/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; let logListeners; type LogListeners = {| +onDifferentFunctionsIgnored: (nameOne: ?string, nameTwo: ?string) => void, |}; type Options = {|+unsafelyIgnoreFunctions?: boolean|}; function unstable_setLogListeners(listeners: ?LogListeners) { logListeners = listeners; } /* * @returns {bool} true if different, false if equal */ const deepDiffer = function ( one: any, two: any, maxDepthOrOptions: Options | number = -1, maybeOptions?: Options, ): boolean { const options = typeof maxDepthOrOptions === 'number' ? maybeOptions : maxDepthOrOptions; const maxDepth = typeof maxDepthOrOptions === 'number' ? maxDepthOrOptions : -1; if (maxDepth === 0) { return true; } if (one === two) { // Short circuit on identical object references instead of traversing them. return false; } if (typeof one === 'function' && typeof two === 'function') { // We consider all functions equal unless explicitly configured otherwise let unsafelyIgnoreFunctions = options?.unsafelyIgnoreFunctions; if (unsafelyIgnoreFunctions == null) { if ( logListeners && logListeners.onDifferentFunctionsIgnored && (!options || !('unsafelyIgnoreFunctions' in options)) ) { logListeners.onDifferentFunctionsIgnored(one.name, two.name); } unsafelyIgnoreFunctions = true; } return !unsafelyIgnoreFunctions; } if (typeof one !== 'object' || one === null) { // Primitives can be directly compared return one !== two; } if (typeof two !== 'object' || two === null) { // We know they are different because the previous case would have triggered // otherwise. return true; } if (one.constructor !== two.constructor) { return true; } if (Array.isArray(one)) { // We know two is also an array because the constructors are equal const len = one.length; if (two.length !== len) { return true; } for (let ii = 0; ii < len; ii++) { if (deepDiffer(one[ii], two[ii], maxDepth - 1, options)) { return true; } } } else { for (const key in one) { if (deepDiffer(one[key], two[key], maxDepth - 1, options)) { return true; } } for (const twoKey in two) { // The only case we haven't checked yet is keys that are in two but aren't // in one, which means they are different. if (one[twoKey] === undefined && two[twoKey] !== undefined) { return true; } } } return false; }; deepDiffer.unstable_setLogListeners = unstable_setLogListeners; module.exports = deepDiffer;