#!/usr/bin/env node /** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ 'use strict'; const {name, version: currentVersion} = require('./package.json'); const chalk = require('chalk'); const {spawn} = require('child_process'); const {get} = require('https'); const semver = require('semver'); const {URL} = require('url'); const deprecated = () => { throw new Error( 'react-native/cli is deprecated, please use @react-native-community/cli instead', ); }; function isMissingCliDependency(error) { return ( error.code === 'MODULE_NOT_FOUND' && /@react-native-community\/cli/.test(error.message) ); } let cli = { bin: '/dev/null', loadConfig: deprecated, run: deprecated, }; const isNpxRuntime = process.env.npm_lifecycle_event === 'npx'; const isInitCommand = process.argv[2] === 'init'; const DEFAULT_REGISTRY_HOST = process.env.npm_config_registry ?? 'https://registry.npmjs.org/'; const HEAD = '1000.0.0'; // We're going to deprecate the `init` command proxying requests to @react-native-community/cli transparently // on December 31th, 2024 or 0.76 (whichever arrives first). This is part of work to decouple of community CLI from React Native core. // // See https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/blob/main/proposals/0759-react-native-frameworks.md const CLI_DEPRECATION_DATE = new Date('2024-12-31'); async function getLatestVersion(registryHost = DEFAULT_REGISTRY_HOST) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { const url = new URL(registryHost); url.pathname = 'react-native/latest'; get(url.toString(), resp => { const buffer = []; resp.on('data', data => buffer.push(data)); resp.on('end', () => { try { res(JSON.parse(Buffer.concat(buffer).toString('utf8')).version); } catch (e) { rej(e); } }); }).on('error', e => rej(e)); }); } /** * Warn when users are using `npx react-native init`, to raise awareness of the changes from RFC 0759. * * Phase 1 * * @see https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/tree/main/proposals/0759-react-native-frameworks.md */ function warnWhenRunningInit() { if (isInitCommand) { console.warn( `\nRunning: ${chalk.grey.bold('npx @react-native-community/cli init')}\n`, ); } } /** * Warn more sternly that the ability to call `npx react-native init` is going away. * * Phase 2 * * @see https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/tree/main/proposals/0759-react-native-frameworks.md */ function warnWithDeprecationSchedule() { if (!isInitCommand) { return; } const daysRemaining = Math.ceil( (CLI_DEPRECATION_DATE.getTime() - new Date().getTime()) / 86_400_000, ); const emphasis = daysRemaining < 10 ? chalk.bgRed.white.bold : daysRemaining < 30 ? chalk.red.bold : daysRemaining < 60 ? chalk.green.bold : chalk.blueBright.bold; console.warn(` ${chalk.yellow('⚠️')} The \`init\` command is deprecated. The behavior will be changed on ${chalk.white.bold(CLI_DEPRECATION_DATE.toLocaleDateString())} ${emphasis(`(${daysRemaining} day${daysRemaining > 1 ? 's' : ''})`)}. - Switch to ${chalk.grey.bold('npx @react-native-community/cli init')} for the identical behavior. - Refer to the documentation for information about alternative tools: ${chalk.dim('https://reactnative.dev/docs/getting-started')}`); } function warnWithDeprecated() { if (!isInitCommand) { return; } console.warn(` 🚨️ The \`init\` command is deprecated. - Switch to ${chalk.grey.bold('npx @react-native-community/cli init')} for the identical behavior. - Refer to the documentation for information about alternative tools: ${chalk.dim('https://reactnative.dev/docs/getting-started')}`); } function warnWithExplicitDependency(version = '*') { console.warn(` ${chalk.yellow('⚠')}️ ${chalk.dim('react-native')} depends on ${chalk.dim('@react-native-community/cli')} for cli commands. To fix update your ${chalk.dim('package.json')} to include: ${chalk.white.bold(` "devDependencies": { "@react-native-community/cli": "latest", } `)} `); } /** * npx react-native -> @react-native-community/cli * * Will perform a version check and warning if you're not running the latest community cli when executed using npx. If * you know what you're doing, you can skip this check: * * SKIP=true npx react-native ... * */ async function main() { if ( isNpxRuntime && !process.env.SKIP && currentVersion !== HEAD && isInitCommand ) { try { const latest = await getLatestVersion(); // TODO: T184416093 When cli is deprecated, remove semver from package.json if (semver.lt(currentVersion, latest)) { const msg = ` ${chalk.bold.yellow('WARNING:')} You should run ${chalk.white.bold( 'npx react-native@latest', )} to ensure you're always using the most current version of the CLI. NPX has cached version (${chalk.bold.yellow( currentVersion, )}) != current release (${chalk.bold.green(latest)}) `; console.warn(msg); } } catch (_) { // Ignore errors, since it's a nice to have warning } } const isDeprecated = CLI_DEPRECATION_DATE.getTime() <= new Date().getTime() || currentVersion.startsWith('0.77'); /** * This command is now deprecated. We will continue to proxy commands to @react-native-community/cli, but it * isn't supported anymore. We'll always show the warning. * * WARNING: Projects will have to have an explicit dependency on @react-native-community/cli to use the CLI. * * Phase 3 * * @see https://github.com/react-native-community/discussions-and-proposals/tree/main/proposals/0759-react-native-frameworks.md */ if (isInitCommand) { if (currentVersion !== HEAD && isDeprecated) { warnWithDeprecated(); // We only exit if the user calls `init` and it's deprecated. All other cases should proxy to to @react-native-community/cli. // Be careful with this as it can break a lot of users. console.warn(`${chalk.green('Exiting...')}`); process.exit(1); } else if ( currentVersion.startsWith('0.75') || currentVersion.startsWith('0.76') ) { // We check deprecation schedule only for 0.75 and 0.76 and 0.77 is expected to land in Jan 2025. warnWithDeprecationSchedule(); } warnWhenRunningInit(); const proc = spawn( 'npx', ['@react-native-community/cli', ...process.argv.slice(2)], { stdio: 'inherit', }, ); const code = await new Promise(resolve => { proc.on('exit', resolve); }); process.exit(code); } try { return require('@react-native-community/cli').run(name); } catch (e) { if (isMissingCliDependency(e)) { warnWithExplicitDependency(); process.exit(1); } throw e; } } if (require.main === module) { main(); } else { try { cli = require('@react-native-community/cli'); } catch (e) { // We silence @react-native-community/cli missing as it is no // longer a dependency if (!isMissingCliDependency(e)) { throw e; } } } module.exports = cli;