 * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
 * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
 * @format

import type * as React from 'react';
import type {
} from '@react-native/virtualized-lists';
import type {
} from '../Components/ScrollView/ScrollView';
import {NodeHandle} from '../ReactNative/RendererProxy';
import {StyleProp} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheet';
import {ViewStyle} from '../StyleSheet/StyleSheetTypes';

 * @see https://reactnative.dev/docs/sectionlist

type DefaultSectionT = {
  [key: string]: any;

export interface SectionBase<ItemT, SectionT = DefaultSectionT> {
  data: ReadonlyArray<ItemT>;

  key?: string | undefined;

  renderItem?: SectionListRenderItem<ItemT, SectionT> | undefined;

  ItemSeparatorComponent?: React.ComponentType<any> | null | undefined;

  keyExtractor?: ((item: ItemT, index: number) => string) | undefined;

export type SectionListData<ItemT, SectionT = DefaultSectionT> = SectionBase<
> &

 * @see https://reactnative.dev/docs/sectionlist.html#props

export interface SectionListRenderItemInfo<ItemT, SectionT = DefaultSectionT>
  extends ListRenderItemInfo<ItemT> {
  section: SectionListData<ItemT, SectionT>;

export type SectionListRenderItem<ItemT, SectionT = DefaultSectionT> = (
  info: SectionListRenderItemInfo<ItemT, SectionT>,
) => React.ReactElement | null;

type VirtualizedListWithoutPreConfiguredProps<ItemT> = Omit<

export interface SectionListProps<ItemT, SectionT = DefaultSectionT>
  extends VirtualizedListWithoutPreConfiguredProps<ItemT> {
   * Rendered in between each section.
    | React.ComponentType<any>
    | React.ReactElement
    | null
    | undefined;

   * A marker property for telling the list to re-render (since it implements PureComponent).
   * If any of your `renderItem`, Header, Footer, etc. functions depend on anything outside of the `data` prop,
   * stick it here and treat it immutably.
  extraData?: any | undefined;

   * `getItemLayout` is an optional optimization that lets us skip measurement of dynamic
   * content if you know the height of items a priori. getItemLayout is the most efficient,
   * and is easy to use if you have fixed height items, for example:
   * ```
   * getItemLayout={(data, index) => (
   *   {length: ITEM_HEIGHT, offset: ITEM_HEIGHT * index, index}
   * )}
   * ```
    | ((
        data: SectionListData<ItemT, SectionT>[] | null,
        index: number,
      ) => {length: number; offset: number; index: number})
    | undefined;

   * How many items to render in the initial batch
  initialNumToRender?: number | undefined;

   * Reverses the direction of scroll. Uses scale transforms of -1.
  inverted?: boolean | null | undefined;

   * Used to extract a unique key for a given item at the specified index. Key is used for caching
   * and as the react key to track item re-ordering. The default extractor checks `item.key`, then
   * falls back to using the index, like React does.
  keyExtractor?: ((item: ItemT, index: number) => string) | undefined;

   * Called once when the scroll position gets within onEndReachedThreshold of the rendered content.
  onEndReached?: ((info: {distanceFromEnd: number}) => void) | null | undefined;

   * How far from the end (in units of visible length of the list) the bottom edge of the
   * list must be from the end of the content to trigger the `onEndReached` callback.
   * Thus a value of 0.5 will trigger `onEndReached` when the end of the content is
   * within half the visible length of the list.
  onEndReachedThreshold?: number | null | undefined;

   * If provided, a standard RefreshControl will be added for "Pull to Refresh" functionality.
   * Make sure to also set the refreshing prop correctly.
  onRefresh?: (() => void) | null | undefined;

   * Used to handle failures when scrolling to an index that has not been measured yet.
   * Recommended action is to either compute your own offset and `scrollTo` it, or scroll as far
   * as possible and then try again after more items have been rendered.
    | ((info: {
        index: number;
        highestMeasuredFrameIndex: number;
        averageItemLength: number;
      }) => void)
    | undefined;

   * Set this true while waiting for new data from a refresh.
  refreshing?: boolean | null | undefined;

   * Default renderer for every item in every section. Can be over-ridden on a per-section basis.
  renderItem?: SectionListRenderItem<ItemT, SectionT> | undefined;

   * Rendered at the top of each section. Sticky headers are not yet supported.
    | ((info: {
        section: SectionListData<ItemT, SectionT>;
      }) => React.ReactElement | null)
    | undefined;

   * Rendered at the bottom of each section.
    | ((info: {
        section: SectionListData<ItemT, SectionT>;
      }) => React.ReactElement | null)
    | undefined;

   * An array of objects with data for each section.
  sections: ReadonlyArray<SectionListData<ItemT, SectionT>>;

   * Render a custom scroll component, e.g. with a differently styled `RefreshControl`.
    | ((props: ScrollViewProps) => React.ReactElement<ScrollViewProps>)
    | undefined;

   * Note: may have bugs (missing content) in some circumstances - use at your own risk.
   * This may improve scroll performance for large lists.
  removeClippedSubviews?: boolean | undefined;

   * Makes section headers stick to the top of the screen until the next one pushes it off.
   * Only enabled by default on iOS because that is the platform standard there.
  stickySectionHeadersEnabled?: boolean | undefined;

   * Uses legacy MetroListView instead of default VirtualizedSectionList
  legacyImplementation?: boolean | undefined;

export interface SectionListScrollParams {
  animated?: boolean | undefined;
  itemIndex: number;
  sectionIndex: number;
  viewOffset?: number | undefined;
  viewPosition?: number | undefined;

export abstract class SectionListComponent<
> extends React.Component<Props> {
   * Scrolls to the item at the specified sectionIndex and itemIndex (within the section)
   * positioned in the viewable area such that viewPosition 0 places it at the top
   * (and may be covered by a sticky header), 1 at the bottom, and 0.5 centered in the middle.
  scrollToLocation(params: SectionListScrollParams): void;

   * Tells the list an interaction has occurred, which should trigger viewability calculations, e.g.
   * if `waitForInteractions` is true and the user has not scrolled. This is typically called by
   * taps on items or by navigation actions.
  recordInteraction(): void;

   * Displays the scroll indicators momentarily.
   * @platform ios
  flashScrollIndicators(): void;

   * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll responder.
  getScrollResponder(): ScrollView | undefined;

   * Provides a handle to the underlying scroll node.
  getScrollableNode(): NodeHandle | undefined;

export class SectionList<
  ItemT = any,
  SectionT = DefaultSectionT,
> extends SectionListComponent<SectionListProps<ItemT, SectionT>> {}

/* This definition is deprecated because it extends the wrong base type */
export interface SectionListStatic<ItemT, SectionT = DefaultSectionT>
  extends React.ComponentClass<SectionListProps<ItemT, SectionT>> {
   * Scrolls to the item at the specified sectionIndex and itemIndex (within the section)
   * positioned in the viewable area such that viewPosition 0 places it at the top
   * (and may be covered by a sticky header), 1 at the bottom, and 0.5 centered in the middle.
  scrollToLocation?(params: SectionListScrollParams): void;