/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ 'use strict'; import type { LayoutAnimationConfig as LayoutAnimationConfig_, LayoutAnimationProperty, LayoutAnimationType, } from '../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes'; import * as ReactNativeFeatureFlags from '../../src/private/featureflags/ReactNativeFeatureFlags'; import {getFabricUIManager} from '../ReactNative/FabricUIManager'; import Platform from '../Utilities/Platform'; const UIManager = require('../ReactNative/UIManager'); // Reexport type export type LayoutAnimationConfig = LayoutAnimationConfig_; type OnAnimationDidEndCallback = () => void; type OnAnimationDidFailCallback = () => void; let isLayoutAnimationEnabled: boolean = ReactNativeFeatureFlags.isLayoutAnimationEnabled(); function setEnabled(value: boolean) { isLayoutAnimationEnabled = isLayoutAnimationEnabled; } /** * Configures the next commit to be animated. * * onAnimationDidEnd is guaranteed to be called when the animation completes. * onAnimationDidFail is *never* called in the classic, pre-Fabric renderer, * and never has been. In the new renderer (Fabric) it is called only if configuration * parsing fails. */ function configureNext( config: LayoutAnimationConfig, onAnimationDidEnd?: OnAnimationDidEndCallback, onAnimationDidFail?: OnAnimationDidFailCallback, ) { if (Platform.isDisableAnimations) { return; } if (!isLayoutAnimationEnabled) { return; } // Since LayoutAnimations may possibly be disabled for now on iOS (Fabric), // or Android (non-Fabric) we race a setTimeout with animation completion, // in case onComplete is never called // from native. Once LayoutAnimations+Fabric unconditionally ship everywhere, we can // delete this mechanism at least in the Fabric branch. let animationCompletionHasRun = false; const onAnimationComplete = () => { if (animationCompletionHasRun) { return; } animationCompletionHasRun = true; clearTimeout(raceWithAnimationId); onAnimationDidEnd?.(); }; const raceWithAnimationId = setTimeout( onAnimationComplete, (config.duration ?? 0) + 17 /* one frame + 1ms */, ); // In Fabric, LayoutAnimations are unconditionally enabled for Android, and // conditionally enabled on iOS (pending fully shipping; this is a temporary state). const FabricUIManager = getFabricUIManager(); if (FabricUIManager?.configureNextLayoutAnimation) { global?.nativeFabricUIManager?.configureNextLayoutAnimation( config, onAnimationComplete, onAnimationDidFail ?? function () {} /* this will only be called if configuration parsing fails */, ); return; } // This will only run if Fabric is *not* installed. // If you have Fabric + non-Fabric running in the same VM, non-Fabric LayoutAnimations // will not work. if (UIManager?.configureNextLayoutAnimation) { UIManager.configureNextLayoutAnimation( config, onAnimationComplete ?? function () {}, onAnimationDidFail ?? function () {} /* this should never be called in Non-Fabric */, ); } } function create( duration: number, type: LayoutAnimationType, property: LayoutAnimationProperty, ): LayoutAnimationConfig { return { duration, create: {type, property}, update: {type}, delete: {type, property}, }; } const Presets = { easeInEaseOut: (create( 300, 'easeInEaseOut', 'opacity', ): LayoutAnimationConfig), linear: (create(500, 'linear', 'opacity'): LayoutAnimationConfig), spring: { duration: 700, create: { type: 'linear', property: 'opacity', }, update: { type: 'spring', springDamping: 0.4, }, delete: { type: 'linear', property: 'opacity', }, }, }; /** * Automatically animates views to their new positions when the * next layout happens. * * A common way to use this API is to call it before calling `setState`. * * Note that in order to get this to work on **Android** you need to set the following flags via `UIManager`: * * UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental && UIManager.setLayoutAnimationEnabledExperimental(true); */ const LayoutAnimation = { /** * Schedules an animation to happen on the next layout. * * @param config Specifies animation properties: * * - `duration` in milliseconds * - `create`, `AnimationConfig` for animating in new views * - `update`, `AnimationConfig` for animating views that have been updated * * @param onAnimationDidEnd Called when the animation finished. * Only supported on iOS. * @param onError Called on error. Only supported on iOS. */ configureNext, /** * Helper for creating a config for `configureNext`. */ create, Types: Object.freeze({ spring: 'spring', linear: 'linear', easeInEaseOut: 'easeInEaseOut', easeIn: 'easeIn', easeOut: 'easeOut', keyboard: 'keyboard', }), Properties: Object.freeze({ opacity: 'opacity', scaleX: 'scaleX', scaleY: 'scaleY', scaleXY: 'scaleXY', }), checkConfig(...args: Array) { console.error('LayoutAnimation.checkConfig(...) has been disabled.'); }, Presets, easeInEaseOut: (configureNext.bind(null, Presets.easeInEaseOut): ( onAnimationDidEnd?: OnAnimationDidEndCallback, ) => void), linear: (configureNext.bind(null, Presets.linear): ( onAnimationDidEnd?: OnAnimationDidEndCallback, ) => void), spring: (configureNext.bind(null, Presets.spring): ( onAnimationDidEnd?: OnAnimationDidEndCallback, ) => void), setEnabled, }; module.exports = LayoutAnimation;