/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ import type {TextStyleProp} from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import type {Message} from '../Data/parseLogBoxLog'; import Linking from '../../Linking/Linking'; import StyleSheet from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import Text from '../../Text/Text'; import * as React from 'react'; type Props = { message: Message, style: TextStyleProp, plaintext?: ?boolean, maxLength?: ?number, ... }; type Range = { lowerBound: number, upperBound: number, }; function getLinkRanges(string: string): $ReadOnlyArray { const regex = /https?:\/\/[^\s$.?#].[^\s]*/gi; const matches = []; let regexResult: RegExp$matchResult | null; while ((regexResult = regex.exec(string)) !== null) { if (regexResult != null) { matches.push({ lowerBound: regexResult.index, upperBound: regex.lastIndex, }); } } return matches; } function TappableLinks(props: { content: string, style: void | TextStyleProp, }): React.Node { const matches = getLinkRanges(props.content); if (matches.length === 0) { // No URLs detected. Just return the content. return {props.content}; } // URLs were detected. Construct array of Text nodes. const fragments: Array = []; let indexCounter = 0; let startIndex = 0; for (const linkRange of matches) { if (startIndex < linkRange.lowerBound) { const text = props.content.substring(startIndex, linkRange.lowerBound); fragments.push({text}); } const link = props.content.substring( linkRange.lowerBound, linkRange.upperBound, ); fragments.push( { // $FlowFixMe[unused-promise] Linking.openURL(link); }} key={++indexCounter} style={styles.linkText}> {link} , ); startIndex = linkRange.upperBound; } if (startIndex < props.content.length) { const text = props.content.substring(startIndex); fragments.push( {text} , ); } return {fragments}; } const cleanContent = (content: string) => content.replace(/^(TransformError |Warning: (Warning: )?|Error: )/g, ''); function LogBoxMessage(props: Props): React.Node { const {content, substitutions}: Message = props.message; if (props.plaintext === true) { return {cleanContent(content)}; } const maxLength = props.maxLength != null ? props.maxLength : Infinity; const substitutionStyle: TextStyleProp = props.style; const elements = []; let length = 0; const createUnderLength = ( key: string, message: string, style: void | TextStyleProp, ) => { let cleanMessage = cleanContent(message); if (props.maxLength != null) { cleanMessage = cleanMessage.slice(0, props.maxLength - length); } if (length < maxLength) { elements.push( , ); } length += cleanMessage.length; }; const lastOffset = substitutions.reduce((prevOffset, substitution, index) => { const key = String(index); if (substitution.offset > prevOffset) { const prevPart = content.slice(prevOffset, substitution.offset); createUnderLength(key, prevPart); } const substitutionPart = content.slice( substitution.offset, substitution.offset + substitution.length, ); createUnderLength(key + '.5', substitutionPart, substitutionStyle); return substitution.offset + substitution.length; }, 0); if (lastOffset < content.length) { const lastPart = content.slice(lastOffset); createUnderLength('-1', lastPart); } return <>{elements}; } const styles = StyleSheet.create({ linkText: { textDecorationLine: 'underline', }, }); export default LogBoxMessage;