/* MIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php Author Tobias Koppers @sokra */ "use strict"; const { JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO, JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM } = require("../ModuleTypeConstants"); const PureExpressionDependency = require("../dependencies/PureExpressionDependency"); const InnerGraph = require("./InnerGraph"); /** @typedef {import("estree").ClassDeclaration} ClassDeclarationNode */ /** @typedef {import("estree").ClassExpression} ClassExpressionNode */ /** @typedef {import("estree").Node} Node */ /** @typedef {import("estree").VariableDeclarator} VariableDeclaratorNode */ /** @typedef {import("../../declarations/WebpackOptions").JavascriptParserOptions} JavascriptParserOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../Compiler")} Compiler */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency")} Dependency */ /** @typedef {import("../Dependency").DependencyLocation} DependencyLocation */ /** @typedef {import("../dependencies/HarmonyImportSpecifierDependency")} HarmonyImportSpecifierDependency */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser")} JavascriptParser */ /** @typedef {import("../javascript/JavascriptParser").Range} Range */ /** @typedef {import("./InnerGraph").InnerGraph} InnerGraph */ /** @typedef {import("./InnerGraph").TopLevelSymbol} TopLevelSymbol */ const { topLevelSymbolTag } = InnerGraph; const PLUGIN_NAME = "InnerGraphPlugin"; class InnerGraphPlugin { /** * Apply the plugin * @param {Compiler} compiler the compiler instance * @returns {void} */ apply(compiler) { compiler.hooks.compilation.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (compilation, { normalModuleFactory }) => { const logger = compilation.getLogger("webpack.InnerGraphPlugin"); compilation.dependencyTemplates.set( PureExpressionDependency, new PureExpressionDependency.Template() ); /** * @param {JavascriptParser} parser the parser * @param {JavascriptParserOptions} parserOptions options * @returns {void} */ const handler = (parser, parserOptions) => { const onUsageSuper = sup => { InnerGraph.onUsage(parser.state, usedByExports => { switch (usedByExports) { case undefined: case true: return; default: { const dep = new PureExpressionDependency(sup.range); dep.loc = sup.loc; dep.usedByExports = usedByExports; parser.state.module.addDependency(dep); break; } } }); }; parser.hooks.program.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { InnerGraph.enable(parser.state); }); parser.hooks.finish.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; logger.time("infer dependency usage"); InnerGraph.inferDependencyUsage(parser.state); logger.timeAggregate("infer dependency usage"); }); // During prewalking the following datastructures are filled with // nodes that have a TopLevelSymbol assigned and // variables are tagged with the assigned TopLevelSymbol // We differ 3 types of nodes: // 1. full statements (export default, function declaration) // 2. classes (class declaration, class expression) // 3. variable declarators (const x = ...) /** @type {WeakMap<Node, TopLevelSymbol>} */ const statementWithTopLevelSymbol = new WeakMap(); /** @type {WeakMap<Node, Node>} */ const statementPurePart = new WeakMap(); /** @type {WeakMap<ClassExpressionNode | ClassDeclarationNode, TopLevelSymbol>} */ const classWithTopLevelSymbol = new WeakMap(); /** @type {WeakMap<VariableDeclaratorNode, TopLevelSymbol>} */ const declWithTopLevelSymbol = new WeakMap(); /** @type {WeakSet<VariableDeclaratorNode>} */ const pureDeclarators = new WeakSet(); // The following hooks are used during prewalking: parser.hooks.preStatement.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, statement => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if ( parser.scope.topLevelScope === true && statement.type === "FunctionDeclaration" ) { const name = statement.id ? statement.id.name : "*default*"; const fn = InnerGraph.tagTopLevelSymbol(parser, name); statementWithTopLevelSymbol.set(statement, fn); return true; } }); parser.hooks.blockPreStatement.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, statement => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if (parser.scope.topLevelScope === true) { if ( statement.type === "ClassDeclaration" && parser.isPure( statement, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { const name = statement.id ? statement.id.name : "*default*"; const fn = InnerGraph.tagTopLevelSymbol(parser, name); classWithTopLevelSymbol.set(statement, fn); return true; } if (statement.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") { const name = "*default*"; const fn = InnerGraph.tagTopLevelSymbol(parser, name); const decl = statement.declaration; if ( (decl.type === "ClassExpression" || decl.type === "ClassDeclaration") && parser.isPure(decl, /** @type {Range} */ (decl.range)[0]) ) { classWithTopLevelSymbol.set(decl, fn); } else if ( parser.isPure(decl, /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0]) ) { statementWithTopLevelSymbol.set(statement, fn); if ( !decl.type.endsWith("FunctionExpression") && !decl.type.endsWith("Declaration") && decl.type !== "Literal" ) { statementPurePart.set(statement, decl); } } } } }); parser.hooks.preDeclarator.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (decl, statement) => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if ( parser.scope.topLevelScope === true && decl.init && decl.id.type === "Identifier" ) { const name = decl.id.name; if ( decl.init.type === "ClassExpression" && parser.isPure( decl.init, /** @type {Range} */ (decl.id.range)[1] ) ) { const fn = InnerGraph.tagTopLevelSymbol(parser, name); classWithTopLevelSymbol.set(decl.init, fn); } else if ( parser.isPure( decl.init, /** @type {Range} */ (decl.id.range)[1] ) ) { const fn = InnerGraph.tagTopLevelSymbol(parser, name); declWithTopLevelSymbol.set(decl, fn); if ( !decl.init.type.endsWith("FunctionExpression") && decl.init.type !== "Literal" ) { pureDeclarators.add(decl); } } } }); // During real walking we set the TopLevelSymbol state to the assigned // TopLevelSymbol by using the fill datastructures. // In addition to tracking TopLevelSymbols, we sometimes need to // add a PureExpressionDependency. This is needed to skip execution // of pure expressions, even when they are not dropped due to // minimizing. Otherwise symbols used there might not exist anymore // as they are removed as unused by this optimization // When we find a reference to a TopLevelSymbol, we register a // TopLevelSymbol dependency from TopLevelSymbol in state to the // referenced TopLevelSymbol. This way we get a graph of all // TopLevelSymbols. // The following hooks are called during walking: parser.hooks.statement.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, statement => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if (parser.scope.topLevelScope === true) { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, undefined); const fn = statementWithTopLevelSymbol.get(statement); if (fn) { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, fn); const purePart = statementPurePart.get(statement); if (purePart) { InnerGraph.onUsage(parser.state, usedByExports => { switch (usedByExports) { case undefined: case true: return; default: { const dep = new PureExpressionDependency( /** @type {Range} */ (purePart.range) ); dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (statement.loc); dep.usedByExports = usedByExports; parser.state.module.addDependency(dep); break; } } }); } } } }); parser.hooks.classExtendsExpression.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (expr, statement) => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if (parser.scope.topLevelScope === true) { const fn = classWithTopLevelSymbol.get(statement); if ( fn && parser.isPure( expr, statement.id ? /** @type {Range} */ (statement.id.range)[1] : /** @type {Range} */ (statement.range)[0] ) ) { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, fn); onUsageSuper(expr); } } } ); parser.hooks.classBodyElement.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (element, classDefinition) => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if (parser.scope.topLevelScope === true) { const fn = classWithTopLevelSymbol.get(classDefinition); if (fn) { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, undefined); } } } ); parser.hooks.classBodyValue.tap( PLUGIN_NAME, (expression, element, classDefinition) => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if (parser.scope.topLevelScope === true) { const fn = classWithTopLevelSymbol.get(classDefinition); if (fn) { if ( !element.static || parser.isPure( expression, element.key ? /** @type {Range} */ (element.key.range)[1] : /** @type {Range} */ (element.range)[0] ) ) { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, fn); if (element.type !== "MethodDefinition" && element.static) { InnerGraph.onUsage(parser.state, usedByExports => { switch (usedByExports) { case undefined: case true: return; default: { const dep = new PureExpressionDependency( /** @type {Range} */ (expression.range) ); dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (expression.loc); dep.usedByExports = usedByExports; parser.state.module.addDependency(dep); break; } } }); } } else { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, undefined); } } } } ); parser.hooks.declarator.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, (decl, statement) => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; const fn = declWithTopLevelSymbol.get(decl); if (fn) { InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, fn); if (pureDeclarators.has(decl)) { if (decl.init.type === "ClassExpression") { if (decl.init.superClass) { onUsageSuper(decl.init.superClass); } } else { InnerGraph.onUsage(parser.state, usedByExports => { switch (usedByExports) { case undefined: case true: return; default: { const dep = new PureExpressionDependency( /** @type {Range} */ (decl.init.range) ); dep.loc = /** @type {DependencyLocation} */ (decl.loc); dep.usedByExports = usedByExports; parser.state.module.addDependency(dep); break; } } }); } } parser.walkExpression(decl.init); InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, undefined); return true; } else if ( decl.id.type === "Identifier" && decl.init && decl.init.type === "ClassExpression" && classWithTopLevelSymbol.has(decl.init) ) { parser.walkExpression(decl.init); InnerGraph.setTopLevelSymbol(parser.state, undefined); return true; } }); parser.hooks.expression .for(topLevelSymbolTag) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { const topLevelSymbol = /** @type {TopLevelSymbol} */ ( parser.currentTagData ); const currentTopLevelSymbol = InnerGraph.getTopLevelSymbol( parser.state ); InnerGraph.addUsage( parser.state, topLevelSymbol, currentTopLevelSymbol || true ); }); parser.hooks.assign.for(topLevelSymbolTag).tap(PLUGIN_NAME, expr => { if (!InnerGraph.isEnabled(parser.state)) return; if (expr.operator === "=") return true; }); }; normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_AUTO) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler); normalModuleFactory.hooks.parser .for(JAVASCRIPT_MODULE_TYPE_ESM) .tap(PLUGIN_NAME, handler); compilation.hooks.finishModules.tap(PLUGIN_NAME, () => { logger.timeAggregateEnd("infer dependency usage"); }); } ); } } module.exports = InnerGraphPlugin;