/* * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. */ #import #import #import #import #import #import "RCTLinkingPlugins.h" static NSString *const kOpenURLNotification = @"RCTOpenURLNotification"; static void postNotificationWithURL(NSURL *URL, id sender) { NSDictionary *payload = @{@"url" : URL.absoluteString}; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kOpenURLNotification object:sender userInfo:payload]; } @interface RCTLinkingManager () @end @implementation RCTLinkingManager RCT_EXPORT_MODULE() - (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue { return dispatch_get_main_queue(); } - (void)startObserving { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(handleOpenURLNotification:) name:kOpenURLNotification object:nil]; } - (void)stopObserving { [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self]; } - (NSArray *)supportedEvents { return @[ @"url" ]; } + (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)URL options:(NSDictionary *)options { postNotificationWithURL(URL, self); return YES; } // Corresponding api deprecated in iOS 9 + (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)URL sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation { postNotificationWithURL(URL, self); return YES; } + (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity restorationHandler:(nonnull void (^)(NSArray> *_Nullable))restorationHandler { // This can be nullish when launching an App Clip. if ([userActivity.activityType isEqualToString:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb] && userActivity.webpageURL != nil) { NSDictionary *payload = @{@"url" : userActivity.webpageURL.absoluteString}; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:kOpenURLNotification object:self userInfo:payload]; } return YES; } - (void)handleOpenURLNotification:(NSNotification *)notification { [self sendEventWithName:@"url" body:notification.userInfo]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(openURL : (NSURL *)URL resolve : (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject : (RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject) { [RCTSharedApplication() openURL:URL options:@{} completionHandler:^(BOOL success) { if (success) { resolve(@YES); } else { #if TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR // Simulator-specific code if ([URL.absoluteString hasPrefix:@"tel:"]) { RCTLogWarn(@"Unable to open the Phone app in the simulator for telephone URLs. URL: %@", URL); resolve(@NO); } else { reject(RCTErrorUnspecified, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unable to open URL: %@", URL], nil); } #else // Device-specific code reject(RCTErrorUnspecified, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unable to open URL: %@", URL], nil); #endif } }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(canOpenURL : (NSURL *)URL resolve : (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject : (__unused RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject) { if (RCTRunningInAppExtension()) { // Technically Today widgets can open urls, but supporting that would require // a reference to the NSExtensionContext resolve(@NO); return; } // This can be expensive, so we deliberately don't call on main thread BOOL canOpen = [RCTSharedApplication() canOpenURL:URL]; NSString *scheme = [URL scheme]; if (canOpen) { resolve(@YES); } else if (![[scheme lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"http"] && ![[scheme lowercaseString] hasPrefix:@"https"]) { // On iOS 9 and above canOpenURL returns NO without a helpful error. // Check if a custom scheme is being used, and if it exists in LSApplicationQueriesSchemes NSArray *querySchemes = [[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"LSApplicationQueriesSchemes"]; if (querySchemes != nil && ([querySchemes containsObject:scheme] || [querySchemes containsObject:[scheme lowercaseString]])) { resolve(@NO); } else { reject( RCTErrorUnspecified, [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Unable to open URL: %@. Add %@ to LSApplicationQueriesSchemes in your Info.plist.", URL, scheme], nil); } } else { resolve(@NO); } } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(getInitialURL : (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject : (__unused RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject) { NSURL *initialURL = nil; if (self.bridge.launchOptions[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey]) { initialURL = self.bridge.launchOptions[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsURLKey]; } else { NSDictionary *userActivityDictionary = self.bridge.launchOptions[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityDictionaryKey]; if ([userActivityDictionary[UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityTypeKey] isEqual:NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb]) { initialURL = ((NSUserActivity *)userActivityDictionary[@"UIApplicationLaunchOptionsUserActivityKey"]).webpageURL; } } resolve(RCTNullIfNil(initialURL.absoluteString)); } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(openSettings : (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject : (__unused RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject) { NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]; [RCTSharedApplication() openURL:url options:@{} completionHandler:^(BOOL success) { if (success) { resolve(nil); } else { reject(RCTErrorUnspecified, @"Unable to open app settings", nil); } }]; } RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(sendIntent : (NSString *)action extras : (NSArray *_Nullable)extras resolve : (RCTPromiseResolveBlock)resolve reject : (RCTPromiseRejectBlock)reject) { RCTLogError(@"Not implemented: %@", NSStringFromSelector(_cmd)); } - (std::shared_ptr)getTurboModule: (const facebook::react::ObjCTurboModule::InitParams &)params { return std::make_shared(params); } @end Class RCTLinkingManagerCls(void) { return RCTLinkingManager.class; }