# Changes to easemob chat # 4.3.0 (Nov 13, 2023) - Adds contact API - setContactRemark - getAllContacts - getContactsWithCursor - Adds chatRoom broadcast - Adds token expiration callback # 4.2.1 (SEP 26, 2023) - Adds LocalCache API - getLocalConversations - setLocalConversationCustomField - getLocalConversation - removeLocalConversation - clearConversationUnreadCount - onGroupEvent `joinPublicGroupDeclined` callback add the applicant userID # 4.2.0 (Jul 27, 2023) - Adds editing message after sent function - Adds message merging and forwarding function - Fix sending unnecessary delivery messages # 4.1.7 (Jun 8, 2023) - Adds the `pinConversation` method to pin or unpin a conversation. - Adds the `getServerPinnedConversations` method to gets the list of pinned conversations from the server with pagination. - Adds the `getServerConversations` method to get the sorted list of conversations from the server with pagination. - Adds the feature of sending targeted messages in a group or chat room conversation by adding the `receiverList` parameter to the `create` method. - Adds the `isLast` parameter to the `getHistoryMessages` method to indicate whether the returned data is that of the last page. - Adds the `thumbnailWidth` and `thumbnailHeight` parameters to the `create` method to allow you to set the width and height of the thumbnail when sending an image. - Adds the following errors to error codes 2 (WEBIM_CONNCTION_AUTH_ERROR) and 50 (MAX_LIMIT) and to explain the reasons for SDK login failures on the console: - Error code 50: The number of daily active users (DAU) has exceeded the upper limit; the number of online users has exceeds the upper limit; the number of monthly active users (MAU) has exceeded the upper limit. - Error code 2: The token is invalid. - Adds success and failure callbacks (Promise) for the execution of the following methods: - addContact: Adds a contact. - deleteContact: Deletes a contact. - acceptContactInvite: Accepts a friend request. - declineContactInvite: Rejects a friend request. - addUsersToBlocklist: Adds a friend to the block list. - removeUserFromBlocklist: Removes a friend from the block list. ## 4.1.5 (April 13, 2023) - Adds four parameters, `from`, `msgTypes`, `startTime`, and `endTime` in `searchOptions` in the ` getHistoryMessages` method to allow you to retrieve historical messages from the server by message sender, message type, or period. Adds The error code 511, MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT, to notify you when the size of the message body exceeds the upper limit. ## 4.1.4 (Mar 16, 2023) - Add Group Member Attributes feature - Fix `getHistoryMessages` catch error failed - Optimize the implementation of chat room join and leave to improve performance - Add `deliverOnlineOnly` field in the message creation parameters ## 4.1.3 (Feb 20, 2023) - `getConversationlist` Getting the conversation list supports paging - Group notification event added `op: create` - `useOwnUploadFun` Self-uploaded images support the `size` field - ios miniapp multi-device login kick failed - Alipay mini program reconnection failed - Fixes HIM-8557- Important -- getConversationlist api returns missing fields - Added interface to check if you are on the chat room mute list - Login failures caused by authentication are not retried ## 4.1.2 (Nov 7, 2022) - Chat room message priority - Added unidirectional delete roaming function - Create a group, Modify group information, Support 'ext' fields - Optimize the timing of trigger message send failures - 'muteGroupMembers' api supports blocking multiple users at the same time - Fix Attachment message file_length field is invalid ## 4.1.1 (Sep 26, 2022) - Fix chat room KV - Fix miniCore uploadFile method - miniCore support 'isHttpDns' = false ## 4.1.0 (Sep 16, 2022) - SDK modular split - Chat room KV - Add log callback - Add in-line comments - Fix file upload failure without callback error - `getJoinedGroups` supports getting your own roles - Fix the compatibility with Internet Explorer - Fixed bug where UniApp could not find 'addEventListener' when running on the phone - Optimize reconnection logic ## 4.0.9 (July 29, 2022) - Add disaster preparedness strategies - Optimize protocols to reduce data volume - Fixed message delay in some cases - Add a resourceId to the group and chat room APIs - The getJoinedGroups API allows you to return the number of group members and their roles ## 4.0.8 (Jun 17, 2022) - 'GetGroupInfo' supports bulk query - Add group event:onGroupEvent - Add chatroom event:onChatroomEvent - Add the limit when sending group messages - Invite to join the group callback returns the group name ## 4.0.7 (May 25, 2022) - Add chatThread feature - Add the API to the session list to parse the last message - Modify the implementation of obtaining roaming messages - Add the mark of offline message in the message ## 4.0.5 (May 15, 2022) - Add reporting API for content auditing - Add push setting API to support different push configuration - Add the data reporting function - The API for getting groups that you have joined supports paging - When creating a group, the SDK supports setting the number of group members - Add thumbnail address parameter to receive picture message - Fixed group chat message cache issues ## 4.0.4 (April 19, 2022) - Add presence feature - Add translation feature - Optimizing miniProgram does not require the isHttpDNS parameter - Fixed failure to modify desc when creating a group - Fixed SSR compatibility - Fixed uni_SDK not running in browser ## 4.0.3 (January 19, 2022) - Fixed 'renewtoken' failed to replace the token - Add 'downloadGroupSharedFile' api - 'fetchGroupSharedFileList' supports paging ## 4.0.2 (January 14, 2022) - Add delete session api - Add field 'buildingName' to the location message - Add restrictions on messages sent by non-friends - Add the error event of sending failure due to global mute - Support DD mini program - Fixed alipay mini program login problem - Fixed missing onChannelMessage callback - Fixed some known bugs ## 4.0.1 (December 10, 2021) - 4.0.1 version init