/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #include "LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace facebook::react { #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING static std::string GetMutationInstructionString( const ShadowViewMutation& mutation) { Tag tag = mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create ? mutation.newChildShadowView.tag : mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag; return getDebugName(mutation) + " [" + std::to_string(tag) + "]->[" + std::to_string(mutation.parentShadowView.tag) + "] @" + std::to_string(mutation.index); } void PrintMutationInstruction( std::string message, const ShadowViewMutation& mutation) { [&](std::ostream& stream) -> std::ostream& { stream << message << " Mutation: " << GetMutationInstructionString(mutation); if (mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag != 0) { stream << " old hash: ##" << std::hash{}(mutation.oldChildShadowView); } if (mutation.newChildShadowView.tag != 0) { stream << " new hash: ##" << std::hash{}(mutation.newChildShadowView); } return stream; }(LOG(ERROR)); } void PrintMutationInstructionRelative( std::string message, const ShadowViewMutation& mutation, const ShadowViewMutation& relativeMutation) { LOG(ERROR) << message << " Mutation: " << GetMutationInstructionString(mutation) << " RelativeMutation: " << GetMutationInstructionString(relativeMutation); } #endif static inline Float interpolateFloats(Float coefficient, Float oldValue, Float newValue) { return oldValue + (newValue - oldValue) * coefficient; } #pragma mark - LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager( RuntimeExecutor runtimeExecutor, ContextContainer::Shared& contextContainer, LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate* delegate) : runtimeExecutor_(std::move(runtimeExecutor)), contextContainer_(contextContainer), layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_(delegate), now_([]() { return std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now().time_since_epoch()) .count(); }) {} #pragma mark UIManagerAnimationDelegate methods /** * Globally configure next LayoutAnimation. * This is guaranteed to be called only on the JS thread. */ void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::uiManagerDidConfigureNextLayoutAnimation( jsi::Runtime& runtime, const RawValue& config, const jsi::Value& successCallbackValue, const jsi::Value& failureCallbackValue) const { bool hasSuccessCallback = successCallbackValue.isObject() && successCallbackValue.getObject(runtime).isFunction(runtime); bool hasFailureCallback = failureCallbackValue.isObject() && failureCallbackValue.getObject(runtime).isFunction(runtime); LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper successCallback = hasSuccessCallback ? LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper( successCallbackValue.getObject(runtime).getFunction(runtime)) : LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper(); LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper failureCallback = hasFailureCallback ? LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper( failureCallbackValue.getObject(runtime).getFunction(runtime)) : LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper(); auto layoutAnimationConfig = parseLayoutAnimationConfig((folly::dynamic)config); if (layoutAnimationConfig) { std::scoped_lock lock(currentAnimationMutex_); uiManagerDidConfigureNextLayoutAnimation(LayoutAnimation{ -1, 0, false, *layoutAnimationConfig, successCallback, failureCallback, {}}); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Parsing LayoutAnimationConfig failed: " << (folly::dynamic)config; callCallback(failureCallback); } } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::setComponentDescriptorRegistry( const SharedComponentDescriptorRegistry& componentDescriptorRegistry) { componentDescriptorRegistry_ = componentDescriptorRegistry; } bool LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::shouldAnimateFrame() const { std::scoped_lock lock(currentAnimationMutex_); return currentAnimation_ || !inflightAnimations_.empty(); } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::stopSurface(SurfaceId surfaceId) { std::scoped_lock lock(surfaceIdsToStopMutex_); surfaceIdsToStop_.insert(surfaceId); } #pragma mark - MountingOverrideDelegate methods bool LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::shouldOverridePullTransaction() const { return shouldAnimateFrame(); } std::optional LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::pullTransaction( SurfaceId surfaceId, MountingTransaction::Number transactionNumber, const TransactionTelemetry& telemetry, ShadowViewMutationList mutations) const { // Current time in milliseconds uint64_t now = now_(); bool inflightAnimationsExistInitially = !inflightAnimations_.empty(); deleteAnimationsForStoppedSurfaces(); if (!mutations.empty()) { #ifdef RN_SHADOW_TREE_INTROSPECTION { std::stringstream ss(getDebugDescription(mutations, {})); std::string to; while (std::getline(ss, to, '\n')) { LOG(ERROR) << "LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager.cpp: got mutation list: Line: " << to; } }; #endif // DEBUG ONLY: list existing inflight animations #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "BEGINNING DISPLAYING ONGOING inflightAnimations_!"; int i = 0; int j = 0; for (const auto& inflightAnimation : inflightAnimations_) { i++; j = 0; if (inflightAnimation.completed) { continue; } for (auto& keyframe : inflightAnimation.keyFrames) { j++; if (keyframe.invalidated) { continue; } for (const auto& finalMutationForKeyFrame : keyframe.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { if (finalMutationForKeyFrame.mutatedViewIsVirtual()) { std::string msg = "Animation " + std::to_string(i) + " keyframe " + std::to_string(j) + ": Final Animation"; PrintMutationInstruction(msg, finalMutationForKeyFrame); } else { LOG(ERROR) << "Animation " << i << " keyframe " << j << ": on tag: [" << keyframe.viewStart.tag << "]"; } } } } LOG(ERROR) << "BEGINNING DONE DISPLAYING ONGOING inflightAnimations_!"; #endif PropsParserContext propsParserContext{surfaceId, *contextContainer_}; // What to do if we detect a conflict? Get current value and make // that the baseline of the next animation. Scale the remaining time // in the animation // Types of conflicts and how we handle them: // Update -> update: remove the previous update, make it the baseline of the // next update (with current progress) Update -> remove: same, with final // mutation being a remove Insert -> update: treat as update->update Insert // -> remove: same, as update->remove Remove -> update/insert: not possible // We just collect pairs here of and delete them // from active animations. If another animation is queued up from the // current mutations then these deleted mutations will serve as the baseline // for the next animation. If not, the current mutations are executed // immediately without issues. std::vector conflictingAnimations{}; getAndEraseConflictingAnimations( surfaceId, mutations, conflictingAnimations); // Are we animating this list of mutations? std::optional currentAnimation{}; { std::scoped_lock lock(currentAnimationMutex_); if (currentAnimation_) { currentAnimation = std::move(currentAnimation_); currentAnimation_.reset(); } } if (currentAnimation.has_value()) { LayoutAnimation animation = std::move(currentAnimation).value(); animation.surfaceId = surfaceId; animation.startTime = now; // Pre-process list to: // Catch remove+reinsert (reorders) // Catch delete+create (reparenting) (this should be optimized away at // the diffing level eventually?) // TODO: to prevent this step we could tag Remove/Insert mutations as // being moves on the Differ level, since we know that there? We could use // TinyMap here, but it's not exposed by Differentiator (yet). std::unordered_set insertedTags; std::unordered_set deletedTags; std::unordered_set reparentedTags; // tags that are deleted and recreated std::unordered_map movedTags; for (const auto& mutation : mutations) { if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { insertedTags.insert(mutation.newChildShadowView.tag); } if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete) { deletedTags.insert(mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag); } if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create) { if (deletedTags.find(mutation.newChildShadowView.tag) != deletedTags.end()) { reparentedTags.insert(mutation.newChildShadowView.tag); } } } // Process mutations list into operations that can be sent to platform // immediately, and those that need to be animated Deletions, removals, // updates are delayed and animated. Creations and insertions are sent to // platform and then "animated in" with opacity updates. Upon completion, // removals and deletions are sent to platform ShadowViewMutation::List immediateMutations; // Remove operations that are actually moves should be copied to // "immediate mutations". The corresponding "insert" will also be executed // immediately and animated as an update. std::vector keyFramesToAnimate; const auto layoutAnimationConfig = animation.layoutAnimationConfig; for (const auto& mutation : mutations) { ShadowView baselineShadowView = (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Update ? mutation.oldChildShadowView : mutation.newChildShadowView); react_native_assert(baselineShadowView.tag > 0); bool haveComponentDescriptor = hasComponentDescriptorForShadowView(baselineShadowView); // Immediately execute any mutations on a root node if (baselineShadowView.traits.check( ShadowNodeTraits::Trait::RootNodeKind)) { immediateMutations.push_back(mutation); continue; } std::optional executeMutationImmediately{}; bool isRemoveReinserted = mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove && insertedTags.find(mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag) != insertedTags.end(); // Reparenting can result in a node being removed, inserted (moved) and // also deleted and created in the same frame, with the same props etc. // This should eventually be optimized out of the diffing algorithm, but // for now we detect reparenting and prevent the corresponding // Delete/Create instructions from being animated. bool isReparented = reparentedTags.find(baselineShadowView.tag) != reparentedTags.end(); if (isRemoveReinserted) { movedTags.insert({mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag, mutation}); } // Inserts that follow a "remove" of the same tag should be treated as // an update (move) animation. bool wasInsertedTagRemoved = false; auto movedIt = movedTags.end(); if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { // If this is a move, we actually don't want to copy this insert // instruction to animated instructions - we want to // generate an Update mutation for Remove+Insert pairs to animate // the layout. // The corresponding Remove and Insert instructions will instead // be treated as "immediate" instructions. movedIt = movedTags.find(mutation.newChildShadowView.tag); wasInsertedTagRemoved = movedIt != movedTags.end(); } const auto& mutationConfig = (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete || (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove && !wasInsertedTagRemoved) ? layoutAnimationConfig.deleteConfig : (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert && !wasInsertedTagRemoved ? layoutAnimationConfig.createConfig : layoutAnimationConfig.updateConfig)); bool haveConfiguration = mutationConfig.animationType != AnimationType::None; // Creates and inserts should also be executed immediately. // Mutations that would otherwise be animated, but have no // configuration, are also executed immediately. if (isRemoveReinserted || !haveConfiguration || isReparented || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { executeMutationImmediately = mutation; // It is possible, especially in the case of "moves", that we have a // sequence of operations like: // UPDATE X // REMOVE X // INSERT X // In these cases, we will have queued up an animation for the UPDATE // and delayed its execution; the REMOVE and INSERT will be executed // first; and then the UPDATE will be animating to/from ShadowViews // that are out-of-sync with what's on the mounting layer. Thus, for // any UPDATE animations already queued up for this tag, we adjust the // "previous" ShadowView. if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { for (auto& keyframe : keyFramesToAnimate) { if (keyframe.tag == baselineShadowView.tag) { // If there's already an animation queued up, followed by this // Insert, it *must* be an Update mutation animation. Other // sequences should not be possible. react_native_assert( keyframe.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Update); // The mutation is an "insert", so it must have a // "newChildShadowView" react_native_assert(mutation.newChildShadowView.tag > 0); // Those asserts don't run in prod. If there's some edge-case // that we haven't caught yet, we'd crash in debug; make sure we // don't mutate the prevView in prod. if (keyframe.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Update && mutation.newChildShadowView.tag > 0) { keyframe.viewPrev = mutation.newChildShadowView; } } } } else if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { for (auto& keyframe : keyFramesToAnimate) { if (keyframe.tag == baselineShadowView.tag) { // If there's already an animation queued up, followed by this // Insert, it *must* be an Update mutation animation. Other // sequences should not be possible. react_native_assert( keyframe.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Update); // The mutation is a "remove", so it must have a // "oldChildShadowView" react_native_assert(mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag > 0); // Those asserts don't run in prod. If there's some edge-case // that we haven't caught yet, we'd crash in debug; make sure we // don't mutate the prevView in prod. // Since normally the UPDATE would have been executed first and // now it's deferred, we need to change the `oldChildShadowView` // that is being referenced by the REMOVE mutation. if (keyframe.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Update && mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag > 0) { executeMutationImmediately = ShadowViewMutation::RemoveMutation( mutation.parentShadowView, keyframe.viewPrev, mutation.index); } } } } } // Deletes, non-move inserts, updates get animated if (!wasInsertedTagRemoved && !isRemoveReinserted && !isReparented && haveConfiguration && mutation.type != ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create) { ShadowView viewStart = ShadowView( mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert ? mutation.newChildShadowView : mutation.oldChildShadowView); react_native_assert(viewStart.tag > 0); ShadowView viewFinal = ShadowView( mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Update ? mutation.newChildShadowView : viewStart); react_native_assert(viewFinal.tag > 0); ShadowView parent = mutation.parentShadowView; react_native_assert( parent.tag > 0 || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Update || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete); Tag tag = viewStart.tag; AnimationKeyFrame keyFrame{}; if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { if (mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::Opacity && haveComponentDescriptor) { auto props = getComponentDescriptorForShadowView(baselineShadowView) .cloneProps(propsParserContext, viewStart.props, {}); if (baselineShadowView.traits.check( ShadowNodeTraits::Trait::ViewKind)) { const auto& viewProps = static_cast(*props); const_cast(viewProps).opacity = 0; } react_native_assert(props != nullptr); if (props != nullptr) { viewStart.props = props; } } bool isScaleX = mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleX || mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleXY; bool isScaleY = mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleY || mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleXY; if ((isScaleX || isScaleY) && haveComponentDescriptor) { auto props = getComponentDescriptorForShadowView(baselineShadowView) .cloneProps(propsParserContext, viewStart.props, {}); if (baselineShadowView.traits.check( ShadowNodeTraits::Trait::ViewKind)) { const auto& viewProps = static_cast(*props); const_cast(viewProps).transform = Transform::Scale(isScaleX ? 0 : 1, isScaleY ? 0 : 1, 1); } react_native_assert(props != nullptr); if (props != nullptr) { viewStart.props = props; } } PrintMutationInstruction( "Setting up animation KeyFrame for INSERT mutation (Create animation)", mutation); keyFrame = AnimationKeyFrame{ /* .finalMutationsForKeyFrame = */ {}, /* .type = */ AnimationConfigurationType::Create, /* .tag = */ tag, /* .parentView = */ parent, /* .viewStart = */ viewStart, /* .viewEnd = */ viewFinal, /* .viewPrev = */ baselineShadowView, /* .initialProgress = */ 0}; } else if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete) { // This is just for assertion purposes. // The NDEBUG check here is to satisfy the compiler in certain environments // complaining about correspondingRemoveIt being unused. #ifdef REACT_NATIVE_DEBUG #ifndef NDEBUG // This block is temporarily disabled to fix some internal builds. // In some build configurations, we get a compiler error that // `correspondingRemoveIt` is unused. /* Tag deleteTag = mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag; auto correspondingRemoveIt = std::find_if( mutations.begin(), mutations.end(), [&deleteTag](auto &mutation) { return mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove && mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag == deleteTag; }); react_native_assert(correspondingRemoveIt != mutations.end()); */ #endif #endif continue; } else if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Update) { viewFinal = ShadowView(mutation.newChildShadowView); PrintMutationInstruction( "Setting up animation KeyFrame for UPDATE mutation (Update animation)", mutation); keyFrame = AnimationKeyFrame{ /* .finalMutationsForKeyFrame = */ {mutation}, /* .type = */ AnimationConfigurationType::Update, /* .tag = */ tag, /* .parentView = */ parent, /* .viewStart = */ viewStart, /* .viewEnd = */ viewFinal, /* .viewPrev = */ baselineShadowView, /* .initialProgress = */ 0}; } else { // This should just be "Remove" instructions that are not animated // (either this is a "move", or there's a corresponding "Delete" // that is animated). react_native_assert( mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove); Tag removeTag = mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag; auto correspondingInsertIt = std::find_if( mutations.begin(), mutations.end(), [&removeTag](auto& mutation) { return mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert && mutation.newChildShadowView.tag == removeTag; }); if (correspondingInsertIt == mutations.end()) { // This is a REMOVE not paired with an INSERT (move), so it must // be paired with a DELETE. auto correspondingDeleteIt = std::find_if( mutations.begin(), mutations.end(), [&removeTag](auto& mutation) { return mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete && mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag == removeTag; }); react_native_assert(correspondingDeleteIt != mutations.end()); auto deleteMutation = *correspondingDeleteIt; if (mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::Opacity && haveComponentDescriptor) { auto props = getComponentDescriptorForShadowView(baselineShadowView) .cloneProps(propsParserContext, viewFinal.props, {}); if (baselineShadowView.traits.check( ShadowNodeTraits::Trait::ViewKind)) { const auto& viewProps = static_cast(*props); const_cast(viewProps).opacity = 0; } react_native_assert(props != nullptr); if (props != nullptr) { viewFinal.props = props; } } bool isScaleX = mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleX || mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleXY; bool isScaleY = mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleY || mutationConfig.animationProperty == AnimationProperty::ScaleXY; if ((isScaleX || isScaleY) && haveComponentDescriptor) { auto props = getComponentDescriptorForShadowView(baselineShadowView) .cloneProps(propsParserContext, viewFinal.props, {}); if (baselineShadowView.traits.check( ShadowNodeTraits::Trait::ViewKind)) { const auto& viewProps = static_cast(*props); const_cast(viewProps).transform = Transform::Scale(isScaleX ? 0 : 1, isScaleY ? 0 : 1, 1); } react_native_assert(props != nullptr); if (props != nullptr) { viewFinal.props = props; } } PrintMutationInstruction( "Setting up animation KeyFrame for REMOVE mutation (Delete animation)", mutation); keyFrame = AnimationKeyFrame{ /* .finalMutationsForKeyFrame */ {mutation, deleteMutation}, /* .type */ AnimationConfigurationType::Delete, /* .tag */ tag, /* .parentView */ parent, /* .viewStart */ viewStart, /* .viewEnd */ viewFinal, /* .viewPrev */ baselineShadowView, /* .initialProgress */ 0}; } else { PrintMutationInstruction( "Executing Remove Immediately, due to reordering operation", mutation); immediateMutations.push_back(mutation); continue; } } // Handle conflicting animations for (auto& conflictingKeyFrame : conflictingAnimations) { const auto& conflictingMutationBaselineShadowView = conflictingKeyFrame.viewStart; // We've found a conflict. if (conflictingMutationBaselineShadowView.tag == tag) { conflictingKeyFrame.generateFinalSyntheticMutations = false; // Do NOT update viewStart for a CREATE animation. if (keyFrame.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Create) { break; } #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "Due to conflict, replacing 'viewStart' of animated keyframe: [" << conflictingKeyFrame.viewPrev.tag << "] with ##" << std::hash{}(conflictingKeyFrame.viewPrev); #endif // Pick a Prop or layout property, depending on the current // animation configuration. Figure out how much progress we've // already made in the current animation, and start the animation // from this point. keyFrame.viewPrev = conflictingKeyFrame.viewPrev; keyFrame.viewStart = conflictingKeyFrame.viewPrev; react_native_assert(keyFrame.viewStart.tag > 0); keyFrame.initialProgress = 0; // We're guaranteed that a tag only has one animation associated // with it, so we can break here. If we support multiple // animations and animation curves over the same tag in the // future, this will need to be modified to support that. break; } } #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "Checking validity of keyframe: [" << keyFrame.viewStart.tag << "] [" << keyFrame.viewEnd.tag << "] [" << keyFrame.viewPrev.tag << "] animation type: " << (int)keyFrame.type; #endif react_native_assert(keyFrame.viewStart.tag > 0); react_native_assert(keyFrame.viewEnd.tag > 0); react_native_assert(keyFrame.viewPrev.tag > 0); keyFramesToAnimate.push_back(keyFrame); } if (executeMutationImmediately.has_value()) { PrintMutationInstruction( "Queue Up For Immediate Execution", *executeMutationImmediately); immediateMutations.push_back(*executeMutationImmediately); } } #ifdef RN_SHADOW_TREE_INTROSPECTION #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING { int idx = 0; for (auto& mutation : immediateMutations) { PrintMutationInstruction( std::string("IMMEDIATE list: ") + std::to_string(idx) + "/" + std::to_string(immediateMutations.size()), mutation); idx++; } } { int idx = 0; for (const auto& keyframe : keyFramesToAnimate) { for (const auto& finalMutationForKeyFrame : keyframe.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { PrintMutationInstruction( std::string("FINAL list: ") + std::to_string(idx) + "/" + std::to_string(keyFramesToAnimate.size()), finalMutationForKeyFrame); } idx++; } } #endif #endif auto finalConflictingMutations = ShadowViewMutationList{}; for (auto& keyFrame : conflictingAnimations) { // Special-case: if we have some (1) ongoing UPDATE animation, // (2) it conflicted with a new MOVE operation (REMOVE+INSERT) // without another corresponding UPDATE, we should re-queue the // keyframe so that its position/props don't suddenly "jump". if (keyFrame.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Update) { auto movedIt = movedTags.find(keyFrame.tag); if (movedIt != movedTags.end()) { auto newKeyFrameForUpdate = std::find_if( keyFramesToAnimate.begin(), keyFramesToAnimate.end(), [&](const auto& newKeyFrame) { return newKeyFrame.type == AnimationConfigurationType::Update && newKeyFrame.tag == keyFrame.tag; }); if (newKeyFrameForUpdate == keyFramesToAnimate.end()) { keyFrame.invalidated = false; // The animation will continue from the current position - we // restart viewStart to make sure there are no sudden jumps keyFrame.viewStart = keyFrame.viewPrev; // Find the insert mutation that conflicted with this update for (auto& mutation : immediateMutations) { if (mutation.newChildShadowView.tag == keyFrame.tag && (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Insert || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Create)) { keyFrame.viewPrev = mutation.newChildShadowView; keyFrame.viewEnd = mutation.newChildShadowView; } } keyFramesToAnimate.push_back(keyFrame); continue; } } } // If the "final" mutation is already accounted for, by previously // setting the correct "viewPrev" of the next conflicting animation, we // don't want to queue up any final UPDATE mutations here. bool shouldGenerateSyntheticMutations = keyFrame.generateFinalSyntheticMutations; auto numFinalMutations = keyFrame.finalMutationsForKeyFrame.size(); bool onlyMutationIsUpdate = (numFinalMutations == 1 && keyFrame.finalMutationsForKeyFrame[0].type == ShadowViewMutation::Update); if (!shouldGenerateSyntheticMutations && (numFinalMutations == 0 || onlyMutationIsUpdate)) { continue; } queueFinalMutationsForCompletedKeyFrame( keyFrame, finalConflictingMutations, true, "KeyFrameManager: Finished Conflicting Keyframe"); } // Make sure that all operations execute in the proper order, since // conflicting animations are not sorted in any reasonable way. std::stable_sort( finalConflictingMutations.begin(), finalConflictingMutations.end(), &shouldFirstComeBeforeSecondMutation); handleShouldFirstComeBeforeSecondRemovesOnly(immediateMutations); animation.keyFrames = keyFramesToAnimate; inflightAnimations_.push_back(std::move(animation)); // At this point, we have the following information and knowledge graph: // Knowledge Graph: // [ImmediateMutations] -> assumes [FinalConflicting], [FrameDelayed], // [Delayed] already executed [FrameDelayed] -> assumes // [FinalConflicting], [Delayed] already executed [FinalConflicting] -> // is adjusted based on [Delayed], no dependency on [FinalConflicting], // [FrameDelayed] [Delayed] -> assumes [FinalConflicting], // [ImmediateMutations] not executed yet // Adjust [Delayed] based on [FinalConflicting] // Knowledge Graph: // [ImmediateMutations] -> assumes [FinalConflicting], [FrameDelayed], // [Delayed] already executed [FrameDelayed] -> assumes // [FinalConflicting], [Delayed] already executed [FinalConflicting] -> // is adjusted based on [Delayed], no dependency on [FinalConflicting], // [FrameDelayed] [Delayed] -> adjusted for [FinalConflicting]; assumes // [ImmediateMutations] not executed yet #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "Adjust [Delayed] based on [FinalConflicting]"; #endif for (auto& mutation : finalConflictingMutations) { if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation(surfaceId, mutation, true); } } // Adjust [FrameDelayed] based on [Delayed] // Knowledge Graph: // [ImmediateExecutions] -> assumes [FinalConflicting], [Delayed], // [FrameDelayed] already executed [FrameDelayed] -> adjusted for // [Delayed]; assumes [FinalConflicting] already executed // [FinalConflicting] -> is adjusted based on [Delayed], no dependency // on [FinalConflicting], [FrameDelayed] [Delayed] -> adjusted for // [FinalConflicting]; assumes [ImmediateExecutions] not executed yet #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "Adjust [FrameDelayed] based on [Delayed]"; #endif for (auto& keyframe : inflightAnimations_.back().keyFrames) { for (auto& finalMutation : keyframe.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { if (finalMutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert || finalMutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { // When adjusting, skip adjusting against last animation - because // all `mutation`s here come from the last animation, so we can't // adjust a batch against itself. adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations( surfaceId, finalMutation, true); } } } // Adjust [ImmediateExecutions] based on [Delayed] // Knowledge Graph: // [ImmediateExecutions] -> adjusted for [FrameDelayed], [Delayed]; // assumes [FinalConflicting] already executed [FrameDelayed] -> // adjusted for [Delayed]; assumes [FinalConflicting] already executed // [FinalConflicting] -> is adjusted based on [Delayed], no dependency // on [FinalConflicting], [FrameDelayed] [Delayed] -> adjusted for // [FinalConflicting]; assumes [ImmediateExecutions] not executed yet // // THEN, // Adjust [Delayed] based on [ImmediateExecutions] and // [FinalConflicting] Knowledge Graph: [ImmediateExecutions] -> adjusted // for [FrameDelayed], [Delayed]; assumes [FinalConflicting] already // executed [FrameDelayed] -> adjusted for [Delayed]; assumes // [FinalConflicting] already executed [FinalConflicting] -> is adjusted // based on [Delayed], no dependency on [FinalConflicting], // [FrameDelayed] [Delayed] -> adjusted for [FinalConflicting], // [ImmediateExecutions] // // We do these in the same loop because each immediate execution is // impacted by each delayed mutation, and also can impact each delayed // mutation, and these effects compound. #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "Adjust each [ImmediateExecution] based on [Delayed] and [Delayed] based on each [ImmediateExecution]"; #endif for (auto& mutation : immediateMutations) { // Note: when adjusting [ImmediateExecutions] based on [FrameDelayed], // we need only adjust Inserts. Since inserts are executed // highest-index-first, lower indices being delayed does not impact // the higher-index removals; and conversely, higher indices being // delayed cannot impact lower index removal, regardless of order. if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations( surfaceId, mutation, mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove); // Here we need to adjust both Delayed and FrameDelayed mutations. // Delayed Removes can be impacted by non-delayed Inserts from the // same frame. adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation(surfaceId, mutation); } } // If the knowledge graph progression above is correct, it is now safe // to execute finalConflictingMutations and immediateMutations in that // order, and to queue the delayed animations from this frame. // // Execute the conflicting, delayed operations immediately. Any UPDATE // operations that smoothly transition into another animation will be // overridden by generated UPDATE operations at the end of the list, and // we want any REMOVE or DELETE operations to execute immediately. // Additionally, this should allow us to avoid performing index // adjustment between this list of conflicting animations and the batch // we're about to execute. finalConflictingMutations.insert( finalConflictingMutations.end(), immediateMutations.begin(), immediateMutations.end()); mutations = finalConflictingMutations; } /* if (currentAnimation) */ else { // If there's no "next" animation, make sure we queue up "final" // operations from all ongoing, conflicting animations. #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "No Animation: Queue up final conflicting animations"; #endif ShadowViewMutationList finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations{}; for (const auto& keyFrame : conflictingAnimations) { queueFinalMutationsForCompletedKeyFrame( keyFrame, finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations, true, "Conflict with non-animated mutation"); } // Make sure that all operations execute in the proper order. // REMOVE operations with highest indices must operate first. std::stable_sort( finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations.begin(), finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations.end(), &shouldFirstComeBeforeSecondMutation); #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "No Animation: Adjust delayed mutations based on all finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations"; #endif for (const auto& mutation : finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations) { if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation(surfaceId, mutation); } } // The ShadowTree layer doesn't realize that certain operations have // been delayed, so we must adjust all Remove and Insert operations // based on what else has been deferred, whether we are executing this // immediately or later. #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "No Animation: Adjust mutations based on remaining delayed mutations / adjust delayed, based on each"; #endif for (auto& mutation : mutations) { if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert) { adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations( surfaceId, mutation); adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation(surfaceId, mutation); } } // Append mutations to this list and swap - so that the final // conflicting mutations happen before any other mutations finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations.insert( finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations.end(), mutations.begin(), mutations.end()); mutations = finalMutationsForConflictingAnimations; } } // if (mutations) // We never commit a different root or modify anything - // we just send additional mutations to the mounting layer until the // animations are finished and the mounting layer (view) represents exactly // what is in the most recent shadow tree // Add animation mutations to the end of our existing mutations list in this // function. ShadowViewMutationList mutationsForAnimation{}; animationMutationsForFrame(surfaceId, mutationsForAnimation, now); // If any delayed removes were executed, update remaining delayed keyframes #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "Adjust all delayed mutations based on final mutations generated by animation driver"; #endif for (const auto& mutation : mutationsForAnimation) { if (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation(surfaceId, mutation); } } mutations.insert( mutations.end(), mutationsForAnimation.begin(), mutationsForAnimation.end()); // DEBUG ONLY: list existing inflight animations #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING LOG(ERROR) << "FINISHING DISPLAYING ONGOING inflightAnimations_!"; int i = 0; int j = 0; for (const auto& inflightAnimation : inflightAnimations_) { i++; j = 0; if (inflightAnimation.completed) { continue; } for (auto& keyframe : inflightAnimation.keyFrames) { j++; if (keyframe.invalidated) { continue; } for (const auto& finalMutation : keyframe.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { if (!finalMutation.mutatedViewIsVirtual()) { std::string msg = "Animation " + std::to_string(i) + " keyframe " + std::to_string(j) + ": Final Animation"; PrintMutationInstruction(msg, finalMutation); } } } } LOG(ERROR) << "FINISHING DONE DISPLAYING ONGOING inflightAnimations_!"; #endif // Signal to delegate if all animations are complete, or if we were not // animating anything and now some animation exists. if (inflightAnimationsExistInitially && inflightAnimations_.empty()) { std::scoped_lock lock(layoutAnimationStatusDelegateMutex_); if (layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_ != nullptr) { layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_->onAllAnimationsComplete(); } } else if ( !inflightAnimationsExistInitially && !inflightAnimations_.empty()) { std::scoped_lock lock(layoutAnimationStatusDelegateMutex_); if (layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_ != nullptr) { layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_->onAnimationStarted(); } } return MountingTransaction{ surfaceId, transactionNumber, std::move(mutations), telemetry}; } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::uiManagerDidConfigureNextLayoutAnimation( LayoutAnimation layoutAnimation) const { currentAnimation_ = std::optional{layoutAnimation}; } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::setLayoutAnimationStatusDelegate( LayoutAnimationStatusDelegate* delegate) const { std::scoped_lock lock(layoutAnimationStatusDelegateMutex_); layoutAnimationStatusDelegate_ = delegate; } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::setClockNow( std::function now) { now_ = std::move(now); } #pragma mark - Protected bool LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::hasComponentDescriptorForShadowView( const ShadowView& shadowView) const { return componentDescriptorRegistry_->hasComponentDescriptorAt( shadowView.componentHandle); } const ComponentDescriptor& LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::getComponentDescriptorForShadowView( const ShadowView& shadowView) const { return componentDescriptorRegistry_->at(shadowView.componentHandle); } ShadowView LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::createInterpolatedShadowView( Float progress, const ShadowView& startingView, const ShadowView& finalView) const { react_native_assert(startingView.tag > 0); react_native_assert(finalView.tag > 0); if (!hasComponentDescriptorForShadowView(startingView)) { LOG(ERROR) << "No ComponentDescriptor for ShadowView being animated: [" << startingView.tag << "]"; react_native_assert(false); return finalView; } const ComponentDescriptor& componentDescriptor = getComponentDescriptorForShadowView(startingView); // Base the mutated view on the finalView, so that the following stay // consistent: // - state // - eventEmitter // For now, we do not allow interpolation of state. And we probably never // will, so make sure we always keep the mounting layer consistent with the // "final" state. auto mutatedShadowView = ShadowView(finalView); react_native_assert(mutatedShadowView.tag > 0); react_native_assert(startingView.props != nullptr); react_native_assert(finalView.props != nullptr); if (startingView.props == nullptr || finalView.props == nullptr) { return finalView; } // Animate opacity or scale/transform PropsParserContext propsParserContext{ finalView.surfaceId, *contextContainer_}; const auto& finalViewSize = finalView.layoutMetrics.frame.size; mutatedShadowView.props = interpolateProps( componentDescriptor, propsParserContext, progress, startingView.props, finalView.props, finalViewSize); react_native_assert(mutatedShadowView.props != nullptr); if (mutatedShadowView.props == nullptr) { return finalView; } // Interpolate LayoutMetrics const LayoutMetrics& finalLayoutMetrics = finalView.layoutMetrics; const LayoutMetrics& baselineLayoutMetrics = startingView.layoutMetrics; LayoutMetrics interpolatedLayoutMetrics = finalLayoutMetrics; interpolatedLayoutMetrics.frame.origin.x = interpolateFloats( progress, baselineLayoutMetrics.frame.origin.x, finalLayoutMetrics.frame.origin.x); interpolatedLayoutMetrics.frame.origin.y = interpolateFloats( progress, baselineLayoutMetrics.frame.origin.y, finalLayoutMetrics.frame.origin.y); interpolatedLayoutMetrics.frame.size.width = interpolateFloats( progress, baselineLayoutMetrics.frame.size.width, finalLayoutMetrics.frame.size.width); interpolatedLayoutMetrics.frame.size.height = interpolateFloats( progress, baselineLayoutMetrics.frame.size.height, finalLayoutMetrics.frame.size.height); mutatedShadowView.layoutMetrics = interpolatedLayoutMetrics; return mutatedShadowView; } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::callCallback( const LayoutAnimationCallbackWrapper& callback) const { runtimeExecutor_( [callback](jsi::Runtime& runtime) { callback.call(runtime); }); } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::queueFinalMutationsForCompletedKeyFrame( const AnimationKeyFrame& keyframe, ShadowViewMutation::List& mutationsList, bool interrupted, const std::string& /*logPrefix*/) const { if (!keyframe.finalMutationsForKeyFrame.empty()) { // TODO: modularize this segment, it is repeated 2x in KeyFrameManager // as well. ShadowView prev = keyframe.viewPrev; for (const auto& finalMutation : keyframe.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { PrintMutationInstruction( logPrefix + ": Queuing up Final Mutation:", finalMutation); // Copy so that if something else mutates the inflight animations, // it won't change this mutation after this point. switch (finalMutation.type) { // For CREATE/INSERT this will contain CREATE, INSERT in that order. // For REMOVE/DELETE, same. case ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create: mutationsList.push_back(ShadowViewMutation::CreateMutation( finalMutation.newChildShadowView)); break; case ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete: mutationsList.push_back(ShadowViewMutation::DeleteMutation(prev)); break; case ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert: mutationsList.push_back(ShadowViewMutation::InsertMutation( finalMutation.parentShadowView, finalMutation.newChildShadowView, finalMutation.index)); break; case ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove: mutationsList.push_back(ShadowViewMutation::RemoveMutation( finalMutation.parentShadowView, prev, finalMutation.index)); break; case ShadowViewMutation::Type::Update: mutationsList.push_back(ShadowViewMutation::UpdateMutation( prev, finalMutation.newChildShadowView, finalMutation.parentShadowView)); break; } if (finalMutation.newChildShadowView.tag > 0) { prev = finalMutation.newChildShadowView; } } } else { // If there's no final mutation associated, create a mutation that // corresponds to the animation being 100% complete. This is // important for, for example, INSERT mutations being animated from // opacity 0 to 1. If the animation is interrupted we must force the // View to be at opacity 1. For Android - since it passes along only // deltas, not an entire bag of props - generate an "animation" // frame corresponding to a final update for this view. Only then, // generate an update that will cause the ShadowTree to be // consistent with the Mounting layer by passing viewEnd, // unmodified, to the mounting layer. This helps with, for example, // opacity animations. // This is necessary for INSERT (create) and UPDATE (update) mutations, but // not REMOVE/DELETE mutations ("delete" animations). if (interrupted) { auto mutatedShadowView = createInterpolatedShadowView(1, keyframe.viewStart, keyframe.viewEnd); auto generatedPenultimateMutation = ShadowViewMutation::UpdateMutation( keyframe.viewPrev, mutatedShadowView, keyframe.parentView); react_native_assert( generatedPenultimateMutation.oldChildShadowView.tag > 0); react_native_assert( generatedPenultimateMutation.newChildShadowView.tag > 0); PrintMutationInstruction( "Queueing up penultimate mutation instruction - synthetic", generatedPenultimateMutation); mutationsList.push_back(generatedPenultimateMutation); auto generatedMutation = ShadowViewMutation::UpdateMutation( mutatedShadowView, keyframe.viewEnd, keyframe.parentView); react_native_assert(generatedMutation.oldChildShadowView.tag > 0); react_native_assert(generatedMutation.newChildShadowView.tag > 0); PrintMutationInstruction( "Queueing up final mutation instruction - synthetic", generatedMutation); mutationsList.push_back(generatedMutation); } else { auto mutation = ShadowViewMutation::UpdateMutation( keyframe.viewPrev, keyframe.viewEnd, keyframe.parentView); PrintMutationInstruction( logPrefix + "Animation Complete: Queuing up Final Synthetic Mutation:", mutation); react_native_assert(mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag > 0); react_native_assert(mutation.newChildShadowView.tag > 0); mutationsList.push_back(std::move(mutation)); } } } #pragma mark - Private void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager:: adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations( SurfaceId surfaceId, ShadowViewMutation& mutation, bool skipLastAnimation, bool lastAnimationOnly) const { bool isRemoveMutation = mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove; react_native_assert( isRemoveMutation || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert); // TODO: turn all of this into a lambda and share code? if (mutation.mutatedViewIsVirtual()) { PrintMutationInstruction( "[IndexAdjustment] Not calling adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations, is virtual, for:", mutation); return; } PrintMutationInstruction( "[IndexAdjustment] Calling adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations for:", mutation); // First, collect all final mutations that could impact this immediate // mutation. std::vector candidateMutations{}; for (auto inflightAnimationIt = inflightAnimations_.rbegin() + (skipLastAnimation ? 1 : 0); inflightAnimationIt != inflightAnimations_.rend(); inflightAnimationIt++) { auto& inflightAnimation = *inflightAnimationIt; if (inflightAnimation.surfaceId != surfaceId) { continue; } if (inflightAnimation.completed) { continue; } for (const auto& animatedKeyFrame : inflightAnimation.keyFrames) { if (animatedKeyFrame.invalidated) { continue; } // Detect if they're in the same view hierarchy, but not equivalent // We've already detected direct conflicts and removed them. if (animatedKeyFrame.parentView.tag != mutation.parentShadowView.tag) { continue; } for (const auto& delayedMutation : animatedKeyFrame.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { if (delayedMutation.type != ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { continue; } if (delayedMutation.mutatedViewIsVirtual()) { continue; } if (delayedMutation.oldChildShadowView.tag == (isRemoveMutation ? mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag : mutation.newChildShadowView.tag)) { continue; } PrintMutationInstructionRelative( "[IndexAdjustment] adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations CANDIDATE for:", mutation, delayedMutation); candidateMutations.push_back(&delayedMutation); } } if (lastAnimationOnly) { break; } } // While the mutation keeps being affected, keep checking. We use the vector // so we only perform one adjustment per delayed mutation. See comments at // bottom of adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation for further explanation. bool changed = true; int adjustedDelta = 0; while (changed) { changed = false; candidateMutations.erase( std::remove_if( candidateMutations.begin(), candidateMutations.end(), [&changed, &mutation, &adjustedDelta, &isRemoveMutation]( const ShadowViewMutation* candidateMutation) { bool indexConflicts = (candidateMutation->index < mutation.index || (isRemoveMutation && candidateMutation->index == mutation.index)); if (indexConflicts) { mutation.index++; adjustedDelta++; changed = true; PrintMutationInstructionRelative( "[IndexAdjustment] adjustImmediateMutationIndicesForDelayedMutations: Adjusting mutation UPWARD", mutation, *candidateMutation); return true; } return false; }), candidateMutations.end()); } } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation( SurfaceId surfaceId, const ShadowViewMutation& mutation, bool skipLastAnimation) const { bool isRemoveMutation = mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove; bool isInsertMutation = mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert; auto tag = isRemoveMutation ? mutation.oldChildShadowView.tag : mutation.newChildShadowView.tag; react_native_assert(isRemoveMutation || isInsertMutation); if (mutation.mutatedViewIsVirtual()) { PrintMutationInstruction( "[IndexAdjustment] Not calling adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation, is virtual, for:", mutation); return; } // First, collect all final mutations that could impact this immediate // mutation. std::vector candidateMutations{}; for (auto inflightAnimationIt = inflightAnimations_.rbegin() + (skipLastAnimation ? 1 : 0); inflightAnimationIt != inflightAnimations_.rend(); inflightAnimationIt++) { auto& inflightAnimation = *inflightAnimationIt; if (inflightAnimation.surfaceId != surfaceId) { continue; } if (inflightAnimation.completed) { continue; } for (auto& animatedKeyFrame : inflightAnimation.keyFrames) { if (animatedKeyFrame.invalidated) { continue; } // Detect if they're in the same view hierarchy, but not equivalent // (We've already detected direct conflicts and handled them above) if (animatedKeyFrame.parentView.tag != mutation.parentShadowView.tag) { continue; } for (auto& finalAnimationMutation : animatedKeyFrame.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { if (finalAnimationMutation.oldChildShadowView.tag == tag) { continue; } if (finalAnimationMutation.type != ShadowViewMutation::Type::Remove) { continue; } if (finalAnimationMutation.mutatedViewIsVirtual()) { continue; } PrintMutationInstructionRelative( "[IndexAdjustment] adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation: CANDIDATE:", mutation, finalAnimationMutation); candidateMutations.push_back(&finalAnimationMutation); } } } // Because the finalAnimations are not sorted in any way, it is possible to // have some sequence like: // * DELAYED REMOVE 10 from {TAG} // * DELAYED REMOVE 9 from {TAG} // * ... // * DELAYED REMOVE 5 from {TAG} // with mutation: INSERT 6/REMOVE 6. This would cause the first few mutations // to *not* be adjusted, even though they would be impacted by mutation or // vice-versa after later adjustments are applied. Therefore, we just keep // recursing while there are any changes. This isn't great, but is good enough // for now until we change these data-structures. bool changed = true; while (changed) { changed = false; candidateMutations.erase( std::remove_if( candidateMutations.begin(), candidateMutations.end(), [&mutation, &isRemoveMutation, &isInsertMutation, &changed]( ShadowViewMutation* candidateMutation) { if (isRemoveMutation && mutation.index <= candidateMutation->index) { candidateMutation->index--; changed = true; PrintMutationInstructionRelative( "[IndexAdjustment] adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation: Adjusting mutation DOWNWARD", mutation, *candidateMutation); return true; } else if ( isInsertMutation && mutation.index <= candidateMutation->index) { candidateMutation->index++; changed = true; PrintMutationInstructionRelative( "[IndexAdjustment] adjustDelayedMutationIndicesForMutation: Adjusting mutation UPWARD", mutation, *candidateMutation); return true; } return false; }), candidateMutations.end()); } } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::getAndEraseConflictingAnimations( SurfaceId surfaceId, const ShadowViewMutationList& mutations, std::vector& conflictingAnimations) const { ShadowViewMutationList localConflictingMutations{}; for (const auto& mutation : mutations) { bool mutationIsCreateOrDelete = mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete; const auto& baselineShadowView = (mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Insert || mutation.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Create) ? mutation.newChildShadowView : mutation.oldChildShadowView; auto baselineTag = baselineShadowView.tag; for (auto& inflightAnimation : inflightAnimations_) { if (inflightAnimation.surfaceId != surfaceId) { continue; } if (inflightAnimation.completed) { continue; } for (auto it = inflightAnimation.keyFrames.begin(); it != inflightAnimation.keyFrames.end();) { auto& animatedKeyFrame = *it; if (animatedKeyFrame.invalidated) { continue; } // A conflict is when either: the animated node itself is mutated // directly; or, the parent of the node is created or deleted. In cases // of reparenting - say, the parent is deleted but the node was moved to // a different parent first - the reparenting (remove/insert) conflict // will be detected before we process the parent DELETE. // Parent deletion is important because deleting a parent recursively // deletes all children. If we previously deferred deletion of a child, // we need to force deletion/removal to happen immediately. bool conflicting = animatedKeyFrame.tag == baselineTag || (mutationIsCreateOrDelete && animatedKeyFrame.parentView.tag == baselineTag && animatedKeyFrame.parentView.tag != 0); // Conflicting animation detected: if we're mutating a tag under // animation, or deleting the parent of a tag under animation, or // reparenting. if (conflicting) { animatedKeyFrame.invalidated = true; // We construct a list of all conflicting animations, whether or not // they have a "final mutation" to execute. This is important with, // for example, "insert" mutations where the final update needs to set // opacity to "1", even if there's no final ShadowNode update. // TODO: don't animate virtual views in the first place? bool isVirtual = false; for (const auto& finalMutationForKeyFrame : animatedKeyFrame.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { isVirtual = isVirtual || finalMutationForKeyFrame.mutatedViewIsVirtual(); #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING PrintMutationInstructionRelative( "Found mutation that conflicts with existing in-flight animation:", mutation, finalMutationForKeyFrame); #endif } conflictingAnimations.push_back(animatedKeyFrame); for (const auto& finalMutationForKeyFrame : animatedKeyFrame.finalMutationsForKeyFrame) { if (!isVirtual || finalMutationForKeyFrame.type == ShadowViewMutation::Type::Delete) { localConflictingMutations.push_back(finalMutationForKeyFrame); } } // Delete from existing animation it = inflightAnimation.keyFrames.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } } // Recurse, in case conflicting mutations conflict with other existing // animations if (!localConflictingMutations.empty()) { getAndEraseConflictingAnimations( surfaceId, localConflictingMutations, conflictingAnimations); } } void LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::deleteAnimationsForStoppedSurfaces() const { bool inflightAnimationsExistInitially = !inflightAnimations_.empty(); // Execute stopSurface on any ongoing animations if (inflightAnimationsExistInitially) { std::unordered_set surfaceIdsToStop{}; { std::scoped_lock lock(surfaceIdsToStopMutex_); surfaceIdsToStop = surfaceIdsToStop_; surfaceIdsToStop_.clear(); } #ifdef LAYOUT_ANIMATION_VERBOSE_LOGGING std::ostringstream surfaceIdsStr; std::copy( surfaceIdsToStop.begin(), surfaceIdsToStop.end(), std::ostream_iterator(surfaceIdsStr, ", ")); LOG(ERROR) << "LayoutAnimations: stopping animations due to stopSurface on " << surfaceIdsStr.str(); #endif for (auto it = inflightAnimations_.begin(); it != inflightAnimations_.end();) { const auto& animation = *it; if (surfaceIdsToStop.find(animation.surfaceId) != surfaceIdsToStop.end()) { it = inflightAnimations_.erase(it); } else { it++; } } } } Props::Shared LayoutAnimationKeyFrameManager::interpolateProps( const ComponentDescriptor& componentDescriptor, const PropsParserContext& context, Float animationProgress, const Props::Shared& props, const Props::Shared& newProps, const Size& size) const { #ifdef ANDROID // On Android only, the merged props should have the same RawProps as the // final props struct Props::Shared interpolatedPropsShared = (newProps != nullptr ? componentDescriptor.cloneProps( context, newProps, RawProps(newProps->rawProps)) : componentDescriptor.cloneProps(context, newProps, {})); #else Props::Shared interpolatedPropsShared = componentDescriptor.cloneProps(context, newProps, {}); #endif if (componentDescriptor.getTraits().check( ShadowNodeTraits::Trait::ViewKind)) { interpolateViewProps( animationProgress, props, newProps, interpolatedPropsShared, size); } return interpolatedPropsShared; }; } // namespace facebook::react