/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include "utils.h" #include namespace facebook::react { std::pair calculateAnimationProgress( uint64_t now, const LayoutAnimation& animation, const AnimationConfig& mutationConfig) { if (mutationConfig.animationType == AnimationType::None) { return {1, 1}; } uint64_t startTime = animation.startTime; auto delay = (uint64_t)mutationConfig.delay; uint64_t endTime = startTime + delay + (uint64_t)mutationConfig.duration; if (now >= endTime) { return {1, 1}; } if (now < startTime + delay) { return {0, 0}; } double linearTimeProgression = 1 - (double)(endTime - delay - now) / (double)(endTime - animation.startTime); if (mutationConfig.animationType == AnimationType::Linear) { return {linearTimeProgression, linearTimeProgression}; } else if (mutationConfig.animationType == AnimationType::EaseIn) { // This is an accelerator-style interpolator. // In the future, this parameter (2.0) could be adjusted. This has been the // default for Classic RN forever. return {linearTimeProgression, pow(linearTimeProgression, 2.0)}; } else if (mutationConfig.animationType == AnimationType::EaseOut) { // This is an decelerator-style interpolator. // In the future, this parameter (2.0) could be adjusted. This has been the // default for Classic RN forever. return {linearTimeProgression, 1.0 - pow(1 - linearTimeProgression, 2.0)}; } else if (mutationConfig.animationType == AnimationType::EaseInEaseOut) { // This is a combination of accelerate+decelerate. // The animation starts and ends slowly, and speeds up in the middle. return { linearTimeProgression, cos((linearTimeProgression + 1.0) * M_PI) / 2 + 0.5}; } else if (mutationConfig.animationType == AnimationType::Spring) { // Using mSpringDamping in this equation is not really the exact // mathematical springDamping, but a good approximation We need to replace // this equation with the right Factor that accounts for damping and // friction double damping = mutationConfig.springDamping; return { linearTimeProgression, (1 + pow(2, -10 * linearTimeProgression) * sin((linearTimeProgression - damping / 4) * M_PI * 2 / damping))}; } else { return {linearTimeProgression, linearTimeProgression}; } } } // namespace facebook::react