/** * Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ 'use strict'; const child_process = require('child_process'); const pc = require('picocolors'); const fs = require('graceful-fs'); const path = require('path'); const http = require('http'); const https = require('https'); const ignores = require('./ignoreFiles'); const tmp = require('tmp'); tmp.setGracefulCleanup(); const availableCpus = Math.max(require('os').cpus().length - 1, 1); const CHUNK_SIZE = 50; function lineBreak(str) { return /\n$/.test(str) ? str : str + '\n'; } const bufferedWrite = (function() { const buffer = []; let buffering = false; process.stdout.on('drain', () => { if (!buffering) return; while (buffer.length > 0 && process.stdout.write(buffer.shift()) !== false); if (buffer.length === 0) { buffering = false; } }); return function write(msg) { if (buffering) { buffer.push(msg); } if (process.stdout.write(msg) === false) { buffering = true; } }; }()); const log = { ok(msg, verbose) { verbose >= 2 && bufferedWrite(pc.bgGreen(pc.white(' OKK ')) + msg); }, nochange(msg, verbose) { verbose >= 1 && bufferedWrite(pc.bgYellow(pc.white(' NOC ')) + msg); }, skip(msg, verbose) { verbose >= 1 && bufferedWrite(pc.bgYellow(pc.white(' SKIP ')) + msg); }, error(msg, verbose) { verbose >= 0 && bufferedWrite(pc.bgRed(pc.white(' ERR ')) + msg); }, }; function report({file, msg}) { bufferedWrite(lineBreak(`${pc.bgBlue(pc.white(' REP '))}${file} ${msg}`)); } function concatAll(arrays) { const result = []; for (const array of arrays) { for (const element of array) { result.push(element); } } return result; } function showFileStats(fileStats) { process.stdout.write( 'Results: \n'+ pc.red(fileStats.error + ' errors\n')+ pc.yellow(fileStats.nochange + ' unmodified\n')+ pc.yellow(fileStats.skip + ' skipped\n')+ pc.green(fileStats.ok + ' ok\n') ); } function showStats(stats) { const names = Object.keys(stats).sort(); if (names.length) { process.stdout.write(pc.blue('Stats: \n')); } names.forEach(name => process.stdout.write(name + ': ' + stats[name] + '\n')); } function dirFiles (dir, callback, acc) { // acc stores files found so far and counts remaining paths to be processed acc = acc || { files: [], remaining: 1 }; function done() { // decrement count and return if there are no more paths left to process if (!--acc.remaining) { callback(acc.files); } } fs.readdir(dir, (err, files) => { // if dir does not exist or is not a directory, bail // (this should not happen as long as calls do the necessary checks) if (err) throw err; acc.remaining += files.length; files.forEach(file => { let name = path.join(dir, file); fs.stat(name, (err, stats) => { if (err) { // probably a symlink issue process.stdout.write( 'Skipping path "' + name + '" which does not exist.\n' ); done(); } else if (ignores.shouldIgnore(name)) { // ignore the path done(); } else if (stats.isDirectory()) { dirFiles(name + '/', callback, acc); } else { acc.files.push(name); done(); } }); }); done(); }); } function getAllFiles(paths, filter) { return Promise.all( paths.map(file => new Promise(resolve => { fs.lstat(file, (err, stat) => { if (err) { process.stderr.write('Skipping path ' + file + ' which does not exist. \n'); resolve([]); return; } if (stat.isDirectory()) { dirFiles( file, list => resolve(list.filter(filter)) ); } else if (!filter(file) || ignores.shouldIgnore(file)) { // ignoring the file resolve([]); } else { resolve([file]); } }) })) ).then(concatAll); } function run(transformFile, paths, options) { const cpus = options.cpus ? Math.min(availableCpus, options.cpus) : availableCpus; const extensions = options.extensions && options.extensions.split(',').map(ext => '.' + ext); const fileCounters = {error: 0, ok: 0, nochange: 0, skip: 0}; const statsCounter = {}; const startTime = process.hrtime(); ignores.add(options.ignoreSet); ignores.add(options.ignorePattern); ignores.addFromFile(options.ignoreConfig); if (options.gitignore) { let currDirectory = process.cwd(); let gitIgnorePath = path.join(currDirectory, '.gitignore'); ignores.addFromFile(gitIgnorePath); } if (/^http/.test(transformFile)) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // call the correct `http` or `https` implementation (transformFile.indexOf('https') !== 0 ? http : https).get(transformFile, (res) => { let contents = ''; res .on('data', (d) => { contents += d.toString(); }) .on('end', () => { const ext = path.extname(transformFile); tmp.file({ prefix: 'jscodeshift', postfix: ext }, (err, path, fd) => { if (err) return reject(err); fs.write(fd, contents, function (err) { if (err) return reject(err); fs.close(fd, function(err) { if (err) return reject(err); transform(path).then(resolve, reject); }); }); }); }) }) .on('error', (e) => { reject(e); }); }); } else if (!fs.existsSync(transformFile)) { process.stderr.write( pc.bgRed(pc.white('ERROR')) + ' Transform file ' + transformFile + ' does not exist \n' ); return; } else { return transform(transformFile); } function transform(transformFile) { return getAllFiles( paths, name => !extensions || extensions.indexOf(path.extname(name)) != -1 ).then(files => { const numFiles = files.length; if (numFiles === 0) { process.stdout.write('No files selected, nothing to do. \n'); return []; } const processes = options.runInBand ? 1 : Math.min(numFiles, cpus); const chunkSize = processes > 1 ? Math.min(Math.ceil(numFiles / processes), CHUNK_SIZE) : numFiles; let index = 0; // return the next chunk of work for a free worker function next() { if (!options.silent && !options.runInBand && index < numFiles) { process.stdout.write( 'Sending ' + Math.min(chunkSize, numFiles-index) + ' files to free worker...\n' ); } return files.slice(index, index += chunkSize); } if (!options.silent) { process.stdout.write('Processing ' + files.length + ' files... \n'); if (!options.runInBand) { process.stdout.write( 'Spawning ' + processes +' workers...\n' ); } if (options.dry) { process.stdout.write( pc.green('Running in dry mode, no files will be written! \n') ); } } const args = [transformFile, options.babel ? 'babel' : 'no-babel']; const workers = []; for (let i = 0; i < processes; i++) { workers.push(options.runInBand ? require('./Worker')(args) : child_process.fork(require.resolve('./Worker'), args) ); } return workers.map(child => { child.send({files: next(), options}); child.on('message', message => { switch (message.action) { case 'status': fileCounters[message.status] += 1; log[message.status](lineBreak(message.msg), options.verbose); break; case 'update': if (!statsCounter[message.name]) { statsCounter[message.name] = 0; } statsCounter[message.name] += message.quantity; break; case 'free': child.send({files: next(), options}); break; case 'report': report(message); break; } }); return new Promise(resolve => child.on('disconnect', resolve)); }); }) .then(pendingWorkers => Promise.all(pendingWorkers).then(() => { const endTime = process.hrtime(startTime); const timeElapsed = (endTime[0] + endTime[1]/1e9).toFixed(3); if (!options.silent) { process.stdout.write('All done. \n'); showFileStats(fileCounters); showStats(statsCounter); process.stdout.write( 'Time elapsed: ' + timeElapsed + 'seconds \n' ); if (options.failOnError && fileCounters.error > 0) { process.exit(1); } } return Object.assign({ stats: statsCounter, timeElapsed: timeElapsed }, fileCounters); }) ); } } exports.run = run;