/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict * @format */ import {type ViewConfig} from '../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes'; export type Difference = | { type: 'missing', path: Array, nativeValue: mixed, } | { type: 'unequal', path: Array, nativeValue: mixed, staticValue: mixed, }; export type ValidationResult = ValidResult | InvalidResult; type ValidResult = { type: 'valid', }; type InvalidResult = { type: 'invalid', differences: Array, }; /** * During the migration from native view configs to static view configs, this is * used to validate that the two are equivalent. */ export function validate( name: string, nativeViewConfig: ViewConfig, staticViewConfig: ViewConfig, ): ValidationResult { const differences: Array = []; accumulateDifferences( differences, [], { bubblingEventTypes: nativeViewConfig.bubblingEventTypes, directEventTypes: nativeViewConfig.directEventTypes, uiViewClassName: nativeViewConfig.uiViewClassName, validAttributes: nativeViewConfig.validAttributes, }, { bubblingEventTypes: staticViewConfig.bubblingEventTypes, directEventTypes: staticViewConfig.directEventTypes, uiViewClassName: staticViewConfig.uiViewClassName, validAttributes: staticViewConfig.validAttributes, }, ); if (differences.length === 0) { return {type: 'valid'}; } return { type: 'invalid', differences, }; } export function stringifyValidationResult( name: string, validationResult: InvalidResult, ): string { const {differences} = validationResult; return [ `StaticViewConfigValidator: Invalid static view config for '${name}'.`, '', ...differences.map(difference => { const {type, path} = difference; switch (type) { case 'missing': return `- '${path.join('.')}' is missing.`; case 'unequal': return `- '${path.join('.')}' is the wrong value.`; } }), '', ].join('\n'); } function accumulateDifferences( differences: Array, path: Array, nativeObject: {...}, staticObject: {...}, ): void { for (const nativeKey in nativeObject) { // $FlowFixMe[invalid-computed-prop] const nativeValue = nativeObject[nativeKey]; if (!staticObject.hasOwnProperty(nativeKey)) { differences.push({ path: [...path, nativeKey], type: 'missing', nativeValue, }); continue; } // $FlowFixMe[invalid-computed-prop] const staticValue = staticObject[nativeKey]; const nativeValueIfObject = ifObject(nativeValue); if (nativeValueIfObject != null) { const staticValueIfObject = ifObject(staticValue); if (staticValueIfObject != null) { path.push(nativeKey); accumulateDifferences( differences, path, nativeValueIfObject, staticValueIfObject, ); path.pop(); continue; } } if (nativeValue !== staticValue) { differences.push({ path: [...path, nativeKey], type: 'unequal', nativeValue, staticValue, }); } } } function ifObject(value: mixed): ?{...} { return typeof value === 'object' && !Array.isArray(value) ? value : null; }