 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

#pragma once

#include <algorithm>
#include <bitset>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

#include <react/debug/react_native_assert.h>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSProperties.h>
#include <react/renderer/css/CSSValueParser.h>

namespace facebook::react {

namespace detail {
constexpr CSSProp kFirstCSSProp = static_cast<CSSProp>(0);

template <CSSProp Prop = kFirstCSSProp>
constexpr size_t maxSizeofDeclaredValue() {
  if constexpr (to_underlying(Prop) < kCSSPropCount - 1) {
    return std::max(
            to_underlying(Prop) + 1)>());
  } else {
    return sizeof(CSSDeclaredValue<Prop>);
} // namespace detail

 * CSSDeclaredStyle represents the set of style declarations on an element set
 * by the user. Users should generally not read from CSSDeclaredStyle directly,
 * and should instead use the computed style calculated on ShadowTree commit.
class CSSDeclaredStyle {
  template <CSSProp Prop>
  void set(const CSSDeclaredValue<Prop>& value) {
    using DeclaredValueT = std::remove_cvref_t<CSSDeclaredValue<Prop>>;
    static_assert(sizeof(value) <= sizeof(PropMapping::value));

    if (specifiedProperties_.test(to_underlying(Prop))) {
      auto it = std::lower_bound(
          properties_.begin(), properties_.end(), PropMapping{Prop, {}});
      react_native_assert(it->prop == Prop);
          reinterpret_cast<DeclaredValueT*>(it->value.data()), value);
    } else {
      auto it = std::upper_bound(
          properties_.begin(), properties_.end(), PropMapping{Prop, {}});
      it = properties_.insert(it, {Prop, {}});
          reinterpret_cast<DeclaredValueT*>(it->value.data()), value);

  template <CSSProp Prop>
  bool set(std::string_view value) {
    auto cssProp = parseCSSProp<Prop>(value);
    return cssProp.hasValue();

  bool set(std::string_view prop, std::string_view value) {
    return setPropIfHashMatches(fnv1a(prop), value);

   * Returns the declared value, represented as the "unset" keyword if never
   * specified. Additional shorthands can be provided in order
   * of precedence if Prop is unset.
  template <CSSProp Prop, CSSProp... ShorthandsT>
  CSSDeclaredValue<Prop> get() const {
    if (specifiedProperties_.test(to_underlying(Prop))) {
      auto it = std::lower_bound(
          properties_.begin(), properties_.end(), PropMapping{Prop, {}});
      react_native_assert(it->prop == Prop);

      CSSDeclaredValue<Prop> value{*std::launder(
          reinterpret_cast<const CSSDeclaredValue<Prop>*>(it->value.data()))};

      if (value) {
        return value;

    if constexpr (sizeof...(ShorthandsT) == 0) {
      return {};
    } else {
      return get<ShorthandsT...>();

  bool operator==(const CSSDeclaredStyle& rhs) const = default;

  struct PropMapping {
    CSSProp prop;
    std::array<std::byte, detail::maxSizeofDeclaredValue()> value;

    constexpr bool operator<(const PropMapping& rhs) const {
      return to_underlying(prop) < to_underlying(rhs.prop);

  template <CSSProp CurrentProp = detail::kFirstCSSProp>
  constexpr bool setPropIfHashMatches(
      size_t propNameHash,
      std::string_view value) {
    constexpr std::string_view currentPropName =
    constexpr size_t currentHash = fnv1a(currentPropName);
    if (currentHash == propNameHash) {
      return set<CurrentProp>(value);
    } else if constexpr (to_underlying(CurrentProp) < kCSSPropCount - 1) {
      return setPropIfHashMatches<static_cast<CSSProp>(
          to_underlying(CurrentProp) + 1)>(propNameHash, value);
    } else {
      return false;

  std::vector<PropMapping> properties_;
  std::bitset<kCSSPropCount> specifiedProperties_;

} // namespace facebook::react