/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include "bindingUtils.h" #include #include namespace facebook::react { static jsi::Value getModule( jsi::Runtime& runtime, const std::string& moduleName) { auto batchedBridge = runtime.global().getPropertyAsObject(runtime, "__fbBatchedBridge"); auto getCallableModule = batchedBridge.getPropertyAsFunction(runtime, "getCallableModule"); auto moduleAsValue = getCallableModule.callWithThis( runtime, batchedBridge, {jsi::String::createFromUtf8(runtime, moduleName)}); if (!moduleAsValue.isObject()) { LOG(ERROR) << "getModule of " << moduleName << " is not an object"; } react_native_assert(moduleAsValue.isObject()); return moduleAsValue; } static bool checkBatchedBridgeIsActive(jsi::Runtime& runtime) { if (!runtime.global().hasProperty(runtime, "__fbBatchedBridge")) { LOG(ERROR) << "getPropertyAsObject: property '__fbBatchedBridge' is undefined, expected an Object"; return false; } return true; } static bool checkGetCallableModuleIsActive(jsi::Runtime& runtime) { if (!checkBatchedBridgeIsActive(runtime)) { return false; } auto batchedBridge = runtime.global().getPropertyAsObject(runtime, "__fbBatchedBridge"); if (!batchedBridge.hasProperty(runtime, "getCallableModule")) { LOG(ERROR) << "getPropertyAsFunction: function 'getCallableModule' is undefined, expected a Function"; return false; } return true; } jsi::Value callMethodOfModule( jsi::Runtime& runtime, const std::string& moduleName, const std::string& methodName, std::initializer_list args) { if (checkGetCallableModuleIsActive(runtime)) { auto module = getModule(runtime, moduleName); if (module.isObject()) { jsi::Object object = module.asObject(runtime); react_native_assert(object.hasProperty(runtime, methodName.c_str())); if (object.hasProperty(runtime, methodName.c_str())) { auto method = object.getPropertyAsFunction(runtime, methodName.c_str()); return method.callWithThis(runtime, object, args); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "getPropertyAsFunction: property '" << methodName << "' is undefined, expected a Function"; } } } return jsi::Value::undefined(); } } // namespace facebook::react