/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ import type { HostComponent, PartialViewConfig, } from '../../Renderer/shims/ReactNativeTypes'; import type { ColorValue, TextStyleProp, ViewStyleProp, } from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import type { BubblingEventHandler, DirectEventHandler, Double, Float, Int32, WithDefault, } from '../../Types/CodegenTypes'; import type {ViewProps} from '../View/ViewPropTypes'; import type {TextInputNativeCommands} from './TextInputNativeCommands'; import * as NativeComponentRegistry from '../../NativeComponent/NativeComponentRegistry'; import codegenNativeCommands from '../../Utilities/codegenNativeCommands'; export type KeyboardType = // Cross Platform | 'default' | 'email-address' | 'numeric' | 'phone-pad' | 'number-pad' | 'decimal-pad' | 'url' // iOS-only | 'ascii-capable' | 'numbers-and-punctuation' | 'name-phone-pad' | 'twitter' | 'web-search' // Android-only | 'visible-password'; export type ReturnKeyType = // Cross Platform | 'done' | 'go' | 'next' | 'search' | 'send' // Android-only | 'none' | 'previous' // iOS-only | 'default' | 'emergency-call' | 'google' | 'join' | 'route' | 'yahoo'; export type SubmitBehavior = 'submit' | 'blurAndSubmit' | 'newline'; export type NativeProps = $ReadOnly<{| // This allows us to inherit everything from ViewProps except for style (see below) // This must be commented for Fabric codegen to work. ...$Diff>, /** * Android props after this */ /** * Specifies autocomplete hints for the system, so it can provide autofill. On Android, the system will always attempt to offer autofill by using heuristics to identify the type of content. * To disable autocomplete, set `autoComplete` to `off`. * * *Android Only* * * Possible values for `autoComplete` are: * * - `birthdate-day` * - `birthdate-full` * - `birthdate-month` * - `birthdate-year` * - `cc-csc` * - `cc-exp` * - `cc-exp-day` * - `cc-exp-month` * - `cc-exp-year` * - `cc-number` * - `email` * - `gender` * - `name` * - `name-family` * - `name-given` * - `name-middle` * - `name-middle-initial` * - `name-prefix` * - `name-suffix` * - `password` * - `password-new` * - `postal-address` * - `postal-address-country` * - `postal-address-extended` * - `postal-address-extended-postal-code` * - `postal-address-locality` * - `postal-address-region` * - `postal-code` * - `street-address` * - `sms-otp` * - `tel` * - `tel-country-code` * - `tel-national` * - `tel-device` * - `username` * - `username-new` * - `off` * * @platform android */ autoComplete?: WithDefault< | 'birthdate-day' | 'birthdate-full' | 'birthdate-month' | 'birthdate-year' | 'cc-csc' | 'cc-exp' | 'cc-exp-day' | 'cc-exp-month' | 'cc-exp-year' | 'cc-number' | 'email' | 'gender' | 'name' | 'name-family' | 'name-given' | 'name-middle' | 'name-middle-initial' | 'name-prefix' | 'name-suffix' | 'password' | 'password-new' | 'postal-address' | 'postal-address-country' | 'postal-address-extended' | 'postal-address-extended-postal-code' | 'postal-address-locality' | 'postal-address-region' | 'postal-code' | 'street-address' | 'sms-otp' | 'tel' | 'tel-country-code' | 'tel-national' | 'tel-device' | 'username' | 'username-new' | 'off', 'off', >, /** * Sets the return key to the label. Use it instead of `returnKeyType`. * @platform android */ returnKeyLabel?: ?string, /** * Sets the number of lines for a `TextInput`. Use it with multiline set to * `true` to be able to fill the lines. * @platform android */ numberOfLines?: ?Int32, /** * When `false`, if there is a small amount of space available around a text input * (e.g. landscape orientation on a phone), the OS may choose to have the user edit * the text inside of a full screen text input mode. When `true`, this feature is * disabled and users will always edit the text directly inside of the text input. * Defaults to `false`. * @platform android */ disableFullscreenUI?: ?boolean, /** * Set text break strategy on Android API Level 23+, possible values are `simple`, `highQuality`, `balanced` * The default value is `simple`. * @platform android */ textBreakStrategy?: WithDefault< 'simple' | 'highQuality' | 'balanced', 'simple', >, /** * The color of the `TextInput` underline. * @platform android */ underlineColorAndroid?: ?ColorValue, /** * If defined, the provided image resource will be rendered on the left. * The image resource must be inside `/android/app/src/main/res/drawable` and referenced * like * ``` * * ``` * @platform android */ inlineImageLeft?: ?string, /** * Padding between the inline image, if any, and the text input itself. * @platform android */ inlineImagePadding?: ?Int32, importantForAutofill?: string /*?( | 'auto' | 'no' | 'noExcludeDescendants' | 'yes' | 'yesExcludeDescendants' ),*/, /** * When `false`, it will prevent the soft keyboard from showing when the field is focused. * Defaults to `true`. */ showSoftInputOnFocus?: ?boolean, /** * TextInput props after this */ /** * Can tell `TextInput` to automatically capitalize certain characters. * * - `characters`: all characters. * - `words`: first letter of each word. * - `sentences`: first letter of each sentence (*default*). * - `none`: don't auto capitalize anything. */ autoCapitalize?: WithDefault< 'none' | 'sentences' | 'words' | 'characters', 'none', >, /** * If `false`, disables auto-correct. The default value is `true`. */ autoCorrect?: ?boolean, /** * If `true`, focuses the input on `componentDidMount`. * The default value is `false`. */ autoFocus?: ?boolean, /** * Specifies whether fonts should scale to respect Text Size accessibility settings. The * default is `true`. */ allowFontScaling?: ?boolean, /** * Specifies largest possible scale a font can reach when `allowFontScaling` is enabled. * Possible values: * `null/undefined` (default): inherit from the parent node or the global default (0) * `0`: no max, ignore parent/global default * `>= 1`: sets the maxFontSizeMultiplier of this node to this value */ maxFontSizeMultiplier?: ?Float, /** * If `false`, text is not editable. The default value is `true`. */ editable?: ?boolean, /** * Determines which keyboard to open, e.g.`numeric`. * * The following values work across platforms: * * - `default` * - `numeric` * - `number-pad` * - `decimal-pad` * - `email-address` * - `phone-pad` * - `url` * * *Android Only* * * The following values work on Android only: * * - `visible-password` */ keyboardType?: WithDefault, /** * Determines how the return key should look. On Android you can also use * `returnKeyLabel`. * * *Cross platform* * * The following values work across platforms: * * - `done` * - `go` * - `next` * - `search` * - `send` * * *Android Only* * * The following values work on Android only: * * - `none` * - `previous` */ returnKeyType?: WithDefault, /** * Limits the maximum number of characters that can be entered. Use this * instead of implementing the logic in JS to avoid flicker. */ maxLength?: ?Int32, /** * If `true`, the text input can be multiple lines. * The default value is `false`. */ multiline?: ?boolean, /** * Callback that is called when the text input is blurred. * `target` is the reactTag of the element */ onBlur?: ?BubblingEventHandler<$ReadOnly<{|target: Int32|}>>, /** * Callback that is called when the text input is focused. * `target` is the reactTag of the element */ onFocus?: ?BubblingEventHandler<$ReadOnly<{|target: Int32|}>>, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. * `target` is the reactTag of the element * TODO: differentiate between onChange and onChangeText */ onChange?: ?BubblingEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{|target: Int32, eventCount: Int32, text: string|}>, >, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. * Changed text is passed as an argument to the callback handler. * TODO: differentiate between onChange and onChangeText */ onChangeText?: ?BubblingEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{|target: Int32, eventCount: Int32, text: string|}>, >, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's content size changes. * This will be called with * `{ nativeEvent: { contentSize: { width, height } } }`. * * Only called for multiline text inputs. */ onContentSizeChange?: ?DirectEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{| target: Int32, contentSize: $ReadOnly<{|width: Double, height: Double|}>, |}>, >, /** * Callback that is called when text input ends. */ onEndEditing?: ?BubblingEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{|target: Int32, text: string|}>, >, /** * Callback that is called when the text input selection is changed. * This will be called with * `{ nativeEvent: { selection: { start, end } } }`. */ onSelectionChange?: ?DirectEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{| target: Int32, selection: $ReadOnly<{|start: Double, end: Double|}>, |}>, >, /** * Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is pressed. * Invalid if `multiline={true}` is specified. */ onSubmitEditing?: ?BubblingEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{|target: Int32, text: string|}>, >, /** * Callback that is called when a key is pressed. * This will be called with `{ nativeEvent: { key: keyValue } }` * where `keyValue` is `'Enter'` or `'Backspace'` for respective keys and * the typed-in character otherwise including `' '` for space. * Fires before `onChange` callbacks. */ onKeyPress?: ?BubblingEventHandler<$ReadOnly<{|target: Int32, key: string|}>>, /** * Invoked on content scroll with `{ nativeEvent: { contentOffset: { x, y } } }`. * May also contain other properties from ScrollEvent but on Android contentSize * is not provided for performance reasons. */ onScroll?: ?DirectEventHandler< $ReadOnly<{| target: Int32, responderIgnoreScroll: boolean, contentInset: $ReadOnly<{| top: Double, // always 0 on Android bottom: Double, // always 0 on Android left: Double, // always 0 on Android right: Double, // always 0 on Android |}>, contentOffset: $ReadOnly<{| x: Double, y: Double, |}>, contentSize: $ReadOnly<{| width: Double, // always 0 on Android height: Double, // always 0 on Android |}>, layoutMeasurement: $ReadOnly<{| width: Double, height: Double, |}>, velocity: $ReadOnly<{| x: Double, // always 0 on Android y: Double, // always 0 on Android |}>, |}>, >, /** * The string that will be rendered before text input has been entered. */ placeholder?: ?Stringish, /** * The text color of the placeholder string. */ placeholderTextColor?: ?ColorValue, /** * If `true`, the text input obscures the text entered so that sensitive text * like passwords stay secure. The default value is `false`. Does not work with 'multiline={true}'. */ secureTextEntry?: ?boolean, /** * The highlight and cursor color of the text input. */ selectionColor?: ?ColorValue, /** * The text selection handle color. */ selectionHandleColor?: ?ColorValue, /** * The start and end of the text input's selection. Set start and end to * the same value to position the cursor. */ selection?: ?$ReadOnly<{| start: Int32, end?: ?Int32, |}>, /** * The value to show for the text input. `TextInput` is a controlled * component, which means the native value will be forced to match this * value prop if provided. For most uses, this works great, but in some * cases this may cause flickering - one common cause is preventing edits * by keeping value the same. In addition to simply setting the same value, * either set `editable={false}`, or set/update `maxLength` to prevent * unwanted edits without flicker. */ value?: ?string, /** * Provides an initial value that will change when the user starts typing. * Useful for simple use-cases where you do not want to deal with listening * to events and updating the value prop to keep the controlled state in sync. */ defaultValue?: ?string, /** * If `true`, all text will automatically be selected on focus. */ selectTextOnFocus?: ?boolean, /** * If `true`, the text field will blur when submitted. * The default value is true for single-line fields and false for * multiline fields. Note that for multiline fields, setting `blurOnSubmit` * to `true` means that pressing return will blur the field and trigger the * `onSubmitEditing` event instead of inserting a newline into the field. * * @deprecated * Note that `submitBehavior` now takes the place of `blurOnSubmit` and will * override any behavior defined by `blurOnSubmit`. * @see submitBehavior */ blurOnSubmit?: ?boolean, /** * When the return key is pressed, * * For single line inputs: * * - `'newline`' defaults to `'blurAndSubmit'` * - `undefined` defaults to `'blurAndSubmit'` * * For multiline inputs: * * - `'newline'` adds a newline * - `undefined` defaults to `'newline'` * * For both single line and multiline inputs: * * - `'submit'` will only send a submit event and not blur the input * - `'blurAndSubmit`' will both blur the input and send a submit event */ submitBehavior?: ?SubmitBehavior, /** * Note that not all Text styles are supported, an incomplete list of what is not supported includes: * * - `borderLeftWidth` * - `borderTopWidth` * - `borderRightWidth` * - `borderBottomWidth` * - `borderTopLeftRadius` * - `borderTopRightRadius` * - `borderBottomRightRadius` * - `borderBottomLeftRadius` * * see [Issue#7070](https://github.com/facebook/react-native/issues/7070) * for more detail. * * [Styles](docs/style.html) */ // TODO: figure out what to do with this style prop for codegen/Fabric purposes // This must be commented for Fabric codegen to work; it's currently not possible // to override the default View style prop in codegen. style?: ?TextStyleProp, /** * If `true`, caret is hidden. The default value is `false`. * This property is supported only for single-line TextInput component on iOS. */ caretHidden?: ?boolean, /* * If `true`, contextMenuHidden is hidden. The default value is `false`. */ contextMenuHidden?: ?boolean, /** * The following are props that `BaseTextShadowNode` takes. It is unclear if they * are used by TextInput. */ textShadowColor?: ?ColorValue, textShadowRadius?: ?Float, textDecorationLine?: ?string, fontStyle?: ?string, textShadowOffset?: ?$ReadOnly<{|width?: ?Double, height?: ?Double|}>, lineHeight?: ?Float, textTransform?: ?string, color?: ?Int32, letterSpacing?: ?Float, fontSize?: ?Float, textAlign?: ?string, includeFontPadding?: ?boolean, fontWeight?: ?string, fontFamily?: ?string, /** * I cannot find where these are defined but JS complains without them. */ textAlignVertical?: ?string, cursorColor?: ?ColorValue, /** * "Private" fields used by TextInput.js and not users of this component directly */ mostRecentEventCount: Int32, text?: ?string, |}>; type NativeType = HostComponent; type NativeCommands = TextInputNativeCommands; export const Commands: NativeCommands = codegenNativeCommands({ supportedCommands: ['focus', 'blur', 'setTextAndSelection'], }); export const __INTERNAL_VIEW_CONFIG: PartialViewConfig = { uiViewClassName: 'AndroidTextInput', bubblingEventTypes: { topBlur: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: 'onBlur', captured: 'onBlurCapture', }, }, topEndEditing: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: 'onEndEditing', captured: 'onEndEditingCapture', }, }, topFocus: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: 'onFocus', captured: 'onFocusCapture', }, }, topKeyPress: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: 'onKeyPress', captured: 'onKeyPressCapture', }, }, topSubmitEditing: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: 'onSubmitEditing', captured: 'onSubmitEditingCapture', }, }, }, directEventTypes: { topScroll: { registrationName: 'onScroll', }, }, validAttributes: { maxFontSizeMultiplier: true, adjustsFontSizeToFit: true, minimumFontScale: true, autoFocus: true, placeholder: true, inlineImagePadding: true, contextMenuHidden: true, textShadowColor: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, maxLength: true, selectTextOnFocus: true, textShadowRadius: true, underlineColorAndroid: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, textDecorationLine: true, submitBehavior: true, textAlignVertical: true, fontStyle: true, textShadowOffset: true, selectionColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default}, selectionHandleColor: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, placeholderTextColor: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, importantForAutofill: true, lineHeight: true, textTransform: true, returnKeyType: true, keyboardType: true, multiline: true, color: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default}, autoComplete: true, numberOfLines: true, letterSpacing: true, returnKeyLabel: true, fontSize: true, onKeyPress: true, cursorColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default}, text: true, showSoftInputOnFocus: true, textAlign: true, autoCapitalize: true, autoCorrect: true, caretHidden: true, secureTextEntry: true, textBreakStrategy: true, onScroll: true, onContentSizeChange: true, disableFullscreenUI: true, includeFontPadding: true, fontWeight: true, fontFamily: true, allowFontScaling: true, onSelectionChange: true, mostRecentEventCount: true, inlineImageLeft: true, editable: true, fontVariant: true, borderBottomRightRadius: true, borderBottomColor: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, borderRadius: true, borderRightColor: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, borderColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default}, borderTopRightRadius: true, borderStyle: true, borderBottomLeftRadius: true, borderLeftColor: { process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default, }, borderTopLeftRadius: true, borderTopColor: {process: require('../../StyleSheet/processColor').default}, }, }; let AndroidTextInputNativeComponent = NativeComponentRegistry.get( 'AndroidTextInput', () => __INTERNAL_VIEW_CONFIG, ); // flowlint-next-line unclear-type:off export default ((AndroidTextInputNativeComponent: any): HostComponent);