/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; import type {TextStyleProp, ViewStyleProp} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import type {PressEvent} from '../Types/CoreEventTypes'; import type { AccessibilityActionEvent, AccessibilityActionInfo, AccessibilityState, } from './View/ViewAccessibility'; import StyleSheet, {type ColorValue} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import Text from '../Text/Text'; import Platform from '../Utilities/Platform'; import TouchableNativeFeedback from './Touchable/TouchableNativeFeedback'; import TouchableOpacity from './Touchable/TouchableOpacity'; import View from './View/View'; import invariant from 'invariant'; import * as React from 'react'; type ButtonProps = $ReadOnly<{| /** Text to display inside the button. On Android the given title will be converted to the uppercased form. */ title: string, /** Handler to be called when the user taps the button. The first function argument is an event in form of [PressEvent](pressevent). */ onPress: (event?: PressEvent) => mixed, /** If `true`, doesn't play system sound on touch. @platform android @default false */ touchSoundDisabled?: ?boolean, /** Color of the text (iOS), or background color of the button (Android). @default {@platform android} '#2196F3' @default {@platform ios} '#007AFF' */ color?: ?ColorValue, /** TV preferred focus. @platform tv @default false */ hasTVPreferredFocus?: ?boolean, /** Designates the next view to receive focus when the user navigates down. See the [Android documentation][android:nextFocusDown]. [android:nextFocusDown]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:nextFocusDown @platform android, tv */ nextFocusDown?: ?number, /** Designates the next view to receive focus when the user navigates forward. See the [Android documentation][android:nextFocusForward]. [android:nextFocusForward]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:nextFocusForward @platform android, tv */ nextFocusForward?: ?number, /** Designates the next view to receive focus when the user navigates left. See the [Android documentation][android:nextFocusLeft]. [android:nextFocusLeft]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:nextFocusLeft @platform android, tv */ nextFocusLeft?: ?number, /** Designates the next view to receive focus when the user navigates right. See the [Android documentation][android:nextFocusRight]. [android:nextFocusRight]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:nextFocusRight @platform android, tv */ nextFocusRight?: ?number, /** Designates the next view to receive focus when the user navigates up. See the [Android documentation][android:nextFocusUp]. [android:nextFocusUp]: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#attr_android:nextFocusUp @platform android, tv */ nextFocusUp?: ?number, /** Text to display for blindness accessibility features. */ accessibilityLabel?: ?string, /** * Alias for accessibilityLabel https://reactnative.dev/docs/view#accessibilitylabel * https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/34424 */ 'aria-label'?: ?string, /** If `true`, disable all interactions for this component. @default false */ disabled?: ?boolean, /** Used to locate this view in end-to-end tests. */ testID?: ?string, /** * Accessibility props. */ accessible?: ?boolean, accessibilityActions?: ?$ReadOnlyArray, onAccessibilityAction?: ?(event: AccessibilityActionEvent) => mixed, accessibilityState?: ?AccessibilityState, /** * alias for accessibilityState * * see https://reactnative.dev/docs/accessibility#accessibilitystate */ 'aria-busy'?: ?boolean, 'aria-checked'?: ?boolean | 'mixed', 'aria-disabled'?: ?boolean, 'aria-expanded'?: ?boolean, 'aria-selected'?: ?boolean, /** * [Android] Controlling if a view fires accessibility events and if it is reported to accessibility services. */ importantForAccessibility?: ?('auto' | 'yes' | 'no' | 'no-hide-descendants'), accessibilityHint?: ?string, accessibilityLanguage?: ?Stringish, |}>; /** A basic button component that should render nicely on any platform. Supports a minimal level of customization. If this button doesn't look right for your app, you can build your own button using [TouchableOpacity](touchableopacity) or [TouchableWithoutFeedback](touchablewithoutfeedback). For inspiration, look at the [source code for this button component][button:source]. Or, take a look at the [wide variety of button components built by the community] [button:examples]. [button:source]: https://github.com/facebook/react-native/blob/HEAD/Libraries/Components/Button.js [button:examples]: https://js.coach/?menu%5Bcollections%5D=React%20Native&page=1&query=button ```jsx