/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format */ /** * @see https://reactnative.dev/docs/platform-specific-code#content */ export type PlatformOSType = | 'ios' | 'android' | 'macos' | 'windows' | 'web' | 'native'; type PlatformConstants = { isTesting: boolean; isDisableAnimations?: boolean | undefined; reactNativeVersion: { major: number; minor: number; patch: number; prerelease?: string | null | undefined; }; }; interface PlatformStatic { isTV: boolean; isTesting: boolean; Version: number | string; constants: PlatformConstants; /** * @see https://reactnative.dev/docs/platform-specific-code#content */ select( specifics: | ({[platform in PlatformOSType]?: T} & {default: T}) | {[platform in PlatformOSType]: T}, ): T; select(specifics: {[platform in PlatformOSType]?: T}): T | undefined; } interface PlatformIOSStatic extends PlatformStatic { constants: PlatformConstants & { forceTouchAvailable: boolean; interfaceIdiom: string; osVersion: string; systemName: string; isMacCatalyst?: boolean | undefined; }; OS: 'ios'; isPad: boolean; isTV: boolean; isVision: boolean; isMacCatalyst?: boolean | undefined; Version: string; } interface PlatformAndroidStatic extends PlatformStatic { constants: PlatformConstants & { Version: number; Release: string; Serial: string; Fingerprint: string; Model: string; Brand: string; Manufacturer: string; ServerHost?: string | undefined; uiMode: 'car' | 'desk' | 'normal' | 'tv' | 'watch' | 'unknown'; }; OS: 'android'; Version: number; } interface PlatformMacOSStatic extends PlatformStatic { OS: 'macos'; Version: string; constants: PlatformConstants & { osVersion: string; }; } interface PlatformWindowsOSStatic extends PlatformStatic { OS: 'windows'; Version: number; constants: PlatformConstants & { osVersion: number; }; } interface PlatformWebStatic extends PlatformStatic { OS: 'web'; } export type Platform = | PlatformIOSStatic | PlatformAndroidStatic | PlatformWindowsOSStatic | PlatformMacOSStatic | PlatformWebStatic; export const Platform: Platform;