/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow strict-local */ import type {ExtendedError} from '../Core/ExtendedError'; import getDevServer from '../Core/Devtools/getDevServer'; import LogBox from '../LogBox/LogBox'; import NativeRedBox from '../NativeModules/specs/NativeRedBox'; const DevSettings = require('./DevSettings'); const Platform = require('./Platform'); const invariant = require('invariant'); const MetroHMRClient = require('metro-runtime/src/modules/HMRClient'); const prettyFormat = require('pretty-format'); const pendingEntryPoints = []; let hmrClient = null; let hmrUnavailableReason: string | null = null; let currentCompileErrorMessage: string | null = null; let didConnect: boolean = false; let pendingLogs: Array<[LogLevel, $ReadOnlyArray]> = []; let pendingFuseboxConsoleNotification = false; type LogLevel = | 'trace' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'log' | 'group' | 'groupCollapsed' | 'groupEnd' | 'debug'; export type HMRClientNativeInterface = {| enable(): void, disable(): void, registerBundle(requestUrl: string): void, log(level: LogLevel, data: $ReadOnlyArray): void, setup( platform: string, bundleEntry: string, host: string, port: number | string, isEnabled: boolean, scheme?: string, ): void, unstable_notifyFuseboxConsoleEnabled(): void, |}; /** * HMR Client that receives from the server HMR updates and propagates them * runtime to reflects those changes. */ const HMRClient: HMRClientNativeInterface = { enable() { if (hmrUnavailableReason !== null) { // If HMR became unavailable while you weren't using it, // explain why when you try to turn it on. // This is an error (and not a warning) because it is shown // in response to a direct user action. throw new Error(hmrUnavailableReason); } invariant(hmrClient, 'Expected HMRClient.setup() call at startup.'); const DevLoadingView = require('./DevLoadingView'); // We use this for internal logging only. // It doesn't affect the logic. hmrClient.send(JSON.stringify({type: 'log-opt-in'})); // When toggling Fast Refresh on, we might already have some stashed updates. // Since they'll get applied now, we'll show a banner. const hasUpdates = hmrClient.hasPendingUpdates(); if (hasUpdates) { DevLoadingView.showMessage('Refreshing...', 'refresh'); } try { hmrClient.enable(); } finally { if (hasUpdates) { DevLoadingView.hide(); } } // There could be a compile error while Fast Refresh was off, // but we ignored it at the time. Show it now. showCompileError(); }, disable() { invariant(hmrClient, 'Expected HMRClient.setup() call at startup.'); hmrClient.disable(); }, registerBundle(requestUrl: string) { invariant(hmrClient, 'Expected HMRClient.setup() call at startup.'); pendingEntryPoints.push(requestUrl); registerBundleEntryPoints(hmrClient); }, log(level: LogLevel, data: $ReadOnlyArray) { if (!hmrClient) { // Catch a reasonable number of early logs // in case hmrClient gets initialized later. pendingLogs.push([level, data]); if (pendingLogs.length > 100) { pendingLogs.shift(); } return; } try { hmrClient.send( JSON.stringify({ type: 'log', level, mode: global.RN$Bridgeless === true ? 'NOBRIDGE' : 'BRIDGE', data: data.map(item => typeof item === 'string' ? item : prettyFormat.format(item, { escapeString: true, highlight: true, maxDepth: 3, min: true, plugins: [prettyFormat.plugins.ReactElement], }), ), }), ); } catch (error) { // If sending logs causes any failures we want to silently ignore them // to ensure we do not cause infinite-logging loops. } }, unstable_notifyFuseboxConsoleEnabled() { if (!hmrClient) { pendingFuseboxConsoleNotification = true; return; } hmrClient.send( JSON.stringify({ type: 'log', level: 'info', data: [ '\n' + '\u001B[7m' + ' \u001B[1m💡 JavaScript logs have moved!\u001B[22m They can now be ' + 'viewed in React Native DevTools. Tip: Type \u001B[1mj\u001B[22m in ' + 'the terminal to open (requires Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge).' + '\u001B[27m' + '\n', ], }), ); pendingFuseboxConsoleNotification = false; }, // Called once by the bridge on startup, even if Fast Refresh is off. // It creates the HMR client but doesn't actually set up the socket yet. setup( platform: string, bundleEntry: string, host: string, port: number | string, isEnabled: boolean, scheme?: string = 'http', ) { invariant(platform, 'Missing required parameter `platform`'); invariant(bundleEntry, 'Missing required parameter `bundleEntry`'); invariant(host, 'Missing required parameter `host`'); invariant(!hmrClient, 'Cannot initialize hmrClient twice'); // Moving to top gives errors due to NativeModules not being initialized const DevLoadingView = require('./DevLoadingView'); const serverHost = port !== null && port !== '' ? `${host}:${port}` : host; const serverScheme = scheme; const client = new MetroHMRClient(`${serverScheme}://${serverHost}/hot`); hmrClient = client; const {fullBundleUrl} = getDevServer(); pendingEntryPoints.push( // HMRServer understands regular bundle URLs, so prefer that in case // there are any important URL parameters we can't reconstruct from // `setup()`'s arguments. fullBundleUrl ?? `${serverScheme}://${serverHost}/hot?bundleEntry=${bundleEntry}&platform=${platform}`, ); client.on('connection-error', e => { let error = `Cannot connect to Metro. Try the following to fix the issue: - Ensure that Metro is running and available on the same network`; if (Platform.OS === 'ios') { error += ` - Ensure that the Metro URL is correctly set in AppDelegate`; } else { error += ` - Ensure that your device/emulator is connected to your machine and has USB debugging enabled - run 'adb devices' to see a list of connected devices - If you're on a physical device connected to the same machine, run 'adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081' to forward requests from your device - If your device is on the same Wi-Fi network, set 'Debug server host & port for device' in 'Dev settings' to your machine's IP address and the port of the local dev server - e.g.`; } error += ` URL: ${host}:${port} Error: ${e.message}`; setHMRUnavailableReason(error); }); client.on('update-start', ({isInitialUpdate}) => { currentCompileErrorMessage = null; didConnect = true; if (client.isEnabled() && !isInitialUpdate) { DevLoadingView.showMessage('Refreshing...', 'refresh'); } }); client.on('update', ({isInitialUpdate}) => { if (client.isEnabled() && !isInitialUpdate) { dismissRedbox(); LogBox.clearAllLogs(); } }); client.on('update-done', () => { DevLoadingView.hide(); }); client.on('error', data => { DevLoadingView.hide(); if (data.type === 'GraphNotFoundError') { client.close(); setHMRUnavailableReason( 'Metro has restarted since the last edit. Reload to reconnect.', ); } else if (data.type === 'RevisionNotFoundError') { client.close(); setHMRUnavailableReason( 'Metro and the client are out of sync. Reload to reconnect.', ); } else { currentCompileErrorMessage = `${data.type} ${data.message}`; if (client.isEnabled()) { showCompileError(); } } }); client.on('close', closeEvent => { DevLoadingView.hide(); // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6455.html#section-7.4.1 // https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6455.html#section-7.1.5 const isNormalOrUnsetCloseReason = closeEvent == null || closeEvent.code === 1000 || closeEvent.code === 1005 || closeEvent.code == null; setHMRUnavailableReason( `${ isNormalOrUnsetCloseReason ? 'Disconnected from Metro.' : `Disconnected from Metro (${closeEvent.code}: "${closeEvent.reason}").` } To reconnect: - Ensure that Metro is running and available on the same network - Reload this app (will trigger further help if Metro cannot be connected to) `, ); }); if (isEnabled) { HMRClient.enable(); } else { HMRClient.disable(); } registerBundleEntryPoints(hmrClient); flushEarlyLogs(hmrClient); }, }; function setHMRUnavailableReason(reason: string) { invariant(hmrClient, 'Expected HMRClient.setup() call at startup.'); if (hmrUnavailableReason !== null) { // Don't show more than one warning. return; } hmrUnavailableReason = reason; // We only want to show a warning if Fast Refresh is on *and* if we ever // previously managed to connect successfully. We don't want to show // the warning to native engineers who use cached bundles without Metro. if (hmrClient.isEnabled() && didConnect) { console.warn(reason); // (Not using the `warning` module to prevent a Buck cycle.) } } function registerBundleEntryPoints(client: MetroHMRClient) { if (hmrUnavailableReason != null) { DevSettings.reload('Bundle Splitting – Metro disconnected'); return; } if (pendingEntryPoints.length > 0) { client.send( JSON.stringify({ type: 'register-entrypoints', entryPoints: pendingEntryPoints, }), ); pendingEntryPoints.length = 0; } } function flushEarlyLogs(client: MetroHMRClient) { try { pendingLogs.forEach(([level, data]) => { HMRClient.log(level, data); }); if (pendingFuseboxConsoleNotification) { HMRClient.unstable_notifyFuseboxConsoleEnabled(); } } finally { pendingLogs.length = 0; } } function dismissRedbox() { if ( Platform.OS === 'ios' && NativeRedBox != null && NativeRedBox.dismiss != null ) { NativeRedBox.dismiss(); } else { const NativeExceptionsManager = require('../Core/NativeExceptionsManager').default; NativeExceptionsManager && NativeExceptionsManager.dismissRedbox && NativeExceptionsManager.dismissRedbox(); } } function showCompileError() { if (currentCompileErrorMessage === null) { return; } // Even if there is already a redbox, syntax errors are more important. // Otherwise you risk seeing a stale runtime error while a syntax error is more recent. dismissRedbox(); const message = currentCompileErrorMessage; currentCompileErrorMessage = null; /* $FlowFixMe[class-object-subtyping] added when improving typing for this * parameters */ // $FlowFixMe[incompatible-type] const error: ExtendedError = new Error(message); // Symbolicating compile errors is wasted effort // because the stack trace is meaningless: error.preventSymbolication = true; throw error; } module.exports = HMRClient;