/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ 'use strict'; const {execSync, spawnSync} = require('child_process'); const fs = require('fs'); const os = require('os'); const path = require('path'); /*:: type BuildType = 'dry-run' | 'release' | 'nightly' | 'prealpha'; */ const SDKS_DIR = path.normalize(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'sdks')); const HERMES_DIR = path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermes'); const HERMES_TAG_FILE_PATH = path.join(SDKS_DIR, '.hermesversion'); const HERMES_SOURCE_TARBALL_BASE_URL = 'https://github.com/facebook/hermes/tarball/'; const HERMES_TARBALL_DOWNLOAD_DIR = path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'download'); const MACOS_BIN_DIR = path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermesc', 'osx-bin'); const MACOS_HERMESC_PATH = path.join(MACOS_BIN_DIR, 'hermesc'); const MACOS_IMPORT_HERMESC_PATH = path.join( MACOS_BIN_DIR, 'ImportHermesc.cmake', ); /** * Delegate execution to the supplied command. * * @param command Path to the command. * @param args Array of arguments pass to the command. * @param options child process options. */ function delegateSync( command /*: string */, args /*: (Array | child_process$spawnSyncOpts) */, options /*: ?child_process$spawnSyncOpts */, ) { return spawnSync(command, args, {stdio: 'inherit', ...options}); } function readHermesTag() /*: string */ { if (fs.existsSync(HERMES_TAG_FILE_PATH)) { const data = fs .readFileSync(HERMES_TAG_FILE_PATH, { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'r', }) .trim(); if (data.length > 0) { return data; } else { throw new Error('[Hermes] .hermesversion file is empty.'); } } return 'main'; } function setHermesTag(hermesTag /*: string */) { if (readHermesTag() === hermesTag) { // No need to update. return; } if (!fs.existsSync(SDKS_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(SDKS_DIR, {recursive: true}); } fs.writeFileSync(HERMES_TAG_FILE_PATH, hermesTag.trim()); console.log('Hermes tag has been updated. Please commit your changes.'); } function getHermesTagSHA(hermesTag /*: string */) /*: string */ { return execSync( `git ls-remote https://github.com/facebook/hermes ${hermesTag} | cut -f 1`, ) .toString() .trim(); } function getHermesTarballDownloadPath(hermesTag /*: string */) /*: string */ { const hermesTagSHA = getHermesTagSHA(hermesTag); return path.join(HERMES_TARBALL_DOWNLOAD_DIR, `hermes-${hermesTagSHA}.tgz`); } function downloadHermesSourceTarball() { const hermesTag = readHermesTag(); const hermesTagSHA = getHermesTagSHA(hermesTag); const hermesTarballDownloadPath = getHermesTarballDownloadPath(hermesTag); let hermesTarballUrl = HERMES_SOURCE_TARBALL_BASE_URL + hermesTag; if (fs.existsSync(hermesTarballDownloadPath)) { return; } if (!fs.existsSync(HERMES_TARBALL_DOWNLOAD_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(HERMES_TARBALL_DOWNLOAD_DIR, {recursive: true}); } console.info( `[Hermes] Downloading Hermes source code for commit ${hermesTagSHA}`, ); try { delegateSync('curl', [hermesTarballUrl, '-Lo', hermesTarballDownloadPath]); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`[Hermes] Failed to download Hermes tarball. ${error}`); } } function expandHermesSourceTarball() { const hermesTag = readHermesTag(); const hermesTagSHA = getHermesTagSHA(hermesTag); const hermesTarballDownloadPath = getHermesTarballDownloadPath(hermesTag); if (!fs.existsSync(hermesTarballDownloadPath)) { throw new Error('[Hermes] Could not locate Hermes tarball.'); } if (!fs.existsSync(HERMES_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(HERMES_DIR, {recursive: true}); } console.info(`[Hermes] Expanding Hermes tarball for commit ${hermesTagSHA}`); try { delegateSync('tar', [ '-zxf', hermesTarballDownloadPath, '--strip-components=1', '--directory', HERMES_DIR, ]); } catch (error) { throw new Error('[Hermes] Failed to expand Hermes tarball.'); } } function copyBuildScripts() { if (!fs.existsSync(SDKS_DIR)) { throw new Error( '[Hermes] Failed to copy Hermes build scripts, no SDKs directory found.', ); } if (!fs.existsSync(HERMES_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(path.join(HERMES_DIR, 'utils'), {recursive: true}); } fs.copyFileSync( path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermes-engine', 'utils', 'build-apple-framework.sh'), path.join(HERMES_DIR, 'utils', 'build-apple-framework.sh'), ); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermes-engine', 'utils', 'build-ios-framework.sh'), path.join(HERMES_DIR, 'utils', 'build-ios-framework.sh'), ); fs.copyFileSync( path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermes-engine', 'utils', 'build-mac-framework.sh'), path.join(HERMES_DIR, 'utils', 'build-mac-framework.sh'), ); } function copyPodSpec() { if (!fs.existsSync(SDKS_DIR)) { throw new Error( '[Hermes] Failed to copy Hermes Podspec, no SDKs directory found.', ); } if (!fs.existsSync(HERMES_DIR)) { fs.mkdirSync(HERMES_DIR, {recursive: true}); } const podspec = 'hermes-engine.podspec'; fs.copyFileSync( path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermes-engine', podspec), path.join(HERMES_DIR, podspec), ); const utils = 'hermes-utils.rb'; fs.copyFileSync( path.join(SDKS_DIR, 'hermes-engine', utils), path.join(HERMES_DIR, utils), ); } function isTestingAgainstLocalHermesTarball() { return 'HERMES_ENGINE_TARBALL_PATH' in process.env; } function shouldBuildHermesFromSource(isInCI /*: boolean */) /*: boolean */ { return !isTestingAgainstLocalHermesTarball() && isInCI; } function shouldUsePrebuiltHermesC( platform /*: 'macos' | 'windows' */, ) /*: boolean */ { if (platform === 'macos') { return fs.existsSync(MACOS_HERMESC_PATH); } return false; } function configureMakeForPrebuiltHermesC() { const IMPORT_HERMESC_TEMPLATE = `add_executable(native-hermesc IMPORTED) set_target_properties(native-hermesc PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${MACOS_HERMESC_PATH}" )`; try { fs.mkdirSync(MACOS_BIN_DIR, {recursive: true}); fs.writeFileSync(MACOS_IMPORT_HERMESC_PATH, IMPORT_HERMESC_TEMPLATE); } catch (error) { console.warn( `[Hermes] Re-compiling hermesc. Unable to configure make: ${error}`, ); } } function getHermesPrebuiltArtifactsTarballName( buildType /*: string */, ) /*: string */ { if (!buildType) { throw Error('Did not specify build type.'); } return `hermes-ios-${buildType.toLowerCase()}.tar.gz`; } /** * Creates a tarball with the contents of the supplied directory. */ function createTarballFromDirectory( directory /*: string */, filename /*: string */, ) { const args = ['-C', directory, '-czvf', filename, '.']; delegateSync('tar', args); } function createHermesPrebuiltArtifactsTarball( hermesDir /*: string */, buildType /*: string */, tarballOutputDir /*: string */, excludeDebugSymbols /*: boolean */, ) /*: string */ { validateHermesFrameworksExist(path.join(hermesDir, 'destroot')); if (!fs.existsSync(tarballOutputDir)) { fs.mkdirSync(tarballOutputDir, {recursive: true}); } let tarballTempDir; try { tarballTempDir = fs.mkdtempSync( path.join(os.tmpdir(), 'hermes-engine-destroot-'), ); let args = ['-a']; if (excludeDebugSymbols) { args.push('--exclude=dSYMs/'); args.push('--exclude=*.dSYM/'); } args.push('./destroot'); args.push(tarballTempDir); delegateSync('rsync', args, { cwd: hermesDir, }); if (fs.existsSync(path.join(hermesDir, 'LICENSE'))) { delegateSync('cp', ['LICENSE', tarballTempDir], {cwd: hermesDir}); } } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Failed to copy destroot to tempdir: ${error}`); } const tarballFilename = path.join( tarballOutputDir, getHermesPrebuiltArtifactsTarballName(buildType), ); try { createTarballFromDirectory(tarballTempDir, tarballFilename); } catch (error) { throw new Error(`[Hermes] Failed to create tarball: ${error}`); } if (!fs.existsSync(tarballFilename)) { throw new Error( `Tarball creation failed, could not locate tarball at ${tarballFilename}`, ); } return tarballFilename; } function validateHermesFrameworksExist(destrootDir /*: string */) { if ( !fs.existsSync( path.join(destrootDir, 'Library/Frameworks/macosx/hermes.framework'), ) ) { throw new Error( 'Error: Hermes macOS Framework not found. Are you sure Hermes has been built?', ); } if ( !fs.existsSync( path.join(destrootDir, 'Library/Frameworks/universal/hermes.xcframework'), ) ) { throw new Error( 'Error: Hermes iOS XCFramework not found. Are you sure Hermes has been built?', ); } } module.exports = { configureMakeForPrebuiltHermesC, copyBuildScripts, copyPodSpec, createHermesPrebuiltArtifactsTarball, createTarballFromDirectory, downloadHermesSourceTarball, expandHermesSourceTarball, getHermesTagSHA, getHermesTarballDownloadPath, getHermesPrebuiltArtifactsTarballName, readHermesTag, setHermesTag, shouldBuildHermesFromSource, shouldUsePrebuiltHermesC, };