/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict * @format */ import type {IgnorePattern, LogData} from './Data/LogBoxData'; import type {ExtendedExceptionData} from './Data/parseLogBoxLog'; import Platform from '../Utilities/Platform'; import RCTLog from '../Utilities/RCTLog'; import {hasComponentStack} from './Data/parseLogBoxLog'; export type {LogData, ExtendedExceptionData, IgnorePattern}; let LogBox; interface ILogBox { install(): void; uninstall(): void; isInstalled(): boolean; ignoreLogs($ReadOnlyArray): void; ignoreAllLogs(?boolean): void; clearAllLogs(): void; addLog(log: LogData): void; addException(error: ExtendedExceptionData): void; } /** * LogBox displays logs in the app. */ if (__DEV__) { const LogBoxData = require('./Data/LogBoxData'); const {parseLogBoxLog, parseInterpolation} = require('./Data/parseLogBoxLog'); let originalConsoleError; let originalConsoleWarn; let consoleErrorImpl; let consoleWarnImpl: (...args: Array) => void; let isLogBoxInstalled: boolean = false; LogBox = { install(): void { if (isLogBoxInstalled) { return; } isLogBoxInstalled = true; if (global.RN$registerExceptionListener != null) { global.RN$registerExceptionListener( (error: ExtendedExceptionData & {preventDefault: () => mixed}) => { if (global.RN$isRuntimeReady?.() || !error.isFatal) { error.preventDefault(); addException(error); } }, ); } // Trigger lazy initialization of module. require('../NativeModules/specs/NativeLogBox'); // IMPORTANT: we only overwrite `console.error` and `console.warn` once. // When we uninstall we keep the same reference and only change its // internal implementation const isFirstInstall = originalConsoleError == null; if (isFirstInstall) { originalConsoleError = console.error.bind(console); originalConsoleWarn = console.warn.bind(console); // $FlowExpectedError[cannot-write] console.error = (...args) => { consoleErrorImpl(...args); }; // $FlowExpectedError[cannot-write] console.warn = (...args) => { consoleWarnImpl(...args); }; } consoleErrorImpl = registerError; consoleWarnImpl = registerWarning; if (Platform.isTesting) { LogBoxData.setDisabled(true); } RCTLog.setWarningHandler((...args) => { registerWarning(...args); }); }, uninstall(): void { if (!isLogBoxInstalled) { return; } isLogBoxInstalled = false; // IMPORTANT: we don't re-assign to `console` in case the method has been // decorated again after installing LogBox. E.g.: // Before uninstalling: original > LogBox > OtherErrorHandler // After uninstalling: original > LogBox (noop) > OtherErrorHandler consoleErrorImpl = originalConsoleError; consoleWarnImpl = originalConsoleWarn; }, isInstalled(): boolean { return isLogBoxInstalled; }, ignoreLogs(patterns: $ReadOnlyArray): void { LogBoxData.addIgnorePatterns(patterns); }, ignoreAllLogs(value?: ?boolean): void { LogBoxData.setDisabled(value == null ? true : value); }, clearAllLogs(): void { LogBoxData.clear(); }, addLog(log: LogData): void { if (isLogBoxInstalled) { LogBoxData.addLog(log); } }, addException, }; function addException(error: ExtendedExceptionData): void { if (isLogBoxInstalled) { LogBoxData.addException(error); } } const isRCTLogAdviceWarning = (...args: Array) => { // RCTLogAdvice is a native logging function designed to show users // a message in the console, but not show it to them in Logbox. return typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].startsWith('(ADVICE)'); }; const isWarningModuleWarning = (...args: Array) => { return typeof args[0] === 'string' && args[0].startsWith('Warning: '); }; const registerWarning = (...args: Array): void => { // Let warnings within LogBox itself fall through. if (LogBoxData.isLogBoxErrorMessage(String(args[0]))) { originalConsoleError(...args); return; } else { // Be sure to pass LogBox warnings through. originalConsoleWarn(...args); } try { if (!isRCTLogAdviceWarning(...args)) { const {category, message, componentStack, componentStackType} = parseLogBoxLog(args); if (!LogBoxData.isMessageIgnored(message.content)) { LogBoxData.addLog({ level: 'warn', category, message, componentStack, componentStackType, }); } } } catch (err) { LogBoxData.reportLogBoxError(err); } }; /* $FlowFixMe[missing-local-annot] The type annotation(s) required by Flow's * LTI update could not be added via codemod */ const registerError = (...args): void => { // Let errors within LogBox itself fall through. if (LogBoxData.isLogBoxErrorMessage(args[0])) { originalConsoleError(...args); return; } try { if (!isWarningModuleWarning(...args) && !hasComponentStack(args)) { // Only show LogBox for the 'warning' module, or React errors with // component stacks, otherwise pass the error through.u // // By passing through, this will get picked up by the React console override, // potentially adding the component stack. React then passes it back to the // React Native ExceptionsManager, which reports it to LogBox as an error. // // Ideally, we refactor all RN error handling so that LogBox patching // errors is not necessary, and they are reported the same as a framework. // The blocker to this is that the ExceptionManager console.error override // strigifys all of the args before passing it through to LogBox, which // would lose all of the interpolation information. // // The 'warning' module needs to be handled here because React internally calls // `console.error('Warning: ')` with the component stack already included. originalConsoleError(...args); return; } const format = args[0].replace('Warning: ', ''); const filterResult = LogBoxData.checkWarningFilter(format); let level = 'error'; if (filterResult.monitorEvent !== 'warning_unhandled') { if (filterResult.suppressCompletely) { return; } if (filterResult.suppressDialog_LEGACY === true) { level = 'warn'; } else if (filterResult.forceDialogImmediately === true) { level = 'fatal'; // Do not downgrade. These are real bugs with same severity as throws. } } // Unfortunately, we need to add the Warning: prefix back for downstream dependencies. // Downstream, we check for this prefix to know that LogBox already handled it, so // it doesn't get reported back to LogBox. It's an absolute mess. args[0] = `Warning: ${filterResult.finalFormat}`; const {category, message, componentStack, componentStackType} = parseLogBoxLog(args); // Interpolate the message so they are formatted for adb and other CLIs. // This is different than the message.content above because it includes component stacks. const interpolated = parseInterpolation(args); originalConsoleError(interpolated.message.content); if (!LogBoxData.isMessageIgnored(message.content)) { LogBoxData.addLog({ level, category, message, componentStack, componentStackType, }); } } catch (err) { LogBoxData.reportLogBoxError(err); } }; } else { LogBox = { install(): void { // Do nothing. }, uninstall(): void { // Do nothing. }, isInstalled(): boolean { return false; }, ignoreLogs(patterns: $ReadOnlyArray): void { // Do nothing. }, ignoreAllLogs(value?: ?boolean): void { // Do nothing. }, clearAllLogs(): void { // Do nothing. }, addLog(log: LogData): void { // Do nothing. }, addException(error: ExtendedExceptionData): void { // Do nothing. }, }; } export default (LogBox: ILogBox);