/** * Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates. * * This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. * * @flow strict-local * @format */ import type {LayoutEvent} from '../../Types/CoreEventTypes'; import Animated from '../../Animated/Animated'; import {isPublicInstance as isFabricPublicInstance} from '../../ReactNative/ReactFabricPublicInstance/ReactFabricPublicInstanceUtils'; import StyleSheet from '../../StyleSheet/StyleSheet'; import Platform from '../../Utilities/Platform'; import useMergeRefs from '../../Utilities/useMergeRefs'; import * as React from 'react'; import {useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from 'react'; export type Props = $ReadOnly<{ children?: ExactReactElement_DEPRECATED<$FlowFixMe>, nextHeaderLayoutY: ?number, onLayout: (event: LayoutEvent) => void, scrollAnimatedValue: Animated.Value, // Will cause sticky headers to stick at the bottom of the ScrollView instead // of the top. inverted: ?boolean, // The height of the parent ScrollView. Currently only set when inverted. scrollViewHeight: ?number, nativeID?: ?string, hiddenOnScroll?: ?boolean, }>; type Instance = { ...React.ElementRef, setNextHeaderY: number => void, ... }; const ScrollViewStickyHeaderWithForwardedRef: component( ref: React.RefSetter, ...props: Props ) = React.forwardRef(function ScrollViewStickyHeader(props, forwardedRef) { const { inverted, scrollViewHeight, hiddenOnScroll, scrollAnimatedValue, nextHeaderLayoutY: _nextHeaderLayoutY, } = props; const [measured, setMeasured] = useState(false); const [layoutY, setLayoutY] = useState(0); const [layoutHeight, setLayoutHeight] = useState(0); const [translateY, setTranslateY] = useState(null); const [nextHeaderLayoutY, setNextHeaderLayoutY] = useState(_nextHeaderLayoutY); const [isFabric, setIsFabric] = useState(false); const callbackRef = useCallback((ref: Instance | null): void => { if (ref == null) { return; } ref.setNextHeaderY = setNextHeaderLayoutY; setIsFabric(isFabricPublicInstance(ref)); }, []); const ref: React.RefSetter> = // $FlowFixMe[prop-missing] - Instance is mutated to have `setNextHeaderY`. useMergeRefs(callbackRef, forwardedRef); const offset = useMemo( () => hiddenOnScroll === true ? Animated.diffClamp( scrollAnimatedValue .interpolate({ extrapolateLeft: 'clamp', inputRange: [layoutY, layoutY + 1], outputRange: ([0, 1]: Array), }) .interpolate({ inputRange: [0, 1], outputRange: ([0, -1]: Array), }), -layoutHeight, 0, ) : null, [scrollAnimatedValue, layoutHeight, layoutY, hiddenOnScroll], ); const [animatedTranslateY, setAnimatedTranslateY] = useState( () => { const inputRange: Array = [-1, 0]; const outputRange: Array = [0, 0]; const initialTranslateY = scrollAnimatedValue.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange, }); if (offset != null) { return Animated.add(initialTranslateY, offset); } return initialTranslateY; }, ); const haveReceivedInitialZeroTranslateY = useRef(true); const translateYDebounceTimer = useRef(null); useEffect(() => { if (translateY !== 0 && translateY != null) { haveReceivedInitialZeroTranslateY.current = false; } }, [translateY]); // This is called whenever the (Interpolated) Animated Value // updates, which is several times per frame during scrolling. // To ensure that the Fabric ShadowTree has the most recent // translate style of this node, we debounce the value and then // pass it through to the underlying node during render. // This is: // 1. Only an issue in Fabric. // 2. Worse in Android than iOS. In Android, but not iOS, you // can touch and move your finger slightly and still trigger // a "tap" event. In iOS, moving will cancel the tap in // both Fabric and non-Fabric. On Android when you move // your finger, the hit-detection moves from the Android // platform to JS, so we need the ShadowTree to have knowledge // of the current position. const animatedValueListener = useCallback(({value}: $FlowFixMe) => { const debounceTimeout: number = Platform.OS === 'android' ? 15 : 64; // When the AnimatedInterpolation is recreated, it always initializes // to a value of zero and emits a value change of 0 to its listeners. if (value === 0 && !haveReceivedInitialZeroTranslateY.current) { haveReceivedInitialZeroTranslateY.current = true; return; } if (translateYDebounceTimer.current != null) { clearTimeout(translateYDebounceTimer.current); } translateYDebounceTimer.current = setTimeout( () => setTranslateY(value), debounceTimeout, ); }, []); useEffect(() => { const inputRange: Array = [-1, 0]; const outputRange: Array = [0, 0]; if (measured) { if (inverted === true) { // The interpolation looks like: // - Negative scroll: no translation // - `stickStartPoint` is the point at which the header will start sticking. // It is calculated using the ScrollView viewport height so it is a the bottom. // - Headers that are in the initial viewport will never stick, `stickStartPoint` // will be negative. // - From 0 to `stickStartPoint` no translation. This will cause the header // to scroll normally until it reaches the top of the scroll view. // - From `stickStartPoint` to when the next header y hits the bottom edge of the header: translate // equally to scroll. This will cause the header to stay at the top of the scroll view. // - Past the collision with the next header y: no more translation. This will cause the // header to continue scrolling up and make room for the next sticky header. // In the case that there is no next header just translate equally to // scroll indefinitely. if (scrollViewHeight != null) { const stickStartPoint = layoutY + layoutHeight - scrollViewHeight; if (stickStartPoint > 0) { inputRange.push(stickStartPoint); outputRange.push(0); inputRange.push(stickStartPoint + 1); outputRange.push(1); // If the next sticky header has not loaded yet (probably windowing) or is the last // we can just keep it sticked forever. const collisionPoint = (nextHeaderLayoutY || 0) - layoutHeight - scrollViewHeight; if (collisionPoint > stickStartPoint) { inputRange.push(collisionPoint, collisionPoint + 1); outputRange.push( collisionPoint - stickStartPoint, collisionPoint - stickStartPoint, ); } } } } else { // The interpolation looks like: // - Negative scroll: no translation // - From 0 to the y of the header: no translation. This will cause the header // to scroll normally until it reaches the top of the scroll view. // - From header y to when the next header y hits the bottom edge of the header: translate // equally to scroll. This will cause the header to stay at the top of the scroll view. // - Past the collision with the next header y: no more translation. This will cause the // header to continue scrolling up and make room for the next sticky header. // In the case that there is no next header just translate equally to // scroll indefinitely. inputRange.push(layoutY); outputRange.push(0); // If the next sticky header has not loaded yet (probably windowing) or is the last // we can just keep it sticked forever. const collisionPoint = (nextHeaderLayoutY || 0) - layoutHeight; if (collisionPoint >= layoutY) { inputRange.push(collisionPoint, collisionPoint + 1); outputRange.push(collisionPoint - layoutY, collisionPoint - layoutY); } else { inputRange.push(layoutY + 1); outputRange.push(1); } } } let newAnimatedTranslateY: Animated.Node = scrollAnimatedValue.interpolate({ inputRange, outputRange, }); if (offset != null) { newAnimatedTranslateY = Animated.add(newAnimatedTranslateY, offset); } // add the event listener let animatedListenerId; if (isFabric) { animatedListenerId = newAnimatedTranslateY.addListener( animatedValueListener, ); } setAnimatedTranslateY(newAnimatedTranslateY); // clean up the event listener and timer return () => { if (animatedListenerId) { newAnimatedTranslateY.removeListener(animatedListenerId); } if (translateYDebounceTimer.current != null) { clearTimeout(translateYDebounceTimer.current); } }; }, [ nextHeaderLayoutY, measured, layoutHeight, layoutY, scrollViewHeight, scrollAnimatedValue, inverted, offset, animatedValueListener, isFabric, ]); const _onLayout = (event: LayoutEvent) => { setLayoutY(event.nativeEvent.layout.y); setLayoutHeight(event.nativeEvent.layout.height); setMeasured(true); props.onLayout(event); const child = React.Children.only<$FlowFixMe>(props.children); if (child.props.onLayout) { child.props.onLayout(event); } }; const child = React.Children.only<$FlowFixMe>(props.children); const passthroughAnimatedPropExplicitValues = isFabric && translateY != null ? { style: {transform: [{translateY: translateY}]}, } : null; return ( {React.cloneElement(child, { style: styles.fill, // We transfer the child style to the wrapper. onLayout: undefined, // we call this manually through our this._onLayout })} ); }); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ header: { zIndex: 10, }, fill: { flex: 1, }, }); export default ScrollViewStickyHeaderWithForwardedRef;