/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import @class RCTBridge; typedef NSURL * (^RCTBridgelessBundleURLGetter)(void); typedef void (^RCTBridgelessBundleURLSetter)(NSURL *bundleURL); /** * A class that allows NativeModules/TurboModules to read/write the bundleURL, with or without the bridge. */ @interface RCTBundleManager : NSObject - (void)setBridge:(RCTBridge *)bridge; - (void)setBridgelessBundleURLGetter:(RCTBridgelessBundleURLGetter)getter andSetter:(RCTBridgelessBundleURLSetter)setter andDefaultGetter:(RCTBridgelessBundleURLGetter)defaultGetter; - (void)resetBundleURL; @property NSURL *bundleURL; @end