat engagement using a simple chat API.
âś“Chat in game âś“Global message access âś“User profile and management
### Education
Create interactive virtual classrooms with real-time chat experiences using simple chat SDK and API.
âś“Class start notifications âś“Student management âś“Class messages
### On-demand Service
Resolve order issues with in-app conversations quickly, with simple SDK and API.
âś“Customer service support âś“Order cancellations minimization âś“Social features
## Installation
npm install @tencentcloud/chat --save
// The upload plugin is required to send messages such as images and files.
npm install tim-upload-plugin --save
## Getting started
import TencentCloudChat from '@tencentcloud/chat';
import TIMUploadPlugin from 'tim-upload-plugin';
// Create an SDK instance.
// The `TencentCloudChat.create()` method returns the same instance for the same `SDKAppID`.
// The SDK instance is usually represented by `chat`.
let chat = TencentCloudChat.create({
SDKAppID: 0 // Replace `0` with the `SDKAppID` of your Chat app during access.
// Common level. You are advised to use this level during connection as it covers more logs.
// Release level, at which the SDK outputs important information.
// You are advised to use this log level in a production environment.
// chat.setLogLevel(1);
// Register the Tencent Cloud Chat upload plugin.
chat.registerPlugin({'tim-upload-plugin': TIMUploadPlugin});
## Sending your first message
### 1. Generate UserSig
UserSig is a password used to log in to Tencent Cloud Chat. It is the ciphertext obtained after data such as UserID is encrypted. This [document](https://trtc.io/document/34385) describes how to generate a UserSig.
### 2. Listen to the SDK_READY event
// This event is triggered when the SDK enters the ready state.
// When SDK is ready, the access side can call SDK APIs such as the message sending API to use various features of the SDK
let onSdkReady = function(event) {
// Now you can create a message instance and send it.
chat.on(TencentCloudChat.EVENT.SDK_READY, onSdkReady);
let onMessageReceived = function(event) {
// A newly pushed one-to-one message, group message, group tip, or group system notification is received. You can traverse event.data to obtain the message list and render it to the UI.
// event.name - TencentCloudChat.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED
// event.data - An array that stores Message objects - [Message]
chat.on(TencentCloudChat.EVENT.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, onMessageReceived);
### 3. Login in to the Chat SDK
let promise = chat.login({userID: 'your userID', userSig: 'your userSig'});
promise.then(function(imResponse) {
console.log(imResponse.data); // Login successful
if (imResponse.data.repeatLogin === true) {
// Indicates that the account has logged in and that the current login will be a repeated login.
}).catch(function(imError) {
console.warn('login error:', imError); // Error information
After successful login, to call APIs that require authentication, such as `sendMessage`, you must wait until the SDK enters the ready state (you can obtain the status of the SDK by listening to the `TencentCloudChat.EVENT.SDK_READY` event.
### 3. Create a message instance
let message = chat.createTextMessage({
to: 'user1',
conversationType: TencentCloudChat.TYPES.CONV_C2C,
payload: {
text: 'Hello Tencent!'
// Message custom data (saved in the cloud, will be sent to the peer end, and can still be pulled after the app is uninstalled and reinstalled)
// cloudCustomData: 'your cloud custom data'
### 4. Send the message instance
let promise = chat.sendMessage(message);
promise.then(function(imResponse) {
// The message is sent successfully.
}).catch(function(imError) {
// The message fails to be sent.
console.warn('sendMessage error:', imError);
## Contact Us
Join a Tencent Cloud Chat developer group for Reliable technical support & Product details & Constant exchange of ideas.
- Telegram group (EN): [join](https://t.me/+1doS9AUBmndhNGNl)
- WhatsApp group (EN): [join](https://chat.whatsapp.com/Gfbxk7rQBqc8Rz4pzzP27A)
- Telegram group (ZH): [join](https://t.me/tencent_imsdk)
- WhatsApp group (ZH): [join](https://chat.whatsapp.com/IVa11ZkVmKTEwSWsAzSyik)
## Supported Browsers
| Browser | Supported versions |
| ---- | ---- |
| Chrome | 16 or higher |
| Edge | 13 or higher |
| Firefox | 11 or higher |
| Safari | 7 or higher |
| Internet Explorer | 10 or higher |
| Opera | 12.1 or higher |
| iOS Safari | 7 or higher |
| Android Browswer | 4.4 (Kitkat) or higher |