/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ import type {DialogOptions} from '../NativeModules/specs/NativeDialogManagerAndroid'; import Platform from '../Utilities/Platform'; import RCTAlertManager from './RCTAlertManager'; export type AlertType = | 'default' | 'plain-text' | 'secure-text' | 'login-password'; export type AlertButtonStyle = 'default' | 'cancel' | 'destructive'; export type Buttons = Array<{ text?: string, onPress?: ?Function, isPreferred?: boolean, style?: AlertButtonStyle, ... }>; type Options = { cancelable?: ?boolean, userInterfaceStyle?: 'unspecified' | 'light' | 'dark', onDismiss?: ?() => void, ... }; /** * Launches an alert dialog with the specified title and message. * * See https://reactnative.dev/docs/alert */ class Alert { static alert( title: ?string, message?: ?string, buttons?: Buttons, options?: Options, ): void { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { Alert.prompt( title, message, buttons, 'default', undefined, undefined, options, ); } else if (Platform.OS === 'android') { const NativeDialogManagerAndroid = require('../NativeModules/specs/NativeDialogManagerAndroid').default; if (!NativeDialogManagerAndroid) { return; } const constants = NativeDialogManagerAndroid.getConstants(); const config: DialogOptions = { title: title || '', message: message || '', cancelable: false, }; if (options && options.cancelable) { config.cancelable = options.cancelable; } // At most three buttons (neutral, negative, positive). Ignore rest. // The text 'OK' should be probably localized. iOS Alert does that in native. const defaultPositiveText = 'OK'; const validButtons: Buttons = buttons ? buttons.slice(0, 3) : [{text: defaultPositiveText}]; const buttonPositive = validButtons.pop(); const buttonNegative = validButtons.pop(); const buttonNeutral = validButtons.pop(); if (buttonNeutral) { config.buttonNeutral = buttonNeutral.text || ''; } if (buttonNegative) { config.buttonNegative = buttonNegative.text || ''; } if (buttonPositive) { config.buttonPositive = buttonPositive.text || defaultPositiveText; } /* $FlowFixMe[missing-local-annot] The type annotation(s) required by * Flow's LTI update could not be added via codemod */ const onAction = (action, buttonKey) => { if (action === constants.buttonClicked) { if (buttonKey === constants.buttonNeutral) { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] buttonNeutral.onPress && buttonNeutral.onPress(); } else if (buttonKey === constants.buttonNegative) { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] buttonNegative.onPress && buttonNegative.onPress(); } else if (buttonKey === constants.buttonPositive) { // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] buttonPositive.onPress && buttonPositive.onPress(); } } else if (action === constants.dismissed) { options && options.onDismiss && options.onDismiss(); } }; const onError = (errorMessage: string) => console.warn(errorMessage); NativeDialogManagerAndroid.showAlert(config, onError, onAction); } } static prompt( title: ?string, message?: ?string, callbackOrButtons?: ?(((text: string) => void) | Buttons), type?: ?AlertType = 'plain-text', defaultValue?: string, keyboardType?: string, options?: Options, ): void { if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { let callbacks: Array = []; const buttons = []; let cancelButtonKey; let destructiveButtonKey; let preferredButtonKey; if (typeof callbackOrButtons === 'function') { callbacks = [callbackOrButtons]; } else if (Array.isArray(callbackOrButtons)) { callbackOrButtons.forEach((btn, index) => { callbacks[index] = btn.onPress; if (btn.style === 'cancel') { cancelButtonKey = String(index); } else if (btn.style === 'destructive') { destructiveButtonKey = String(index); } if (btn.isPreferred) { preferredButtonKey = String(index); } if (btn.text || index < (callbackOrButtons || []).length - 1) { const btnDef: {[number]: string} = {}; btnDef[index] = btn.text || ''; buttons.push(btnDef); } }); } RCTAlertManager.alertWithArgs( { title: title || '', message: message || undefined, buttons, type: type || undefined, defaultValue, cancelButtonKey, destructiveButtonKey, preferredButtonKey, keyboardType, userInterfaceStyle: options?.userInterfaceStyle || undefined, }, (id, value) => { const cb = callbacks[id]; cb && cb(value); }, ); } } } module.exports = Alert;