/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @format * @flow */ 'use strict'; const stringifySafe = require('../Utilities/stringifySafe').default; const invariant = require('invariant'); /** * Generate a transform matrix based on the provided transforms, and use that * within the style object instead. * * This allows us to provide an API that is similar to CSS, where transforms may * be applied in an arbitrary order, and yet have a universal, singular * interface to native code. */ function processTransform( transform: Array | string, ): Array | Array { if (typeof transform === 'string') { const regex = new RegExp(/(\w+)\(([^)]+)\)/g); const transformArray: Array = []; let matches; while ((matches = regex.exec(transform))) { const {key, value} = _getKeyAndValueFromCSSTransform( matches[1], matches[2], ); if (value !== undefined) { transformArray.push({[key]: value}); } } transform = transformArray; } if (__DEV__) { _validateTransforms(transform); } return transform; } const _getKeyAndValueFromCSSTransform: ( key: string, args: string, ) => {key: string, value?: Array | number | string} = ( key, args, ) => { const argsWithUnitsRegex = new RegExp(/([+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?)([a-zA-Z]+|%)?/g); switch (key) { case 'matrix': return {key, value: args.match(/[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?/g)?.map(Number)}; case 'translate': case 'translate3d': const parsedArgs = []; let missingUnitOfMeasurement = false; let matches; while ((matches = argsWithUnitsRegex.exec(args))) { const value = Number(matches[1]); const unitOfMeasurement = matches[3]; if (value !== 0 && !unitOfMeasurement) { missingUnitOfMeasurement = true; } if (unitOfMeasurement === '%') { parsedArgs.push(`${value}%`); } else { parsedArgs.push(value); } } if (__DEV__) { invariant( !missingUnitOfMeasurement, `Transform with key ${key} must have units unless the provided value is 0, found %s`, `${key}(${args})`, ); if (key === 'translate') { invariant( parsedArgs?.length === 1 || parsedArgs?.length === 2, 'Transform with key translate must be an string with 1 or 2 parameters, found %s: %s', parsedArgs?.length, `${key}(${args})`, ); } else { invariant( parsedArgs?.length === 3, 'Transform with key translate3d must be an string with 3 parameters, found %s: %s', parsedArgs?.length, `${key}(${args})`, ); } } if (parsedArgs?.length === 1) { parsedArgs.push(0); } return {key: 'translate', value: parsedArgs}; case 'translateX': case 'translateY': case 'perspective': const argMatches = argsWithUnitsRegex.exec(args); if (!argMatches?.length) { return {key, value: undefined}; } const value = Number(argMatches[1]); const unitOfMeasurement = argMatches[3]; if (__DEV__) { invariant( value === 0 || unitOfMeasurement, `Transform with key ${key} must have units unless the provided value is 0, found %s`, `${key}(${args})`, ); } return {key, value}; default: return {key, value: !isNaN(args) ? Number(args) : args}; } }; function _validateTransforms(transform: Array): void { transform.forEach(transformation => { const keys = Object.keys(transformation); invariant( keys.length === 1, 'You must specify exactly one property per transform object. Passed properties: %s', stringifySafe(transformation), ); const key = keys[0]; const value = transformation[key]; _validateTransform(key, value, transformation); }); } function _validateTransform( key: string, value: any | number | string, transformation: any, ) { invariant( !value.getValue, 'You passed an Animated.Value to a normal component. ' + 'You need to wrap that component in an Animated. For example, ' + 'replace by .', ); const multivalueTransforms = ['matrix', 'translate']; if (multivalueTransforms.indexOf(key) !== -1) { invariant( Array.isArray(value), 'Transform with key of %s must have an array as the value: %s', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); } switch (key) { case 'matrix': invariant( value.length === 9 || value.length === 16, 'Matrix transform must have a length of 9 (2d) or 16 (3d). ' + 'Provided matrix has a length of %s: %s', /* $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] (>=0.84.0 site=react_native_fb) This * comment suppresses an error found when Flow v0.84 was deployed. To * see the error, delete this comment and run Flow. */ value.length, stringifySafe(transformation), ); break; case 'translate': invariant( value.length === 2 || value.length === 3, 'Transform with key translate must be an array of length 2 or 3, found %s: %s', /* $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] (>=0.84.0 site=react_native_fb) This * comment suppresses an error found when Flow v0.84 was deployed. To * see the error, delete this comment and run Flow. */ value.length, stringifySafe(transformation), ); break; case 'rotateX': case 'rotateY': case 'rotateZ': case 'rotate': case 'skewX': case 'skewY': invariant( typeof value === 'string', 'Transform with key of "%s" must be a string: %s', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); invariant( value.indexOf('deg') > -1 || value.indexOf('rad') > -1, 'Rotate transform must be expressed in degrees (deg) or radians ' + '(rad): %s', stringifySafe(transformation), ); break; case 'perspective': invariant( typeof value === 'number', 'Transform with key of "%s" must be a number: %s', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); invariant( value !== 0, 'Transform with key of "%s" cannot be zero: %s', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); break; case 'translateX': case 'translateY': invariant( typeof value === 'number' || (typeof value === 'string' && value.endsWith('%')), 'Transform with key of "%s" must be number or a percentage. Passed value: %s.', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); break; case 'scale': case 'scaleX': case 'scaleY': invariant( typeof value === 'number', 'Transform with key of "%s" must be a number: %s', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); break; default: invariant( false, 'Invalid transform %s: %s', key, stringifySafe(transformation), ); } } module.exports = processTransform;